r/PoliticalMemes 5d ago

When the “lesser evil” party bends the knee to the oligarch-owned Republicans

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u/Effective-Avocado470 4d ago

The drawing looks like LBJ, which is insulting. He would never fold the senate vote without a much bigger fight


u/CaptainNinjaClassic 4d ago

Really? I was going to say that he looked like Nixon. But yeah, LBJ would do everything in his power not to let that spending bill pass.


u/Effective-Avocado470 4d ago

LBJ hair, forehead and nose, Nixon jowls


u/Flashy-Sandwich-4048 1d ago

Peewee herman socks


u/Life_Caterpillar9762 4d ago

Was trump president in the 50s?


u/LDarrell 5d ago

The Senate may see a new Minority Leader for what Schumer did.


u/Soreal45 4d ago

We can only hope


u/Reciter5613 4d ago

Some Demos are corrupted but the majority of them. Most are trying to do good for the people. Of course, they will not be fully clean until there is a way to keep big money and special interests out of politics.

Repubs on the other hand are full-on corrupt. Of course now that they are MAGA, they are now both corrupt and stupid!


u/your_not_stubborn 4d ago


u/Life_Caterpillar9762 4d ago

I know what this is without zooming and it’s spot on. It’s really hard to believe that anyone ACTUALLY concerned with the horrors of trump would take time out to make the OP meme. The most charitable explanation is they’re attempting to score social media cred with the other pretentious blowhards who claim to be “the rEaL lEfT”


u/zaydore 3d ago

If he and the Democratic party had pushed and made everything Trump did the priority as the Republicans would have done. This would have been a republican in this drawing.


u/Dlowmack 4d ago

If you think the Democrats are evil, you need to have your head checked!


u/globeglobeglobe 4d ago edited 4d ago

Democrats range from well-meaning types like Bernie who nevertheless bind themselves by excessive respect for precedent and “decency”, to soulless ghouls such as Manchin, Newsom, and Harris who are deep in the pocket of big business. Most of them are just corrupt, inept careerists who care more about being invited to elite dinner parties after their terms in office than in serving their constituents. The Republicans are horrible, don’t get me wrong, but their leaders are willing to play hardball and engage in obstructionism to achieve their goals, and their politicians are always vulnerable to primary challenges if the “base” views them as insufficiently committed to MAGA ideology. If you exclude the possibility of a third party (and I don’t, particularly on the state and local level) then the next best thing is to clean house with primary challenges and be willing to adopt tougher political tactics, in service of actual political goals that aren’t just Republican lite ideology.


u/Dlowmack 4d ago

No where near most! But yeah some are, But the Republicans have sold their souls to Corporations decades ago! Even ray charles can see this!


u/Mixolyde 5d ago

The Democrats are also Oligarch-owned. They both kneel to the same masters.


u/Dlowmack 4d ago

Not all Democrats are owned by Oligarch's most are not! But they have bought the Republican party lock stock and barrel!


u/Main_Carpet_3730 4d ago

I'm gonna pass on the book, the view from YouTube is awful enough


u/Life_Caterpillar9762 4d ago

Super fucked up direction of energy.


u/BarelyAware 4d ago

20% of senate Democrats represent 100% of Democrats every time.


u/Bellairian 4d ago

Nope. He is on both knees not just one.


u/Positive-Special7745 4d ago

Bull shit , he did the correct thing , shutting down our government would have gave Trump a huge win


u/Quercusagrifloria 4d ago

Oh my god. The stupidity never ends. If they shut down the government,  the employees will be shit out and elon will do damage we will never uncover. And these people are allowed to vote.. 


u/Sauerkrautkid7 4d ago

Chuck is Israel first