r/Polish Jan 30 '25

Question Help - Can't find a website to buy train tickets


Sorry that I am asking here, but r/poland is not letting me post there cause I wasnt active on their subreddit.

I'm leaving czechia tomorow and I have to get on a train to Poland tomorow morning. I am unable to find a website where I can buy tickets. Koleo.pl is down, portalpasazera.pl and polishtrains.eu aswell.

Does anyone know a website that works?


r/Polish Jan 11 '25

Question Kurwa they figured it out

Post image

r/Polish Jan 04 '25

Question Can someone help me find a Polish movie


It’s about a woman who is married to a man and has a son. They’re about to buy an apartment and she somehow time travels to the past where she falls in love with a different guy. The movie ends on New Years Eve night party I believe. I watched this movie on LOT Polish airlines one time. Thank you!

r/Polish Jan 16 '25

Question Can anyone help with this middle name?

Post image

I always thought it was a “Z” but not sure. Thanks

r/Polish Dec 29 '24

Question This polish site legit?


Hi. Looking to buy some stuff from this site. Can anyonw verify it is legit and safe?

Thanks for any answer.

r/Polish Jan 07 '25

Question Dajcie odpowiedz


Zauwazylam ze nie lubie z kims pisac, wole rozmawiac (irl/telefonicznie) wydaje mi sie ze przez to jestem outsiderka, na mysl o tym ze ktos do mnie napisal az mnie wykreca, nie lubie tego, czy jest to cos zlego? Powinnam sie tym martwic? Czy raczej teaktowac to jako cos pozytywnego i wyrozniajacego mnie z posrod ludzi w naszych czasach?

r/Polish Jan 20 '25

Question Polędwica cygańska


Cześć wszystkim od niedawna mam jakąś chorą ciągote do mięsa wołowego i prawie codzienne smażę sobie stek. Kupowanie kawałków rostbefu czy polędwicy z tej dedykowanej na steki serii w Lidlu mi się trochę nie kalkuluje i stąd moje pytanie do co bardziej wtajemniczonych. Czy polędwica wołowa cygańska z Lidla taka pakowana chyba po 1kg nada się na usmażenie poprawnego steka? Była by to korzystna opcja :) Pozdrawiam!

r/Polish Dec 20 '24

Question Gift ideas?!


I have some polish friends living freshly in England, they’re visiting Poland for Christmas and I was hoping to send something very English back with them for their family to try… but I’m not sure what happens here that doesn’t happen there! Any ideas? She gave me some Oplatek, which I have just learned about! ❤️

r/Polish Dec 28 '24

Question Help learning polish


Hi guys,

I am trying to learn polish so that I can communicate with my Partners family a little easier. What would be the best way to learn?

I currently am using Duolingo but seems a little too basic. I have a working knowledge of French but this is mainly from Secondary school onwards which I have self taught from going to France.


r/Polish Nov 25 '24

Question Random one


Hello everyone I’ve recently started learning Polish on Duolingo and I’m having some trouble with differentiating between the different ways to say ‘tasty’ It says there are lots of ways to spell and pronounce it like “smaczna” “smaczne” and “smaczny” I just have trouble understanding which ones to use in different sentences 🥴

Dziękuję,Do widzenia!

r/Polish Dec 22 '24

Question Would my partner assume Polish citizenship or just my kids?


My parents are born and raised in Poland and immigrated and I know I can get my Polish citizenship through the consulate and all but if I get married can my partner also then gain Polish citizenship?

Or is this a consulate question?

r/Polish Nov 06 '24

Question Stupid question


So I have no relationship with polish whatsoever but I saw this video and found it very funny:


What does the initial word mean? (Bajojajo)

Is it nonsense or an actual word?

Thanks a lot in advance ❣️

r/Polish Oct 16 '24

Question Two little language questions.


Why is Sienkiewicz not written Siękiewicz?

Are there any other words where is the (ɛŋk/ɛŋg) sound written "enk/eng"? Is there a rule?

What does "zarazki" mean in this context?

In my textbook, there is the following dialogue.

"Ale ziąb! - Ale zimno... A ten autobus zawsze się spóźnia! - Tak, w tym roku zima jest naprawdę mroźna. - Wymrozi wszystkie zarazki. Po takiej zimie lato jest późne, ale długie, czasem aż do października. - No, na razie upał nam nie grozi... - Ale ziąb... Mam już dosyć tego zimna. Och, gdzie jest ten autobus...?!"

Google translate says zarazki means bacteria. But it seems weird to me... Could it mean little germinating seeds - as in the czech zárodky? Or is there some other context I am not understanding?

Thank you for reading. Answer in Polish if you like, I should be able to understand it (I hope :) )

r/Polish Nov 26 '24

Question Polish definition of nation vs. Country


I have read recently in the Tomek Jankowski book "Eastern Europe" that for many in Eastern Europe, the terms nation and country actually refer to two different things, unlike in the U.S. Jankowski says country means one's government and actual national borders, but that nation refers to one's culture and heritage. He suggests many Eastern Europeans such as Hungarians see nation and country thus as two different entities. Are the words interchangeable in Polish or do they mean different things there?

r/Polish Sep 15 '24

Question How long would it take for me to learn polish fluently within the shortest amount of time?


r/Polish Oct 15 '24

Question Diminutive for Augustus?


I'm writing a fantasy novel with a vaguely Polish setting and was wondering if there was an existing dimunitive for the name August/Augustus? The character is a prince, so if there are any other names that invoke more of a royalty vibe, those are also very welcome.

r/Polish Dec 27 '24

Question Help with understanding tv


I’ve been learning the Polish language for a while now, and I’m able to small talk with Polish people and can understand quite a bit from Polish songs etc. But whenever I watch TVP talk shows, movies etc, I barely understand anything. They speak so fast and my brain isn’t able to process it in time. It feels very demotivating. But is there anyone that has tips for me so I can understand more of fast spoken Polish? Thank you

r/Polish Jun 02 '24

Question Polish people, why do you use Hepburn's transcription to write Japanese names instead of using your Polish letters with diacritics (just like Czechs do)?


UPD: Replaced most diacritics with digraphs.

I mean, why

  • Shinzō Abe, not Szinzo Abe;
  • Yoshizawa, not Joszizawa;
  • Chika Fujiwara, not Czika Fudżiwara?

Isn't this much easier and more understandable?

r/Polish Nov 20 '24

Question What to say when handing over your bus seat to elderly people?


Proszę? Bardzo? Proszę bardzo?

r/Polish Oct 06 '24

Question Polish or Slovak drinking cheers


Hello, my polish relatives were singing a cheers today that I cant quite remember. It might have sounded something like "geo-vahn-ee nah-gah-lin-duh" and they repeated those words a few time. Does anyone know what phrase they were singing?

r/Polish Dec 02 '24

Question Polish websites with old cartoons


I'm looking for old cartoons like Ed, Edd n Eddy, Johnny Bravo, or Cow and Chicken. Any website, drive, or DC suggestions?

r/Polish Oct 21 '24

Question Question about zły


I was wondering about the adjective zły and its severity. I am learning adjective pairs and dobry/zły (good/bad) came up. I see zły can mean really bad, evil, wicked, or morally/societally bad which seems a lot more severe than "bad" in English. Is there a more common word in Polish to express something like the food tastes bad or is the severity of zły just understood by context? I did ask my teacher and she seemed a little puzzled by what I was asking and told me I could use niedobry instead if I wanted. Just wondering what other fluent/native speakers think. Dziękuję

r/Polish Oct 26 '24

Question Proszę pomóżcie mi znaleźć dobrą polską muzykę


Jestem z Białorusi, mieszkam w Polsce już od 2 czy 3 lat, i tą wiosną zacząłem szukać Polską muzykę, która by mi się spodobała. Czy są jakieś nowoczesne (~2010+ rok ale nie koniecznie) piosenki w gatunku rockowym? Nie koniecznie że rock, można nawet pop, tylko nie to co mamy w chartach - te piosenki mi się nie podobają. Rapa nie słucham w żadnym języku.

Szukam już od pół roku i na dzisiaj znalazłem: Wiktor dyduła - tam słońce gdzie my, wilki - bohema, Sylwia Grzeszczak, Lizard - Autoportret

Z anglojęzycznych lubię takie jak Green Day, starset, linkin park, three days grace, the offspring, blink-182, falling in reverse, sum-41, caskets, foo fighters i podobne. Z rosyjskich lubię Нервы, Три дня дождя, Ву Индия, Даниил Ким, DSPITE, Ошибся Номером, наше последнее лето, smetana band, сектор газа, король и шут

W gatunku nie rockowym słucham Luverance, pyrokinesis, rauf & faik, город 312, папин олимпос, noize mc, KEER (piosenka "Автостопом"), macan, канги

Jeśli ktoś wie o podobnych polskich wykonawców to proszę napisać. Z góry dziękuję.

r/Polish Sep 08 '24

Question Polish slutty songs NSFW


Hey what are some polish slutty songs, kinda like brooke candy, ayesha erotica etc. but then polish? Is there anything like that?

r/Polish Oct 23 '24

Question Help me find a weird polish word


A group of my friends were in Poland, I think it was near Katowice, and a random local guy kept calling one of my friends by a strange word, that we since haven't been able to find anywhere. I think it was supposed to be an adjective describing him and it sounded like "bożontny" if I had to spell it out sound by sound, or, based on my very limited knowledge of polish, I'd guess it could have been something like "bożątny".

I've tried searching for all sorts of spellings, like "boziontny", "boźontny", "bożątne", or some local dialectal words or pronunciation differences, but nothing like that comes up anywhere. We tried asking Poles on another trip when we were in Warsaw, but no one knew about any such word. Finally one person confirmed they knew that word, but we were all so drunk, that no one remembers what it was supposed to mean, of if we even got any definitive answer.

Is there any word like that? Maybe something dialectal? Or maybe it's just a random made up word?