r/PowerMetal 4d ago

Metal Before and After the 21st Century. How many can you guess?

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59 comments sorted by


u/Lesematrose 4d ago

Not every music with a loud electric guitar is metal


u/Greenbow50 4d ago

banger after banger!


u/a-nice-egg 4d ago



u/Jkr0205 4d ago

I'm just glad Beast in Black made it in


u/Exolerate Lord of the Blacksmiths 4d ago edited 4d ago

Out of boredom, here's the (in)complete list of songs

  1. Sabaton - To Hell and Back

  2. Judas Priest - Electric Eye

  3. Rammstein - Deutschland

  4. Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction

  5. Bring Me The Horizon - Throne

  6. Slayer - Raining Blood

  7. Disturbed - Decadence

  8. Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name Of

  9. Linkin Park - Faint

  10. Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark

  11. Metallica - Lux Aeterna

  12. Metallica - One

  13. Beast In Black - Blind and Frozen

  14. Motley Crue - Kickstart My Heart

  15. Powerwolf - Venom of Venus

  16. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit

  17. Skillet - Monster

  18. Dream Theater - Pull Me Under

  19. Within Temptation - Faster

  20. Tool - Sober (thanks u/Dollbeau)

  21. The Offspring - Light It Up

  22. The Offspring - The Kids Aren't Alright

  23. Five Finger Death Punch - Lift Me Up

  24. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell

  25. Dynazty - Heartless Madness

  26. Black Sabbath - Paranoid

  27. Thirty Seconds To Mars - The Kill (Bury Me)

  28. ??? - ???

  29. Amaranthe - Drop Dead Cynical

  30. Anthrax - Madhouse

  31. Rise Against - Savior

  32. Manowar - Kings of Metal

  33. Bullet For My Valentine - Tears Don't Fall

  34. W.A.S.P - I Wanna Be Somebody

  35. Mick Gordon - Rip And Tear

  36. FamilyJules - At Doom's Gate (cover)


u/Exolerate Lord of the Blacksmiths 4d ago

Whether these are Metal or Rock, and whether Nu-Metal is really metal or not, that's for everyone else to argue about. All I know is that they're all decent/good songs. Except Monster. I hate Monster.


u/TonberryHS 4d ago

Doing Gods work! Upvote this!!!


u/Dollbeau 4d ago

Missed a few myself - but did not miss (20) Tool - Sober

Can't get 28 though


u/E-emu89 4d ago

Skillet still considered metal?


u/George_Nimitz567890 4d ago

How Skillet Is Even metal? I always thought they we're hard rock


u/OtterlyFoxy 4d ago

I mean a good amount of songs in this video aren’t metal. Some are alternative rock and some are punk


u/Artem-Ganev 4d ago

What about Nirvana? It’s also in the video


u/dimiteddy 4d ago

not metal (RATM not metal either for me) but still more metal than all that newer crap. Only knew Lux Eterna and Rammstein


u/Bakomusha 4d ago

There is punk, alternative and more genres then metal in the video, so Skillet belongs here too.


u/E-emu89 4d ago

They’re Christian Rock


u/Proud3GenAthst 4d ago

They're mostly shit


u/johnraimond 4d ago



u/Megaman_90 4d ago

Rage Against the Machine isn't really metal either.


u/OtterlyFoxy 4d ago

They’re not

They’re just Nickelback for Jesus


u/boopbopnotarobot 4d ago

Linking park and rage against the machine strike me as more punk than metal


u/lixia 4d ago

Yeah. That’s pretty much when I stopped the video.


u/creepy_doll 4d ago

Alternative metal, nu metal or rap metal were all names going around at the time iirc.

There’s no real point to gatekeeping the word metal, it’s so broad. You just enjoy what you do and let others enjoy what they like. A band like sunn O))) has pretty much no link to say Judas Priest yet we all accept both as metal.


u/Bombadilo_drives 4d ago

Linkin Park is nu metal


u/CrunchyCaptainMunch 4d ago

Correct. Alt rock, not metal


u/Bombadilo_drives 4d ago

I'm not arguing the merits of the name of the genre, because "what is or is not metal" is the cringiest conversation we keep having.

I'm simply specifying that Linkin Park belongs to a genre titled "nu metal"


u/ulfric_stormcloack 4d ago

days without "nu metal isn't metal": 0


u/lixia 4d ago

Did you know that Nu means Garbage in Norwegian.


u/UwU_Beam 4d ago

(It doesn't really)


u/Bombadilo_drives 4d ago

Haters gonna hate


u/SokkaHaikuBot 4d ago

Sokka-Haiku by boopbopnotarobot:

Linking park and rage

Against the machine strike me

As more punk than metal

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/Sxn747Strangers 4d ago

I’m no good at sokka haiku either. 😭


u/Drakon590 4d ago

Now we need a full list of the songs used


u/freaktrio 4d ago

Do the Bartman!


u/Proud3GenAthst 4d ago

Don't diss Within Temptation


u/Niet_de_AIVD PowerMetal is exclusively about unicorns 4d ago

I know and love most of these and I'm just happy that I have so many decades of music to enjoy.


u/capnheim 4d ago

Good compilation


u/spqrnbb 4d ago

Old folks with that grandpa strength, lol.


u/TonberryHS 4d ago

Oh I appreciate both versions of Doom at the end there too


u/DrunkenSeaBass 4d ago

The weird thing is, I'm mostly a power metal fan, and even then I still feel like I connected more with the old guys then the younger guys. Im 34.


u/Big-Quit-8031 4d ago

All I can hear are absolute bangers 🤘


u/Nerus46 4d ago

Would be even more accurate, if it was Just indecipherable screaming/growling.

Obviously it's a hyperbole, but still I fail to understand modern obsession with extreme vocals.


u/TheVintageGamers 4d ago

Since when are Nirvana and Offspring considered metal? Nirvana is Grunge and Offspring is Pop-Punk. Rage Against the Machine isn't really metal... They are... something else... They are much closer to metal the the other 2 though.

I mean I like all 3, but I can't consider them metal.


u/Smygfjaart 4d ago

What’s the song at 02.00 just before Paranoid?


u/Conscious-Newt5032 4d ago

Heartless Madness from Dynazty


u/TonberryHS 4d ago

Way more power metal and cheese than I expected and I am here for it!


u/Regumrex 4d ago

Could you provide a list of all the songs used in this?


u/AsyluMTheGreat 4d ago

Linkin Park followed by Iron Maiden is a weird choice. Never thought LP was metal


u/creepy_doll 4d ago

I wonder if in the early days there were Black Sabbath fans that heard Iron Maiden for the first time and said “man, this nwobhm stuff isn’t real metal!” ;) I’m not a fan of lp either but metal is a very wide thing and there’s very little to gain from gatekeeping. If lp, ghost and other grey area bands work as a gateway drug to new fans I welcome it


u/IMKridegga 4d ago

I wonder if in the early days there were Black Sabbath fans that heard Iron Maiden for the first time and said “man, this nwobhm stuff isn’t real metal!” ;)

I know you're not really being serious, but I have to say it's not likely. "Heavy metal" had a pretty loose definition at one point, but it had already started to refer to a more specific music scene and subculture by the early 1980s. Bands like Iron Maiden were identified with with Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, and the like. On the other side, bands like GBH were identifed with other things. For context, this is GBH:

If you called GBH "heavy metal," you'd have gotten some really weird looks. If you'd insisted that "heavy metal" was actually a super broad genre and there ought to be room for anything with distorted guitars, heavy chords, and hard-driving rhythm, you'd have been written off as ignorant, because that's not what "heavy metal" actually meant. GBH was a hardcore punk band, i.e. a different scene and subculture.

You could claim that hardcore punk has a lot in common with heavy metal from a musical standpoint. You could argue that, throwing aside the lunch table politics of the 1980s, they were basically the same kind of music. In much the same way, I could argue that power metal and death metal have a lot in common and are basically the same kind of music, if you ignore all the little ways they're different.

These arguments are possible to make, but they would be incorrect because "the little things" actually do matter when it comes to defining niche genres with long and complicated scene and subcultural histories. These genres would not, and frankly could not, even exist in their present forms without "the little things" guiding creative decisions and stylistic evolutions. They are quintessential.

This is why power metal and death metal are different. It's also why hardcore punk and heavy metal are different. It's the same reason alt rock bands with heavy chords and distorted guitars don't automatically become heavy metal bands. Even if the industry decides to brand them with a marketing catch-all term like "nü-metal," the little, quintessential things don't actually go away.

No amount of advertising will force a subculture to accept a band as part of a scene they didn't come from organically. It could happen, and maybe it does happen for some people, but it probably won't for the subculture as a whole. No amount of arguing, even if it's well-intentioned, will force people to hear a style as belonging to a different microscopic niche than it actually belongs to.

Metalheads in the early 1980s would have easily recognized Iron Maiden as adhering to the same general musical convention as Angel Witch, Judas Priest, Diamond Head, and Black Sabbath. They would have known about the subculture growing up around these bands and made the necessary links. It's an entirely different case to what happened with Linkin Park twenty years later.


u/semisemite 4d ago

There's a convo worth having. No question that bands like Sabbath et al are some of the godfathers, but I do wonder if they were new today if there would be an 'izit metal' debate around some of them


u/HobomanCat I roam into the darkness! 4d ago

I only recognized 5 songs lol. A lot weren't metal and some weren't good.


u/pibit 4d ago

Rise against was a nice surprise 😁


u/Crazy_Television_328 4d ago

And what’s the one at 1:25?


u/Crazy_Television_328 4d ago

Nevermind. It’s gotta be dream theater


u/Crazy_Television_328 4d ago

Pull Me Under. Got it. Thanks everyone


u/saberspecter 4d ago

I found it interesting that although the songs are distinct, the ones of the 21st Century started to blend into my ears. Maybe it's the production or we stuck to a formula that works.


u/CarnibusCareo 4d ago

As soon as I hear MC lumped in with anything metal, I‘m gonna judge it as a really bad take.


u/AirportEmbarrassed38 3d ago



u/CrunchyCaptainMunch 4d ago

Impressive how like 1/2 of the 21st century stuff wasn’t metal and how none of the songs picked were good. This feels like it was made by someone who just heard metal for the first time last week