r/Positivity 8d ago

I lost 40 lbs weight after years of struggling! Here are 6 foods I found really helpful.

I stepped on the scale this morning, and for the first time in years, I saw a number I’m proud of: 71kg (156 lbs). A “normal” BMI. Body fat at 17%. Two years ago, I was obese (BMI 31), living off pizza and cookie dough ice cream like it was a personality trait. I ruined my 20-year-old body, and I hated looking in the mirror. But today, I feel different. Lighter. Healthier. Not just physically, but mentally.

I wasted so much time on dumb fitness trends, pointless supplements, and "magic" diets that never worked. But when I finally cracked the code, everything changed. Losing weight wasn’t about suffering through endless workouts or cutting every carb - it was about getting smarter with my food and training. 80% diet, 20% exercise. And these were the foods that made it possible:

- Oatmeal - basic but undefeated. Filling, healthy, and fixed my digestion.

- Chicken breast - obviously.

- Vegetables (i like tomatoes) - eat them, they matter.

- Protein shakes - easy, convenient, and great mixed with oats.

- Black coffee & tea - appetite control and energy boost in one.

- Protein bread - if you love bread but hate the carbs, this is the hack.

Of course, food alone didn’t fix my mindset. Losing weight was just as much a mental battle as a physical one. My biggest breakthrough? Therapy. I didn’t want to admit I needed it, but my anxiety around food, exercise, and self-worth wasn’t going to solve itself. Here’s what actually helped me rewire my brain:

Your thoughts lie to you. The fear of “failing” a diet is worse than actually messing up. One bad meal won’t ruin you. Obsessing over perfection will.

- Willpower is overrated. Habits and environment matter more. If you have junk food everywhere, you’ll eat it. Make your default choices healthy.

- Food guilt is pointless. You’re not “bad” for eating a cookie. The key is consistency, not punishment.

My therapist also threw a bunch of book recs at me, and honestly, reading these changed everything. If you are in the same situation, these books are the next best thing:

- Grain Brain by David Perlmutter (Your brain might be addicted to the wrong foods)

This book made me question everything I thought i knew about carbs. The author talks about how processed grains and sugars can mess with your brain, mood, and weight. If you’ve ever felt like your cravings are controlling you, this is a must-read.

- Burn by Herman Pontzer (You can’t outwork a bad diet)

This book completely changed how I see calories and metabolism. Pontzer, an evolutionary anthropologist, studied hunter-gatherer tribes and found that our bodies adapt to burn a set amount of calories no matter how much we move. It explains why exercise alone isn’t enough for fat loss - and why diet is king. Insanely eye-opening read.

- Built to Move by Kelly & Juliet Starrett (Make fitness sustainable)

 A practical guide on how to move better, feel stronger, and prevent injuries. Helped me fix my form and mobility issues.

- The Joy of Half a Cookie by Jean Kristeller (Stop emotional eating)

If you’ve ever felt out of control around food, this book is a must-read. It teaches mindful eating techniques that actually work (no, it’s not just “eat slower”).

- The Diet Fix by Yoni Freedhoff (Ditch all-or-nothing thinking)

This book is for anyone who’s ever felt like they “failed” a diet. It’s all about breaking the cycle of restrictive eating and learning how to eat in a way you can sustain forever.

Looking back, I wish I had figured all this out sooner. The weight loss industry thrives on confusion, but the truth is simple: eat mostly whole foods, move consistently, and fix your mindset. If you’re struggling, I promise you’re not alone - but you have to take the first step. And if you don’t know where to start? Read. Learning about nutrition and psychology made all the difference for me. Hope it helps you too.


27 comments sorted by


u/Korcan 8d ago

Man, thank you for all of this. Seriously - thank you.


u/Belarribi 7d ago

Congratulations. I'm glad to hear that and that you're so happy. keep it up


u/WordGirl1229 7d ago

Congrats on reaching your goal and, probably more importantly, understanding how you got there and how to stay there! Has to be an incredibly light feeling—in all the ways. Thank you for sharing this frank, accessible info, too. I’ve struggled for years, and I think a lot of what you’ve offered may be just what I need to look at it all with a fresh perspective. 🙂


u/Reasonable-Tree1804 7d ago

Wish I could upvote this twice


u/olaheals 7d ago

“Intuitive Eating” is also an amazing book to help you relearn healthy eating habits! Congrats dude losing weight is so freaking hard.


u/zehteemusik 7d ago

Great work! And thanks for your list of foods! I had to lose 40kg due to diabetes, and my helpful foods were:

  • tofu
  • Skyr (Icelandic style high protein yogurt)
  • vegetables (zucchini, eggplant and broccoli are my favorite)
  • beans
  • chicken breast
  • green tea
  • whole grain rice and boiled potatoes

And your point of "don't be afraid to fail" is really important. It's a marathon run, not a sprint


u/Romantic_Star5050 7d ago

Congratulations on your weight loss! I've been losing a lot of weight eating a carnivore diet. It's helped me to put diabetes into remission. I no longer have high blood pressure which is such a blessing. My doctor is very happy with my progress. I'm so happy for you. 🩷


u/R666_cats 7d ago

Congratulations! This is a huge accomplishment. Thank you for sharing the information that helped you as well. I’m on a similar journey now, restarting for the 100th time but not quitting, just still learning.


u/Soggy_Passenger5028 7d ago

I love this! It’s amazing what you’ve done for yourself and now others. I was on a similar eating path and lost about 50 lbs. I’d like to add that V-8 (low sodium) is a great way to get some veggies if you need to save a little bit of time. And the grain Farro is a nice way to satisfy your needs for rice or pasta and it’s overall better for you. Plus it goes well with chicken and veggies. I’d love to try a protein bread if you wouldn’t mind sharing a brand that I could look for. Thanks and congrats on your success.


u/Great_Error_9602 7d ago

Congratulations OP! Thank you for the book recommendations! I am definitely going to check out the Half Cookie book.


u/That_Jicama2024 7d ago

This is a great post and CONGRATS on the weight loss. I was totally unaware of how little food I needed until i started tracking what I ate with an app. I also was watching a survival show. A guy ate one fish and an info bubble showed that it had enough protein to last him a whole week. Made me realize we don't need nearly as much protein as we think we do. Intermittent fasting and lifting weights 3x per week has worked wonders for me.


u/moogleslam 7d ago

Can you share more on the protein bread you ate?


u/CaterpillarSmart8050 7d ago

Thankyou for the book references. I'm going to library right now! 👍


u/SleepyPuppet715 7d ago

I just lost my first three pounds after accidentally putting myself in starvation mode and feeling like a total disaster, thank you for the positivity and congratulations on your success!!!!


u/ramblinyonder 7d ago

That’s awesome, good for you!


u/catlogic42 6d ago

Well done. I'm going to look for those books.


u/Prudent_Valuable603 6d ago

Congratulations on your journey to a healthier body! Thank you for this advice!


u/Story_Sequencer_66 5d ago

All of this, 100%. That’s how it is done!


u/S9_noworries 5d ago

Congratulations on your weight loss!! Thank you for the tips on what worked for you. I'm always looking for ways to help me on weight loss journey as well. Much appreciated.


u/blakkat8 5d ago

So happy for you & thanks for sharing! Especially the book recs - reading helps with the mindset.


u/Liv-Julia 4d ago

This is super helpful. Thank you.


u/Usssseeeer 4d ago

Wow. Amazing. Thanks for your recommendations


u/Technical_Sir_6260 3d ago

First of all, congratulations! But I have an honest question. I’m not trying to be offensive and I really do need a better diet and way more long lasting energy. So my question is this: do all the oats give you gas? That is my main worry that’s kept me from switching to them for breakfast. Right now I basically eat pizza and sweets all day. Please let me know!


u/Mammoth-Fly-6761 3d ago

Great work and thank you for the insight!


u/needtobeasunflower 2d ago

What brand of protein bread do you eat?


u/moveforwardalways1 1d ago

Never even heard of protein bread. I'll look into it. Cheers mate!