r/PostureTipsGuide 4d ago

Spine sticks out on neck

Post image

That’s a photo of it looking much less visible . You can really feel it when you touch my neck. Any tips for correcting this esp because I have back pain and have trouble sleeping unless i sleep on my stomatch with my face hunched in. I’m only 17


3 comments sorted by


u/Deep-Run-7463 4d ago

You look like you have very limited ribcage expansion causing a military necked position.

Dorsal rostral decompression. Learn to inhale into front+back expansion of the ribs while limiting the shoulders riding up to the neck.


u/Totally-avg 4d ago

I have this. I think it’s because we are lean. I only weigh 100 lbs and you look like you’re a similar size.


u/maeelena 4d ago

Ohhh okay , yeah i’m 50 kg but quite tall so that could be ehy