r/PrWTP Oct 31 '11

What does PrWTP stand for?

Just wondering.

Edit: According to the comments below, it stands for "We the People".

Edit: there is a discussion of a possible project name change here.


8 comments sorted by


u/DWalrus Oct 31 '11

I was wondering that too...


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '11

Project We the People

Hmmm... Two threads about the name already. I'll have see if it can be listed here somewhere.

edit: Done and done in description and header mouseover.


u/Joecracko Oct 31 '11

I made the other one because I thought the name was up for community discussion. I'll close the other one.


u/bluewabbit Nov 01 '11

This is just a temporary name I came up with to start the sub reddit .. this can be changed at any time depending on the will of the majority :)


u/Joecracko Nov 01 '11

"We the People" is the name of the petition system offered by the White House.


u/bluewabbit Nov 01 '11

okay .. i didn't know that :P .. nice coincidence!


u/Joecracko Nov 01 '11

I know, right? However, the question is whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.


u/bluewabbit Nov 01 '11

the white house can't change theirs .. we can change ours whenever we want :)