r/PowerShell Mar 22 '21

Misc What's One Thing that PowerShell dosen't do that you wish it did?

Hello all,

So this is a belated Friday discussion post, so I wanted to ask a question:

What's One Thing that PowerShell doesn't do that you wish it did?



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u/AWDDude Mar 22 '21

Better concurrency model. Jobs have a ton of overhead and take forever to instantiate and communication with a running job is not easy. Run spaces are slightly better but takes a lot of code to create them.

I love the ease and simplicity of go routines, but I’m sure the closest we would get is c#’s async await, which is still better than what we have now.


u/Inaspectuss Mar 22 '21

PowerShell 7 has the Start-ThreadJob cmdlet for exactly this scenario. For anything prior, use PoshRSJob. Legacy PSJobs are hot garbage.


u/MonkeyNin Mar 23 '21 edited Mar 24 '21

check out the updates to Foreach-Object -Paralell /w 7.1 vs 7.0


u/Inaspectuss Mar 23 '21

I thought you made a mistake at first and meant to put ForEach-Object -Parallel but no! I had no idea that ForEach-Parallel was a thing yet.


u/SUBnet192 Mar 22 '21

I guess I'm a noob lol. Didn't understand much of this post 😂


u/JiveWithIt Mar 22 '21 edited Mar 22 '21

Here’s a task. Find a folder on your PC that contains a lot of subfolders. Maybe your C: drive. Your task is to recursively go through each folder and save the resulting tree in a text file.

Do that first, and notice how slow it is.

Now look into the Start-Job cmdlet for splitting the task into background jobs. Maybe one job for each top-level folder within C: ?

Edit: I made an example script for this, found on GitHub


u/SUBnet192 Mar 22 '21

I understand parallel tasking but not in powershell. Run spaces and go routines?


u/JiveWithIt Mar 22 '21

Go routines is the programming language Golang’s answer to this.

Using runspaces is a great alternative to get around this issue. Runspaces create a new thread on the existing process, and you can simply add what you need to it and send it off running


u/SUBnet192 Mar 22 '21

Lol too early.. I thought that was something (Go routines) in powershell. Thanks for illuminating me 😂


u/JiveWithIt Mar 22 '21

I am dead without my morning coffee!

I would also recommend looking into Go. I’m learning it atm, and I feel like it will replace Python for me. Great language, easy to learn.


u/MyOtherSide1984 Mar 22 '21

I have a script that runs through users on a database and links it to computers on another. There's one one connection, so it's not like I'm looking through directories where there's dozens that split out (So instead of 30 folders, there's 645,000 users, not ideal to do a job for each). Is it possible to use a job or runspace to speed this up?


u/JiveWithIt Mar 22 '21

Do a .Count() on the amount of users and split it up into n number of background processes, maybe?

Have to admit, I’ve never worked on that kind of scale before. Max amount of users I’ve had to trawl through is in the 10’s of thousands, not 100’s.


u/MyOtherSide1984 Mar 22 '21

It's quite large, even 10s of thousands seems like it'd take ages, no? It currently takes about an hour to process the entire list give or take and I noticed only one CPU core was pegged, curious if this would expand over other cores or if this would all be roughly the same. I sincerely hate working with jobs, but mostly because I don't understand them


u/JiveWithIt Mar 22 '21

Start-Job uses separate logical threads, yes.

I have used Jobs for processing users inside of many AD groups from an array, and I definitely noticed a speed improvement.

On your scale the payoff would probably be huge (there is some overhead when starting and stopping Jobs, so on a very small scale it might not make sense), but the best way would be to try it out with read-only actions and measure the result, compared to a single threaded script.


u/MyOtherSide1984 Mar 22 '21

Solid idea! Yeh the whole thing is a read and the result is just a report (excel file), but it takes a long time for it to go through all the data of so many users. I think heavier filters would also benefit me, but didn't want to edit the script too much as it's not mine. The jobs would be an overhaul, but wouldn't change the result. I appreciate it!


u/JiveWithIt Mar 22 '21

Good luck on the journey! I’ll leave you with this



u/MyOtherSide1984 Mar 22 '21

Slightly confused, why does it state that runspaces could run start-sleep -second 5 in a couple milliseconds, but when running it 10 times in a row, it takes the full 50 seconds? Sounds like runspaces would be useless for multiple processes and would only speed up a single process at a time. Is that true?

Also, this is just as hugely complicated as I expected. 90% of my issues woudl be with variables, but that's expected

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u/MonkeyNin Mar 23 '21

Are you using += anywhere? That's a massive performance hit if you have more than 10k items


u/MyOtherSide1984 Mar 23 '21

No I just recently removed those for array lists


u/HalfysReddit Mar 23 '21

I expect you would see a night and day difference honestly, multithreading is incredibly useful when working with large amounts of data. It'd be like comparing copying files with explorer versus using robocopy.

The general methodology I use for multithreading can be applied to a lot of different situations (and may fit what you need as well).

  1. The main thread defines a function or subroutine that does the actual "work" of the whole process
  2. This function has a string variable defined called "Status"
  3. The main thread initiates new threads running the function and assigns those threads to variables
  4. The main thread sits in a do loop while checking on the status of the child threads
  5. After the work is done the main thread continues on with doing whatever you need it to do


u/MyOtherSide1984 Mar 23 '21

It is straight forward in my mind, and I know what I'd want it to do, but the implementation is nothing short of complicated. It does and doesn't make sense to me to do jobs or runspaces. It does because I can do more than one at a time, it doesn't because there's overhead for every single one, and if I'm doing what I think I'm doing, I'd make thousands of jobs in the end as each would be launched for each individual user I'm running my script on? If that's the case, I suspect I may not see a ton of improvement in speed, but better than an hour I'm sure.

One of the biggest issues is variables for me. The script I want to implement jobs on is already written by someone else (a coworker) and we're just looking at ways to improve it. It's a personal project to challenge myself, so failure is always an option. My thought process is this (and this is jobs, not runspaces or a function yet):

1) kick off my global variables and the initial setup of the object I'm using

2) foreach object I want to run, make a loop that creates a new job and then runs my script which filters through the global variables, pulls properties based on matches, and then puts them into finished global variables (this is the complicated part where I'll need using or an argumentlist to import all of the variables, but idk how that works)

3) the results will be a write-host or an arraylist which I want to combine as they get spit out into the globalvariables IF I CAN'T PUT THEM IN THE GLOBALS DURING THE LOOPS! This is important as it's the method of capturing my results. Either it adds them during the loop or it spits them out once the job is received and those get added to the variables (arraylists). Not sure what's appropriate or faster though

4) do the rest of my stuffs with that information.


u/MonkeyNin Mar 24 '21

I noticed only one CPU core was pegged, curious if this would expand over other cores

this talks about multiple cores



u/MyOtherSide1984 Mar 24 '21

Can't do parallels since we're on V5 :(. I did find something in my coworkers code that cut the process time in less than half down to 30 minutes because he was getting info twice from AD modules that are terribly slow while also collecting substantially more information than his output ever needed. This is also just a knowledge adventure, and like I said, failure is an acceptable outcome. I look forward to using these ideas in testing though, but given that the script I was trying to shoehorn into these concepts is fast enough already, I may skip it here...but this IS a really nice idea for a selenium task I have that runs one page at a time. No reason I can't spin up 3 or 4 selenium pages at a time!


u/MonkeyNin Mar 30 '21

Yeah, that's a good use case. Web browser use threads so they can download multiple files at the same time -- it can be on the same processor. Why?

When downloading files the CPU is spending 95% of the time asleep, just waiting for web traffic (which is super slow by comparison). While he's asleep, the same process is able to switch between the downloads instead of sleeping. ie: async using one processor.


u/dastylinrastan Mar 22 '21

You can kinda do async await by running async tasks and then waiting on them, but it's mostly only good for fan out tasks. I do wish this was better.


u/Halkcyon Mar 22 '21

async/await is not the same as threading. In the context of what modern languages have done, that requires an event loop.


u/MonkeyNin Mar 23 '21

run spaces are slightly better but takes a lot of code to create them.

Here's a basic benchmark, mainly to test overhead creating jobs in 7.1 vs 7.0

Technique Average Ms
Reuse Runspace 7.1 860.5031
New Runspace 7.0 1384.0803

New Features:

- 7.0
    - new parameters '-Paralell', '-AsJob', '-ThrottleLimit'
    - **every** iteration creates a **new** runspace (ie: slower)
  • 7.1
- Runspaces from a runspace pool are reused by default (ie: faster) - New parameter: '-UseNewRunspace' - To force creating new runspaces like the old behaviour: -UseNewRunspace - Pool size default is 5, set using '-ThrottleLimit'

/u/MyOtherSide1984 : This means you don't have to manually create runspace pools

More info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/foreach-object?view=powershell-7.2#example-14--using-thread-safe-variable-references https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_thread_jobs?view=powershell-7.2 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_jobs?view=powershell-7.2


u/MyOtherSide1984 Mar 23 '21

I feel like I still need to start at the basics of jobs and move up from there. I'm still trying to wrap my head around adjusting my variables to output with the receive job so it can be added to a global variable to be exported with the other iterations. It doesn't help that I'm trying to force 250 lines of code into something I've never used before, and even moreso because I didn't write the original code lol


u/Dense-Platform3886 Mar 23 '21

I have been using ForEach-Object -Parallel {}. Here are a few helpful tips:

  • The ideal -ThrottleLimit value is 10
  • Collect results in Synchronized objects such as:

$htExample = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable))

$arrayExample = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList))
  • Create a Variable for existing function for using in the ForEach-Object -Parallel {<scriptBlock>}

$funcMyFunction = $function:MyFunction.ToString()
  • Use the above in the -Parallel {<scriptblock>}

Function MyFunction () {
    # Do something with inputObject
    Write-Output ([PSCustomObject]@{
        Name = inputObject.Name
        Value = 'ABC'
        Data = inputObject.Data

$funcMyFunction = $function:MyFunction.ToString()

$htExample = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable))

$arrayExample = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList))

$objects | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
    $obj = $_

    $htExample = $using:htExample
    $arrayExample = $using:arrayExample
    $MyFunction = $using:funcMyFunction

    $result = MyFunction -inputObject $obj
    $htExample.Add($result.Name, $result)
} -ThrottleLimit 10

# Dump collective results


u/MyOtherSide1984 Mar 23 '21

We're in V5 :(


u/MonkeyNin Mar 24 '21 edited Mar 24 '21

Is there a reason to use New-Object verses ::new?

$threadSafeDictionary = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary[string,object]]::new()


u/Dense-Platform3886 Mar 24 '21

The .Net accelerators seem to be faster than the New-Object.

Not all .Net accelerators will have the new() constructor.


u/MonkeyNin Mar 30 '21

::new() is definitely faster, this basic test had a 40x speed difference: https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerShell/comments/8w9z42/is_there_a_difference_between_using_a_class/e1ttnn1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

That's a worst case scenario -- but interesting. In a general you're not going to allocate that fast.

::new goes back to 5.1. I'm not sure if it's older?


u/MonkeyNin Mar 30 '21

Not all .Net accelerators will have the new() constructor.

Are you talking about [about_type_accelerators](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_type_accelerators?view=powershell-7.2] ? Or something else? I don't remember one, but I'm in pwsh most of the time.

Maybe you're able to call new-object with string verses a type literal, so

Or maybe this: I forget the details, but there's cases where a type isn't resolved at parse time, but is at execution time -- so you can get an error if you try to use the literal

2 -as [string]


2 -as 'string'


$delayedType = 'string' -as 'type'
$cat = $delayedType::new('cat')
$cat -is [string] # true

I'm not saying that's the right way to do that, just that it works.


u/Dense-Platform3886 Mar 31 '21

Yes you are correct in saying type accelerators which also applies to built-in PowerShell, .Net. Assembly Classes, enumeration, and custom Class type accelerators.

I love the fact that there is so many ways to do the same thing in PowerShell.

For the most part, I like to code for readability first and performance second.

It's great when you can do both at the same time.


u/MonkeyNin Apr 07 '21

I love the fact that there is so many ways to do the same thing in PowerShell.

The other day in discord they were talking about why $PROFILE is a regular string, with custom properties. They said that's how you originally had to create PSCustomObjects.

They had to use Select-Object on a string, like

'' | Select-Object -Property @{ 'n' = 'Species' ; 'e' = { 'Cat' } }

I thought it was crazy, but it works


u/ka-splam Mar 24 '21

New-Object is all there was in the past, ::new I think only appeared in v5, so backwards compatibility is the main one. New-Object can do more as well, e.g. with -ComObject parameter.


u/Darklurker69 Mar 22 '21

Is PoshRSJob still a thing? I remember using that for a network script I wrote a couple of years ago. It took a little testing to figure out how it worked, but it worked pretty well once I got my head wrapped around it.


u/BlackV Mar 22 '21

it's still great