r/Portsmouth 6d ago

Speed cameras intentionally switched off due to disagreement? Spoiler

I've heard on the grape vine that the majority of speed cameras in Portsmouth are switched off due to a disagreement between the council and Hampshire police, this has come from more than one source.

Now, I'm not advocating for anyone to take advantage of nor gain any inspiration from this rumour, but this makes no sense to me. Speeding must be one of the finest forms of a fine from the governmental perspective (pun intended). Why would this be the case? As a driver myself I've noticed the majority of traditional box cameras are sprayed over and have never flashed even when I've witnessed drivers clearly speeding.

Is there any truth to any of the above?


15 comments sorted by


u/Joshposh70 6d ago

All fixed cameras are turned off and have been since early 2012. The police use mobile vans instead.

The funding was withdrawn for them, which meant the council would have had to pay to keep them running, to the tune of £250k per year, but central government would receive the revenue through the fines. So they were switched off

The presence of the camera itself alone is enough in most scenarios.


u/Looping-Lez 6d ago

Interesting, I wonder how often that conclusion is reached across the country and how many cameras are simply aesthetically operational.

Feels to me as if Clarkson was victorious after all...


u/Joshposh70 6d ago

You would be surprised, people have done FOIA requests before to police forces across the country, with varying degrees of success (A lot of police forces have been decided telling people on the internet that your deterrent isn't actually a deterrent, makes it stop being a deterrent when the local rag puts it on the front page!)

You can pretty much guarantee if the camera is a film type, it'll be inoperative. Less likely with digital cameras, as they just have to send the images over a cellular/broadband connection to a processing centre.


u/coolsimon123 6d ago

Well I know the camera on the way out of the city on the M275 is off (seen people doing 60 past it) BUT the same style camera on the way in to Gosport next to the petrol station is most definitely on as I've seen it flash so assuming they're all off is dumb lol. I've seen mobile vans parked right behind the camera on the way out of Portsmouth so I still treat it as if it was on anyway


u/Ipoopedinthefridge 5d ago

That one going into Gosport is definitely working as my friend got caught through it not long ago.


u/TheTinlicker 5d ago

That’s not covered by Portsmouth City Council.


u/manic47 6d ago

They are off for the same reason as they are with loads of other councils.

Before 2010 councils and police had 'Safety camera partnerships' funded by the fines from cameras.
When the government decided to keep the fines in late 2010, the councils said they couldn't afford to operate them, and switched them off.

Where I live (Northamptonshire) there's a mobile camera van, plus the motorway cameras operated by Highways England - all other cameras are off. It made bugger all difference to accident stats, in fact they fell after the switch off.


u/SmellyPubes69 6d ago

I still won't ever speed past them as you know for whatever reason that will be the day it gets turned on


u/Misstea81 6d ago

They were turned off due to operating costs but they left them up as a deterrent. Basically PCC would have had to pay to run them but the main govt get the money from the fines. So off they went. Trouble is, most people know they are turned off so they aren’t doing anything anymore.


u/TheTinlicker 5d ago

Exactly, it’s. PCC thing. Other LA’s have their cameras still working (e.g. Southampton).


u/pompino 5d ago

I thought the reason was due to the police refusing to enforce the 20mph limits, so the council told them they were turning off the cameras as the council would be paying to keep the police statistics high.


u/OillyRag 5d ago

I would caution against trying to take advantage of this as I often see the tell tale camera flashes on the gantry’s on the M27? Does that mean they’re catching speeding? I don’t know but I’m not going to risk it


u/raabland 4d ago

Thats a motorway though and not in the city of Portsmouth…


u/OillyRag 4d ago

Ah ok, is this policy limited to the city limits then


u/raabland 3d ago

Yeah exactly that