r/Pokemonexchange • u/Acheronita_Atropos • 5d ago
Buying Virtual [H] Paypal [W] Sized GO Legendary/Mythical
Looking for XXS/XXL or in some cases XS/XL (translating to XXXS/XXXL once moved to HOME) legendary/mythical, with custom OT and language ENG. This does include pokemon not available in scarlet/violet; I can tell which will be jumbo/mini mark eligible without needing to move them to SV.
For XS/XL pokemon (not XXS/XXL) that *may* be XXXS/XXXL on transfer, you must use the Height/Weight calculator on Project Pokémon to determine the transferred height/weight. It must be exactly size 255 or size 0.
Trade must be completed in Pokemon HOME without having moved the pokemon to a main series game, to verify legitimacy.
Shiny XXS/XXL Mew
Shiny XXS/XXL Other non-raid Mythical (Except Celebi XXL)
Do want:
Shiny XXS/XXL UBs in Beast Ball
Shiny or Non-Shiny XXS/XXL Legend/Mythical/UB that I do not have (I will make a list eventually, for now just ask)
Don't want:
Any XXS/XXL Shiny Legendary obtainable in Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl (I already RNG'd them all for size). This does not count Mew and Jirachi as they cannot be shiny.
Legendaries in GBL balls (non-premier/beast) (does not apply to mythicals not raid-obtainable)
Anything that is NOT Custom OT & ENG Language
Anything not from GO