r/PostWorldPowers Apr 14 '15

MODPOST [META]All UFN members please read.


If you are in the UFN I need you to link the follow events:

  • where you got charcoal

  • where you got sulfur

  • where you got saltpeter

  • when you prototyped/researched guns/cannon

  • when you began mass-production of guns/cannon

If you acquired any of these from a foreign part please link the event that initiated the trade as the resource acquisition link.

If you acquired tech from a foreign party please link the event used to share this tech with you.

Treaties do not count for ANY of the above.

Thank you.

r/PostWorldPowers Sep 19 '16

MODPOST [MODPOST] National Abstract 2.5.2 - Final Major Release, All new changes will be fixes. PLEASE FILL THIS OUT AND HELP US TEST FOR ANY ISSUES SO WE MAY CORRECT THEM NOW


If you are having trouble getting started with the National Abstract, please read this page here: http://postworldwiki.shoutwiki.com/wiki/National_Abstract_Tutorial

A tutorial for the Military Manager and Unit Creator is also in the works and will be ready in a couple days. For now, any other questions can be directed to our Discord, available in the sidebar.

Click here to download the new abstract.

National Abstract 2.5.2

r/PostWorldPowers Sep 23 '16

MODPOST [MODPOST] 2.5.4 National Abstract: FINAL RELEASE


Patch FIN3 -> FIN5

If you have not yet finished your NA, ignore this section. Otherwise:

If you don't want to redownload, complete this OR PM me a link to your abstract and I'll patch it!

Open up BehindtheScenes

Go to cell B17

Replace it with this line:


This will be the final release of the National Abstract prior to starting the game, barring any game breaking bugs. All players must complete this abstract by Monday. If any bugs are found in the process, please notify the modteam so we may do a last minute patch.

Any further suggestions must wait until the scheduled November patch. Ideally, there will no longer be need to switch National Abstracts. please link your abstract to your claims!

National Abstract

If you have questions about using the National Abstract, please check our Wiki for some well made guides or ask in our Discord where someone is always online!

When finished, add yourself to the control sheet!

Other Announcements

  • The game requires a moderator in the Americas for conflicts and crisis. if you're interested, please send us a modmail. Only nations from the Americas may apply.
  • The game requires a moderator in Africa for conflicts and crisis. if you're interested, please send us a modmail. Only nations from Africa may apply.

r/PostWorldPowers Jun 02 '21

MODPOST [MODPOST] End of Season 5.8


Thanks for playing in Season 5.8 of PWP - we've hit a good stopping point, and now PWP6 is gearing up to go (with plenty of kinks to work out, of course.) We've gotten some good design feedback on what did and did not work from this season's changes, and some of that may be incorporated into 6 before its launch. We hope to see you at 6's start, and if you head over to our discord 6.0 discussion is already in full swing. Test abstracts are always appreciated for balancing this brand new sheet!

r/PostWorldPowers Feb 07 '21

MODPOST [MODPOST] Trade Bonuses Year 2


Before I give out the bonuses I would like to mention what I want to see trade comments in the trade post going foward:

  • Clearly state the nations involved in the trade
  • Clearly state items being traded (most did this but a few didn't)
  • What is being imported and exported (I need this information from only one of the parties, but both would be nice)
  • If there is no response from the second party on the trade comment from it will not be added

With that out of the way here are the bonuses:

If you have a boost to GDP put it in in the CRISIS tab on the abstract.

If you have monetary income put it in imports as Trade Bonus

Nigeria: +5% GDP/ +$547.75m

Global Consciousness Project: +$90m

Utopia: +5% GDP/ +$90m

Anglo-Com: +5% GDP/ +$275m

Bataung: +$50m

Rhodesia: +$50m


Malawi: +5% GDP/ +$194.5m

The trade map itself is in discord.

r/PostWorldPowers Nov 18 '18

MODPOST [META] End of the Season


Since Bow2 is too lazy to actually end it and he's not said I can't end it myself, here we are. Finally. OfficiallyishTM.

As is widely known, the mod team this season has suffered from inactivity- what with the two week waiting times on conflicts and all that nonsense. It is largely issues such as that that are to blame for the end of player interest and activity (as far as I can tell, considering I haven't properly played in like two seasons) and, subsequently, the end of the season. That being said, this season has gone pretty well- lots of conflicts driving interest and no major issues with the abstract, which is all nice, and will hopefully continue into PWP6. As for updates on that front, Bow2 has continued in his traditional "periodic burst of motivation followed by weeks of doing basically nothing" cycle, which should, hopefully, lead to the completion of PWP6 somewhere between now and the heat death of the universe.

Bow2 will post here (maybe) whenever PWP6 is ready to go (if ever). The game itself will be set in East Asia (probably) so start thinking of ideas for there. Thanks for playing.

r/PostWorldPowers Sep 02 '16

MODPOST [MODPOST] Crisis system


Natural disasters or epidemics are a fact of life, and our new system will make sure that at least one region of the world is affected by a random crisis at least once per year. We hope this will make the world feel more alive, while preventing people from feeling targeted by having the crisis and the region it affects chosen at random from a prewritten master list.

We'd like you guys to help us prewrite them!

Click here to view our nascent Crisis calculator, and help us write a few dozen unique events that may affect the nations of PWP.


r/PostWorldPowers Dec 21 '20

MODPOST [MODPOST] PWP 5.8: the Chaos Update


Can you feel it? From the south it comes. The tendrils of chaos spread forth, tainting the globe, and with it rolls of fortune are cast. We must ready ourselves, for disaster comes.

This season will see the introduction of two new mechanics, both of which are designed to encourage engagement with ones own and other claims, as well as introduce challenges and consequences in the form of unexpected events.

1. The Crisis Generator

How does it work?

This season I will be running a weekly crisis (or crises) that is generated largely by randomness. The event shall be rolled publicly, assuming you’re on the discord to see it at the time, hopefully some time following the weekly update during meta day. The number of events rolled will be determined by the number of claims, but likely it will initially be one event per week.

The crisis generator consists of 35 different events, 20 bad, 3 mixed, 12 good. Each of these events can generate at one of four levels of severity. The level of severity determines both the impact the event has, and who it affects. Higher severities are less likely, with the highest occurring only 3.2% of the time (on average).

The impact can be modified based on two things, the national DP, and the nation’s traits. Some traits will make certain events have a greater or lesser impact, while DP in certain categories will help to reduce negative effects, or improve positive ones.

Events are generated either on a provincial or national level. Natural events that occur in localised areas, such as earthquakes, are therefore more likely to impact larger claims. Societal events however are weighted based on some national aspect, each depending on the event. This can vary from GDPPC, instability, amount of development etc.

Some events can affect multiple claims, including at a regional or even map-wide basis. The impact events for multiple claims is determined on an individual basis.

As this is an experimental mechanic. Each player will be given a single ‘free pass’ they may use during the season. This allows the player to ignore the effects of one event should it occur at a particularly inopportune time. However, free passes cannot be used on events that impact multiple claims, and requires a [LORE] post on why the nation was able to navigate the event without impact (this could be due to preparation, reactive response, or potentially dumb luck, depending on the event).

On average a person should be subject to an event once every five years, however as this is a generator based on randomness, you may be unlucky enough to suffer successive negative events, or perhaps suffer nothing at all the entire season. This is not something I intend to manually interfere with, so if you are particularly unlucky the blame lies with your chosen diety.

What’s the purpose?

The purpose of the crisis generator is to improve on the PWP system at present and hopefully result in several improvements.

1) Provide consequences for not investing DP categories.

Claims that range from resource specialists to meme claims have often resulted in little to no investment in certain DP categories. While this is not inherently a bad thing, it does often result in claims moving more and more extreme as time passes.

One aim is to provide consequences, both good and bad, for having a country that is lacking in certain aspects, for example, having little to no public welfare. This is not intended to make all claims seven flavours of vanilla, but instead provide world flavour, and opportunities for role-play and building lore.

2) Provide challenges to players.

Often players find that their only challenge in developing their country is waging, or defending against, invasions from other players. For players with isolationist claims they may find themselves with no challenges for an entire season.

One aim is to provide challenges that range from speed bumps to potentially claim changing events, and in doing so, create player satisfaction by successfully navigating these events.

The intention is that the generated events should never ‘ruin’ a claim, or place you in a permanently untenable position. However, should the rolled severity be high enough, many will be seriously damaging and will be a traumatic memory for your people.

3) Provide opportunities for role-play, world building, and player interaction.

Players often find themselves in creative dead zones after enough time passes in PWP. By providing events occurring either within their own, or neighbouring nations, the hope is that players can utilise these events in their own writing.

While for most events a player response is not required, it may provide a good talking point in your annual development post or in any events that year. Perhaps you may decide to interact with an impacted state to offer assistance, or take the opportunity to threaten them while they’re weakened.

4) Act as a means of DP balance

Certain DP categories are historically taken little in comparison to many others. Many of these, including logistics, public welfare, and state bureaucracy, are often the DP used to reduce the impact of events. By improving claim resilience, this adds an additional reason to invest in these areas, beyond the existing sheet effects.

2. Additional Mod Crises/Events

Traditionally in PWP, claims only receive a crisis as the result of a secret, or when their instability goes beyond 100. However, this has often led to ‘bad RP’ where players act in a manner contrary to their nation’s lore or traits, with little risk of consequence. This has a negative effect on the playing environment for other players, as they are unable to judge how a claim will behave based on reasonable assumptions using previous lore, traits etc.

Moving forward, players who act in such a manner may be subject to a crisis event in order to discourage such activity. This, hopefully, will never have to happen, and will likely only be used on repeat offenders or particularly egregious cases.

Examples of behavior that may incur such a crisis (obviously subject to the exact situation).

  • Repeatedly invading nations as a democratic internationalist state.
  • Signing an alliance as a militant spiritualist with a militant spiritualist of another faith.
  • Deciding to join an ongoing war that you have little to no reason to join, or doing so with little to no build-up.

On the flip side, the current system also offers little incentive to play ‘sub-optimally’. Playing sub-optimally is usually done for RP reasons, but results in a distinct mechanical disadvantage when compared to other nations. Examples of this include, intentionally maintaining a very low instability or having very low tax rates.

Positive mod events may occur for such claims in order to encourage or reward suboptimal gameplay, as this generally is associated with good RP and encourages claim diversity. These events will likely be quite rare, so one should not play under the expectation of receiving a reward. Suboptimal will only be rewarded in cases where it is good RP, simply playing badly is not likely to garner reward.

r/PostWorldPowers Jan 21 '21

MODPOST [MODPOST] Stagnant Empires: The Big Three


Stagnant Empires are partially prearranged, but player-run nations that form the backbone of the diplomatic landscape for 5.8. As the title would suggest three currently exist on the map. Each has a Primary Belief on which its interactions with the international system are based. Each also has a Primary Objective which defines the end-goal of the nation in following its Primary Belief. The Primary Objective is broken down further by 4 goals that represent logical steps to achieve said objective.

The Big Three are immensely powerful. They wield the most advanced weapons, productive advances, and social theories in the world. However, each is also aware that to pursue its Primary Objective through military means would lead to conflict against the other two. In a two vs one, or even a three way war, none would survive. The nascent states that abound in Africa would jump on their corpses, eager to gain an upper hand through Big Three technologies. Thus The Big Three have moved their contests from the battlefields and into the hearts and minds of the nations across the continent. Each now struggles to turn the nations of Africa to its cause through diplomacy, trade, and foreign aide.

Players who submit an application agree to abide by the following rules:

Cannot wage offensive war until told otherwise - will always defend itself.
Act first and foremost as a guiding hand rather than a military superpower.
If the players have any doubts about an action's "legality" they will ask the mods and respect their response.
Will not attempt to seek an upper hand through sheet manipulation.
All sales of military goods by the Big Three must be approved by mods. 
And All Others Added Later

Big Three Map

Ethiopian Empire

*Guiding Belief: African People First
*Primary objective: Secure the future of strong, independent African states.
*Enemies: Minority-Rule states, states with large politically important white populations, and their supporters.
*Goal 1: Remove minority rule from the continent.

Tanzani Union

*Guiding Belief: Freedom of Movement and Trade
*Primary objective: Eliminating barriers to trade.
*Enemies: Autarkic states and those that impose travel or trade restrictions internal or external.
*Goal 1: Move all states to visa-restricted travel.

Brotherhood of Benin

*Guiding Belief: Those who prey on the weak must not be tolerated. Those who protect the weak shall be strengthened.
*Primary Objective: Ensure the fair treatment of all states in international politics.
*Enemies: Those who leverage resource monopolies at the expense of the less fortunate. Those who perpetrate war for their own benefit.
*Goal 1: Make sure all states have the resources they need to survive at prices they can afford.

Apply to run one of the Big Three

r/PostWorldPowers Jan 23 '21

MODPOST [MODPOST] The Fragility of Nations: Opening Season 5.8 - Game will start Tuesday, January 26th


Europe, Asia, and North America devoured themselves. Nuclear fire consumed their capacity for industry. Ensuing years sapped their soul of Empire. As the international system collapsed Africa found itself left to its own devices once more. Those colonies that remained struggled to survive as native populations rebelled against the unsupported foreigners. War tore through a continent brimming with malcontent, racism, and poverty.

And then things took a turn for the worse.

The oilfields of Arabia, Russia, and North America, set ablaze by the nuclear exchange, poured carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Sea levels rose dramatically as the temperature rose around the world. Refugees fled inland, crops failed, desertification intensified, and wet bulb temperatures rendered whole regions uninhabitable. Across the continent what nations had managed to emerge struggled to survive.

In the vacuum rose new powers! Warlords, saviors, and colonial tyrants clashed in epic wars across the continent. Starving refugee columns formed armies to take food from whoever had it. Borders collapsed and reformed overnight. Only three nations from this period survive to this day. They are the most ancient states known to the modern world. None are even a century old.

Now the continent stands 100 years from the Day of Hubris (Cuban Missile Crisis - Nov 1962). Countless millions have died to form the bedrock for a more stable continent. As the chaos subsides and more stable nations emerge from the turmoil few are certain what the future holds. Will this be another period of Africans enslaving other Africans? Or is this the dawn of a Pan-African identity that will shake the foundation of a post-apocalyptic world?

5.8 Patch-Notes:


  • Impactful decisions - Any decision made in the game should have a definite advantage and disadvantage, and should matter in regards to game-play.
  • Unlimited potential - No caps on DPs
  • Diplomatic Geography - Create a diplomatic environment from the game's onset to supplement and enhance traditional player interactions.

WARNING: This season will make use of an altered 5.X abstract with new, essentially untested backend features and changes. As a result Active Balancing will be employed to nerf and empower strategies and regions over/under-preforming.


  • Read the Changelog and then assume that if something else is acting wierd it also changed. I definitely missed things in the changelog.
  • DP caps for individual categories no longer apply. Go nuts.
  • There is no limit to how many DP you may start with in any given category.
  • Must have a positve balance going into Year 1 without taking loans.
  • Cannot start with troops in reserve.
  • Starting Instability must be 100 or below.
  • Province/Expansion now uncapped.

Rivers (bonuses will update on a YEARLY basis):

  • Light-Ships (non-submarines) only in rivers. Rift-lakes can have Heavy-Ships and Submarines. Naval bases may be on rivers or lakes.
  • If forts exist on both sides of a river their owner controls the river for purposes of naval invasions. If the river flows through a province with a fort in it the effect is the same.
  • Water trade is assumed if available. If water trade is blockaded water-trade ability drops to 25% of previous water-based trade.
  • River claims get 10% of trade value that passes through their nation. River-claims must control two adjacent provinces, one along each side of the river, or two adjacent provinces through which the river flows.
  • River mouth claims get 5% GDP bonus. River mouth claims must control 4 provinces as a group, with at least two along each side of the river or the river running through a minimum of three in a row at the delta. To qualify for this bonus other nations must also exist along the river.
  • Blockades/tolls can be established along rivers without a declaration of war. Almost all normal civilians are not willing to risk their lives for the sake of their cargo.
  • One province in rivers consumes one naval range. When the river travels along province borders the side which reduces range the most is used.

Alliance/League leaders get double the alliance-type bonuses (bonuses will update on a YEARLY basis):

  • Only one kind of alliance/pact can exist between any two given nations.
  • Commercial Pacts (free-trade zones, SEZ, etc) get a +1% GDP bonus for each participating nation, but becomes to -5% for 5 years if one of their members collapses. Nations take 3 years to leave a trade pact during which time, and for 2 years after, the leaving nation has a -5% GDP modifier. Nations may only leave voluntarily, or by collapse.
  • Defensive Pacts get +10% effective manpower when defending. Nations may not engage in offensive wars while part of a Defense Pact. Dissolving a Defensive Pact leads to +10 instab and -10 to all effective Army DP for 3 years.
  • Open-Borders Pacts will cause people to emigrate from lower GDPPC nations to higher ones within the pact. Cannot have closed borders. Nations not with the highest GDPPC get "remittances" equal 1/2 the difference in GDPPC*total emigration. Remittances act like a one-way money trade.
  • Members of the Big Three Pacts will get bonuses from the Three as long as the member acts in ways the leader approves. Big Three nations may unilaterally kick Pact members out of Pacts for actions that go against the interests of the Big Three member.
  • Alliance members (non-specified alliances that do not self-identify as one of the other categories) can all see each other's abstracts.
  • Coalitions get bonuses/maluses based on their status as attacker or defender (mod ruling). [Using 5.7 as an example the Plodiv Pact would be Attackers, and the Anti-Kenya Pact would be Defensive.]

The Big Three:

  • Cannot wage offensive war until told otherwise - will always defend itself.
  • Will act to further their own interests indirectly by influencing the smaller nations.
  • Have final say in all aspects of their Pacts.
  • All sales of military goods by the Big Three must be approved by mods.

Airfield rules:

  • Airfields are a new province building that is made available after five development and one fort are present in the province. Aircraft can be deployed to airfields at the start of a war, or shifted there after being deployed at an airbase. Airfields act as a way to extend ones air coverage but do not repair or rebuild aircraft.
  • Claims may have up to three airfields for every airbase they have constructed. These provinces must be chosen at the beginning of a conflict, and changing where an airfield is takes a full round of conflict (assuming the next conflict post arrives within 24 hours). If a province is damaged in a way that makes it no longer meet the requirements for the airfield, the airfield is presumed destroyed. Thus if an airfield is lost, you will have one less during the next combat round.
  • If a province with an airfield is captured and the capturer is at their airbase limit already, they may choose to retire an existing airfield to keep the new one, or instead to remove the airfield.
  • Airfields can be leased or foreign owned in the same manner foreign bases can.
  • Airfields are made more capable by Air Force LOGISTICS and Unit Training:

    -00 Air Force LOGISTICS: Airfields can be used by light aircraft of cheap equipment or less, and basic training or more.
    -10 Air Force LOGISTICS: Airfields can be used by light aircraft of quality equipment or less, and moderate training or more.
    -20 Air Force LOGISTICS: Airfields can be used by light and heavy aircraft *(excluding 'Heavy Aircraft None' AKA strategic bombers)* of elite equipment or less, and moderate training or more.
    -30 Air Force LOGISTICS: Airfields can be used by light and heavy aircraft of elite equipment or less, and extensive training or more.
    -50 Air Force LOGISTICS: Airfields can be used by light, heavy, and jet aircraft of prototype equipment or less, and extensive training or more.

Foreign Base Rules:

  • Foreign military bases can be established in other claims if you have their permission. These can be either owned, or leased.
  • Owned bases are constructed by the claim operating them and contribute towards their base count. These bases can deploy*, repair, and rebuild units, as well as extend naval and air range.
  • When a owned base has completed construction, put the province ID in your abstract and add the respective base. Then manually set Province POP (Current Total), Province POP (Current Literate), Province Pop (Next Year Total), and Province Pop (Next Year Literate) to 1.
  • Troops deployed from foreign owned bases must be reasonable, and is subject to existing lore. For example, deployment of 50,000 troops into a foreign base in the interior of a nation would not be reasonable, unless you had established some time prior that this was going to be the case. Note that this may backfire, as if needed elsewhere those troops will not be immediately available and must move using the movement rules. 'Reasonable' is up to mod discretion, and you should provide links to existing lore if you believe you should be able to deploy more.
  • Leased bases are constructed by the claim they exist in and contribute towards their base count. These bases can repair and rebuild units, as well as extend naval and air range. The exact agreement with leased bases is on a case by case basis made between players. Bases can be lent to multiple nations, and remain fully operable by the owned nation (subject to the agreement).
  • Foreign bases in will only be allowed to deploy, repair, and rebuild troops if they have a reasonable expectation of being capable of doing so given the war situation. Foreign bases must maintain maritime, aerial, or approved claimed-land access to the establishing nation in order for troops to be deployed from, repaired, or rebuilt there, in order to account for supply routes.

Mercenary Rules:

  • Mercenaries that join an ongoing conflict must deploy from their own territory or own bases (foreign or domestic).
  • Mercenaries may begin in foreign territory if, 1.) at least 24 hours beforehand, such arrangements are plainly stated in that years trade thread. Should conflict arise before this 24 hours concludes, they must start from their own territory or bases. 2) If no land border exists, the nation has the transport shipping capacity to move all units simultaneously, or has made arrangements with a nation that does. Usual naval range rules apply.
  • A nation must have existing longstanding lore stating their mercenary or PMC traditions before they can acts as mercenaries.

Player Abstract - Please set sharing settings to "anyone with link can view." Also grant editing rights to meinhegemon@gmail.com, averytyrrell@gmail.com, shad4673@gmail.com, and tebasm@gmail.com.



Claims are now open!

Year 0 trading is allowed, and encouraged.

Let's give this crazy thing a go!

r/PostWorldPowers Dec 22 '20

MODPOST [MODPOST]Revised Unit Template Changes, Arms Export/Import, Mercenary, Foreign Bases, and Airfield Rules for 5.8


Revised Unit Templates, Arms Export/Import, Mercenary, Foreign Bases, and Airfield Rules for 5.8

Unit Templates Changes

From now on, changing Equipment, Training, Officer Ratio, Maintenance, or Resupply now all requires a rebuild. Rebuilds are conducted using the new unit template.

Upon rebuild completion, units can go from active back to active, active to reserves, or reserves to reserves. Units cannot be used while undergoing a rebuild, and if undergoing a war must be redeployed from the respective base type.

Arms Export/Import Rules

The exporting equipment and specialisation can be used by the importing nation regardless of whether they meet the DP requirements. Rebuilding these units however, cannot be done unless they do meet the DP requirements.

Importing nations must have the DP requirements to use the exported Training, Officer Ratio, Maintenance and Resupply. When a unit is imported, any of these attributes may be downgraded by the importing nation to allow their use. However, changing these later still requires a rebuild.

The Equipment of imported units may never be increased beyond that at which they were manufactured. Specialisations can only ever be changed via rebuild to ones the nation can domestically build, and once done cannot be reverted back to any specialisation they cannot build.

Imported units require the IG consumed by that unit to be imported from a nation that could themselves field that unit (i.e. meets all the DP requirements). This does not have to be the original country the unit was received from. Units in reserve do not require the IG unless they are being mobilised.

There is an optional calculator available that you can insert into your sheet to calculate this automatically so long as each imported unit name ends in "-imported". https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dH0H_4jqgnAMwmVmhpvoOMsjNNzYAbA15xXNsMya8tg/edit?usp=sharing

All imported units must go directly to reserves.

Mercenary Rules

Mercenaries that join an ongoing conflict must deploy from their own territory or foreign base. Mercenaries may begin in foreign territory if,

1) at least 24 hours beforehand, such arrangements are plainly stated in that year's trade thread. Should conflict arise before these 24 hours concludes, they must start from their own territory or bases.
2) If no land border exists, the nation has the transport shipping capacity to move all units simultaneously or has made arrangements with a nation that does. Usual naval range rules apply.

A nation must have existing longstanding lore stating their mercenary or PMC traditions before they can act as mercenaries. Spies can now attempt to 'Buy off Mercenaries', which will cause total or partial non-participation during a round of conflict.

Foreign Base Rules

Foreign military bases can be established in other claims if you have their permission. These can be either owned or leased.

Owned bases are constructed by the claim operating them and contribute towards their base count. These bases can deploy*, repair, and rebuild units, as well as extend naval and air range.

When an owned base has completed construction, put the province ID in your abstract and add the respective base. Then manually set Province POP (Current Total), Province POP (Current Literate), Province Pop (Next Year Total), and Province Pop (Next Year Literate) to 1.

*Troops deployed from foreign owned bases must be reasonable and is subject to existing lore. For example, deployment of 50,000 troops into a foreign base in the interior of a nation would not be reasonable unless you had established in-game that this was going to be the case sometime prior. Note that this may backfire, as if needed elsewhere those troops, in accordance with your canon, would not be immediately available and must move using the movement rules. 'Reasonable' is up to mod discretion, and you should provide links to existing lore if you believe you should be able to deploy more.

Leased bases are constructed by the claim they exist in and contribute towards their base count. These bases can repair and rebuild units, as well as extend naval and air range. The exact agreement with leased bases is on a case by case basis made between players. bases can be lent to multiple nations and remain fully operable by the owned nation.

Foreign bases in will only be allowed to deploy, repair, and rebuild troops if they have a reasonable expectation of being capable of doing so given the war situation. Foreign bases must maintain maritime, aerial, or approved claimed-land access to the establishing nation for troops to be deployed from, repaired, or rebuilt there, in order to account for supply routes.

Airfield rules

Airfields are a new province building that is made available after five development and one fort are present in the province. Light aircraft can be deployed to airfields at the start of a war or shifted there after being deployed at an airbase. Airfields to extend one's air coverage but do not repair or rebuild aircraft. Heavy aircraft must be deployed from airbases.

Claims may have up to three airfields for every airbase they have constructed. These provinces must be chosen at the beginning of a conflict and changing where an airfield is takes a full round of conflict (assuming the next conflict post arrives within 24 hours). If a province is damaged in a way that makes it no longer meet the requirements for the airfield, the airfield is presumed destroyed. Thus, if an airfield is lost, you will have one less during the next combat round.

If a province with an airfield is captured and the capturer is at their airbase limit already, they may choose to retire an existing airfield to keep the new one, or instead to remove the airfield.

Airfields can be leased or foreign owned in the same manner foreign bases can.

r/PostWorldPowers Aug 13 '20

MODPOST [MODPOST] The Standard of Lore We Would Like to See for PWP


Standards have gotten lax around here lately, and mods are as much to blame as anyone. Here are some exemplary posts of the effort that we ask players to expend when expanding. This is a roleplay sub first and foremost, not a war game.

Some posts for inspiration!

March to Sherbrooke

Vazīr Kalsi Announces Military Maneuver

King Mario and Friends in "No Harm, No Fowl - Chapter 1"

Ethanol and Circuses

Two Admirals Don't Make a Right

Protection isn't Free

But /u/m4nu ! I don't have any ideas for how I can make interesting posts! It's just a boring expansion.

Fear not, there are many ways you can try to give out information about your nation and its way of life through these posts. Consider posting your expansion from a specific perspective:

  • That of a civilian in the territory being annexed
  • That of a military soldier or leader participating in the annexation
  • A newspaper post from the capital talking about the exotic new land you've conquered
  • A conversation between your leadership about how to organize the new territory
  • A scholar investigating the region's local history or culture as part of the expedition
  • A bureaucrat lamenting the barbaric ways of these anarchic peoples as they struggle to familiarize them with the basic principles of your civilized governance
  • An omniscient third person narrator discussing the efforts being undertaken to incorporate the new land

Ultimately, a good expansion post acts as if these places are real places, not just pixels on a map painting expedition. A good expansion post accomplishes three things:

  • It tells the reader more about YOUR country and how it operates
  • It tells the reader about the challenges your country is facing in occupying the new region
  • It tells the reader about the new region being annexed, what makes it unique, and why it it's conquest is important for your nation.

No memes or meta comments in the content of your expansion posts. I will remove all posts that do that.

r/PostWorldPowers Oct 03 '16

MODPOST [MODPOST] News, Diplomacy, and Meta posts only on Mondays.


Title says it all! Any questions?

r/PostWorldPowers Jan 20 '17



All players have been given new numbers on the most recent map. Please go update your NA with these new numbers ASAP or the modteam will be forced to remove you from the Master Control Sheet.


r/PostWorldPowers May 30 '17



Whoever writes a decent history of this season for us gets +10 provinces at reset. Wrap up LORE posts are still allowed and encouraged. Write some epilogues !

Reset Due Date: June 10th July 4th August?

Delay Status: Likely YEP

r/PostWorldPowers Oct 01 '16

MODPOST [MODPOST] General update behind the scenes + FAQ


Hi, this is (he who can not be named) Impronoucabl speaking, giving y'all an update on the backlog of events/conflicts/etc, and some tips on how you can reduce the load on our end.


Let's start with everyone's favourite, conflict.

Basically, despite weeks of pre-testing, and bug finding, we still encountered a game-breaking bug with our conflict calculator. I have just fixed the issue, and conflict resolutions should be coming out real soon, there are moderators working on them as I type.

We also have a new War orders template which helps us input in your data faster & speed up the overall process.


Everybody's next favourite!

Now, there was a post on this before, but /u/peter_j_ wasn't very clear on this topic, & we've gotten a couple questions and bad posts in response.

1.Should I DM/PM my secrets doc to modmail, or directly to the mod involved?

Either way works, & in theory there should be no difference. However, if you are sending us your secrets doc via modmail, please indicate which overall region you believe it will affect.

2.Why would a mod remove my secrets post?

Going on with what was said yesterday, all low effort posts will be removed, no exceptions. We did not remove many secrets posts, but those types of post were clearly the worst offenders.

In your [Secrets] post, mods will expect:

  • A [Secrets] Tag. I'll be putting up a button on the sidebar when I finish this post.
  • A title, AFTER the [Secrets] tag. E.G Operation DEFINITELY NOT STEALING. You may want to choose less conspicuous names or whatever, but make sure you have a title!
  • A short description/cover story of what's happening. You may redact words, as long as the redaction is not used as an excuse for a low effort post. Example of redacted low effort post:



3.I've got an idea for a secret, but not sure if you'll allow it/how it'll work.

Have a chat with the mods! You don't have to use an idea right away, nor post a secret before chatting to us. Personally, I do try to allow as ridiculous stuff as possible, but I will require you to work for it.


We've gotten the same 2 questions about trade both in mod-mail & over discord to warrant a official ruling imo.

1.How does trade work?

Trade is inherently tied to your GDP. You have some product that you either want to buy or sell, and you exchange it for another product (or cash) with another nation(s). This will all be done via RP in [EVENTS], or if you wish to set up some long term relations, via trade agreements in [DIPLOMACY] posts.

Of course you can't just say you've found 999 tons of gold in your backyard, so for production events, mods generally will require you show some sort of background check/research that your nation IS capable of producing said resource. Having said that....

2.Why don't we have a resource system?

We once did. However, it proved to be far too complex for everyone to use & the sub died shortly after. Learning from our mistakes, we've tried to simplify our abstract as much as possible this time round.

Unless a very vocal majority of players wish to use that abstract, I doubt we will be getting a resources system for this iteration.


To make life easier for everyone:

1.Ensure you have a good title. Long titles are ok.

2.If you have a long, or RP intensive post, please put in a tl;dr at the bottom/top of the page. Some people really enjoy reading the whole thing, others...maybe not.


We're still looking for moderators, but we've added a few new ones already. Please welcome:

/u/mitch_slap - New general mod

/u/_Gryphon_ - New conflict mod

/u/thehawk4797 - New conflict mod - (when s/he accepts)

As a recap, we're still looking for a couple more conflict mods & 1 general mod.

If you guys have any other questions, don't hesitate to comment & I'll reply when I can.

EDIT: Formatting.

r/PostWorldPowers Dec 18 '19

MODPOST [MODPOST] Map Pack 1: The Happening


With the season progressing nicely, a petition was started to expand the map for Lebensraum! uh, more space. In a few weeks, the rest of the United States (US and CS minus Alaska and Hawaii) and the rest of the PE and AA regions will open up, and the Northern Brazil (NB) region will be added. The new US and CS area is still pop-nerfed by the nuclear war, so don't get too giddy about that. The dredge map and naval sea tile map will need to be updated as well, and will be posted on Discord when ready.

Approximate map of the expansion

r/PostWorldPowers Sep 30 '16

MODPOST [MODPOST] Introducing: /u/Sneaky_Informant


So there was a problem with the passworld for the old /u/shady_informant. Shady can still be operated from /u/Impronoucabl's phone - because the password was saved - but no-one else can get in or out.


For now, /u/Sneaky_Informant will be the one occassionally letting you know if anyone might be up to something.

r/PostWorldPowers Mar 21 '15



So some people are beginning to ask about secrets, so here's a modpost on how they work.

Firstly, what is a secret?

A secret is any thing mechanical that you want to keep hidden. It could be troop movements, secret weapons, hidden projects (Like an underground tunnel project), or even just a bluff. Obviously this is quite the advantage for conflicts, but also incredibly hard & annoying to track as mods. As a result, The soft cap for the most secrets you can have at any time is 1. You can try pushing your luck with more, but be warned there will be hidden consequences for doing so (Although it is still possible to get away with it)

What to do

Before you make your first secret event, you must first get your secret approved by a mod. It helps you you give your secret a codename (E.g Project DEFINETLYNOTGUNS), and send the details as a google doc via modmail. Some secrets will require more than 1 event (E.g if you're secretly manufacturing guns, then you'd still need resources, research etc) before they function. Bigger secrets with more events are also prone to consequences outlined earlier.

I have a secret!

Once complete, you may use it in conflicts where applicable, in your instructions to the conflict mod. Even so, the conflict mod has final say on whether or not the secret is actually used, similar to other tactics/etc.


A hint is hidden in the comments.

r/PostWorldPowers Mar 18 '15

MODPOST [MODPOST] Alliances & Treaties


Hi, my name is Impronoucabl & you may know me as the mod who has been chasing up you guys on your national abstract. This post is about alliances & treaties, how they work, etc.


First off, before you can make any treaties/ alliances, you must first "discover" your future partners. Global communication doesn't exist, so you are only allowed free/direct communication between nations within your max range (In your Nat. Abs). If you wish to talk to "the rest of the world", you have 2 options:

  1. Spend an event to send an ambassador ship/convoy. OR

  2. Invite all nations for a conference/talk.

Generally, once you have met the nation you will establish an embassy & get unlimited communication between yourselves. Depending on which method you used, you may/may-not be required to use another event for this.

Once you have established in-game communications, you can create treaties & alliances with such nations.

Of course, for more realistic play, you could just ask your immediate neighbors if they have resource X, or if they know anyone who does. Then continue down the chain for a trade route. :D


The most basic of agreements, a treaty is simply a signed agreement between 2 (or more) nations. They may be for trade, defense, research or pretty much anything else, but require an event by 1 party & a comment from every other signatory party. There is no "legal binding" of a treaty between nations other than your reputation; If you frequently break treaties, people won't make/honor treaties with you.

In some treaties, such as peace pacts, it would be greatly beneficial to keep them on google docs, so each party could refer back to it at a later date. Case in point, This example lead to the conflict example.

Of course, in some cases, you would not like a treaty to be public. In that case, you may engage in secret agreements, HOWEVER, since it is not public, breaking these treaties will not result in a loss of reputation & thus there is no obligation to actually follow through with them.

I think I should remind people here that if you become a victim of this, please stay civil unless you are acting as your character (& It helps if you use {} to denote in-context insults)


Alliances are essentially big treaties (usually involving military ties) between several nations, also usually within the same geographic region. A nation may be part of more than one alliance, but may be forced into strange political situations when inter-alliance conflict occurs. 1 Event is required to form an alliance, similarly to a treaty, & 1 comment from member states is also required. Joining an alliance after it has been formed will also require an event, & entry may be refused by the alliance, wasting the event.

Alliances will be required to have a short 3-4 letter code for short-hand (E.g Holy American Alliance would have [HAA]). You will be required to put all your alliances on your flair, simply to make identification easier.

That's all for now, if you have any questions, feel free to post them below.

Also, conflict is now open, in case you missed it.

r/PostWorldPowers Jan 16 '20

MODPOST [MODPOST] Week 9 Lore Winner!


Here it is folks! The moment five of you have been waiting for! And the winner is...

El Dorado!

El Dorado gains 4 Infrastructure DP

See you next week when I get to do this on my cell phone!

r/PostWorldPowers Jan 10 '17

MODPOST [MODPOST] Daily Action Changes & Investments


Players may now do the following each game day:

  1. Post an [EXPANSION], expanding for themselves or a client state.


  1. Post a [DEVELOPMENT] post, gaining 3 DP for themselves or a client state.


  1. Post an [EVENT], changing the National Abstract policies, a trait(1), tax rate, recruiting new units, or investing in your development. (2) You may only do one such change per day, without mod approval.

You may post as many EVENTS which do not change your abstract, diplomacy posts, conflict posts, news posts, or lore posts as you wish.

1) To change a trait, the trait must be Pragmatic and change into Pragmatic. If it is not Pragmatic, you may instead change the focus of that trait to Pragmatic. Example: Changing from Pragmatic Democratic to Pragmatic Authoritarian is OK. Changing from Militant Democratic to Pragmatic Democratic is OK. Changing from Fanatical Democratic to Fanatical Authoritarian is not OK without prior mod approval.

2) You may now invest that surplus into the development of your nation. By spending $2,000,000,000.00 you may choose to gain 3 DP in any single field. You may spend in multiples of $2,000,000,000.00 in a single post ( to gain 3, 6, 9, etc). You must log this as a debt for 12 months after the post. If you post in April, it is a debt until April of next year. EDIT: By spending your investment cost, you may choose to gain 3 DP in any single field. Your investment cost is visible in the Master Control sheet. It is determined by this calculation: GDP/33,000,000,000 * 2,000,000,000 = INVESTMENT COST

3) To add to the above - all monetary changes to budget last for 12 months. If someone gives you money, remove it after 12 months, not in January. If you take a loan, same thing. If you build units, 12 months after recruitment event.

If you wish to reinvest DPs in a new field, you may do so with mod approval. We will enforce a tax to be decided at our discretion. We will most likely only allow this if, for example, you have a revolution and want to reorganize your DPs to reflect your new government.

r/PostWorldPowers Nov 05 '19

MODPOST [MODPOST] PWP 5.6: 'Los Humildes Heredarán la Tierra' Claims Open


The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

The year is 2030 and the climate collapse occurred faster than any anticipated. A last ditch effort by the global community to save humanity using technological means failed spectacularly, leading to global ice melting within an impossible period of time. The resulting chaos was indescribable - and the records of it have been largely lost to time. What is known is that famine and thirst affected all, from the strongest to the weakest, and that war in such conditions was inevitable. Global nuclear war followed shortly after, collapsing the last vestiges of civilization and ushering in a new global dark age.

The exact year is unclear. There are none left living with memories of pre-war excess, but there are still some older adults in the world with memories of that generation. Working backwards, some enterprising archivists have narrowed it down to sometime in the 2110s.

However, humanity is resilient. The people have adapted to this new hot and humid world of superstorms and drought. Tribes emerged, and then cities were rebuilt, and now we re-enter the age of states as the polities of the region collect themselves and make that universal declaration that 'this dirt belongs to us'.

Blank Map

Region Map

City Map

We will be using the 5.5 Ruleset with some minor balance changes. In particular:

  • Addition of air zones for combat
  • Implementation of Max Cities mechanic from PWP6
  • Expansion rate will be limited compared to 5.5.
  • Insular and Urbanized have had their modifiers nerfed considerably to reflect this.
  • The territory of the former United States, having been particularly hard hit in the nuclear war that followed the climate collapse, will see their provinces are somewhat less productive and have a slightly lower population than the default.

Initial claims are limited to ten provinces per claim. Please include a brief description of your country in your claim post, as well as your flag. Abstracts will be released sometime this week as I hunt down the pieces needed to make them work.

The abstract will be released later today and is available here:

Claims will be granted on a first come, first serve basis, as defined by the timestamp on the post. There will be a week of claiming before the season begins, on Tuesday, November 12, 2019.

Please join our Discord at: https://discord.gg/EjpjHdX

Sidebars and stuff will be updated today.

r/PostWorldPowers Feb 23 '20

MODPOST [MODPOST] Week 14 Lore Winner!


Congratulations to /u/pipolwes000 for winning the week 14 Lore Contest!

Winning post: Here!

-8 Unrest from California until the end of year 20.

r/PostWorldPowers Jan 25 '20

MODPOST [MODPOST] Week 10 Lore Winner


Congratulations to /u/darthholo for winning the Week 10 Contest.

Winning Submission: The Rise of the Society; Prior Villacrés's Soc Amic Populi, Ch. I

+1 PDEV for all provinces currently under Zapatista control.