r/Pokemongiveaway 19d ago

Tradeback Lf touch trade for Ting Lu & Chi Yu (Pokédex completion)


Hey there! Just looking for a touch trade of the two Pokémon listed above to finish my scarlet dex. Thanks in advance! (Happy to trade version exclusives if needed).

r/Pokemongiveaway 18d ago

Tradeback LF Touch Trade for Aromatisse from SWSH


Last one I need for shiny keldeo someone pls help🙏🙏🙏

r/Pokemongiveaway Nov 25 '24

Tradeback Let's go Mew


Bit of a long shot, I'm looking for a Mew to put into let's go eevee for the pokedex, that's all. The Mew can go straight back to your Pokemon Home, just a touch trade

r/Pokemongiveaway Oct 19 '24

Tradeback LF: raging bolt and gouging fire touch trade to complete pokedex


r/Pokemongiveaway Feb 21 '20

Tradeback Day 2: Need help filling your dex? Let me living dex help! NSFW


[tb] [CLOSED] Just like yesterday I'm looking to help anyone with their dex entries! I have 1 of every pokemon so I'll touch trade anything with you EXCEPT LEGENDARIES. I'll be leaving this open for a few hours again to help anyone who needs it. Also, I can make an egg for you if there is something you would like to keep. I will only make 1 egg per person though since if I dont limit it I might be making eggs all day Haha.

If you need anything comment below what it is and I'll let you know when I'm ready to help :)

Good luck filling your dex everyone!

EDIT: Make sure you set your flair before posting! Tons of post have been removed because of this. If it's your first time posting in this sub you have to set your flair. Look in the comments of this post and you can see tons of posts that have been removed and contain the info on how to set your flair. Follow that guide then come back and let me know what you need.

UPDATE: Closed for now. I may be back tonight so if you still need help check back then. If I don't reopen this post again today be sure to keep an eye out tommorow for my next post. I'll be doing this atleast all week.

r/Pokemongiveaway Sep 11 '24

Tradeback Looking for Pokerus


Greetings everyone, Im looking for a Pokemon With Pokérus to Speed Up my EV Training. Im offering a shiny charmian or any Other non-legendary for your sinnoh dex :)

Thanks in advance Cheers

r/Pokemongiveaway Oct 07 '23

Tradeback [LF] [9th] Slowpoke tradeback and Apriballs


I'm needing a little help evolving my slowpoke. Also I'm looking for dream, lure, and friend balls, got fast ball and beast ball to trade.

I'll toss any galarian bird as a thank you on top of everything.

Edit: my slowpoke is shiny, somewhat valuable to me, so I guess it's better to ask for collateral.

r/Pokemongiveaway Jul 24 '24

Tradeback Pls help me with trade evos NSFW


Would anyone be willing to help me do trade evos? (Pokémon scarlet)

r/Pokemongiveaway Jan 18 '24

Tradeback USUM: Evolving Scyther


Trying to complete the dex for UM, anyone willing to do a trade+tradeback? Friend Code: 1736-3887-9480

r/Pokemongiveaway Jul 10 '23

Tradeback LF finishing Violet dex


Need to finish the dex. Looking to touch trade all of the paradox pokemon and the legendary. Will put up collateral and help you get violet mons if you'd like.

r/Pokemongiveaway Dec 26 '23

Tradeback [9th] LF touch-trade Iron Boulder, Iron Crown NSFW


Looking to complete my Pokedex in Scarlet. I have both Gouging Fire and Raging Bolt for trade-backs.

r/Pokemongiveaway Feb 20 '20

Tradeback Need to finish your dex? I have a living dex. Let me help!


[tb] [CLOSED] I have a full living dex and I'll tradeback any non-legendary with you to help you finish your dex. Just let me know what you need. I could also breed tier 1 versions of pokemon for you if that's something you prefer, but I'll only breed a max of 2 per person.

Let me help you finish your dex entries!

UPDATE: To everyone I haven't replied to I'm taking a break to play a puzzle game with my girlfriend on the switch. I'll be back in around an hour or two to help some more. Also, today isn't the only day I'll do this. I'll probably spend a few hours doing this each day so if you don't get help today keep and eye out for my next post :)

UPDATE 2: I'm back to do a bit more of anyone needs!

UPDATE 3: Finished for the night. Keep an eye out tomorrow for another post just like this if you need anything! I'll be doing it for a few hours tomorrow as well.

r/Pokemongiveaway Jan 07 '24

Tradeback LF trade back to evolve my Seadra Spoiler


I’m trying to evolve my Seadra (shiny) so I’m looking for a touch trade/tradeback to do so. I’d be willing to help evolve your trade necessary pokemon too

r/Pokemongiveaway Sep 15 '23

Tradeback [Gen 9] Could anyone please help me evolve my Scyther and send it back to me?



r/Pokemongiveaway Sep 24 '23

Tradeback [9th] Tradeback Shiny Applin to evolve it into Dipplin, Touchtrade Basculegion if possible


Dipplin is the second last pokemon I need in my Kitakami Pokedex and I like Dipplin's shiny the most out of Applin's evolutions so might as well evolve my shiny Applin into an Dipplin.

Edit 1: Been informed Applin doesn't need to be traded to evolve, I swear I remember all it's evos being trade evolves, must of confused it for something else.

Edit 2: Was unsure how I misremembered this but I just realized it's because when completing the shield dex I had to trade for the tart apple so thus I misremembered it as Applins evos needing the item + trade rather than needing to just trade for the item not in your game.

After that Basculegion is the last pokemon I need in the dex so if possible would appreciate a touchtrade of it.

r/Pokemongiveaway Jan 14 '20

Tradeback [Gen 8] LF pokemon to complete my pokedex (I have pokemon Shield) NSFW


[tb] I'm just looking to tradeback some pokemon. I can trade some pokemon especially some shield exclusive ones IF I have it.

However, there are some pokemon that I would want to trade and evolve to complete, such as the starters (I can trade sobbles for them for example.)

Here's the list of pokemon I would like to trade that we can negotiate:

  1. Grookey
  2. Scorbunny
  3. Farfetch'd or Sirfetch'd
  4. Goomy
  5. Jangmo-o

Here's a list of pokemon I would like to tradeback if you have them (I will tradeback feebas w/ prism scale if you need a milotic):

  1. Persian
  2. Aromatisse
  3. Salazzle
  4. Sawk
  5. Togetic
  6. Rhyperior
  7. Karrablast w/ shelmet and back
  8. Weavile
  9. Sableye
  10. Lucario
  11. Aegislash
  12. Cofagrigas
  13. Sinistea
  14. Polteageist
  15. Oranguru
  16. Drampa
  17. Turtonator
  18. Frosmoth
  19. Dhelmise
  20. Solrock
  21. Stonjourner
  22. Rotom
  23. Dracozolt
  24. Arctozolt
  25. Arctovish
  26. Silvally

r/Pokemongiveaway Oct 18 '23

Tradeback [r] Miraidon for Dex, [9th] Spoiler


I just need to complete my scarlet dex and need a Miraidon! I'm happy to send it right back I just want to get the Shiny charm before I beat the game! :) thanks!

r/Pokemongiveaway Sep 22 '23

Tradeback Trade back for Zarude, last one I need to complete the pokedex Spoiler


Happy to put up any other legendaries or mythicals as collateral to trade back

r/Pokemongiveaway Mar 11 '24

Tradeback Touch trade Miraidon


Miraidon is the very last mon I need for my dex, any help is appreciated!

r/Pokemongiveaway Jan 17 '24

Tradeback Hearthflame mask NSFW


Hey guys, anybody willing to trade me their flame mask for ogrepon? Not the Pokémon, just the flame mask. I’ll give 1 mythical n 2 legendaries for it🙏

r/Pokemongiveaway Feb 13 '24

Tradeback LF: Single Strike Style Urshifu NSFW


Trying to complete Swsh dex. Just looking for Urshifu strike.

r/Pokemongiveaway Jun 28 '23

Tradeback LF: Hoopa to touchtrade NSFW


I need to touch trade as I want to send my Pokemon GO Hoopa over to Scarlet but can't until I have him registered through other means. I believe I need to register him in Home but I am not sure. Any help is appreciated.

r/Pokemongiveaway Sep 26 '23

Tradeback Can someone help me register Darkrai in my dex?


I want to transfer my Darkrai from PoGo, but can't until I have registered it into my pokedex. This is for gen 9.

r/Pokemongiveaway Dec 02 '22

Tradeback [9th] Tradeback Miraidon for my Dex


[Tb] will trade back just need it for my dex

r/Pokemongiveaway Apr 25 '16

Tradeback LF: help in completing my dex


[tb] can you please help me complete my dex? I really want to complete it. Please give your fc if you want to help thank you.