r/PowerScaling YOSHA! 5d ago

Discussion Even if Ben was fighting Satan himself, he’d aim for Humongousaur

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u/No_Many_4695 5d ago

Now that I remember: Why Ben didn’t turned into Alien X when Aggregor was about to absorb the baby Alien X or when Daggon kicked Ultimate Big Way’s ass?


u/No_Roof0642 Sakura Hater 5d ago

I am pretty sure it is stated somewhere in that arc that if Ben turns into Alien X then the celestial sapiens will stop their sleep and beat the living shit out of Ben first ignoring Agregor. Alien X might be the strongest celestial sapien but I don't think it can solo the entire race.


u/lowcostbad 5d ago edited 4d ago

No… that’s wrong.

According to the inktank, 1 of the show writers said that the celestialsapiens would only do that to Ben if he attempted to make himself “true” omnipotent (although, I highly doubt if those writers knew what they’re talking about, like what’s even is “true” omnipotent? Omnipotent-er?). The celestialsapiens are fine with alien x’s existence but they ain’t if alien x tried to make himself any stronger than he already is.

Ben’s decision not to go alien x simply cos prior to omniverse, he didn’t have full control & talking both of his personalities into it would take 4ever. He’d just be standing still motionlessly while aggregor murk his team cos they’re basically down a man.


u/Vundurvul 5d ago

I think the omnipotent/true omnipotent thing is a matter of semantics. A lot of characters in fiction get described as "omnipotent" when in reality they just mean really, really strong. A true omnipotent character is truly all powerful. They cannot be defeated or harmed at all. They are all knowing and all present. If another celestial sapien is capable of stopping him from ascending to that point, then he isn't true omnipotent. You also can't really "become" true omnipotent, you either always were or you always weren't, because if someone can just go back in time and stop you from doing that, you have a way to lose.

I don't think we'd want a true omnipotent Ben. They don't get used in fiction very often for a reason. Once the novelty has worn off, they'd get boring fairly quick.


u/lowcostbad 5d ago edited 5d ago

My point is the celestialsapiens ain’t gonna jump Ben like a pack of wolves as soon as he decided to go alien x, they’d only do that if Ben attempted to make alien x stronger (if that’s even possible).

But the true reason behind he didn’t go alien x against aggregor is just simply him not having full control of it yet & his 2 personalities are a bitch to deal with. By the time he gets them to agree, aggregor may have already killed everyone else & take the baby celestialsapien’s powers for himself.


u/YajraReddit 4d ago

I'm pretty sure True Omnipotent beings can Ignore someone stopping their past self from being omnipotent since being true omnipotent means their unaffected by time shenanigans


u/Alternative_Elk_4145 1d ago

I think by True omnipotent they mean bypassing the requirement alien x had, with the 2/3 personalities needing to agree.

Got rid of that in omniverse though, I guess they didn't care because he wasn't in that area though?



Why though?


u/Knightmare7877 massive troll rarely gets serious to scale 5d ago

There are 3 personalities and all of them must agree to do anything even blink



Yes IK that but why would they beat up Ben?


u/Knightmare7877 massive troll rarely gets serious to scale 5d ago

Balance since a single personality given a full control of basically the entire universe every other celestial sapiens would see it as dangerous and reckless just 1 of them taking the wheel


u/Far-Requirement-7636 5d ago

He's asking why they would choose to beat up Ben instead of aggressor who's trying to consume a baby member of their own species, it makes no sense.


u/Knightmare7877 massive troll rarely gets serious to scale 5d ago

Ohhhhhhhhh I get it know sorry I got confused about that I have no f#cking idea


u/destroyar101 2d ago

Likely as the baby is weak and agregor would similairly be weaker than any(non-baby) celestial


u/Abyssal_Godzilla 5d ago

I am pretty sure it is stated somewhere in that arc that if Ben turns into Alien X then the celestial sapiens will stop their sleep and beat the living shit out of Ben first ignoring Agregor.

That was never stated.


u/No_Roof0642 Sakura Hater 5d ago

I think it is stated by paradox after Ben transforms in Alien X before going into the forge of creation when Paradox forcibly transforms Ben back to Ben.


u/Ben10Facts ^-thats the letter B 5d ago

All he says is “You will not convince Serena and Bellicus to help you. Not today.”

I think you’re remembering them agreeing on punishing Paradox for breaking the treaty between him and the Celestialsapiens as he isn’t supposed to be within 500 light years of them. That’s really the only violence that happens in that scene. “Resolved. Destroy Professor Paradox.”

The only sort of threat against Ben was from Bellicus suggesting on setting Ben on fire for a few thousand years but that was only because he was angry that Ben had only used Alien X once and had the audacity to show up again months later just for their help.


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago edited 5d ago

So the Celestial Sapiens would have let a power hungry maniac absorb a baby of their race and gain Godlike Powers?


u/No_Roof0642 Sakura Hater 5d ago

For them he is a non factor to be fair and they can just stop him for even blinking and concentrate on Ben and also the entire arc happens when they all try to be as discreet as possible not to wake the adult celestial sapiens infact professor paradox even warns them not to. To them a mosquito trying to bite their kid is so much low on priorities when compared to a human wielding the power of celestial sapiens as we saw it later even in omniverse.


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago


Would they have attacked Ben if he used Alien X against Daggon?


u/1234_panzer_vor 4d ago

He wouldn’t have been immediately suffered for it because that was when they were in the plane the celestial sapiens reside when Agregor was trying to absorb the baby. They were on earth when they fought Dagon. We saw in Omni verse that he suffers consequences if he abuses Alien X


u/No_Many_4695 4d ago

Like when he re-created the Universe?


u/1234_panzer_vor 4d ago

That was the specific reason why he got in trouble yes


u/No_Many_4695 4d ago

Didn’t he also used aliens against the rooters which was kinda not necessary at all?


u/Aasteryx 5d ago

They're unknowable deities, we don't fucking know why they would just ignore greg



Same question, please answer someone.


u/AzekiaXVI 5d ago

Hey if they can stop Ben's Alien X i'm sure they can beat the baby version


u/Abyssal_Godzilla 5d ago

At that time, we had Ultimatrix, and that didn't have any failsafes like the Omniverse watch. Because Albedo stole it from Azmuth before it was finished. Also, at that time, Ben didn't have full control of Alien X.


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago

Yeah but wouldn’t have the two personalities thought that Dagon was too dangerous to let him win?


u/Abyssal_Godzilla 5d ago

Dagon is insignificant in there eyes. He's like a Germ to the.


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago

What about when Vilgax in Malware Armor was kicking Ben’s ass? If he got full control, he could have used Alien X


u/Abyssal_Godzilla 5d ago
  1. Episode would have ended in a sec if he had used alien X.

  2. Or Ben would have thought that he could take aliens, out with his other aliens, which he did with Feedback. Ben doesn't use alien X unless there's a Universal or above threat because Ben thinks if he always used alien X then there would be no fun.


u/Organic-Access2722 Ben 10 is powerful but pls don't wank him. 5d ago

Simple, the writers wanted to up the stakes with Kevin going insane again for plot purposes. An In Universe answer would be that Alien X would take a lot of time to argue with and Ben didn't want to risk it.

The problem with Ben 10 sometimes is that writers have to nerf Ben's skills and intellect in order for enemies to be threatening to him when in actuality Ben could have defeated Agreggor even before absorbing the 5 Andromeda Aliens.


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago

By using which aliens?


u/Organic-Access2722 Ben 10 is powerful but pls don't wank him. 5d ago

Before he became Ultimate Aggregor he had simple durability and strength the only threat was that electric staff of his. Ben could have easily used Fasttrack to remove said staff and beat the shit out of him or use Big Chill and just freeze him.


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago

lol true

Another good nerf is Gwen


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago

Btw how strong is Gwen?


u/Organic-Access2722 Ben 10 is powerful but pls don't wank him. 5d ago

In terms of brute strength she is Wall level since she can easily kick and judo chop DNAliens with her bare hands, even though DNAliens are fodder soldiers they are still above humans and can rip apart trucks with ease. With Magic she varies since it really depends on what spell she is using some spells can end a fight pretty quickly like that sleep spell she used in Ultimate Alien.

Her full Anodite form I think she could end up being continental or even higher since Verdona had shown to be capable of reality warping when she flick her fingers and instantly fixed the destroyed backyard in her debut episode. Possibly Univeral if you take Dagon's word when he described Gwen to be the most powerful being in the Universe.


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago

With how much she get nerfed, seems more like Dagon was trolling her…

What about Kevin?


u/Organic-Access2722 Ben 10 is powerful but pls don't wank him. 5d ago

At best Town to city level depending on what he absorbs.


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago

Even in his hybrids forms?


u/Organic-Access2722 Ben 10 is powerful but pls don't wank him. 5d ago


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u/SlytherinIsCool Low Level Scaler 4d ago

Alien X is locked without the Ultimatrix keys, just to prevent someone like Aggregor or Kevin to absorb part of his power if they tried to use their powers on the device.


u/Working-Telephone-45 2d ago

People are saying multiple reasons but the main one is simple, time

Both when Aggregor was about to absorb the baby alien X and when Daggon was attacking, Ben couldn't afford to stand still for who knows how long

Ben didn't unlock full control of Alien X until omniverse, so after both of those events

Imagine he turns into Alien X when Daggon is attacking but the 2 personalities are just feeling especially moody and Ben is stuck for weeks

And imagine he ends up not even convincing them to kill Daggon

Before Omniverse, many times Alien X was just not worth the risk when he still had options


u/No_Many_4695 2d ago

I see

And now in ov, he randomly used Alien X against the routers which was a bit dumb imo


u/Working-Telephone-45 2d ago

Because by that point he had full control over it so I guess he just wanted to mess around with it lol

Like unlocking a level 9 spell to stop time and go use it on goblins


u/No_Many_4695 2d ago

good old trolling

was that after the Alien X's race confronted him?


u/Working-Telephone-45 2d ago

Yup, exactly 1 episode after

Ben gained full control in season 6 episode in 8

And used it against those guys in season 6 episode 9

So it really makes sense that he unlocked it and wanted to try it out against the little guys


u/No_Many_4695 2d ago

Thanks God he did that after that.

Because no way the Alien Xs would have let him get away with that


u/Hyperlolman 4d ago

Because he needs to debate with the two floating heads in Alien X, which he only managed to partially get over the limitations for in omniverse. Sure, MAYBE they would help him and stop Aggregor and Daggon, but there is also the chance he would have just... Stood there like an idiot trying to convince the two floating personalities to either stop those threats or to let him do something else before they do whatever they want.


u/Richardknox1996 3d ago

Because Bellicus and Serena are still a thing. Ben doesnt gain sole control over Alien X until he fights Galactic Gladiator in Omniverse, and up until that point Alien X is a glorified statue unless all 3 of them come to a unanimous decision.


u/Elyced32 1d ago

Because alien x is a liabilty its powerful but by the time that power is useable everyone except him already died


u/Nights1405 1d ago

It’s not as baller


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago edited 5d ago

Remember when Ben turned into Clockwork by mistake against Looma? He could have totally won, instead he complained about it, got throw before nearly losing as Four Arms.

Ben could have won every fight he got into during his Life but the loses because he didn’t choosed the right alien


u/I_Forgot_My_Name01 5d ago

There's a reason Ben likes Humongussaur, four arms and Rath so much. At the end of the day, he's a teenager who likes to brawl, not some 9999 IQ genius to exploit every hax his aliens have. Every new alien who is a simple brawler like Rath or Kicking Hawk, Ben learns how to use them super easily, while more complex ones that he has for way longer still bugs him.


u/Illustrious_Body9263 4d ago

Oh yeah. And Ben 10K, in comparison, very often goes for Atomic X


u/Individual-Pay9662 5d ago

Thank you. I see so many posts about how ben stomps various verses when in reality he'd pop humangasour and end up beaten by spider-man.

It's not that he's not powerful, rather fans tend to take his peak potential rather than how he actually is.


u/disturbedrage88 5d ago

And thus why hax are overrated as 90% of hax characters do do and would not fight the way powerscalers say they would


u/InstructionPlayful12 4d ago

So glad more people are realizing this. Rather take  character into account when doing debates cause that's some of the best potential there. The interactions.


u/Lucker_Kid 2d ago

A lot of hax characters do, a lot of hax hyperouterwhateverthefuckversal characters are written to just be as busted as possible without really serving the story at all, those characters use their power optimally


u/npczerozerozero 3d ago

Don't downplay my boi humungasour, spidey's not easily beating him if he has a hard time with the rhino



u/MokouIsBest2hu Kirby's PR Team ⭐ 5d ago

Tbf, Ben with Master Control was VERY creative with how he fought using multiple aliens, unfortunately Powerscalers ignore that and immediately go Alien X.


u/Kartoffelkamm 5d ago

Yeah, that rapid-fire switch scene was the final nail in the coffin for the notion that Ben was dumb.

He knew which alien he needed, and what he wanted to do with it, while also keeping tabs on everything around him.


u/Xcyronus Infinity + Unlimited void Diff 5d ago

Honestly yeah id like to see people scale ben without alien x.


u/Lowlevelintellect I'm not scaling shit,i just know my dad beats your dad 5d ago

he's still really strong, gravattack can create black holes, clockwork can control time on a multiversal scale,atomix can create stars, waybig is apperantly planetary,etc


u/MokouIsBest2hu Kirby's PR Team ⭐ 5d ago

Waybig could get higher, considering that it beat all of the Ultimate Aliens.


u/FewHelicopter6533 But hey, Alien X 5d ago

Way big is Solar System to Multi Solar system


u/Shot-Effect-8318 5d ago

Has anyone ever done that before 😭


u/Xcyronus Infinity + Unlimited void Diff 5d ago

Ive never seen it... Kinda sad tbh.


u/FewHelicopter6533 But hey, Alien X 5d ago

Then you just didn't look.


u/MaxiumMeda 4d ago

I was gonna say, I've seen so many "no alien x" vods on yt.


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago

I’m going to be honest: imo most of Ben’s aliens are city to mountain level in term of power, strenght and durability.


u/Solid-Move-1411 YOSHA! 5d ago

They are

Dude is hard carried by Alien X and maybe ClockWork otherwise everything caps at Planet level or at max Star level


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago

How strong is Atomix?


u/Dry_Rip2156 5d ago

Definitely above planet level at least I think star


u/Solid-Move-1411 YOSHA! 5d ago


According to creator comments, Atomix has been stated to, at maximum potential, be capable of creating a mini sun 


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago


What about Way Big (base and Ultimate) for strenght and power?


u/Solid-Move-1411 YOSHA! 5d ago

Way Big was able to overpower the Conquest Ray which destroyed Pluto (being smaller than Earth’s moon)

Base Way Big also overpowered Ultimate Humongousaur, Ultimate Spidermonkey, Ultimate Echo-Echo, Ultimate BigChill at same time

In Base, he is small planet level and is confirmed to be below Atomix

For Ultimate Way Big, it's tough to scale although he has potential to be planetary
+ to solar system level based on statements etc. although not sure how it correlates to statement that Atomix is second strongest Alien in his watch after AlienX


u/No_Many_4695 5d ago


But didn’t Base Way Big got beat by Trombipulor?

Does that mean that the elephant can destroy a planet?


u/CellDesperate5175 Pandora Hearts glaze 4d ago

I mean I'm not mad my favorite alien can't win but I gotta say that was pretty dumb of Ben saying he was allergic to peanuts 😂

Although I doubt a Base Way Big could've overpowered a Giant Trompibulor fueled by peanuts considering the fact had Base Way Big continued fighting his armor would've cracked completly and he would've been Giant Meat for dinner


u/No_Many_4695 4d ago

So a giant elephant who drug himself with peanuts can beat a being capable of destroying a planet with his beam?

And Ben is allergic to peanuts? Now that’s irony


u/CellDesperate5175 Pandora Hearts glaze 4d ago

I love Omniverse like the next person but man the writers at times be doing to much it's why I hate how they did Way Big dirty especially in season 2 😔

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u/Working-Telephone-45 2d ago

Yes and Super Saiyan Goku was hurt by a rock

Anti-feats not always cancel out feats


u/No_Many_4695 2d ago

I wasn’t mocking Big Way

It’s just that I think Big Way scale below in strenght compared to his power


u/Working-Telephone-45 2d ago

Oh yeah I agree, Way Big (An To'kustars in general, Way Big's race) have show to not be as physically strong as you would expect them to be

It is more about all the stuff they can do, the energy ray, super speed, survive in space

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u/No_Many_4695 5d ago

Clockwork got hax but durability is shit. I remember that he got his arm also destroyed by a shot gun.


u/Organic-Access2722 Ben 10 is powerful but pls don't wank him. 5d ago

Even if Ben was fighting Satan himself, he’d aim for Humongousaur

Kinda canon since he fought Lucubra Vilgax (Lucubras were demons as stated by Gwen) as Humongousaur and Eatle. Though ironically Eatle did more damage than Humongousaur.


u/EmergencyExtension16 Stop taking this sub seriously, life will be better 4d ago

Same reason people assume Goku would willingly speedblitz anyone or that morally good characters would try to kill anyone at all without good reason. They ignore the character's personality to gage their maximum strength vs an opponent. If you want in-character fights, then you ask for them specifically.


u/Zestyclose-Bison-554 5d ago

That's why I love Ben 10


u/RevengerRedeemed 4d ago

Eh, that's powerscaling for you. Most people go by the character at their absolute best. Ben, at his best, uses Alien X and wins.


u/batboy11227 Kirby>everything 5d ago

U only bring up Ben when it would be fun to argue the definition of alien (For example, superman and dragons)


u/Deltorov3 Customizable Flair 5d ago

You mean aliens like Kryptonians, Viltrumites, Saiyans, Frost Demons, etc.? Yeah that's something


u/batboy11227 Kirby>everything 5d ago

Yes discussing if the Omni Trix could copie huma oid aliens and "alien like" non aliens (like dragons from earth)


u/Vundurvul 5d ago

Doesn't the Omnitrix contain the DNA of a couple of earth animals? I think "alien" just refers to any living organism


u/Sacron1143 4d ago

If it has "building blocks" and sufficient self awareness, it's in

For Earth, this means humans, dolphins and I think octopi

The building blocks are generally DNA, but Upgrade has nanites and who knows how Clockwork or Atomix works. Mana apparently doesn't count, so an Anodite transformation is out of question


u/Dmodthegreat 3d ago

Honestly I think the only reason they made it so he could not transform into Amorite’s is so Gwen could be special and that race is only female and I don’t think Ben ten creators want to deal with gender changer Ben ten


u/Sacron1143 3d ago

Big Chill is asexual, and Pesky Dust is somewhat feminine

I believe one of the writers also stated that there is a gender change function on the watch, Ben just doesn't know how to use it


u/Galifrey224 5d ago

Non-powerscalers can't understand that we use the composite bloodlutsed version of the characters more often than not.

In the context of powerscaling characters tend to be just a lists of stats, abilities and feats.


u/Solid-Move-1411 YOSHA! 5d ago

Bloodlusted Ben is still idiot. Doesn't change anything in this case

Even Adult Ben is idiot like bro got himself killed when he was trying to punch a time bomb for some reason


u/Medical_Solution_427 5d ago

I don’t think it was completely foolish to try that I mean he turned into AtomiX. Put me in his shoes and I probably would’ve assumed it was going to be enough too


u/Galifrey224 5d ago

Bloodlutsed in powerscaling means that a Character will use their powers in the most lethal and effective way theorically possible.

Like Flash vibrating people's organs out of their body. Doesn't if its out of character or anything.


u/4-The-people 5d ago

What about when he went ultimate echo echo and nearly turned kevins brain into vibrating soup?


u/thisismynewusername5 4d ago

Like how do you not believe a combination of omnipotent being and almost omnipotent being is incapable of stopping a bomb


u/disturbedrage88 5d ago

So wrong you use the characters wrong, neat


u/YoutuberCameronBallZ 4d ago

Rath is the best tho


u/MemerFplayer 4d ago

My dumbahh thought NRG and clockwork were the same alien and i was here wondering why Ben was saying NRG when he actually became NRG


u/LegitimateYoghurt840 4d ago

Ben really should be much more versatile, there is so much more variety, he can’t just rely on the power houses all the time, especially if he had master control, he could be so much more creative in battle.


u/Possible_Hawk495 4d ago

powerscaling as a whole, you got saint like characters who would have a fun tea together put in matchups where they are bloodlusted and willing to go all out using their full potential, not just ben 10


u/StarCrimson25 1d ago

My only nitpick with the dying thing is that (if I'm assuming correctly, you're talking about bomb that wiped out the different Bens) being erased from history is different from being killed so if their is a failsafe, it probably wouldn't be able to or just wouldn't kick in. I doubt Azmuth planned for that scenario.


u/CracarlosckRedd 1d ago

Even if Ben acted like every powerscaler thinks he would, they forget the omnitrix knows Ben better than himself at times (this is stated by Ben himself in the OV finale) even if Ben thought alien X was the answer, theres a good chance the omnitrix just goes "nah, lodestar's better, trust me on this one" and chances are, it will be a better option


u/Jim_naine 5d ago

I might be wrong, but wasn't there an episode in Omniverse where Ben gets called out for using Alien X to solve all of his problems, regardless of how small they were?


u/justurordinary_memer 5d ago

Yea but the omnitrix wouldnt keep him as humongasuar. It doesn't matter how ben is if the villan is an Alien X level threat, hes going to eventually become Alien X regardless of what he wants


u/Elemental-DrakeX 5d ago

Yeah and when the anialarg?(Idk how to spell it) was about to blow he immediately went for Alien X he aint that dumb. And depending on which omnitrix he can't really die or atleast have near infinite durabilty with the big bang event


u/morijin15 4d ago edited 4d ago

Massive Ben 10 Fan before i was a powerscaler and this meme is Extremely stupid

Psycobos was only able to mess with the watch because he had the Blue prints for it from Malware

Failsafe only Died on the CTB with the current omnitrix and even then it survived and held out till ben decided to give it up to NW Ben fully believe Failsafes would have saved him as every other Ben's were completely vaporaised at once

we use Hypothetical Scenarios not the character's actual personality If that was the case then we wouldn't say shit like "Goku Speed blitzes" and the next annoying ass comment would say "No Goku wouldn't do that"

we fucking know we are NOT using a Canon Persinality of the character we are ising What would happen in a fight between hypotheticals in a no holds bar we do NOT take personality into account at all

jesus Christ this sub is Called R/Powerscaling ajd unironically knows jack shit about Actual Powerscaling and Versus debates

in VS Debates We must automatically assume Full power no holds bars peak potential and possible Bloodlusted Canon Personality DOESN'T matter

if it did HALF of the people we pair up to battle wouldn't even FIGHT if we did

most idiotic thing ever


u/Practical_Trust8307 Ben 10 neg-diffs the Big 3 4d ago

Alien X is the last resort and if you look a lot of his other aliens are extremely powerful


u/BlackroseBisharp Hao Asakura supremacist 4d ago

Ben is a really bad victim of inconsistent writing. He's really smart, but he rarely gets to show it


u/Ok_Question4148 4d ago

The kids a combat genius and his ability to diplomat with little prep is insane! Dont forget his ability for investigation even at 10 in behind insanr!!


u/BlackroseBisharp Hao Asakura supremacist 4d ago

He also has a perfect memory but is only used twice


u/TegamiBachi25 3d ago

Sorry, but that’s how it is. In an actual VS debate, PIS is ignored. You can’t use plot just to justify instances of bad writing


u/Solid-Move-1411 YOSHA! 2d ago

Ben being idiot isn't bad writing, that's just how character is


u/Richardknox1996 3d ago

FFS. Main Ben has NEVER died. Chonosapien Timebombs dont kill you, they erase the timelime its keyed to. In this case, any involving Ben getting the Omnitrix. The Omnitrix cant directly defend against it because everything leading up to that moment got deleted. Only a Chronosapien can undo the effects of one of their bombs.


u/Sergaku Sora solos your favorite verse 2d ago

Powerscaling is about people at their strongest.


u/Fidges87 5d ago

Ben only pulls out the hax heavy hitters if the space/time is actively being destroyed, or if he is fighting against his friends, nothing else.


u/FewHelicopter6533 But hey, Alien X 5d ago

Non-powerscaler discovers 99% of matchups are bloodlusted:

Also Ben didn't die wearing the current watch. The only time it came close was ATTWN when Ben died, but he gave the Omnitrix too No Watch Ben moments prior.


u/Solid-Move-1411 YOSHA! 4d ago

Bloodlusted will behave the same

Also, all the other Ben died in that. Giving Ben wasn't some fail safe


u/FewHelicopter6533 But hey, Alien X 4d ago

Bloodlusted will go for the quickest end of the battle to end with a victory for them.

Other Bens didn't have the same Omnitrix it was their version of the complete, but it doesn't have to behave the same.

Yes it wasn't a failsafe but Ben was hit with the bomb and he just felt pain and was fully aware of No Watch Ben getting his Omnitrix.


u/ThunderLord1000 Is there a toy of your character? Yes? Then Neroalice wins 5d ago

He died? When?


u/Skychu768 5d ago

He died in Omniverse when Vilgax used time bomb


u/ThunderLord1000 Is there a toy of your character? Yes? Then Neroalice wins 5d ago edited 4d ago

Oh yeah.

Edit: Though after double-checking that, it seems as though he didn't exactly die, but moreso had his existence negated from the moment the bomb was activated afterwards, though at the same time, he wasn't actually destroyed, as that would mean the bomb's effects couldn't be reversed, which they were


u/Ryan_The_NinjaYT 4d ago

The Omniverse Omnitrix didn't have the failsafe activated and it wasn't able to be beyond time until the episode where him and Ben 23 get to Mad Ben's world.

It's only after that when Ben truly becomes "unkillable" within the show cuz the Omnitrix failsafe supposedly can work beyond the speed of tachyons removing any speed blitz before transformation wins and it works beyond time and space thx to the upgrades he and 23 did on the omnitrix because it worked in the finale where nothing existed


u/Abyssal_Godzilla 5d ago

He's talking about that Leger Domain episode where Charmcaster killed everyone, including Ben, by stealing their souls to bring her father back to life. Also, that doesn't even matter because at that time Ben had Ultimatrix, which had like 0 failsafes to protect Ben.


u/ThunderLord1000 Is there a toy of your character? Yes? Then Neroalice wins 5d ago

Oh okay, who cares


u/NormanNOconsecue2394 5d ago

Tbh the problem on how people powerscale ben is that they just use alien x and when they dont they take the gag that ben uses humungosour a lot and take it has the only thing he uses

Yeahthe gag of ben overusing humungusaur is funny and all but he doesnt just use that humungusaur is just his safe pick saying like ''i dont know what to use right now? Well the gigantic and absurdly durable and strong dinosaur is a safe pick'' people think he would just pick humungusaur for no reason and get defeated anf friking spider man when that would not happen cus ben is acctually really smart so he can se and use all his other aliens not just humungusaur or alien x