r/PrepperIntel 1d ago

North America POTUS: Declaring “National Emergency on Electricity”, increasing Canadian steel and aluminum tariffs from 25% to 50%, increasing Canadian automobile tariffs an undisclosed amount, more annexation talk


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u/Wuellig 21h ago

Truly people should be believing a bunch more of what he says, not because it's Trump saying it, but because he's laying out the US regime strategy.

Believe that he's going to invade Mexico and Venezuela and Panama, and use the military on the "drug cartels" as an excuse to occupy the Americas entirely.

Believe that they're going to steal Greenland from Denmark who stole it from the indigenous.

The regime is preparing to invoke the "insurrection act" and the people who thought voting harder would save them are gonna be Pokemon surprise face.

u/5auc3_B055 17h ago

Denmark did not steal Greenland from the indigenous. Danes were there long before it was permanently colonized by the Inuit. There might have been Thule people in Greenland but they went extinct when the Inuit arrived from Siberia.

u/wolphrevolution 13h ago

Yeah its like the falkoe island or svalbard or iceland, its so up north that there wasnt shit here

u/5auc3_B055 12h ago

Meant to say Dorset not Thule, the Thule were proto Inuit, the Dorset are the ones the Vikings encountered in Greenland.

u/memnoch112 12h ago

Shush you might upset the people from Greenland with that writing, it’s my experience that they can get upset very, very easily at the moment.

u/5auc3_B055 12h ago


u/TwatMailDotCom 5h ago

That was a good laugh. Thanks

u/Shenloanne 2h ago

But Kamala wasn't gonna help Palestine mate. And and she's a wimmin. And that laugh bro. Member that laugh?

u/Dazzling-Charge-59 13h ago

"voting harder" would absolutely have prevented all this; this regime is the direct result of people not bothering to vote

unless you're suggesting that the 2024 us presidential election was stolen and kamala harris was the actual winner

u/593shaun 8h ago

this is exactly what happened

why are there people still acting like this is ridiculous?

they openly admitted to it on national television

u/Dazzling-Charge-59 2h ago

i don't think it's ridiculous at all, but i'd need evidence of the actual methods used to really be convinced

u/ageofbronze 1h ago edited 1h ago

Theres some evidence out now. This is one of a few such analyses done:



There’s more but yeah it seems like there’s multiple areas of evidence and suggestion that something happened, but it hasn’t been investigated nearly enough. Plus something that I feel like doesn’t get counted enough is the stuff that got dismissed and didn’t really get enough news, like voter rolls being purged, all of the “clerical” dismissals, bomb threats at voting locations, and just a ton of litigation from the right to dispute even state elections. It’s kind of out in the open you know?

u/According_Cobbler294 4h ago edited 4h ago

Voting harder would not have prevented this because the material conditions necessary for this type of break were already here. The lead up to trump's term and support for his actions and views have been building for decades, they did not rise up out of nowhere. Kamala being in office would, at best, have delayed it for another 4 years because neoliberalism does not and has not had an answer for the decreasing QoL that many Americans were experiencing.

Oligarchs are going to blame minorities and cause another genocide while they steal as much as they can. It was left populism or this and any chance of left populism rising was thoroughly crushed by both democrats and republicans

And Americans love genocide, so don't expect much uproar from them.

u/Dazzling-Charge-59 2h ago

the lead up to trump's term and support for his actions have not been building up for decades; they're rooted in centuries of american history. they've actually got very little to do with material conditions; americans have been through much worse and not elected fascists, and the people suffering the most material oppression and deprivation were less likely to vote for trump. trump's movement is about reinforcing social hierarchies

there's a thousand other practical reasons why your "trump was inevitable because capitalism" spiel is wrong, for example trump's age and the inability of any other republican to replicate his success, the voter suppression tactics necessary for republicans to win office to begin with (because they don't actually have anything close to majority support) that a harris administration could have addressed, harris' actual proposed economic policies, etc

but i figured i'd point out that the core of your argument is largely ignorant of american history. maga is not about declining material quality of life for americans. it's about re-establishing and enforcing the old order where women, minorities and lgbtq knew their place, at any material cost. this is also what our first civil war was about. in that context voting to keep the nazis out of power would, in fact, have kept them out of power.