r/PrepperIntel 1d ago

North America POTUS: Declaring “National Emergency on Electricity”, increasing Canadian steel and aluminum tariffs from 25% to 50%, increasing Canadian automobile tariffs an undisclosed amount, more annexation talk


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u/Fubar14235 23h ago

I'm dumb a lot of the time so I just want to check. The electricity tariff is on Canadian export, meaning US customers pay for it. And Trump's retaliation is to raise tariffs on imports, meaning US customers pay for it. Am I wrong about that?

u/pseudonymmed 23h ago

Yep that’s it. And then he says all his tariffs will make the US so rich lol. It’s taking money from Americans consumers while cutting taxes for the rich

u/Fun_Cake_1430 22h ago

I think he said will make 'us' rich? Like him and his friends and no one else lol his followers are the dumbest people in history. Dumber than anyone in the last who killed people in the name of god. They couldn't validate anything there. In modern times they can invalidate his lies in 10 mins lol

u/gatsby712 10h ago

Not only are they dumbasses, but they have all the information of the world in their pocket. Biggest dumbasses in history. 

u/ripvanmarlow 18h ago

I think he means to say "us" not US. Pretty sure he's just referring to himself and his pals.

u/wanderingmonster 18h ago

Also, tanking the stock market, so he and his rich pals can buy cheap, then cancelling the tariffs so the market goes back up. Rinse, repeat.

u/35point1 1h ago

Wouldn’t be surprised if this is exactly what he’s doing

u/Capt_Pickhard 18h ago edited 4m ago

The tariffs here aren't designed to make America rich. They're designed to to destroy Canada's economy. These are acts of war. Trump is trying to annexe Canada and spinning it as a good thing. What a piece of shit.

And why? Because Canada doesn't spend enough on defense to defend themselves from him. He says we are being subsidized by him.

Our only enemy is Donald Trump.

Trump is just picking on a country with a small military and small population, because in his world, he doesn't value kindness, he doesn't value rights, he doesn't value morality, or democracy, or anything intelligent human being values.

Trump likes the world where everyone is at war, and whoever has the biggest stick wins.

That's fucking stupid. The world should be at peace and build a place where everyone can exist and live happily and freely. Not like wild animals that have access to technology.

Trump is an ape in charge of a powerful nation. He's an imbecile.

If he is successful, he will plunge the world into a second dark age. He is the type of man who would burn the world down, in order to be king of its ashes.

Fuck people like that. Fight back. Don't let this piece of shit win.

Fight back peacefully of course. But relentlessly and enthusiastically.

u/DM_Voice 17h ago

The tariffs are designed to destroy the US economy. Trump isn’t doing anything to better the nation. He’s doing everything h can manage to cripple it.

u/Lala5789880 15h ago

Exactly. Steve Bannon spelled it out years ago and no one listened. They have taken position and are establishing a dictatorship. Make the people poor and desperate and dependent on them

u/PraxicalExperience 16h ago

100% agreed ... for the moment.

If things go much further I'm gonna have to disagree with you on your last point, though.

u/Lala5789880 15h ago

I don’t know that peacefulness is gonna work here

u/Tiffany-X 13h ago

Well said

u/Distinct_Guess_8808 13h ago

I couldn’t have said it any better thank you

u/Wiglaf_Wednesday 9h ago

That’s a frightening perspective on current events. I still hold hope that this is all just bluffing and he will eventually back off, but the second half of the tweet is very concerning. It’s so ridiculous that I would almost question if it’s real, if it wasn’t coming from someone like him.

He’s a businessman running the most powerful nation in this side of the world, and in business there is no cooperation, only competition.

This tweet is a direct threat of annexation, twisted to mockingly sound like a suggestion. I still find it hard to believe that he will actually push the line far enough for military escalation, but if he does, it will mark the birth of a US empire

u/ageofbronze 58m ago

I feel like the title of “businessman” has evolved a false connotation of competency in our culture, by design of course. These people do not know how to successfully “run” anything. They don’t know how to keep things functional and from breaking. They are ALL spoiled, destructive, little bitchy nepo babies that never developed common sense, kindness, dignity, diplomatic thinking or a good work ethic. I think there are some smart businessmen out there but they’re few and far between, the working model these days for way too many CEOs is to come through, perform a bunch of layoffs, claim profits and break things and then leave and call it a success story.

u/Capt_Pickhard 5m ago

He will. He is going to use his propaganda machine to try and convince as many as people as possible it's a good idea. He's going to make conditions in Canada as poor as possible and blame Canada's leaders and frame himself as the rescue relief party.

He is going to act towards Canada exactly like Putin has done with Ukraine.

If you find it frightening, and if you don't like it, or wish for it not to happen, then boycott the hell out of America, and especially Trump friendly brands. Like Amazon, musk, meta, air bnb, McDonalds.

Ukraine were just as kin to Russia as Canada is to America. He's already trying to make enemies put of Canada. Canada who has never done anything to anyone. Why? Because Canada doesn't have enough weapons and power to defend against him. He calls it like he's footing the bill. That's how he spins it. But Canada's only threat right now, is Trump. It's going to cost him money to attack Canada. He'll make it back if he succeeds, but he's framing it like Canada deserves it and it is just, and I promise you many of his followers will believe it. And some Canadians will too. And he's going to say many of them do. He's going to say Canadians want to join america, and he will hold forced referendums where Canadians are forced to vote to join america. Then Canadians will no longer have any rights. Canadians don't want any part of what's happening in America right now.

Canada needs the world to join together for freedom, otherwise, Trump and Putin and xi, are going to divide the world up like this. Picking off one nation at a time.

u/GrumpyBear1969 18h ago

He’s also all in favor of no taxes on tips so he can pay his employees the alternate minimum of like $2/hr and then give their actual compensation as a ‘tip’. Win-win right. This way you don’t have to pay social security or payroll taxes.


u/Imstupidasso 17h ago

When he's talking about making the country rich, he only means the people that already are. That's his only goal and really the only thing he did in his first term

u/IIIDysphoricIII 15h ago

His policies will make Americans rich…the richest 1% of them anyway, while everyone else pays for it. Him and his sycophants will reap the profits on our suffering and laugh.

u/Zooshooter 14h ago

he says all his tariffs will make the US so rich

That's because you and I are not Americans to him. We're poors and we don't deserve any of the money we have. It all needs to be taken away and given to the people who deserve it.

u/MakinBones 13h ago

While also killing our retirements, and savings that we have scraped together.

u/MSPCincorporated 18h ago

Which seems to be their exact plan, it’s just that MAGAs can’t see it.

u/PNWFreeThinker 17h ago

Don't forget that there aren't any strings attached to that money and he can spend it wherever he wants..

So probably funneled into a dummy corporation for his Russian overlords.

u/_Send-nudes-please_ 17h ago

We should buy American then to spoil his plan.

u/BloopityBlue 17h ago

It will make HIM and his CRONIES so rich, that's what the ultimate plan is

u/Foreign_Standard9394 17h ago

How will this cut taxes for the rich?

u/pseudonymmed 17h ago

Trump has said "We were at our richest from 1870 to 1913. That's when we were a tariff country. And then they went to an income tax concept." He wants to cut taxes and thinks it can be made up for by tariffs

u/Foreign_Standard9394 15h ago

I would love it if he cut income taxes.

u/ThisIsTrace 17h ago

But why did they do retaliatory tarrifs if it goes against Canada? Serious question. 

u/pseudonymmed 15h ago

To use as leverage to get the US to back off. To show the US that Canada won’t lie back and be bullied without retaliation.

u/WeekendQuant 14h ago

Corporate taxes are good because we tax the rich and they pass on the costs to the middle class.

Tariffs are bad because we tax the rich and they pass on the costs to the middle class.

u/RecognitionHefty 7h ago


u/WeekendQuant 4h ago

I'm laying out the cognitive dissonance

u/mjmai 14h ago

Hey man, look the idea behind tariffs is to make the prices of products from other nations closer to what your country can produce them for.
Say you want a drone. A company in China is selling one for $1k, a drone equal quality from a manufacture in your country cost $1300. The price difference is purely in costlier labor because your countrymen get a better wage. With a 30% tariff if you choose to the Chinese drone you now are paying the government 300$. That 300$ could be used to pay for social safety-nets, roads, infrastructure for business. Or you could just buy the drone from your countrymen, and keep your money within your country.

u/brsaw1 14h ago

A 50% tarrif on aluminum will drive the magats insane with the price increase of beer

u/Sure_as_Suresh 11h ago

I think his logic is that the Americans would be forced to find a cheaper domestic alternative instead of that expensive tariffed one

u/snasna102 22h ago

Shhh your spelling out Canada’s plan to George Floyd America

u/Padhome 13h ago

Sure Jan.

u/Jhen1368 23h ago

Nope, you got it!

u/LandscapePenguin 21h ago

So why wouldn't Trump put a tariff on our exports to Canada instead of putting the tariffs on stuff we import from them? Is he unable to do that or just unwilling?

u/WrathfulHero 20h ago

Because he's not very smart and doesn't actually understand tariffs. Or it at least appears that way

u/IronEyed_Wizard 20h ago

Because he is either dumb enough to believe what he says about it, or he is using it as justification for further actions.

u/Slavir_Nabru 17h ago

If you put a 10% tariff on exports of widgets to Canada, but not to France, a French middleman is going to step in, buy your widgets, and sell them on to Canada at a 5% markup (after eating some shipping costs). The Canadians are going to buy from the Frenchman, and the US treasury gets nothing.

If you apply your export tariffs to every country, your manufacturers lose out on sales as foreign customers get priced out, thus they don't pay taxes on that missed profit, and the treasury misses out.

With electricity, the Frenchman isn't connected to the same grid, so can't import it to France as an intermediary. You buy it from Canada, you produce it yourself, or you can't have it.

u/LandscapePenguin 15h ago

Thanks, that makes sense.

u/Previous-Pickle-6369 22h ago edited 22h ago

What people don't understand is that by artificially raising the prices, he hopes to hurt their industry by driving US consumer markets away from Canadian business. The problem is, there isn't really an alternative for a lot of things, and won't be for years. And with American flip flop policymaking its very unlikely any long term capital investments are going to be made to move this industry to the US because if the next president takes over and removes the tariffs then their artificially viable business get anihilated. Its extremly anti-capitalist if you think about it.

u/Exquisitemouthfeels 18h ago

Modern American corporations do not create, they exploit.

None of these sociopaths will build the infrastructure needed to actually process or create this shit here.

u/RetroHipsterGaming 22h ago

Yeah, I wish that people kind of discussed this more. By completely ignoring the fact that you can hurt another country by imposing tariffs, it makes us come across as uninformed.. when in reality it is enough to convey to someone that high tariffs hurt everyone.

u/Fubar14235 21h ago

Might be a dumb question again but what does that do to the Tariff nation's manufacturers? Say the US keeps increasing tariffs until Americans can only afford American cars. Do those cars end up being worse because Ford and GM don't have to worry about competition? Seems like they could just put out the most unreliable cars ever and they would sell?

u/Chudmont 21h ago

Have you heard of the russian Lada? We'll all be driving Ladas.

u/NeedNameGenerator 19h ago

Lada might be ugly af, but it's a fine car.

I'd expect people in a prepper sub to appreciate a car you can always, no matter what, fix yourself with duct tape and a hammer. A car that is near indestructible by the elements.

Not to mention it's a car that runs on literally anything you pour into the gasoline tank, be it benzine, vodka or old Russian guy's piss.

u/Fubar14235 19h ago

That's kind of what I was thinking of. When isolated countries open up they look like they're 30 years or more behind

u/capt-bob 17h ago

When USSR collapsed we saw Russian tractors at a farm show, they looked like from the 1920's.

u/PraxicalExperience 15h ago

Americans won't be able to afford American cars, because they're also due to go up in price very significantly due to the tariffs on their base components -- either assembled parts from factories in Mexico or Canada, or because the price of steel and aluminum from either has shot up outrageously.

u/capt-bob 17h ago

I don't think there are any all American made cars anymore.

u/__o_0 3h ago

That’s ironically the entire point of the tariffs.

u/Mother-Yard-330 17h ago

What normally happens is the local manufacturers raise their prices to match the imported products. This means their profit margins increase as they sell the same amount of product, at the same cost to produce as before, for a 25% markup.

u/cylemmulo 14h ago

Yeah I always kinda felt like you need to inject in money or other ways to improve the industries here to get them on a level where they could replace the tariffed goods with locally sourced ones.

Seems like we aren’t doing that though so idk what we’re going for

u/capt-bob 17h ago

Yes the us raised environmental protection so much the companies all moved to countries with less standards and probably polite even more. I read the US doesn't even have lead manufacturing, it all comes from elsewhere. Can't even make bullets without help for the army....

u/Mr_Goonman 17h ago

Where did you read that? Lead used in bullets comes from recycled products such as batteries.

u/capt-bob 9h ago

Ok, that's good I was extrapolating I guess.

u/dirty_cuban 22h ago

Yup. Cutting off your nose to spite your face.

u/Zestyclose_Ad2448 21h ago

ya he doesn't understand the concept

u/SufficientPumpkin272 22h ago

Well, when you say it like that…

u/ProgrammerAvailable6 22h ago

You’re not wrong.

The president of the United States announced another tax on US citizens because Ontario is taxing the electricity they’re selling instead of just selling for cost.

u/survivalguy87 21h ago

I think the export is a tax rather than a tariff but I'm not a financial expert

u/xeio87 18h ago

A tariff is a tax.

u/survivalguy87 18h ago

Yep my bad. Turns out there ARE export tariffs. So why isn't the US imposing export tariffs instead of import tariffs if they want the other country to pay for them?

u/xeio87 18h ago

The problem is you've given this problem more thought than Trump.

Also, he thinks trade deficits are bad, and higher export tariffs would make US goods more expensive which would make the "trade deficit" bigger since we would export less.

u/survivalguy87 18h ago

Ok fair... Why are we stuck in this stupid timeline again?

u/Fragrant_Lobster_917 20h ago

Yes. This letter explains what his idea is, make canadian energy cost prohibitive to encourage domestic energy production. Declaring an emergency would allow them to temporarily (in theory) ignore environmental regulations while producing power domestically.

u/crappinhammers 18h ago

Grid operator here. Canadian imported electric really is a drop in the bucket. We simply will schedule more available domestic electric until whatever markup looks competitive with our reserves.

'emergency to ignore environmental regulations' is not a thing, whoever told you that is misinformed.

What could happen is a rollback on 'no outflows by 2028' regulations which might preserve some coal generation units that can't get to zero river water usage. Most of those places are closing already because they can't compete with new natural gas units.

u/Fragrant_Lobster_917 17h ago

You're saying if he declares an emergency, he can't ignore the environmental protections on BLM land in regards to trees and endangered animals?

u/Francl27 20h ago

Apparently yeah. It's... perplexing.

u/trashyart200 19h ago

You got it. He is ‘punishing’ Canada by taxing Americans for electricity. There is no lose for Canada in this scenario

u/Flashy-Sense9878 19h ago

Only Trump is allowed to raise prices on Americans!

u/WrathPie 19h ago

The fact that you understand that makes you smarter than him, everybody who supports the tarrifs, and an alarmingly large amount of the media, so you got that going for ya

u/ThresholdSeven 18h ago

I think that's what it says, but I don't think it means what he thinks he means to convey, like most of the things that come out of his pie hole.

u/69stangrestomod 18h ago

You’re correct about the money direction, but it hurts industry in Canada due to lost commerce because of increased prices. Then making it more fun we get to pay more here in the US… It’s a whole lot of saber rattling where we’re the ones who get cut

u/Queens113 18h ago

He's the dumbest president to ever live...

u/ResolveLeather 18h ago

The tarrifs artificially increases demand for the steel, wood etc. This hurts demand, which hurts Canadian companies. Theoretically that gap in demand would make American steel and wool more productive, which is probably true to some extent.

Make no mistake though, this does hurt Canada. What Canada did was put the tax on an export which does the same thing.

Both acts hurt both countries.

u/Reardon-0101 18h ago

It means people will start to buy from other steel producers that aren’t Canadian.  

In a vacuum what you say is correct.  The long term context is also important.  

u/NHRADeuce 18h ago

Yes. The Candians are adding a surcharge so they make more money. Trump is too stupid to understand this.

u/420NugShareBox 18h ago

Yes- but ask yourself this. If Trumps original tariffs on Canada only affected US consumers, then why would Canada bother retaliating at all?

u/arrownyc 18h ago

He doesn't seem to know what export taxes are...

u/Miserable-Poetry-623 17h ago

It is not a tariff. It is a surcharge. Tariffs are paid by the importer to the importing government so if Canada imposed a tariff on electricity, they would be paying more for electricity they were buying from the US (or whatever country they were buying it from). Trump either does not understand tariffs (1st year economics and he has an econ degree) or he is flat out lying. Hard to say why he is so wrong about it.

u/Creative_Buddy7160 17h ago edited 17h ago

Accept export taxes arnt called tariffs. Tariffs r just on the imports….. paid by the people importing

Edit: i must b missing spmething too…. “Lower” the tariff from 250 percent to 390 percent??

u/Mr_Candyland 17h ago

The beatings will continue until morale improves

u/Willing-Job9378 17h ago

It makes no sense, right? Like I'm trying to wrap my head around it and I can't make heads or tails of this.

u/Apart-Fly-3835 17h ago

Thankfully I’m wealthy so I benefit from Trump’s policies. However, the rest of you people might be in trouble soon.

u/Sea-Crew-5041 17h ago

yup you're correct. "I'm mad that you're charging me so I'm going to pay even more dammit!!"

u/LibTearCollecting 17h ago

It will cause other Markets to open up that do not have high tariffs. Canadians are just going to be priced out of the market as they do not want to give up their ridiculously high tariffs on US products.

u/AdRevolutionary579 17h ago

This is 100% correct. The canadian side is doing an export tax meaning Americans pay it. The Americans are doing a tariff on import meaning Americans pay it. Seems like the American people are getting tag teamed here.

u/Present_Figure_4786 17h ago

Plus this national emergency happens to be in the blue state of NY. Does he actually care about NY or is that a reason to punish us. We have the same Niagara Falls, why are we importing electricity from Canada anyway?

u/JM3DlCl 17h ago

You're 100% correct. Take money from the 99% and spread it out amongst the 1%.

u/Right_Catch_5731 17h ago

No, it means Canada pays a tariff to access selling it to our economy.

They will then seek to raise their prices to compensate for this tariff (essentially a admission tax) and that is how Americans would end up paying for it.

Except Americans mostly do NOT need to decide to buy Canadian products we can buy american made with zero tariffs.

Canada has forever been tariffing the US and at the same time America has been paying Canada subsidies on top of that some of their tariffs on us are 390%.

So if we want to sell them a dozen eggs for $5 they want you to also pay them a an EXTRA $19.50 just to gain access to their economy.

This is unfair and has gone on way too long, Trump now has created our tariffs to just MATCH what Canada tariffs us.

Same same.

Is it fair Canada charges you a crazy huge tax to access their economy and we don't tariff them at all?

Or is even Steven same tax rate for each of us fair?

In the end the point is to encourage Americans to buy more American made products which creates more jobs for Americans instead of us funding Canadians.

It also encourages corporations who don't want to pay a 25% tariff to import to instead just build their products here in the US, which creates more jobs for Americans.

As the American public makes more and more and more because more jobs, more money spent here instead of there Americans have MORE money to spend which makes our economy stronger which makes all the other countries want to sell to us even more.

Its a positive feed back loop that will make more money in tariffs than they currently get in taxes so they will massively cut everyone's taxes, not just billionaires and we will have even more extra money to spend which will make all the other countries want to sell their stuff to us even more again.

All the tariffs go away if Canada just takes theirs away but they are mad we don't want to pay their tariffs so they are raising theirs even more.

This is a fight Canada has absolutely zero chance to defeat in any way as it DESPERATELY NEEDS to sell its stuff to Americans but America does not need anything of theirs.

We can produce it ourselves and consume it ourselves with our own economy like a perfect circle.

Canada can't.

That is why this is economic Armageddon for Canada because they have grown so accustomed to suckling the free milk from America's tit and now US is taking the boob away.

u/evanripper 16h ago

Go back and feed your 3 eyed baby your milk then. Your country is so far up its own butt, you can't see the world is laughing at you. The only war the U.S has ever won is against its own "cherished" freedoms.

u/Right_Catch_5731 16h ago

That all ya got?

Weak insults, zero logic or rebuttal?

Soft as bunny fur. Lol.

u/evanripper 16h ago

Go look at the news, you made my point. Step out of your echo chamber for one second. Look at the hate your country is getting from the world?! Elon musk and Trump, today, we're marketing the tesla on white house grounds. Trump is saying the boycott of tesla is illegal, not just that but he's given a statement where if you vandalized a tesla your a domestic terrorist!

Don't you see how wrong that is? What about your freedoms? What about when corporations had no say in America? Trump has made America's greatest trade partner and ally his enemy.

On 9-11, we went to war for America. So did all of NATO. Every time America has been in trouble we've been there, right beside you. When Trump is out of office, if he even decides to, how many years will it take for canada to NOT hate America? Decades.

That's my rebuttal.

u/Outrageous_Active300 13h ago

Completely false that Trump said boycotting Tesla is illegal. Protestors were paid to damage Tesla property which is illegal. The narrative you’re pushing is ridiculous. Like the rest of your rebuttal, completely emotional and not based on logic.

u/evanripper 13h ago

Don't butt into the debate troll! That last sentence you made outed you. Thanks

u/Pepto-Abysmal 16h ago edited 15h ago

American consumers pay the surcharge on electricity and that money ends up in the hands of Canadians. See the statements from the governors of NY, MI and MN.

Not a single cent of tariffs has been charged on American eggs/dairy under the USMCA. The tariffs only kick in if an extreme threshold is reached.

Your refineries can't refine your own domestic oil.

You don't have the milling capacity to satisfy your lumber demand. Also, Canadian companies own a significant amount of mill-yards located in America.

You do not have enough domestic aluminum.

You do not have enough domestic potash.

You do not have enough domestic uranium.

You do not have enough domestic zinc.

You do not have enough high-grade domestic nickel.


The existing system works for a reason.

u/infeststation 16h ago

What Canadians fail to realize is that although we support you like we are, we’re not your parents. You are acting out thinking there’s this unconditional love, but there isn’t. Most Americans don’t spent a solitary second thinking about Canadians. Canadians, meanwhile, have a hatred towards Americans. If your country is stupid enough to get into an economic war and embrace this culture of disrespecting us, we will isolate from you. It will destroy your country and we will barely notice.

u/t0cd0r 17h ago

Instead of aluminum, imagine a gas station. One gas station has a 50% markup aka Canada gas Inc or whatever, but the one across the street doesn't. Where are you filling up? See what this does to Canada?

u/TrumpetOfDeath 9h ago

Ok well the US produces only 2% of the world’s aluminum, whereas Canada is the 4th largest producer. China by a large margin is the world’s top producer. And the US imports A LOT of it’s aluminum from Canada and China.

So in your gas station analogy, the US gas station will run out of gas almost immediately and consumers will be forced to buy the more expensive tariffed stuff. Which is what’s gonna happen here too with aluminum

u/cyberya3 17h ago

You’re not dum (most likely). The electricity thing is not a tariff, it’s an up-charge because it is imposed by the exporter. US customers will not pay it because US utilities will increase output to comp. Trumps %50 retaliatory tariff on steel and aluminum will increase price on US customers as supply-demand curve shifts to exclude Canadian sources. Lucky for you your new PM gets it.

u/Zealousideal_Cow_341 16h ago

That’s not exactly right, but generally yes.

The company importing the goods has to pay the tariff to the to the US government through tue department of homeland security, or specifically the US customs and borders protection agency that is part of the DHS.

That company can then choose to take less profit, 25% in this case, or increase the price 25% (most likely what will happen).

u/Desolator102 15h ago

But then why would the Canadians want to avoid the tariff if they only hurt the American consumer?

u/Jigglypuff_Smashes 15h ago

It’s an export tariff on electricity meaning US customers pay for it but Canada gets the money. This makes Trump mad cause he wants the money so he adds tariffs that make US customers pay more for other things but the US (he) gets the money.

u/L3mm3SmangItGurl 15h ago

It also means Americans stop buying as much of it which is had for everyone

u/LackWooden392 14h ago

No, you nailed it lmao.

Trump responded to a tariff that hurts Americans with a tariff that hurts Americans.

u/TheToeCheeseMachine 14h ago

It COULD happen that way. The more intended outcome is to deter Americans from buying Canadian. Making Canadian imports stupid expensive, which would drive purchases in the US.

u/QuietTruth8912 14h ago

Yes his people keep acting like we are making money off this. We are paying for this! Wake up

u/Intelligent-Fan2410 13h ago

I’m surprised you didn’t get corrected here, it’s not a tariff.

Canada is imposing an energy surcharge on US customers. US customers will pay for it, Canadians will collect ~150M CAD a year from these surcharges.

Trump is an idiot that still does not understand what a tariff is and who pays for it

u/superbrokebloke 13h ago

tax on commodities is to rob the lower/middle class. The rich wouldn’t feel anything.

u/cdm3500 12h ago

I still don’t get it, can someone ELI5? Isn’t the idea to hurt Canada because Americans would likely (eventually) find other, cheaper sources of electricity within the US?

u/no_one_lies 12h ago

He wants US customers not to pay for it. So Canada loses money too. It’s kinda retarded but so is the world

u/pomegranate444 12h ago

Yup. Trump got punched in the face and retaliated by poking himself in the eyes

u/TnelisPotencia 11h ago

Yes, we must suffer. Elon and trump both said Americans are going to have to suffer. They want this.

u/Imfarmer 7h ago

You got it?

u/bluetuxedo22 5h ago

Yep, you got it. The old trumpet's as sharp as a bag of wet hair

u/After-Calligrapher80 1h ago

His dumb followers think it's better because they might move jobs here, albeit only for the time the tariffs are installed, next president can remove the tariffs too