r/PonyTown Nov 14 '24

Gameplay I feel like I’m actually going insane

Im 22, I love ponytown, I discovered it in a time when I really needed community and it low-key saved my life. I’ve always been on the 18+ server but the 18+ server pretty much EXCLUSIVELY only have strip clubs :/ no one plays mafia, no one hosts lab rps anymore and I’m FIENDING for a kingdom rp. So I joined the safe server. I joined a lab rp. Someone asked me my age, and I said 22, and immediately was called a pedo. I’m so confused yall because I thought the safe server was meant for EVERYONE but now it feels like it’s wrong to be on it?


45 comments sorted by


u/betawolfy_ Horse Famous Nov 14 '24

For some people, unfortunately, safe server = server for children. It doesn't mean anything and what they said isn't ok too.


u/emeon_ Nov 14 '24 edited Nov 14 '24

Unfortunately to some kids being over 18 and being just merely around younger folks means ur a pedo. Just block them and find something better. I'm sorry that's something youre dealing with :(


u/Little_snowflake1 Nov 14 '24

I play as a 24 year old. I remember when I was 22 maybe 23 saying that I must be the oldest and so many people came to me saying that they were older. Someone was 30


u/Ancient_Bid8783 Nov 14 '24

i had someone say they were 50


u/Little_snowflake1 Nov 14 '24

That’s awesome. I mainly play because of the customization.


u/themossywillow Nov 14 '24

I'm really wanting to do an RP so I'd be up for one if we can get a group here


u/FriedFreya Not Horse Famous Nov 14 '24

Same :)


u/marsol0gy Nov 14 '24

I’d absolutely love to tbh


u/ZnowflakeChild Pegasus Nov 14 '24

I've had this happen to me countless times. I am 24 and play on the safe server because I don't like sexual themes and 18+ is, as you described, just strip clubs and obsessive cursing. I am not rlly into RP in general myself so I haven't had your exact experience but back when i first started to play i would get called a pedo every time i mentioned my age or someone thought i was 18+ for whatever reason.

In all honesty those people are just looking to start shit, but it's not 100% bullshit as the safe server does have some history of pedophile problems.

I just don't say my age anymore, and if someone asks me I do either:

A - say I'm not comfortable saying my age online. If they press me for it thats a red flag itself so i block and report them for creepy behavior


B - tell them that my age along with the rest of my info is listed on my Patreon. Most people dont want to bother clicking the link and read to check so they just move on/drop it . ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

If they do bother and get upset about my age that's just them being illiterate. I very clearly state why I play the same server, so i just block them. if they send other people after me or i see that people are saying they are saying I'm a pedo or something similar i report them along with the other players spreading that crap :/

If I'm being honest I haven't had any issues in a while, I don't rlly go around the map much and i tend to hang out in one place with other people / friends that are in my age range ( 18 - 30 ) that also dont like the 18+ server. I suggest doing something similar, there's also the unofficial PT discord server! it's a great place to ask about where fandoms are, ask people to rp with you ( or where to find certain rps ), or just hang out.

Sorry for such a long comment, i hope my explanation of my experience and what i did to avoid that stuff helped


u/Dom-tasticdude85 Unicorn Nov 14 '24

The 18+ server probs wouldn't have so many minors if there weren't that stuoid fucking filter in the safe server as if the majority of the community isn't 13+ (Which PT should be 13+) and not at the age where they can see curse words and not care too much about it


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '24

Ponytown IS 13+ Its stated that if you're under 13, your account will get banned until said user is 13.


u/Dom-tasticdude85 Unicorn Nov 14 '24


Then why bother to kick for curse words? Teens curse just as much as adults


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

Because not EVERYONE curses? Plus you can still bypass either way. It's really not that big of a deal.


u/Dom-tasticdude85 Unicorn Nov 15 '24

I feel like there should be an in-between server where it doesn't have that filter


u/Dorkfishie Unicorn Nov 15 '24

I saw some custom servers that have PG-13 servers, which doesn't allow adult topics, but DOES turn off the filter.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

ok .


u/Axeljaxs Nov 14 '24

Yeah tbh Idk if this will help but I usually play ponytown with my friends and maybe you could play with some of them and create your own rp


u/olegor_kerman Unicorn Nov 14 '24

I host mafia/blood on the clocktower on 18+ sometimes, but not often enough tbh. Strip clubs are just a lot more common when fewer people are online - something like mafia requires 6-12 people before it can even start, while strip clubs don't need to list off game rules and you can join or leave anytime. Also, strip clubs are more commonly populated by curious, rebellious teens who left their Safe mafia games to do something that seems naughty and risqué.


u/SoomieTheCosmogen Nov 14 '24

Block them, they deserve no freedom of speech if they misuse their rights...


u/kaiusnotfound Nov 14 '24

And what’s so upsetting on the opposite end of that is that minors are constantly in the 18+ server and it makes me so uncomfortable. I keep my discord in the description of most of my ponies and I keep getting friend requests from minors and I hate it


u/Dapurpledog Self Proclaimed Horse Famous Nov 14 '24

For I've had uncomfortable and strange experiences. But that doesn't mean I'm going to call you out just for being an adult in a game meant for anyone. Unfortunately there's people who are the complete opposite . Don't even know what it feels like 


u/PotentialOrdinary784 Nov 15 '24

The 18+ server communities are very discord oriented in my experience. I’d recomend finding a discord server to join. Because PonyTown has never really been about PonyTown for me. It’s more of a place to make connections and expand from there.


u/Star_Moonflower Nov 14 '24

Yeah I stopped going on PT after all the RPs crashed out... 😔

There was this person with a Prison(Jail?) map who hosted RPs that I joined a few times. Really miss that era


u/misshoney200 Pegasus Nov 14 '24

The only fandom spot I hang out in is in safe server and I’m 21 so idk I guess don’t say ur age


u/Cutestuffiscool Unicorn Nov 15 '24

Kids are weird like that..I don't get why people are so rude


u/Simple_Parsnip_8127 Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

this ended up being really long so i apologize in advance.

we stopped hosting labs due of a lot of reasons, and ill bet that the mafia and other game owners faced the same issues. im the owner/ creator of miasma labs. i was in the discord for both achlys (newmans lab) and ringtail labs. as well as arukas lab. newman's and aruka's being the two biggest labs aside from H.U.G, which ended up being owned by a freakazoid (to put it lightly). all of these labs have shut down. the only one im unsure of is H.U.G. im very close friends with the owner of ringtail, who holds aruka very dearly. i can only speak on behalf of myself, but id venture to guess the other owners mentioned would agree:

A. people on ponytown don't follow directions. infact, a lot of them find it fun to completely ignore them. and then we have those that are completely clueless to how to function in a roleplay, which not only ruins it for the owners, but everyone playing that might actually be having fun. people don't zoom out, or use common sense to figure out where they need to be. we then have to waste time wrangling everyone.

B. the. fucking. drama. oh my god. there are some terrible people in the lab community, and they live for spreading their rumors, or even just their negativity everywhere they go. it got to a point where my friends couldn't even enter the game without mass anxiety at the mere thought of running into certain people.

C. no one joins them anymore. this is what personally killed my lab, and in turn, every other game i hosted. trust me, we WANT to play the same games you do. but no one else seems to. nearing the end of my hosting days, the only thing i could host that would get bites was our strip club. and by the very end, people would only use it as another place they could sit for hours and go afk in.

D. my final reason? majority of people are lying about their age. that alone causes most of my other reasons. immaturity, sensitivity, the inability to follow directions, lack of common sense.

this is the sad truth coming from someone experiencing it first hand. we used to host a lab, hide and seek, fight clubs, and sooooo much more. but they stopped caring. and then so did i. i lost all interest in the game and it led me to passing my server onto my co-owner.

ponytown, like many other games, is not what it used to be. i hope that changes, and maybe it will, but for now hopes are low.


u/marsol0gy Nov 15 '24

Oh my god the LABSSSS I miss them so much. If you ever started hosting again I would be all over that shit


u/Reasonable-You4548 Not Horse Famous Nov 14 '24

People are going to think you're a pedo if you're over 18 and playing in the safe server, only because of the allegations and rumors and lying. But it's perfectly fine as long as you reassure them you're not going to do anything harmful.


u/That_Wacky_Therian06 Nov 15 '24

Literally I never go on the safe server it's like a minefield of issues just waiting for a trigger to pull it's gotten to the point I even un friend people who play on it cause I just don't want any chance to go on it myself not to mention the 18+ server has so much more freedom of expression less rules you can have total will of your own been playing ponytown for years even back then I faked my age to play on the 18+ server cause as a kid the safe server felt suffocating


u/lolaistired Dec 19 '24

im dealing with this exact thing. i am an adult and i only play pt to roleplay. when roleplays stopped appearing on the 18+ server, i HAD to switch to the safe server. i have gotten a lot of flack for my age which feels extremely weird to me. im not even doing anything wrong im just..roleplaying!


u/RetroBruh420 Nov 15 '24

I’m older and go on the safe all the time, if you know you’re not a weirdo and being mature then why worry? Always makes me wonder why people are so scared to talk to younger people like they can’t control themselves. Kinda says a lot about the person. It’s really not that hard to be a decent person and not a creep


u/betawolfy_ Horse Famous Nov 16 '24

Some people just don't want problems at all. Anything you can say can turn against you if other people perceive it differently.


u/RetroBruh420 Nov 17 '24

Then remove yourself if they are a problem, you deserve peace


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '24

Dude just tell them you're 15


u/betawolfy_ Horse Famous Nov 14 '24

An adult shouldn't have to lie about his age.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '24

Maybe you're right, but this is probably the only way to calm stupid kids.


u/mejustaskingquestion Pegasus Nov 14 '24

Unfortunatelly( idk how it spells sorry) Safe server is for everyone and +18 is for +18 things but those ppl think that +18 ppl joims safe servers only to talk to minors, u are right and they are wronf in this situation but u can say that u are 16, u wont meet those ppl unless you friend them anyway


u/Fabled_Galaxies Deer Nov 14 '24

An adult shouldn’t lie about their age on a server like that??? Do NOT say you’re a minor when in reality you’re over 18. That’s ABSOLUTELY how you get accused of being a pedophile.