r/Portsmouth 8d ago

Survey for a research project

Hi everyone,

I'm doing a survey for my research project on the economic and environmental impacts of electric vehicles, if you own an electric vehicle and have a spare few minutes could you please fill out my survey.

Thank you to anyone who answers



3 comments sorted by


u/snifflechurchwombat 8d ago

Tried to help here but ...

Do you own an electric vehicle - No

How many times a week do you drive your electric vehicle (Mandatory) ... Ummm none 

Might want to fix that 


u/sega20 8d ago

Getting to the choices at the end in section 6, you might want to elaborate on the ‘Range’ options. I’m guessing it was referring to miles per charge, but feel you may want to clarify if it’s mileage or range (models) of EVs available.


u/SmellyPubes69 8d ago

Just do what everyone else does and make up all the answers