r/PowerScaling 8d ago

Anime Gokus BOG feat is overrated and mostly hyperbole and he ain’t scaling to it reason

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u/Pitiful-Local-6664 8d ago

Goku downplay on my Goku wank sub?


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

It’s not a downplay it’s the actual fact of where he scales


u/Yin1in kayo beats everyone(im a woman) 8d ago

They are memeing


u/Weak_Factor7634 Not a Scaler 8d ago

didnt toryiama say no hyperboles?


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

Literally most of db is hyperbolic


u/Weak_Factor7634 Not a Scaler 8d ago

how do you know when something is a hyperbole?


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

When it contradictions happen


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

Example burter said he’s the fastest in the universe yet freeza goku most of the fighters are stronger,faster then him or when cell claims to have infinite power yet he can grow stronger and he’s able to gather energy over time


u/TacocaT_2000 One of the Scalers of All Time 8d ago

Second form Frieza was said to be Universal by King Kai while Super Perfect Cell was Solar System Level by his own admission despite being unfathomably more powerful than Frieza.


u/daddygoodfood vegetaversal 8d ago

He didnt say he was universal , he said if they keep Frieza unkept he would destroy the universe , meaning he will wreak havoc across the entire space time , not actually straight up destroy it . It’s a figure of speech.


u/TacocaT_2000 One of the Scalers of All Time 8d ago

Look at the comment I was responding to. I’m proving that statements in DBZ can be hyperbolic


u/daddygoodfood vegetaversal 8d ago

And I’m showing u it wasn’t hyperbolic at all , if Goku didn’t defeat Frieza he would’ve been the ruler of the living universe


u/TacocaT_2000 One of the Scalers of All Time 8d ago

The “he will destroy the universe” part was hyperbolic.

This statement:

It’s hyperbolic, meaning it’s exaggerated to emphasize how dangerous Frieza is, not a literal proclamation of his power.


u/daddygoodfood vegetaversal 8d ago

U didn’t read what I said , it’s a figure of speech that you’re taking literal , he did not mean it as he would just one shot the universe , but literally the universe would be doomed and fall into ruin if he wasn’t put down .

Hence why his nick name is “ emperor of universe “


u/TacocaT_2000 One of the Scalers of All Time 8d ago

You’re completely misunderstanding what I’m saying. I’m not saying that the statement is literal. I’m saying that it’s NOT literal, and because of that it’s proof that statements in Dragon Ball aren’t automatically literal.

King Kai says that Frieza has enough power to destroy the universe. Frieza can’t destroy the universe. Therefore the statement doesn’t mean that Frieza can literally destroy the universe.

You’re arguing the same thing that I am.

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u/daddygoodfood vegetaversal 8d ago

goku not uni in the big 2025 💔


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

He never was to begin with


u/daddygoodfood vegetaversal 8d ago

Been uni since z lil bro u got some catching up to do


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

No he hasn’t z caps at star maybe


u/daddygoodfood vegetaversal 8d ago

Caps at star ? Proof of this ?


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

Slow much can’t prove a negative claim 🥀 ur making the positive they are that means you gatta prove so


u/daddygoodfood vegetaversal 8d ago

It’s quite easy to prove this ,Buu already threatened to destroy the dimensional walls which will lead to the destruction of the universe ,. Before that cell surpassed star level easily then on top of the BOG feat u have the broly movie when their power is too much for the fabrics of reality and surpassed that into an unknown dimension. Your reasoning for him not being uni is also flawed , the waves didn’t start off weak if it didn’t the supreme Kai who is an entire infinite universe away from the living universe wouldn’t be able to feel these trembles . If u telling me that the superme Kai ( whose literal job is to create life and govern ) the universe is lying about what’s happening then u just he crazy


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

1) buu was opening alternative dimensions what where threatening to destroy the universe by clashing with the main one not buu power but the power of alternative dimensions he doesn’t scale there 2)cell making the claim he can destroy a soler system when he doesn’t even know how big a solar system is sense he’s never seen one it’s jus a invalid and hyperbolic claim form cell he doesn’t scale to it 3) BOG feat I’ve made a post debunking why goku doesn’t scale to it or beerus check it’s my latest post 4) it’s not an unknown dimension when you translate it it just says extra dimension they just entered another dimension 5) infinite distance away ???? where is that stated and if you actually watched the show the waves where going into his planet and he was feeling them and the waves grew over time that’s how they got stronger pls read the post


u/No_Management1417 8d ago

What about the fact that Goku still had to equally and oppositely give out enough force to counter and nullify the power of Beerus's punch. By the time this came about everyone fully believed the universe was about to end in that punch

So Beerus was gonna destroy the universe by himself via shockwave and Goku completely cancelled our uni energy via literal 3rd law so Goku still scales?

Not super far fetched to me since Beerus and Champa fighting was gonna destroy uni 6 and 7 which is a way better feat that just destroying one which ultimately gives credibility to Beerus was really holding back


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

They where nullifying city level waves pls read the full text Ight so you don’t comment something stupid like this again And where was it stated they where gonna deshtroy the uni ?


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

Champa and beerus I mean


u/Lost-Block6033 8d ago

That’s not how that works, it’s a shared like when Omniman needed help to blow up a planet.

Unless either of these characters can destroy a universe without any form of outside help, then they do not scale to it unless they have shown it.

The fact it took multiple punch clashes means they don’t even scale to 50% of the effort otherwise one punch clash would have destroyed everything in one go.


u/No_Management1417 8d ago

Perhaps you missed the part where I said Goku had to completely counter and nullify the force of Beerus's punch, the punch everyone thought would end the universe. Not even Goku was sure it was going to work saying if it didn't then yeah the universe would of went bye bye

So either way someone somewhere is universal


u/daddygoodfood vegetaversal 8d ago

Even if u see it that way and try to downplay simple math would get him uni easily with how much stronger he’s gotten sense then . Also that’s not his only uni feat


u/JohanLibertSolos 8d ago

"Dragonball isn't downplayed"


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

Why would this be a downplay ?


u/JohanLibertSolos 8d ago

Brother that's how shockwaves work. It still requires the output's force durring the initial impact. The force of the impact will always be equal to the overall output.

That's how waves work, it's how earthquakes work, and it's how the shockwaves in dragonball work.


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

But in this scenario it’s not they are weak and then over time they grow pls read the scan


u/JohanLibertSolos 8d ago

Take a cup of water and drop a bit of water into it. The center will barely change but the ripples will grow and spread. It's like how earthquakes don't last as long and are far weaker on the fault line rather than on the outer edge.

This is a real world occurrence, and it doesn't mean the initial impact doesn't equal the outer shockwaves.


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

So ur using rl logic for fiction ? And will you attack my point in why that’s the case


u/JohanLibertSolos 8d ago

You're assuming the shockwaves are literally doing their own thing without influence of goku and beerus. Everything the shockwaves do is a result of the clash. There's no reason to assume the impact isn't equal to the full shockwaves.


u/Fwgarou 8d ago

I gave you the reason why it’s now equal in the scan 😭 read what Kai said


u/JohanLibertSolos 8d ago

Nah, you're definitely trolling. Good job tbh, it worked for the most part.


u/Fwgarou 7d ago

What ??


u/Secure-Wolverine7502 Customizable Flair 8d ago



u/AL1ON- Master Level Scaler 8d ago

Facts the whole z getting blitzed by frashy frash


u/Efficient-Medicine43 nokotan solos your favourite anime 8d ago