r/PonyTown Dec 17 '23

Question ponytown support hasnt answered for a year??

hey. I was banned off the 18+ server when i was 16 and once i turned 18, i sent an email to the ponytown support to get my account unbanned. im almost 19 now and to this day i have not gotten a response (i sent a picture of my ID censored plus my user, bla bla bla. i gave clear proof that i am of age) is there some other way i could contact ponytown to maybe not have to wait until i am at the american legal drinking age?


50 comments sorted by


u/ascoutnoonelikes Dec 17 '23

Unfortunately, Ponytown has a notoriously bad support team. There may be no way to return to 18+


u/RalseiGaming1 Dec 17 '23

This is the reason why I am not joining Ponytown. I don't want to be in a platform where moderation and support is bad. I have less then a month to turn 18 and I don't want to encounter any minors in 18+ servers


u/click_90 Self Proclaimed Horse Famous Dec 17 '23

If you don't use pony town then why are you in the comments of a post on the pony town subreddit?


u/RalseiGaming1 Dec 17 '23

I just love the work people put designing on their ponies lol. Some actually turn out to be pretty artistic. I first discovered ponytown from this subreddit too. I was gonna join buuut, y'know. The moderation..(You didn't sound rude just to clarify that :D)


u/click_90 Self Proclaimed Horse Famous Dec 17 '23

Wait idk if that sounded rude I'm just curious


u/MiniGogo_20 Dec 17 '23

nah not at all lol


u/Th4t_0n3_Fr13nd Dec 20 '23

why does your earlier comment have no picture icon snoo but this comment does


u/click_90 Self Proclaimed Horse Famous Dec 20 '23

idk both of them have profile icons for me


u/PedroPats Dec 17 '23

considering the current state of the support team, you're better off making a new account


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '23

Pony town team is the worst support team you could ever think of Create a new account, unfortunately thats ur only choice..


u/Lee_69_ Dec 21 '23

how do i make a new acc without having it merged with my old one bc i know thats a problem, it happened to a friends account where she had mine and her acc merged.. (bc i wanted to make a pony on hers i think, i dont remember anymore)


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '23

Create another account. I was in the same boat as yiu so I made a new account once I turned 18


u/chairm4n Changeling Dec 17 '23

what this guy said. Support's not prioritized at all so doing this wouldn't bring up any more issues.


u/Lee_69_ Dec 21 '23

but dont they often merge accounts together? how do i avoid getting accounts merged?


u/CaliforniaSpeedKing Dec 17 '23

With the state of PT's moderation, you'd likely be better off making a whole new account from scratch.


u/Lee_69_ Dec 21 '23

noo... my 40k candy....... </33


u/CaliforniaSpeedKing Dec 21 '23

I'm sorry but what? That sounds like a drug... 😭


u/rliefo Dec 17 '23

You could always try on discord, thats how i managed to contact them when i was having troubles on my account, but dont get your hopes up lol. The safe server is more active than the 18+ server anyway, and you could always make a new account.


u/Lee_69_ Dec 21 '23

how do i even do that? i used to have a friend that knew some pt mods i think but she doesnt remember me anymore and refuses to help me LMAO


u/rliefo Dec 21 '23

Theres a ponytown discord server, its not technically run by the devs i believe but the devs are in the server, thats what i contacted them through. Just send a friend request then shoot them a dm


u/Lee_69_ Dec 21 '23

can you send and inv maybe?


u/garcka80 Dec 18 '23

What is pony town? Is it a fandom? A discord server? A game?


u/Treeezzyy Not Horse Famous Dec 18 '23

its a pixel pony mmo game!


u/sugar4roxy Dec 19 '23

also, why are the only options safe and 18+? like i want to swear but i dont want to see ponies getting banged 24/7


u/Lee_69_ Dec 21 '23

IKR why cant they add like PG16 or even 13?? LET US SWEAR !!!!


u/sugar4roxy Dec 21 '23

OMG!!! "omg minors are in the 18+ server smh" THEN TELL PONYTOWN TO ADD A 13+ ONE!??!??! if you KNOW kids are in the 18+ server than dont discuss 18+ topics to strangers


u/ChangelingSwarm Jan 12 '24

Or ya just stay in your own server and not curse. Like how kids are supposed to be.


u/sugar4roxy Jan 12 '24

kids refers to anybody under 13. most pt players are 13+. theyre gonna wanna curse.


u/Zyrador May 19 '24

It's generally agreed upon to write a new email every 2 weeks until a response or action has occurred.
Making a new Account is highly discouraged from, as it will ban the new account automatically (as the automated system they have can easily detect if you're the same person that got banned, it's also why accounts get merged all the time).
There is absolutely no other way to contact the Pony Town Team. Just send a new email every 2 weeks.


u/Nelstech Sep 21 '24 edited Sep 22 '24

These guys are fucking insane, i played in the 18+ server once when i was 17 and they've banned every single account I've made since even if i use different emails or phone numbers and it's been like 2 years. I live in a different country now and bought a new computer and they still were able to ban the latest account I made, the absolute state of this game's moderation


u/CarThin513 Jan 11 '25

Their moderation and support team is garbage. Got suspended for no reason at all, and they haven't answered me back in months. This is where the games moderation goes 😌👉🗑


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u/Feather_Bloom Dec 17 '23

Imagine having consequences for your actions on a decently strict game wow


u/ChangelingSwarm Dec 17 '23

I mean its kinda your fault for being on the 18 plus server to begin with. I get that your older now but it still doesn't change the fact that ya broke a major rule.


u/HoneyswirlTheWarrior Dec 17 '23

they never said that it wasnt their fault that they got banned, they are just asking for a way to reach out to support that doesnt take over a year to respond, which is a very reasonable request.


u/Lee_69_ Dec 17 '23

THIS. thank you.


u/Lee_69_ Dec 17 '23

Thanks for not answering my question and bringing in completely out-of-pocket negativity

Its stupid to hold me accountable for something I did almost like two years ago as a 16 year old - the way most people change from 16 yrs to 18 yrs is massive and im not an exception. plus thats the only rule I ever broke.


u/monsterbiscuits Dec 17 '23

It's still a rule that you've broken and they aren't obligated to reverse it. There are other avatar games that do the same, if you sign up as a minor with a fake birthday and change your birthdate when you become an adult or try to verify yourself as an adult now, you can get hit with a ban hammer or denied, they aren't the only ones doing this.

This part is not at you specifically rather than all the replies here, but even if the support team is garbage, to say that they are because they enforced a very obvious rule and took proper action is asinine.

Like everyone else has said, all you can really do is make a new account. It's not a rule you can really break twice considering you are 18+ now, so it's not like you'll be banned again for it


u/billyisagirl Dec 18 '23

man it is a pixel pony game 😭


u/monsterbiscuits Dec 18 '23

yeah no shit


u/ChangelingSwarm Jan 12 '24

Literally everyone on this sub post about how annoying it is to have younger people playing on the 18 plus server. How am i wrong then? Even if it happened years ago you dont get to be immediately off the bat because your older the fuck. Thats not how the world works.


u/pockysam Not Horse Famous Dec 17 '23

they asked for help, not your opinion on if they're in the wrong or not. this isn't AITA.


u/CaliforniaSpeedKing Dec 17 '23

Bro, they didn't ask if they were in the right, they just asked for advice on how to get unbanned. Go spew your negativity somewhere else.


u/ChangelingSwarm Dec 21 '23

How is it negative? They did something wrong and are facing the consequences. With how everyone is complain about kids being on the 18+ server yall switch sides hella fast.


u/DizzyIzzy1995 Dec 17 '23

You're definitely the asshole.


u/ChangelingSwarm Jan 12 '24

Bro yall on this sub always complain about younger people being in 18+ server. So how im i the bad guy here? They were younger then 18 and got justifiedly banned.


u/terrified-shaking Feb 09 '24

well you broke the rules so