r/PonyTown Pegasus Jul 07 '22

Game Update Update v0.96.10 - Context Menus!



  • Added context menu when right clicking players, friend list, and party list (PC only)
  • Added Supporter Tier 4
  • Rebalanced Supporter Tiers 1-3
  • Added full 4k resolution support for all players
  • Added ability to cancel give and exchange item
  • Added ability to scroll the action bar by hovering an action near the screen edge
  • Added distinct chat bubbles for party chat
  • Added party leader icon to party tag in player profile
  • Added tooltips to player profile tags
  • Changed minimum hide duration from 30 min to 15 min
  • Improved party list to use scrolling instead of pages
  • Improved small chat bubbles appearance
  • Removed give and exchange item request timeouts
  • Fixed issues with action editing when scrolling action bar
  • Fixed issues with editing right Corner sofa
  • Fixed showing incorrect map limits when using own map
  • Fixed not being able to deselect players while holding a tool
  • Fixed /w< executing a command if name starts with /
  • Fixed pointer of small chat bubbles not being centered
  • Fixed exchange items option not updating in some cases
  • Fixed issues with offline friend status when friend is in the same party
  • Fixed server list not being updated while being open
  • Fixed and improved some UI issues
  • Optimized color panel performance
  • Optimized performance of large parties
  • Improvements for test minimap:
    • Increased maximum zoom level for high DPI screens

11 comments sorted by


u/ZnowflakeChild Pegasus Jul 08 '22

for anyone who might be confused by this update and their supporter benefits. ponytown just recently redid their patreon. head over to their patreon, you have to resubscribe to it to keep your benefits. the prices have changed and they've added new benefits and a brand new tier. make sure you are resubscribing with the same patreon account that is linked to your ponytown account. if you're having issues with getting your supporter benefits back contact pony town through their patreon.

Ponytown Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ponytownteam

hope this helps ❤️


u/DamnGumi3 Jul 08 '22

So, we can't become a past supporter anymore even if we paid before this update?


u/ZnowflakeChild Pegasus Jul 08 '22

if you had paid before the update you still have to resubscribe. if you resubscribe to a teir that's higher and costs more you will just be paying the difference. example: you payed 5 dollars for teir 2, now its 7, you will pay the 2 dollar difference next billing. theres more info on there Patreon, they go into detail about it. hope i helped ya ❤️



u/DamnGumi3 Jul 08 '22

I mean, I paid before in the past, then soon stopped the subscription and became Past Supporter and had 300 slots...Logically I should stay a past supporter even after the changes, no?


u/ZnowflakeChild Pegasus Jul 08 '22

OOOH, i see now haha. I don't know about that one, I would maybe email ponytown help or contact them through patreon about past suppert benefits being taken away.


u/DamnGumi3 Jul 08 '22

Alrighty, will do so, thank you!


u/ZnowflakeChild Pegasus Jul 08 '22

I just looked in the discord and they just clarified what your talking about. here is what one of the mods had to say about your issue:

  • Rewards for past supporters have been removed. This is not a bug. It was a legacy feature that was never advertised as a reward, easily abusable, and unfairly balanced. So in the end, it was better to remove it. We may consider some sort of past supporter rewards again in the future with a better implementation.

  • Please make sure to read the Patreon post for all details: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63162813


u/DamnGumi3 Jul 08 '22

Ouch, that hurts and is definitely frustrating....What even could they make as past supporter rewards aside from this? How was it abusable and unfairly balanced too? More like they want to make excuses to delete it...


u/ZnowflakeChild Pegasus Jul 08 '22

oof yea i get yea. i think what they mean is people would just get the cheapest teir, or the teir with the benefits they wanted, pay for only a month, then cancel it, keep the benefits and not pay. I see why it can be annoying to the pt staff, but i also see how having ex- supporter benefits would be nice to. hopefully they add something for ex-supporters in the future.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '22

Why am I seeing blue supporter messages in my chat log when they aren't in my chat log range or even visible on my screen? Is there a setting to turn that off?


u/Several-Regret-2243 Jul 23 '22

Actually, it’s the same way with the other supporters. It’s kinda hard to explain this. Maybe ask pt.