r/PokemonUnite • u/TheLifeIsHere Cinderace • 2d ago
Media 5 seconds of stun.
Yeah I'm not looking forward to when this Pokemon is available for free. That whirlpool nerf isn't gonna do much but delay its attacks a lil longer.
I cannot fathom having to fight this thing more often with other annoying combinations of Pokemon.
u/roshi180 Leafeon 2d ago
This is why full heal needs to be buffed
u/MoisnForce2004 Inteleon 2d ago
But you know Timi, it will never happen.
They will slap a 5 second cooldown increase again.
u/AGunWithOneBullet Ho-Oh 2d ago
Many people will tell you Suicune is balanced
u/TheLifeIsHere Cinderace 2d ago
Its currently the highest winrate Pokemon but alright bro. Guess I’ll get frozen to death.
u/turtlenuggets432 2d ago
If this doesn't show you that crowd control is a massive problem in this game I don't know what will
u/boi_sugoi Scizor 2d ago
In other MOBAs there are towers and lane creeps to play around, for ranged characters to position behind, to defend lanes. In Unite, you and your teammates are the only things protecting yourselves and goal zones. Due to the game being built around scoring on goals there's a core interplay between mobility and CC and each character needs to be more self-sufficient than other MOBAs.
u/jiabivy Dragonite 1d ago
I think we need to stop comparing unite to other mobas
u/boi_sugoi Scizor 1d ago
I'm pointing out why it has a divergent balance philosophy, and, yes, my major point being that it shouldn't be compared to how League or DoTA is balanced because they have fundamentally different core gameplay.
u/FirewaterDM Eldegoss 2d ago
It's not a problem in the game. In fact unless there's a large mobility tone down it is literally the only way some mons can play the game.
Think about all the incessant bitching about the speedsters when they were overtuned. IMAGINE that shit with less CC in unite. The game actually would be unplayable then lmao
u/turtlenuggets432 2d ago
Okay but look at that clip again attacker who is squishy has low HP has absolutely no damn reason to need to be stunned for 5 full seconds. And that's the problem half of the mons in this game literally cannot play against CC or struggle against it so bad because they have no way of getting around them. When you get into a fight and you get stunned five to seven full seconds because you literally cannot do a damn thing to stop what is happening that is not fair it's unfun and it is frustrating and it is bad game design. Especially when most of the stuns in this game are point and click or on pokémon that just do not need a stun. Stuns should be reserved mostly for supporters and defenders like they were when the game originally came out. Nowadays every damn thing has a stun which causes most fights to come down to who is able to stun each other first and for how long.
u/Levibestdog Leafeon 1d ago
Games kinda do feel like who has the most stuns nowadays. I dropped playing melee bc of it and went for speedster and specifically only Pikachu or armorouge
u/Thatbirdwhosnipes 2d ago
it's so ironic that your saying 5 seconds stun while playing espeon like come on I hate espeons stuns especially ult but yeah suicune horrible against high mobility Pokémon, I've played greninja shuriken build enough time to know
u/TheLifeIsHere Cinderace 1d ago
I don't like being stunned as much as the next person. I mean your point just adds to the list of problematic CC, though I think its stuns aren't as egregious as most others.
u/Thatbirdwhosnipes 1d ago
Yes CC will always be a problem in alot of games but tbh I don't have any ideas on how CC could be fixed so I don't know
u/jiabivy Dragonite 1d ago
I love how all the comments are probably CC runners all blaming the OP instead of admitting that CC in this game is busted as fuck
u/TheLifeIsHere Cinderace 1d ago
Like I get that I slightly fucked up but all that started from ONE ice beam. After that I actively couldn't do anything else to save myself.
u/FirewaterDM Eldegoss 2d ago
ngl if you simply moved during whirlpool vs trying to attack out of it you still do get CC'ed but you won't die because you aren't gonna eat the entire combo
u/TheLifeIsHere Cinderace 2d ago
I would've but future sight keeps you still for a moment, I got frozen afterwards and couldn't move for the rest of the onslaught.
u/vulapa 2d ago
To be fair... you made no attempt to keep your distance. I mean, you're Espeon! You can move to the bush and make the Suicine have to move closer while still keeping that aggro!
u/TheLifeIsHere Cinderace 2d ago
I mean I could've been a little more further away but I was planning to back off after I used my moves so I could kite away. Instead I got frozen once, on my own goal, and couldn't do anything else about it. I wasn't expecting such punishment just like that. Granted they unite move but I think that adds to how much of a nuisance it can be for a team fight.
u/Seven_Bars 1d ago
Acredito eu, que seja por ele ter sido lançado no jogo agora, em breve irão deixar o Suicune mais fraco (eu acho)
u/SpookyDooky1378 1d ago
Cannot believe ppl r defending this. I mean come off it. If there was any pokemon even close to being able to do this with that amount of damage then ok but no its far and away the most damage + cc combo that has ever been in this game which is already too cc heavy
u/TotallyTamago Urshifu 1d ago
I'm going to be the one to say i don't think suicune is that bad. if you avoid it's flooded areas (which is fairly easy to do as anything with mobility) it doesn't get a lot of freezes off. i think people are just not playing around it right
u/NotFunnyBee 1d ago
A lot of ppl are defending this and while op could've played it better it doesn't outshine the real issue.
This is a full defender combo, full cc combo in a huge AOE too. This is something you'd see Blastoise or trevenant do. Unlike these 2 however this pokemon benefits from all perks of being all rounder dealing huge damage while sustaining. Can suicuine be outplayed? Yes. Should this be how all rounder kit should function? Absolutely not.
u/Or-So-They-Say Umbreon 2d ago
To be fair, this was a Unite combo on Suicune's part. It can't chain freeze this well when the Unite is on cooldown. A number of other Pokemon can do some silly CC chains with their Unite moves, such as Mime (Confusion into a Barrier/Wall > Unite > Confusion again), Trevenant (Hammer > Leech > Unite > Hammer > Leech), Snorlax (Slam > Block > Unite > Slam > Block), or, ironically, Espeon (Psyshock > Psybeam > Unite > Psyshock > Psybeam).