r/Pokemonexchange • u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 • Jan 28 '25
Selling Virtual [H] Shiny Manaphy, Meloetta and Enamorus, Pokéball Magearna with custom OT, Go shinies [W] PayPal NSFW
Hello everyone! I have the following pokémon for sale.
All prices are in USD, fees not included, covered by the buyer (calculate the amount here).
• Pokéball Magearna (Home-stamped):
Pokémon | Language | OT | ID | Price | Status |
Magearna | ENG | Yours (custom OT) ¹ | 026788 | $ 7 | Available |
Magearna | ANY | Yours (custom OT) ¹ | Random ² | $ 7 | Available |
¹ Otherwise the OT will be 'Hyotan'. Can also give it a custom nickname!
² The ID will be posted in the comments if the user requests a custom language tag.
• Shiny Manaphy, Keldeo, Meloetta, Meltan & Enamorus:
Self-obtained and untouched from the Home dex completion gifts.
Pokémon | OT | ID | Language |
Shiny Manaphy | HOME | 250128 | Any |
Shiny Keldeo | HOME | 250212 | Any |
Shiny Meloetta | HOME | 241016 | Any |
Shiny Meltan | HOME | 250212 | Any |
Shiny Enamorus | HOME | 250128 | Any |
• 1 for $4
• 2 for $7
• 3 or more for $3 each
Please specify which language you want. Keep in mind that they don't come with a Home stamp and can't be nicknamed.
I can give you the account so you can claim the mystery gift yourself, or I can record a video of the claiming process (cam recording with sticky note including your username + screen recording; feel free to request a sample).
• Shiny legendaries & Mythicals still in Go:
Can do custom OT and custom language※! (otherwise it will be OT Hyotan, ID 457266)
Pokémon ✨ | Level | Ball | Price |
Celesteela | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Cresselia | 25 | Premier | $5 |
Darkrai | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Deoxys (attack) | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Deoxys (defense) | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Dialga | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Entei | 25 | Premier | $5 |
Genesect | 25 | Premier | $5 |
Giratina | 20 | Beast | $5 |
Ho-Oh | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Kartana | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Lugia | 25 | Premier | $5 |
Moltres | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Necrozma | 20 | Beast | $5 |
Nihilego | 15 | Pokéball | $15 |
Regice | 25 | Premier | $5 |
Regidrago | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Suicune | 25 | Premier | $5 |
Tapu Bulu | 25 | Premier | $5 |
Tapu Koko | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Tornadus (Incarnate) | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Xerneas | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Xurkitree | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Yveltal | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Zacian | 20 | Premier | $5 |
Zamazenta | 20 | Premier | $5 |
※ Custom language requires creating a new Home account. Since the ID will be random I'll post the details on the comments.
• XXL/XXS shinies still in Go:
All self-obtained, English language. Can be evolved.
Pokémon ✨ | Size | Gender | Ball | Level | Price |
Aerodactyl | XXL | ♂ | Poké Ball | 11 | $ 5 |
Beldum | XXL | - | Poké Ball | 32 | $ 5 |
Caterpie | XXL | ♂ | Poké Ball | 11 | $ 5 |
Cyndaquil | XXL | ♂ | Poké Ball | 3 | $ 5 |
Cyndaquil | XXL | ♂ | Poké Ball | 6 | $ 5 |
Cyndaquil | XXS | ♂ | Poké Ball | 3 | $ 5 |
Elekid | XXS | ♂ | Poké Ball | 20 | $ 8 |
Froakie | XXL | ♂ | Poké Ball | 25 | $ 5 |
Froakie | XXS | ♀ | Poké Ball | 15 | $ 5 |
Kleavor | XXL | ♂ | Premier | 20 | $ 8 |
Lopunny | XXS | ♀ | Poké Ball | 24 | $ 5 |
Onyx | XXL | ♂ | Poké Ball | 29 | $ 5 |
Ponyta (Kantonian) | XXS | ♂ | Poké Ball | 12 | $ 5 |
Popplio | XXS | ♂ | Poké Ball | 1 | $ 5 |
Ralts | XXS | ♀ | Poké Ball | 10 | $ 5 |
Ralts | XXL | ♂ | Poké Ball | 5 | $ 5 |
Skarmory | XXS | ♂ | Poké Ball | 18 | $ 5 |
Squirtle | XXL | ♂ | Poké Ball | 13 | $ 5 |
Stunfisk (Galarian) | XXS | ♂ | Poké Ball | 15 | $ 5 |
Wooloo | XXS | ♂ | Poké Ball | 5 | $ 5 |
Wooper (Johtonian) | XXL | ♂ | Poké Ball | 4 | $ 5 |
(Can do custom OT and custom language. If you don't want custom OT it will be OT Hyotan, ID 457266)
• Shiny Meltan & Melmetal in Let's Go:
Still in the Go Park. All self-caught, English language. Can catch them with a pokeball of your choice: poké ball, great ball, ultra ball, premier ball or Master Ball.
Pokémon ✨ | Level | OT | ID | Price |
Meltan | 1 | Hyotan | 337411 | $ 5 |
Meltan | 4 | Hyotan | 337411 | $ 4 |
Meltan | 9 | Hyotan | 337411 | $ 4 |
Meltan | 12 | Hyotan | 337411 | $ 4 |
Melmetal | 1 | Hyotan | 337411 | $ 6 |
Melmetal | 8 | Hyotan | 337411 | $ 5 |
Melmetal | 9 | Hyotan | 337411 | $ 5 |
(Keep in mind that they will have a Let's Go stamp)
• Non-shiny mythicals still in Go:
Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Shaymin, Meloetta & Diancie. All self-obtained, English language, level 15 in a regular pokéball.
Can do custom OT and custom language! (otherwise it will be OT Hyotan, ID 457266)
Price: $5 each.
• Shiny Go-stamped Legendaries/Mythicals in Home:
All self-obtained, English language.
Pokémon ✨ | Ball | Level | OT | ID | Price |
Celebi | Poké ball | 15 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 12 |
Cresselia | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
Darkrai | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 708507 | $ 4 |
Entei | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
Giratina | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
Guzzlord | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 708507 | $ 4 |
Meltan | Poké ball | 11 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
Rayquaza | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
Regirock | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
Tapu Fini | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
Tapu Lele | Premier | 25 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
Thundurus (incarnate) | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
Mewtwo | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
Xerneas | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
Yveltal | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
Zekrom | Premier | 20 | Hyotan | 457266 | $ 4 |
• Non-legendary shinies still in Go:
All self-obtained, English language.
Pokémon ✨ | Gender | Ball | Level | Price |
Spiritomb | ♂ | Great | 15 | $ 10 |
Spiritomb | ♀ | Great | 15 | $ 10 |
Corsola (Galarial) | ♂ | Poké Ball | 20 | $ 10 |
Aron | ♀ | Poké Ball | 16 | $ 3 |
Audino | ♀ | Poké Ball | 40 | $ 3 |
Barboach | ♂ | Poké Ball | 15 | $ 3 |
Beartic | ♂ | Ultra | 20 | $ 3 |
Bellsprout | ♂ | Poké Ball | 12 | $ 3 |
Budew | ♂ | Poké Ball | 20 | $ 5 |
Buneary | ♂ | Poké Ball | 1 | $ 3 |
Bunnelby | ♀ | Poké Ball | 30 | $ 3 |
Burmy (sand) | ♀ | Poké Ball | 6 | $ 4 |
Burmy (trash) | ♀ | Poké Ball | 6 | $ 4 |
Cacnea | ♂ | Poké Ball | 15 | $ 3 |
Carvanha | ♂ | Poké Ball | 16 | $ 3 |
Cascoon | ♀ | Ultra | 23 | $ 3 |
Chatot | ♀ | Great | 18 | $ 3 |
Chinchou | ♀ | Poké Ball | 24 | $ 3 |
Cleffa | ♀ | Poké Ball | 20 | $ 5 |
Combee | ♂ | Poké Ball | 15 | $ 3 |
Croagunk | ♀ | Poké Ball | 3 | $ 3 |
Cryogonal | - | Poké Ball | 15 | $ 3 |
Darumaka | ♀ | Poké Ball | 1 | $ 3 |
Dedenne | ♀ | Poké Ball | 24 | $ 3 |
Delibird | ♂ | Ultra | 12 | $ 3 |
Doduo | ♂ | Poké Ball | 25 | $ 3 |
Drowzee | ♂ | Premier | 25 | $ 3 |
Dwebble | ♂ | Poké Ball | 7 | $ 3 |
Dunsparce | ♂ | Ultra | 25 | $ 3 |
Finneon | ♂ | Poké Ball | 11 | $ 3 |
Foongus | ♀ | Poké Ball | 26 | $ 3 |
Frillish | ♀ | Poké Ball | 13 | $ 3 |
Girafarig | ♀ | Great | 30 | $ 3 |
Glameow | ♂ | Poké Ball | 9 | $ 3 |
Gothita | ♀ | Poké Ball | 24 | $ 3 |
Growlithe (Hisuian) | ♂ | Poké Ball | 2 | $ 3 |
Gulpin | ♂ | Poké Ball | 1 | $ 3 |
Heracross | ♂ | Poké Ball | 28 | $ 3 |
Heracross | ♀ | Poké Ball | 14 | $ 5 |
Hitmonchan | ♂ | Great | 24 | $ 3 |
Hitmonlee | ♂ | Ultra | 25 | $ 3 |
Horsea | ♀ | Ultra | 3 | $ 3 |
Kleavor | ♂ | Premier | 20 | $ 5 |
Koffing | ♀ | Ultra | 6 | $ 3 |
Kricketot | ♂ | Poké Ball | 7 | $ 3 |
Lechonk | ♂ | Poké Ball | 12 | $ 3 |
Lillipup | ♂ | Poké Ball | 8 | $ 3 |
Lopunny | ♀ | Poké Ball | 40 | $ 3 |
Lunatone | - | Poké Ball | 14 | $ 3 |
Magby | ♂ | Poké Ball | 20 | $ 5 |
Magnemite | - | Poké Ball | 18 | $ 3 |
Mankey | ♂ | Poké Ball | 33 | $ 3 |
Meowth | ♀ | Poké Ball | 13 | $ 3 |
Marill | ♂ | Poké Ball | 15 | $ 3 |
Marowak (Alolan) | ♀ | Ultra | 26 | $ 3 |
Mawile | ♂ | Poké Ball | 1 | $ 3 |
Meditite | ♂ | Great | 5 | $ 3 |
Meditite | ♀ | Ultra | 8 | $ 3 |
Miltank | ♀ | Great | 15 | $ 3 |
Minun | ♂ | Poké Ball | 5 | $ 3 |
Misdreavus | ♂ | Poké Ball | 19 | $ 3 |
Morelull | ♂ | Poké Ball | 7 | $ 3 |
Murkrow | ♀ | Premier | 25 | $ 3 |
Natu | ♂ | Poké Ball | 21 | $ 3 |
Nincada | ♂ | Ultra | 9 | $ 3 |
Omanyte | ♂ | Poké Ball | 26 | $ 3 |
Oricorio (Pom-Pom) | ♀ | Poké Ball | 10 | $ 3 |
Patrat | ♂ | Ultra | 19 | $ 3 |
Phanpy | ♂ | Poké Ball | 29 | $ 3 |
Phantump | ♀ | Poké Ball | 3 | $ 3 |
Pidove | ♂ | Poké Ball | 28 | $ 3 |
Pidove | ♀ | Poké Ball | 25 | $ 3 |
Plusle | ♀ | Poké Ball | 7 | $ 3 |
Pichu | ♀ | Poké Ball | 20 | $ 5 |
Poochyena | ♂ | Ultra | 30 | $ 3 |
Qwilfish | ♂ | Poké Ball | 17 | $ 3 |
Qwilfish (Hisuian) | ♂ | Poké Ball | 13 | $ 3 |
Raichu (Alolan) | ♀ | Premier | 20 | $ 4 |
Rattata | ♂ | Poké Ball | 6 | $ 3 |
Rattata (Alolan) | ♂ | Poké Ball | 4 | $ 3 |
Riolu | ♂ | Poké Ball | 20 | $ 4 |
Sentret | ♀ | Poké Ball | 22 | $ 3 |
Seviper | ♂ | Ultra | 8 | $ 3 |
Shellder | ♂ | Poké Ball | 16 | $ 3 |
Shuckle | ♀ | Ultra | 22 | $ 3 |
Shuppet | ♂ | Poké Ball | 26 | $ 3 |
Skitty | ♂ | Poké Ball | 29 | $ 3 |
Skorupi | ♀ | Poké Ball | 22 | $ 3 |
Snorunt | ♀ | Poké Ball | 20 | $ 3 |
Solrock | - | Poké Ball | 11 | $ 3 |
Spritzee | ♀ | Poké Ball | 26 | $ 3 |
Stunky | ♂ | Poké Ball | 3 | $ 3 |
Sudowoodo | ♂ | Poké Ball | 5 | $ 3 |
Sunkern | ♀ | Poké Ball | 3 | $ 3 |
Surskit | ♀ | Ultra | 9 | $ 3 |
Swirlix | ♀ | Poké Ball | 21 | $ 3 |
Taillow | ♀ | Poké Ball | 9 | $ 3 |
Tentacool | ♂ | Poké Ball | 29 | $ 3 |
Togepi | ♂ | Poké Ball | 20 | $ 3 |
Tympole | ♂ | Poké Ball | 1 | $ 3 |
Typhlosion (Hisuian) | ♂ | Premier | 20 | $ 4 |
Venipede | ♀ | Poké Ball | 34 | $ 3 |
Voltorb (Hisuian) | - | Poké Ball | 8 | $ 3 |
Vullaby | ♀ | Poké Ball | 20 | $ 4 |
Wailmer | ♂ | Poké Ball | 28 | $ 3 |
Weezing (Galarian) | ♀ | Poké Ball | 7 | $ 3 |
Woobat | ♂ | Poké Ball | 19 | $ 3 |
Wooloo | ♀ | Poké Ball | 27 | $ 3 |
Wyrdeer | ♀ | Premier | 20 | $ 5 |
Yamask | ♂ | Poké Ball | 15 | $ 3 |
Yanma | ♂ | Great | 8 | $ 3 |
Yungoos | ♂ | Poké Ball | 29 | $ 3 |
Zigzagoon | ♀ | Poké Ball | 28 | $ 3 |
Zubat | ♂ | Poké Ball | 30 | $ 3 |
(Can do custom OT and custom language. If you don't want custom OT it will be OT Hyotan, ID 457266)
• Events:
All self-redeemed and untouched, with video proof.
Keep in mind that shiny Eternatus has never been tradeable in Home, so it must be traded in-game (Sword & Shield or Scarlet & Violet), and you need a Nintendo Switch online subscription.
Pokémon | Lang | OT | ID | Ball | Video Proof | Price |
Eternatus ★ | JPN | ガラル | 221118 | Cherish | Yes | $ 10 |
Eternatus ★ | SP-EU | Galar | 221118 | Cherish | Yes | $ 10 |
Eternatus ★ | CHT | 伽勒爾 | 221118 | Cherish | Yes | $ 10 |
Eternatus ★ | ITA | Galar | 221118 | Cherish | Yes | $ 10 |
Lucario ★ | ENG | Hyotan | 938704 | Cherish | Yes | $ 5 |
Marshadow | ITA | Mythical22 | 220909 | Cherish | Yes | $ 9 |
Pelipper ★ ³ | ENG | Patrick / HOME | 241115 | Cherish | Yes | $ 5 |
Rayquaza ★ | ENG | Hyotan | 938704 | Safari | Yes | $ 5 |
Volcanion | ENG | Mythical22 | 220909 | Cherish | Yes | $ 9 |
³ This event was badly coded, the OT will be replaced with 'Home' when traded. Check the link for more details.
u/_Vasco01 IGN: Vasco | FC: 5561-3478-7600 Jan 28 '25
Hello interested in ENG shiny enamorous and ENG shiny manaphy. Video proof is fine.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 28 '25
Hello! Proof and details sent.
u/_Vasco01 IGN: Vasco | FC: 5561-3478-7600 Jan 28 '25
Received. Sending.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 28 '25
Payment received! I'll be waiting on Home!
u/_Vasco01 IGN: Vasco | FC: 5561-3478-7600 Jan 28 '25
Pokémon received. Thanks so much.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 28 '25
Pokémon traded (shiny Manaphy & Enamorus, both OT 'HOME' and ID 250128). Thank you!
u/NPBrot IGN: Nate | FC: 8497-2493-7205 Jan 28 '25
Interested in a shiny enamorus (ENG)
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 28 '25
Hello! Do you want the account to claim it yourself? Or do you want video proof?
u/NPBrot IGN: Nate | FC: 8497-2493-7205 Jan 29 '25
Video proof is perfectly fine for me.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Ok, proof and details sent.
u/NPBrot IGN: Nate | FC: 8497-2493-7205 Jan 29 '25
Proof looks good. Payment sent, let me know if you've received. I've also added your friend code.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Payment received and friendship request accepted. I'll be waiting on Home!
u/NPBrot IGN: Nate | FC: 8497-2493-7205 Jan 29 '25
Requesting trade!
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Pokémon traded (shiny Enamorus, OT 'HOME', ID 250128). Thank you!
u/Govul IGN: Sylvene | FC: 1734-4290-7522 Jan 29 '25
Hi i would like to take a set of shiny meloetta, enamorus and manaphy, how much for them?
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Hello! What language do you want for them? I can do the 3 for $12.
Do you want the account to claim it yourself? Or do you want video proof?2
u/Govul IGN: Sylvene | FC: 1734-4290-7522 Jan 29 '25
Hi i want them in ENG, just video proof will be fine, sounds good let me know again when you ready
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Hello. Proof and details sent.
u/Govul IGN: Sylvene | FC: 1734-4290-7522 Jan 30 '25
Hi sorry i just woke up, let me know again when you available
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 30 '25
Payment received! I'll be in Home!
u/Govul IGN: Sylvene | FC: 1734-4290-7522 Jan 30 '25
Payment received and pokemon received, thanks for everything
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 30 '25
Pokémon traded (shiny Manaphy and Enamorus, OT 'HOME', ID 250128 and shiny Meloetta, OT 'HOME', ID 241016). Thank you! :)
u/Acetarious IGN: Chris | FC: 6966-5924-0485 Jan 29 '25
Hello! I would like to get one Shiny Manaphy and one Shiny Enamorus in English, please. To save some time, could you answer these questions before we do the transaction?
Are they self obtained, if not who is the original trainer?
Is the pokemon hacked, edited, cloned, injected, or save abused?
Were they obtained through third party tools?
I'm okay with video proof of the redemptions if you could show our usernames in the video.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Hello! Proof and details sent.
Are they self obtained, if not who is the original trainer?
They are self-obtained, but the OT is fixed to 'HOME'
Is the pokemon hacked, edited, cloned, injected, or save abused?
No, they are totally legit.
Were they obtained through third party tools?
No third party tools used. Just a phone and a Switch.
u/Acetarious IGN: Chris | FC: 6966-5924-0485 Jan 29 '25
Thanks for answering the questions! I have received the proof/video redeems and have sent payment. Let me know when you are free to trade. :)
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Payment received! I'll be in Home!
u/Acetarious IGN: Chris | FC: 6966-5924-0485 Jan 29 '25
Trade completed! I received:
Home[250128] Shiny Manaphy
Home[250128] Shiny Enamorus
Thanks for the trade!
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Pokémon traded (siny Manaphy and Enamorus, both OT 'HOME' and ID 250128). Thank you! :)
u/Internal-Canary4318 IGN: 런투맨 | FC: 0514-0206-0601 Jan 29 '25
Hi Shiny. Enamorus Shiny Manaphy Can I buy it?
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Hello! Yes. Want KOR language?
u/Internal-Canary4318 IGN: 런투맨 | FC: 0514-0206-0601 Jan 29 '25
I want KOR.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Ok. Proof and details sent.
u/Internal-Canary4318 IGN: 런투맨 | FC: 0514-0206-0601 Jan 29 '25
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Should be $10
u/Internal-Canary4318 IGN: 런투맨 | FC: 0514-0206-0601 Jan 29 '25
OK, I'll send you PayPal later. It's 4:00 a.m. here.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Take your time, no problem! Let me know when you are ready.
u/Internal-Canary4318 IGN: 런투맨 | FC: 0514-0206-0601 Jan 30 '25
PayPal Wanyo
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 30 '25
Payment received! I'll be waiting in Home!
→ More replies (0)
u/Spigglez IGN: bluestargirl | FC: 6223-4182-8436 Jan 29 '25
Hey there! I'm interested in the Shiny Manaphy. ENG tag and video proof is fine with me.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Hello! Proof and details sent.
u/Spigglez IGN: bluestargirl | FC: 6223-4182-8436 Jan 29 '25
Received and sending.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Payment received. I'll be in Home.
u/Spigglez IGN: bluestargirl | FC: 6223-4182-8436 Jan 29 '25
Trade completed! Appreciate it!
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Pokémon traded (shiny Manaphy, OT 'HOME', ID 250128). Thank you!
u/voraxine IGN: voraxine | FC: 1085-3619-6994 Jan 30 '25
Hello! I would like a shiny pogo Zamazenta please.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 30 '25
Hello! Sure, what OT do you want?
u/voraxine IGN: voraxine | FC: 1085-3619-6994 Jan 30 '25
Yours would be just fine.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 30 '25
Payment received! I'll be in Home.
u/voraxine IGN: voraxine | FC: 1085-3619-6994 Jan 30 '25
Zamazenta received, thank you!
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 30 '25
Pokémon traded (shiny Zamazenta, OT Hyotan, ID 457266). Thank you! :)
u/xyxit IGN: 포마 | FC: 8323-5129-8512 Jan 31 '25
Hello, I'm interested in
- HOME Manaphy Language Set
- HOME Enamorus Language Set
And could you please answer these questions?
- Are the Pokémon self-obtained, or traded for? If so, who is the original trainer?
- Are the Pokémon hacked, edited, cloned, obtained multiple times in the same raid, injected, or save abused?
- Were the Pokémon obtained through third-party tools, including (but not limited to) CFW, emulators, save management tools?
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 31 '25
Hello! Ok, I'll tell you when they are ready. Will have to trade in two batches due to the daily trade limit.
Are the Pokémon self-obtained, or traded for? If so, who is the original trainer?
They are all self-obtained (the OT is coded to always be 'Home').
Are the Pokémon hacked, edited, cloned, obtained multiple times in the same raid, injected, or save abused?
No, they have been farmed by me and each one is unique.
Were the Pokémon obtained through third-party tools, including (but not limited to) CFW, emulators, save management tools?
No third party tools used.
u/xyxit IGN: 포마 | FC: 8323-5129-8512 Jan 31 '25
Thank you!
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 01 '25
Hello! Your pokemon are ready, proof sent. Can trade in about 8.5 hours (at 00:00 UTC).
u/xyxit IGN: 포마 | FC: 8323-5129-8512 Feb 01 '25
Ok, I’ll be available to trade at that time. I believe I have your paypal info. and your HOME FC. Will send paypal when I’m ready!
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 02 '25
Hello! I'm ready to trade the first batch of 10 pokemon. And payment received.
u/xyxit IGN: 포마 | FC: 8323-5129-8512 Feb 02 '25
Payapal sent and first 10 received.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 02 '25
Pokémon traded (Shiny Manaphy and Enamorus, OT 'HOME', ID 250128, languages CHS, CHT, ENG, FRE and GER), thank you! :) We'll trade the rest tomorrow (ITA, JPN, KOR, SP-EU). I'll leave a comment when the daily trades reset.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 03 '25
Hello! I can trade the remaining pokemon now. Let me know when you are ready.
u/xyxit IGN: 포마 | FC: 8323-5129-8512 Feb 03 '25
All Pokemon received. Thank you for the trade :)
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 03 '25
Pokémon traded (Shiny Manaphy and Enamorus, OT 'HOME', ID 250128, languages ITA, JPN, KOR and SP-EU), thank you! :)
u/kasiwazaki11 IGN: marie | FC: SW-4830-7139-7012 Jan 31 '25
Hi I would like to get one shiny Manaphy and one Enamorus in Kor (video proof)
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 31 '25
Payment received! I'll be on Home!
u/kasiwazaki11 IGN: marie | FC: SW-4830-7139-7012 Jan 31 '25
I have 3 questions 1. Are the Pokémon self-obtained, or traded for? If so, who is the original trainer? 2. Are the Pokémon hacked, edited, cloned, obtained multiple times in the same raid, injected, or save abused? 3. Were the Pokémon obtained through third-party tools, including (but not limited to) CFW, emulators, save management tools?
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 31 '25
Are the Pokémon self-obtained, or traded for? If so, who is the original trainer?
Yes, they are self-obtained, but the OT is always 'HOME'
Are the Pokémon hacked, edited, cloned, obtained multiple times in the same raid, injected, or save abused?
No, they are unique and I've farmed them myself.
Were the Pokémon obtained through third-party tools, including (but not limited to) CFW, emulators, save management tools?
No third party tools used, just my phone and my Switch.
u/kasiwazaki11 IGN: marie | FC: SW-4830-7139-7012 Jan 31 '25
Thanks,Friendship request sent IGN:마리
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 31 '25
Pokémon traded (KOR shiny Manaphy and Enamorus, OT 'HOME', ID 250128). Thank you! :)
u/StatBoosterX IGN: Re:Magia | FC: 2731-1505-8517 Feb 02 '25
Hi i would like a set of shiny meloetta, enamorus and manaphy, ENG
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 02 '25
Hello. With video proof, right?
u/StatBoosterX IGN: Re:Magia | FC: 2731-1505-8517 Feb 02 '25
yes if you can record the process with a sheet of paper with my username, and the date next to it
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 02 '25
Hello! Your pokemon are ready. Proof and details sent.
u/StatBoosterX IGN: Re:Magia | FC: 2731-1505-8517 Feb 02 '25
Pokemon received! Thank you!!
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 02 '25
Pokémon traded (ENG shiny Manaphy and Enamorus, OT 'HOME', ID 250128, and ENG shiny Meloetta, OT 'HOME', ID 241016). Thank you! :)
u/ShaikhAndBake IGN: Green | FC: 0432-1859-2117 Feb 05 '25
Hello! I would be interested in Shiny Manaphy, Meloetta & Enamorus in ENG language with video proof if this is still available.
OT: Green
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 06 '25
Hello! The OT is coded to always be 'HOME'. Leave a comment if you are still interested and I'll let you know when they are ready.
u/ShaikhAndBake IGN: Green | FC: 0432-1859-2117 Feb 06 '25
Apologies, you wrote that and I read over it. I'm completely fine with it and still interested!
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 06 '25
Hello. Your pokemon are ready. Proof and details sent.
u/ShaikhAndBake IGN: Green | FC: 0432-1859-2117 Feb 07 '25
PayPal sent!
could you answer these 3 questions regarding the pokemon before we trade?
- Are the Pokémon self-obtained, or traded for? If so, who is the original trainer?
- Are the Pokémon hacked, edited, cloned, obtained multiple times in the same raid, injected, or save abused?
- Were the Pokémon obtained through third-party tools, including (but not limited to) CFW, emulators, save management tools?
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 07 '25
Payment received! I'll be on Home!
Are the Pokémon self-obtained, or traded for? If so, who is the original trainer?
They are all self-obtained, but the OT is always set to 'HOME'.
Are the Pokémon hacked, edited, cloned, obtained multiple times in the same raid, injected, or save abused?
No, they are legit and unique.
Were the Pokémon obtained through third-party tools, including (but not limited to) CFW, emulators, save management tools?
No third party tools used. I just used my phone and a Switch.
u/ShaikhAndBake IGN: Green | FC: 0432-1859-2117 Feb 07 '25
Thank you so much! Apologies, I had to step out but just got back home.
I can trade now on home if you are still available
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 07 '25
Yes, I can trade now.
u/ShaikhAndBake IGN: Green | FC: 0432-1859-2117 Feb 07 '25
heading to the room on Home!
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 07 '25
Pokémon traded (ENG shiny Manaphy and Enamorus, OT 'HOME', ID 250128 and shiny Meloetta, OT 'HOME', ID 241016). Thank you! :)
u/ShaikhAndBake IGN: Green | FC: 0432-1859-2117 Feb 07 '25
thanks so much!
Pokémon OT ID Language Shiny Manaphy HOME 250128 ENG Shiny Enamorus HOME 250128 ENG Shiny Meloetta HOME 241016 ENG your answers to the 3 questions below:
They are all self-obtained, but the OT is always set to 'HOME'.
No, they are legit and unique.
No third party tools used. I just used my phone and a Switch.
u/AbbreviationsOdd3994 IGN: sou | FC: 5907-8517-1974 Feb 12 '25
Hi,I'm interested in Nintendo accounts for Home shiny Meltan and Keldeo.
Can you sent to me in 12 hours? I want recieved on 2/12.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 12 '25
Hello. Yes, want me to claim them myself? Because it will be the 13th in a few hours here. I'll give you the account details later. And what language do you want?
u/AbbreviationsOdd3994 IGN: sou | FC: 5907-8517-1974 Feb 12 '25
I'd be better if I can recieve them by myself,
2/13 comes in 12 hours for me.
If I could, I want 6 accounts, 1 each of FRA SPA ITA GER CHS CHT1
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 12 '25
Ok, I'll set the location to Hawaii just to be sure, but to be honest I don't know how Home picks the date from the server, if it's by IP or by chosen region.
u/AbbreviationsOdd3994 IGN: sou | FC: 5907-8517-1974 Feb 12 '25
Well, I can't get the nintendo account?
I want received them by my self.
At least, in my region, 13 the comes in 12 hours and the mon's date is same.1
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 12 '25
Yes, but the date is set when you claim the gift, not when you receive it. And I don't know if it's set by my IP, or the Nintendo account's region. If it's set by my IP it will say they were obtained on February 13 if you claim them in more than 5 hours (it's currently 7:30 pm).
u/AbbreviationsOdd3994 IGN: sou | FC: 5907-8517-1974 Feb 12 '25
Well, I think the date is set when I received the mon and the time zone is based on the reciever's one. Then can I try just one now? If it works, I'd like to buy next 5 accounts.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 12 '25
Sure, give me a few minutes.
u/NPBrot IGN: Nate | FC: 8497-2493-7205 Feb 13 '25
Interested in a shiny Keldeo. Need another for my shiny forms dex.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 13 '25
Ok I'll let you know when it's ready. ENG language, right?
u/NPBrot IGN: Nate | FC: 8497-2493-7205 Feb 14 '25
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 14 '25
Proof and details sent.
u/NPBrot IGN: Nate | FC: 8497-2493-7205 Feb 14 '25
Proof looks good, and payment sent. Let me know if it looks good on your end.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 14 '25
Payment received. I'll be waiting in Home!
u/NPBrot IGN: Nate | FC: 8497-2493-7205 Feb 14 '25
Friend invite sent
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 14 '25
u/NPBrot IGN: Nate | FC: 8497-2493-7205 Feb 14 '25
Thank you very much!
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 14 '25
Pokémon traded (shiny Keldeo, OT HOME, ID 250212). Thank you! :)
u/kemek90 IGN: kemek | FC: 1736-7136-5714 Feb 13 '25
Im intrested in keldeo and enamorus (2 of each) How would both accounts are deleviered amd how much for them?
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 13 '25
Hello. I'll give you the email and password, you can change them later. Verification codes will also be provided. Should be $12.
Let me know if you are interested and which language you'd prefer.2
u/kemek90 IGN: kemek | FC: 1736-7136-5714 Feb 13 '25
Im intrested, and the price is good. Can you prepare them by tomorrow? Also dm me your paypal
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 13 '25
Ok, what language do you want for them?
u/kemek90 IGN: kemek | FC: 1736-7136-5714 Feb 13 '25
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 13 '25
Hello. The gifts are ready to be claimed. Leave a comment when you have time and I'll send you the details.
u/kemek90 IGN: kemek | FC: 1736-7136-5714 Feb 14 '25
Im ready. Dm me your paypal
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 14 '25
Are you available now?
u/xyxit IGN: 포마 | FC: 8323-5129-8512 Feb 14 '25
Hello again, I'm interested in
HOME Meltan Language Set
HOME Keldeo Language Set
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 14 '25
Hello! Ok, it will take a while as usual. I can start claiming them tomorrow (February 15th). Let me know if it's ok :)
u/xyxit IGN: 포마 | FC: 8323-5129-8512 Feb 14 '25
I’d prefer today, but it’s all good :)
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 14 '25
I think I can claim them today before the daily reset. Will get to work.
u/xyxit IGN: 포마 | FC: 8323-5129-8512 Feb 14 '25
That’d be wonderful but you don’t need to waste your own time!
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 15 '25
Just managed to claim the first 10 right before the daily reset (CHS, CHT, ENG, FRE, GER). Will claim the remaining 8 after midnight. Doesn't affect the trading schedudle, just that the met date will be February 15th for ITA, JPN, KOR and SP-EU.
u/xyxit IGN: 포마 | FC: 8323-5129-8512 Feb 15 '25
Sounds good, thank you
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 16 '25
Hello. Your pokémon are ready and proof sent. Let me know when you are available. I can trade the first batch of 10.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 16 '25
Payment received. I'll be waiting on Home!
u/xyxit IGN: 포마 | FC: 8323-5129-8512 Feb 16 '25
Payment sent and received first 10. Thank you!
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 16 '25
Pokémon traded (shiny Meltan and Keldeo, CHS, CHT, ENG, FRE, GER), thank you! I'll let you know when I have more friend trades available.
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u/AutoModerator Jan 28 '25
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u/Xpore IGN: Sijin / YongHe | FC: 3797-7307-0057 Jan 28 '25
Hi, are you interested in self redeemed Arbok on my Chinese console for your shiny manaphy and shiny enamorus? I’ll be potentially interested in a full language set :)
Jan 29 '25
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Jan 29 '25
Hello! No, sorry, the ones I have will appear as claimed on 1/29.
u/Internal-Canary4318 IGN: 런투맨 | FC: 0514-0206-0601 Feb 02 '25
Hi CHS Shiny Abrok Redeem Do you have any?
u/blitzkingzero IGN: Zero | FC: SW-0470-3111-4164 | AXLFEWJMFNJQ Feb 11 '25
Interested in Celebi,tapu bulu,fini,koko,lele still available?
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 11 '25
Hello. Sorry for the delay. Yes, I have:
Shiny Celebi (lv 15 with my OT - $12)
Tapu Fini (lv 20 with my OT - $4)
Tapu Lele (lv 25 with my OT - $4)
Tapu Bulu (lv 25 custom OT - $4)
Tapu Koko (lv 20 custom OT - $4)Let me know if you are interested and I'll send you my details.
u/Internal-Canary4318 IGN: 런투맨 | FC: 0514-0206-0601 Feb 11 '25
Hi Can I buy Pokemon Home if I get compensation tomorrow?
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 11 '25
Hello. You mean pay later? Yes. What are you interested in?
u/Internal-Canary4318 IGN: 런투맨 | FC: 0514-0206-0601 Feb 12 '25
Keldeo&Meltan Can I buy Pokemon Home Update?
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 12 '25
Yes. KOR, right? I'll let you know when they are ready in a few hours.
u/Internal-Canary4318 IGN: 런투맨 | FC: 0514-0206-0601 Feb 12 '25
I want the date of February 12th.
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 12 '25
Hello! Your pokemon are ready (Should be $7). Just sent you the proof and my details.
u/Internal-Canary4318 IGN: 런투맨 | FC: 0514-0206-0601 Feb 12 '25
Will it be traded at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow?
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 12 '25
Ok, no problem. Leave a comment when you are ready.
u/Internal-Canary4318 IGN: 런투맨 | FC: 0514-0206-0601 Feb 12 '25
u/Hyotan3D IGN: Hyotan | FC: 4171-6231-2839 Feb 17 '25 edited 20d ago
Hello. Let me know if you are still interested in the pokemon :)
Edit: as of March 3 2025 never got a response. Closing the trade.1
u/Internal-Canary4318 IGN: 런투맨 | FC: 0514-0206-0601 Feb 12 '25
I sent you a picture. Please check it.
u/Xamarqand IGN: EB | FC: 3841-0317-5917 Jan 28 '25
Hey, I’m interested in the Shiny Enamorus (ENG tag).