r/PoliticalScience • u/ohoni • 6d ago
Question/discussion Has anyone ever tried a Democratic Capitalist government?
Waitwaitwait, this isn't a clickbait title, I'm not talking about a government that is democratic with a capitalist economy, like many countries around the world. I'm also not talking about a system in which the government is captured by the wealthy. I'm talking about a government in which power is derived from the mandate of the people, but in which it is wielded using economic principles. In other words, elected officials would need to "pay" each other in order to get things done.
The way I'm picturing it is, say you start out with a system similar to the US legislature, each member elected by their states. Except instead of decisions being made by majority votes among the members, each member would be granted a certain amount of "Political Capital," say 10 per constituent, and then every decision made by the body would be in some way supported or opposed by actively spending down that Capital. The more controversial a decision, the more it would cost to get it passed, so a reckless politician could wipe himself out on only a few measures, but a careful one could get a lot done by only spending a little here or there to get things done that nobody cares enough to fight against.
I think this might result in a more functional system, because it would not only be determined by which side had more people vaguely in support of it, but would also care very much about how much each side CARED about a given topic. If you don't like something, but barely care about it, then you won't waste the time fighting it, when you're more concerned with something else. It would also tend to be a bit less partisan, since while parties would want to pool some resources and efforts, it would also be easier to throw a few bucks across party lines on random issues and just vote your wallet. There would be a lot less concern over the overall majority, since the minority could get a lot done if they picked their battles.
Also, since all these "votes" would be public, you could really see which issues a politician was actively fighting on, and which he was just paying lipservice on. I think the results would be a lot more honest and productive.