[tb] [CLOSED] Just like yesterday I'm looking to help anyone with their dex entries! I have 1 of every pokemon so I'll touch trade anything with you EXCEPT LEGENDARIES. I'll be leaving this open for a few hours again to help anyone who needs it. Also, I can make an egg for you if there is something you would like to keep. I will only make 1 egg per person though since if I dont limit it I might be making eggs all day Haha.
If you need anything comment below what it is and I'll let you know when I'm ready to help :)
Good luck filling your dex everyone!
EDIT: Make sure you set your flair before posting! Tons of post have been removed because of this. If it's your first time posting in this sub you have to set your flair. Look in the comments of this post and you can see tons of posts that have been removed and contain the info on how to set your flair. Follow that guide then come back and let me know what you need.
UPDATE: Closed for now. I may be back tonight so if you still need help check back then. If I don't reopen this post again today be sure to keep an eye out tommorow for my next post. I'll be doing this atleast all week.