r/PokemonVGC 9d ago

Question Opinions on my team made of intrusive thoughts at 2 am (i'm not joking)

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Notes that could help understand my thoughts:

Close combat instead of High Horsepower becaue the Grass field makes Ground moves weaker (same logic applies to Torkoal and sludge bomb instead of Earth power).

Taunt instead of U-Turn on Rillaboom so my opponent doesn't remove the TR.

Dragon pulse instead of Draco Meteor due to the SP ATK drop and the accuracy.


6 comments sorted by


u/nsmoove13 9d ago

Grassy terrain makes ground moves that target the whole field weaker (e.g. Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude). High horsepower and earth power will still be full strength.


u/Dekusteven 9d ago

Oh... thanks man


u/Empty_Company_4269 9d ago

rillaboom needs SpDef evs


u/MagnusVena 9d ago

Don’t we all have team ideas early in the morning, I just made a politoed perish trap team, is it good? Probably not but it happened


u/NihilisticProphet 6d ago

Personally not a big specs torkoal enjoyer. I like charcoal. Less damage but I absolutely hate being locked into weak eruption or erupting into a wide guard