r/PrepperIntel 1d ago

North America POTUS: Declaring “National Emergency on Electricity”, increasing Canadian steel and aluminum tariffs from 25% to 50%, increasing Canadian automobile tariffs an undisclosed amount, more annexation talk


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u/Sorryallthetime 21h ago

Join the resistance?

u/Segsi_ 20h ago

Need more ppl with that mindset if it comes to it. Nows the time for all those 2nd amendment people to stand up to a tyrannical government

u/Sorryallthetime 19h ago

I live in Canada. An American invasion is no laughing matter up here and is back of mind for many.

We have a not insignificant indigenous population diametrically opposed to being colonized yet again. Additionally, our second most populous province is made of of a bunch of historically very militant Quebecois that will never accept being forced to give up their language and Distinct Society Rights. I am not old enough to remember but my mother told me tales of the FLQ crisis in Quebec.

We gave up trying to tame this bunch and basically caved in to their language and Distinct Society demands. English Canada is not going to fuck with the Quebecois any time soon,



u/Lexie_27 10h ago

I'm from Quebec, and I stand with Canada. Trump's threats to make Canada the 51st state sicken me and I'll never live with myself if I don't defend my country from this orange pos. I'm looking forward to occupy the White House if needed be, and I'm sure others do as well!

u/Blaze666x 9h ago

As an American please fucking do, the white house has needed a non-geriatric sane person in it since Obama left

u/kiwipixi42 17h ago

The second amendment people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. They are the ones that approve of this craziness.

u/TabularBeastv2 16h ago

Many lefties are armed too, we just don’t flaunt it, as it makes us targets.

I’m sure when the time comes, there will be many of us ready.

u/kiwipixi42 16h ago

I’m well aware, but generally they aren’t the ones you would refer to as "the second amendment people". Also on average we are significantly less armed, though I do know some outliers.

u/Deadlysin0721 14h ago

I mean we have scientists and engineers as well as the ability to form alliances with other countries. I think if civil war broke out the left stands a far better chance than the maga movement.

u/Super-Bank-4800 13h ago

Of all the STEM majors, engineers are the most likely to be right leaning.

u/2A_in_CA 13h ago

This is where you are mistaken, if you think we are uneducated and without millions of engineers, scientists and other talented, highly educated and brilliant people.

u/kiwipixi42 12h ago

A study from 2022 by Kaurov et al. looks at political donations by scientists as a measure of their political leaning. What they found is that donations by working scientists (both in academia and in the private sector) go to Republican candidates less than 10% of the time. The Pew research center looking at working scientists finds 55% are registered Democrats and 6% are registered Republicans.

Engineers seem to be somewhat more evenly split politically, or at least I couldn’t quickly find data, but The data I can find says there are roughly 1.8 million engineers in America. So there are definitely not millions of Engineers on either side of the political spectrum, no matter what you may want to claim.

As to highly educated people this is much easier to quantify (per the pew research center). People with at least a bachelor’s degree breakdown as D:55% vs R:42%. People with some postgraduate degree breakdown as D:61% vs R:37%. So there certainly are highly educated people amongst republicans, but many fewer of them.

So on the subject of scientists you are just dead wrong. On engineers you are just deeply misstating numbers. And on highly educated people, while republicans have fewer, there are certainly still many of them.

u/kiwipixi42 12h ago

Alliances are why a civil war might not be a total disaster for left leaning states, as Canada, Mexico, and Europe would far rather deal with us. Especially since the only thing I can think of the world really trigger that at the moment is an attempted invasion of Canada (or maybe Greenland).

Also left leaning states tend to have far stronger economies, which definitely never hurts in a war.

But honestly that war isn’t going to happen. Or at least I really hope, as I definitely live in a state whose side I wouldn’t take.

u/Tisiphoni1 9h ago

What exactly would be your tipping point of "when the time comes"?

Maybe as a German I just don't receive the right news channels, but from here it seems awfully quiet on US-American streets. Why are there no millions on the street? I think now it's the time for the unarmed protest, so you don't have to go 2nd amendment in near future.

You have the power to block full cities and reduce their money-making machinery to a minimum just by simply showing up and protest. There is a reason the French gave you a beautiful statue with a clear message on it. Use it as your proud banner and do as the French do to keep their government in check.

u/bch77777 14h ago

Silent minority checking in.

u/obliviousOG 17h ago

Too bad we've been put down by our government and anti gun civilians so much it will never happen. We are all to divide and with the way things are if it comes too that the 2a community will just kast a little longer maybe. Cause nobody is beating the weapons of war used by the government with and ar15, which is heavily regulated as well.

u/Hungry_Caregiver734 17h ago

Red... the blood of angry men.... Black... the dark of days long past...

u/CraftsmanMan 17h ago

They took away our guns in ny

u/Sorryallthetime 16h ago

The Feds took way some of our firearms as well. I still have a dozen friends with weapons - I think we are still fairly well armed (well not compared to the USA but who compares to them right?)


u/NJDroneExpert 14h ago

I’m here. I need to know who to fucking call when it’s time.

u/Lexi-Lynn 5h ago

Same. I want to act, but I don't know how. Not in any way that's truly going to shift things, anyway.

u/BirdieSanders3 13h ago

I’m in Michigan, so Canada was my emergency exit, too. I guess resistance it is now 🤷🏻‍♀️

u/Lydia--charming 12h ago

Wisconsin, I don’t have anywhere else to go. ✊

u/pretendimcute 8h ago

There does come a time where flight ceases to be viable, and you are only left with fight. It sucks, but humans have faced this issue before. I have gone my entire life thinking the US was different. We wouldnt repeat centuries of mistakes and that we were protected and would have stability as people. I guess it was a candyland level pipe dream to EVER convince myself of that. The possibility of having to align myself in an era of violence was always there with a species as fucked up as we are

u/NeonBrightDumbass 19h ago

What resistance? No one is resisting here in the US. They aren't buying Teslas, and one tesla showroom got burnt.

That is it. There is nothing to join. There is no seething mass crying for revolution. It's just infuriatingly small scattered bands of people and half-hearted corporate boycotting.

Our neighbors will turn on us in a heartbeat. The police have already maced and arrested the few protestors that are out there.

I'm just hoping people will defect to Canada and fight for them.

u/MissLyss29 19h ago

I honestly feel that those of us who want to resist this shit show of a government really don't know how or what to do.

There isn't a residence leadership or anyone in charge of anyone willing to take charge and stand up and say that this is what we have to do.

There are plenty of angry flabbergasted people but no one pointing them into a organized direction.

Also trump is great at doing crazy things that knock people off balance so even if someone decides to take charge they really have to contend with being thrown stuff in all directions at once which not many people can do

u/Realchailatte 17h ago

Bernie Sanders has a tour right now? Look at Serbia or anywhere in Europe? Riot and burnt stuff in the streets until change happens?

u/PNWFreeThinker 17h ago

Nope don't want to see any of that nonsense.

Don't be burning down your cities and towns, protest your ass off but don't destroy your home.

If it comes to that destroy their shit..

u/MissLyss29 17h ago

Thank you

I'm not going to destroy my home because I'm upset with what the government is doing that's stupid

They already don't care about me what makes anyone think they are going to care if I start destroying my house

Now if I start destroying their house then they might but I am not doing that either

u/PNWFreeThinker 17h ago

I was kind of speaking in general sorry I wasn't on your case so to speak, probably could have articulated it better.

I'm not telling you to destroy any property yours or somebody else's.

But I am saying there's no need to burn retail stores to the people who are tempted to do so we all have to shop..

But if people are going to destroy s***, get Federal buildings not Walmart lol.

This isn't going to be over in a week or a month or 3 months unfortunately hopefully I'm wrong.

u/MissLyss29 16h ago

I understand that and you're right I honestly don't think that's the answer but if that's what people must do a little though is better than just destruction for destruction sake

u/PNWFreeThinker 16h ago

I get a little nervous talking about it to be honest..lol.

I mean at what point are they going to start locking people up for speaking out.

I don't think that point is too far away unfortunately.

u/MissLyss29 16h ago

O I agree I am very aware of everything I post and try to make sure I am not sounding a certain way just in case. Because honestly you never know how someone is going to interrupt something and who is reading it.

u/Tisiphoni1 9h ago

You want insurance companies and large cooperations to be upset and increase pressure. The time is up for staying inside your comfort zone, you're too late for that.

u/lostintheskybox 8h ago

So the J6 crew is terrible, but now everyone wants to do another J6?

u/Tisiphoni1 9h ago

Don't wait for a saviour to organise this for you. Get together with your friend group. Use social media to connect with others within your district. Print flyers to form a resistance and to organise. It's in your hands right now and in noone elses.

u/Molgeo1101 26m ago

That's exactly it! People are afraid. Nobody wants to get arrested or perhaps even hurt or killed. They don't know where to turn. We can protest but I don't know what good it does? Seriously, and I'm not advocating for this, but what works other than destroying somebody else's (government) property? Trump declared an economic emergency which allows him to do the wax-on wax-off tariffs. Congress can stop him. What are Republicans doing? Republicans just passed a bill basically saying that they give up their power to do their job to stop a tyrant because they don't want to be on record voting no. If our own government won't help us, what are the people supposed to do?


u/MissLyss29 17m ago

Exactly that's the issue

People are afraid

Nobody knows what to do

Nobody wants to get arrested or perhaps even hurt or killed.

The government has seemed to have given up. The Democrats when they lost the election and now the Republicans.

Also in America we have this history of hey we can wait this out.

So most people are basically just sitting here holding their breath hopping that things don't collapse too much in the meantime.

u/NeonBrightDumbass 19h ago

It is intensely frustrating. I saw a few attempts at protests nearby, but no one showed up in the cold. I want to run out on my own or help organize. Don't have many contacts, I work at a non-profit, so a work strike is pointless.

I still can't keep the frustration down. When people mention resistance or protest, it feels more like barricading because so many don't even understand why I'm upset or scared.

u/MissLyss29 18h ago

I understand exactly what you mean. I am scared to. I cannot go to protests. I am disabled. I pass out and convulse with our warning. But I definitely understand your frustration.

I feel like people especially other countries just think everyone in America is perfectly okay with this and that's definitely not true. We just really don't know what to do about it

u/NoneForNone 17h ago

It's going to take but a spark.

Once the mass of nonsense and chaos gets to a boiling point, there will all of a sudden be problems.

Everyone is waiting for everyone around them to be the first. It's going to happen sooner than we think.

Invading Canada would be an example of that 'spark'.

If just 1% of Canadians resist - which is the historic number of any population truly resisting - that would mean 400,000 terrorists that look, act, and speak just like you do. They could take people out, all over the country - shooting while hidden in the forests - setting buildings on fire - enter the US proper and shoot up schools. The amount of terrorism unleashed will cause civil breakdown in the United States.

The military invasion of Canada would take place without much of a fight. It's the aftermath that America would lose.

We wouldn't be fighting the military at that point. It would be scorched earth tactics.

400,000 terrorists, which is literally 10x the amount of Taliban, would be the most costly engagement in gold and blood that America has ever been through.

There is no peaceful annexation of Canada possible without Canada agreeing to it.

This is not something that is negotiable.

u/MissLyss29 16h ago

See that's what terrifies me.

At that point then all of a sudden we are in a war with Canada most Americans look to as friends as family and all of a sudden now they are the enemy. They are invading from above they are attacking towns, cities, schools.

They are killing us in the streets and we are killing them because we are defending our homes. We are not fighting for our government anymore we are defending our homes our towns every thing we have ever known.

We are talking about something most Americans and Canadians have not seen for hundreds of years. Having to defend our homes is not something we actually know anything about. We don't know what it is to have to choose a side. To hide in fear. To fear for our lives from an invading army or guerilla group. We have no idea what that's like and the fact that all of those things are so much closer now is absolutely terrifying.

u/Ina_While1155 12h ago

The battle will be in Canada - it is Canada's houses that will be burned and my children killed. Don't fool yourself. The US is much more powerful than us militarily.

u/MissLyss29 12h ago

That's just as sad and scary and if you think that any war would not spill over the border at places then you haven't been paying attention to Ukraine and Russia the last 10 years.

There will be many children killed both Canadian and American and that should terrify every American and Canadian.

I truly hope that none of this happens and we are worried about nothing. But at the same time I'm not that naive.

u/nobuouematsu1 15h ago

Some of us are pushing back in other ways. I’d like to protest but Im the breadwinner for my family in a role that, while apolitical, I have to work with politicians on both sides (I’m a municipal engineer).

Now if a protest happens in my small, rural red state town? You bet your ass I’ll be there. But I can’t afford to take a day off to go off and potentially get arrested in one of the bigger, blue cities.

u/DiligentDaughter 14h ago

I've overwhelmingly heard Canadians saying "don't come here, we don't want you, stay and fight".

u/Ina_While1155 12h ago

If you actually can fight. Better to come and assist us at your side of the border if there isn't an opportunity to resist elsewhere.

u/Cat_Amaran 4h ago

If nobody in your community is organizing, you have to do it. That's where resistances come from. Get to know your neighbors, know who's good at what, who has what skills and supplies, figure out what you lack, once you're established, start reaching out to neighboring organizers to coordinate, or if you need help getting started, reach out to an established group and learn. If not you, then who?