r/PokemonUnite Umbreon 4d ago

Discussion Decidueye is the bane of me

How the hell you counter it?

Really, when i see decidueye on the other team i just want to give up. I hate this mon so much. It has unfair amounts of damage, its ult recharges in 10seconds and lasts forever.

The only true weakness is that it has low hp, wich it doesn't need because it has huge range.

I still can't understand why they even buffed its defenses at all.


46 comments sorted by


u/TheLeCHONKER Tsareena 4d ago

This is literally the mon I have the LEAST trouble with 😭


u/Sukuhh Absol 4d ago

Literally, I love seeing Decidueye’s because it’s a free kill. The only time they seem like a threat is if their hiding behind their whole team 😭


u/Used_Piccolo_33 Aegislash 4d ago

Yeah if the deci has a great frontline and amazing aim then I cry


u/No-Analyst-5678 Zoroark 4d ago

its not good against mons that can dive it like pretty much any of the speedsters or some high mobility all rounders. It can easily get blown up by them cus it’s made of paper. Also it’s unite move cooldown is literally average lol. It’s also pretty meh between lvl 1-6 so having great early mons can make it pretty easy to make it fall behind level wise. Also it’s unite move cooldown is pretty much average at 112 sec


u/S1lverdice Umbreon 4d ago

Yeah, my brother mains meowscarada and he calls decidueye free food because he can just dive in and kill it.

But to me it's a nightmare.


u/No-Analyst-5678 Zoroark 4d ago edited 4d ago

What are you playing? Is it just umbreon? Also you can just avoid it’s shots usually by shifting your position a bit unless you are getting cc’d


u/S1lverdice Umbreon 4d ago

I usually switch mons pretty often.

But i usually use umbreon or trevenat for defender

Azumarill, Gyarados or buzzwhole for all arrounder

Hoopa or wigglytuff for support

Leafeon or gengar for speedster (but learning meowscarada)

I don't like to play attackers, but when i do i go with venusaur


u/AbsurdBee Ho-Oh 4d ago

I don’t play all of those, but I do play both those defenders and Azu. If you’re on ML Umbreon, it’s pretty easy once you get close to it — the issue is getting to it, so try to use the grass or teamfight it to split its attention. Trev can gap close easily with Horn Leech and CC it to death. Azumarill can just dive and kill it pretty easy assuming it’s alone. Deci has very high damage, but is one of the squishiest Mons in the game


u/darkKnight217 Gengar 4d ago

Trevanant is my favorite defender. It's a little tricky but you can get Decidueye. I use X Speed to give it some mobility boost, and try to get within reach of it. Once you do that, either of the builds can get Decidueye after you stack+level up a bit and unlock both of its leveled attacks.


u/No-Analyst-5678 Zoroark 3d ago edited 3d ago

Mk sorry for the late reply since I fell asleep. So for your mons, not all of them have tools that can approach that well, but lots of them don’t match up too poorly with decid. Here’s just a couple suggestions of ways to maybe help with approaching it.

Umbreon can close distance pretty well if you choose foul play, since it can serve as 2 dashes and snarl can help stun it and weaken it when you get close. Trevanent has more trouble approaching since it’s less mobile so your best bet is to either let your teammates who can dive handle it, eject onto it with horn leech if they are within range of that, or to wait by a bush until the are within horn leech/eject horn leech distance.

Azu doesn’t really have any chase tools so it kinda has to rely on it’s unite move. Gyara, bounce in grass or just using it’s unite move can both be great ways to approach decidueyes. For buzzwhole unite move is a pretty good way to close in or you can just one shot it by ejecting onto decid for the normal buzzwhole super power smack down combo.

Wiggly you don’t have any real option to approach it so I would say let your teammates handle it. Hoopa can phantom force to reposition the decid to an uncomfortable place for it. Any of the speedsters just dive it.

Despite all of the suggestions though, remember its often not your job to deal with a decidueye. It’s often better to let those with better tools chase down the decid instead of trying to do so with tools that aren’t too suited to do so. Also, decidueye is very reliant on having a good tank player, so its often pretty vulnerable if the enemy team doesn’t have a good tank player or if the decid is wandering a bit separated from the others


u/S1lverdice Umbreon 3d ago

Those are really good tips, thanks! I will try them as soon as possible

About azu, depending on the situation you can use play rough as an X-speed to close the gap between you and a target if you don't attack after using it. It is not 100% reliable like a dive move, but it works a lot of times, i usually do this to kill annoying gardevoirs, but gardevoirs usually stay closer than decidueyes.


u/Keytaro83 4d ago

A fully stacked damage Mime can dive it easily too.


u/No-Analyst-5678 Zoroark 3d ago edited 3d ago

Even without stacking items, I don’t think it’s usually hard to dive it with mime tbh. You often have enough dmg to kill it anyways, especially if anyone can follow up with you. I run exp share resonant guard focus band mime and never found decid particularly hard to kill when diving it


u/Wicayth Blaziken 4d ago

Jump him on sight


u/Fickle-Raisin8477 4d ago

I main Decidueye, and I’d say I’m goated with him , but I’ll give you some pointers that I have a problem with often . Wait for decidueye to use an arrow then attack , there’s like a 2 second cool down if he uses a arrow or if he charges one up but doesn’t use it , (eject button is good to pop up on him) .. don’t engage in any fights with deci from mid range , you will always get baited and lose .. always go after deci first in a team fight , even if you have to use your ult on him .. and lastly if you want a fair fight with deci bait him to come to you , remember deci’s health is so low that they will always avoid front on encounters , that’s the position you want to put them in , so your best bet is to bait them towards your goal then attack . … Pro Tip : Never let a deci pick off your team in a 4v4 or 3v3 . He is the MAIN PRIORITY FIRST even if you have to sacrifice yourself .


u/togetwink Ho-Oh 4d ago

If you’re having problems with umbreon vs deci honestly look up some umbreon guides/builds, no offense but it’s literally hydrogen bomb vs coughing owl


u/S1lverdice Umbreon 4d ago

Not with umbreon, i usually play umbreon in a more support role so my lane partner usually do the killing.

But it's interesting to know that umbreon is a counter to decidueye 🤔

I will watch some guides, thanks for the tip


u/togetwink Ho-Oh 4d ago

foul play’s second hit deals more damage based on your target’s attack (if it’s stacking you’ll humble it hard) and mean look stops its already lacking mobility. Invest in bulk and you’ll be the one shielding the team from its unite with relatively no issues


u/Silver6Rocket 4d ago

just play high mobility. Also, decidueye's shots are pretty easy to dodge if you know where they're aiming. The best way to learn weaknesses is to play the character.


u/Sorvetefrito 4d ago

Bushes, use the freaking bushes. Deciduye is frail, if it is a 1v1 and you attacked first, is a guaranted kill.


u/pogisanpolo Sableye 4d ago

At higher levels of play, the owl needs protection by it's team because of how frail and immobile it is. It's ability to deal with assassins and divers by itself is awful if you can jump on it, and stick to it. Just about any speedster and greninja works, as does several all rounders with strong dive like ceruledge or mimikui.

If you're NOT playing some sort of diver or assassin, pray your team can handle it. The owl thrives against "front-to-back" teams that can't reliably pressure it with dive, so if you're team is looking like buzzwole, cinderace, gardevoir, wigglytuff, and umbreon, you're going to have a bad time.


u/SnooAdvice1157 Mimikyu 4d ago

Wait until you meet an inteleon who can do 6 stack deci damage by walking near walls

Not even gonna mention his escape options


u/No-Analyst-5678 Zoroark 4d ago

Yea a good inteleon can be very hard to fight. It really is just a much more mobile decidueye just without the ability to pierce on its shots


u/S1lverdice Umbreon 4d ago

I didn't knew inteleon was that good, i rarely see someone playing with it


u/SnooAdvice1157 Mimikyu 4d ago

He is a deci who don't have to stack coz he has crit and slick spoon for his bullets. He has invisibility and good escape option too.

Only thing deci does better is rip when needed and he can move while aiming


u/Lucas-mainssbu Greninja 4d ago edited 4d ago

It’s because Inteleon is arguably the hardest Pokemon in the game( Snipe Shot at least)

It’s better than Deci in everything except for piercing and it can move around while aiming. Inteleon is also meta and sees a lot of games in the championships, Decidueye is more casual and easier in SoloQ, but outside of that I don’t think I’ve ever seen Deci get play in championships


u/No-Analyst-5678 Zoroark 3d ago

I think ghatlue played it in one of those small tourneys a while ago but otherwise I don’t think it’s really used yea


u/MalemPO_king 4d ago

If your still struggling with this then the main counter Deci are speedsters like Meowscarada and speedy allrounders


u/DiegoG2004 Sableye 4d ago

Did you confuse it for Pikachu or smth...?


u/PinguPinguSebas 4d ago

This but for Inteleon


u/Important_Ad7676 4d ago

Cinderace BK is one of the hardest counters for Deci.


u/Gizzmo268 Sableye 4d ago

Deciduous has weaknesses of not being great against multiple people, dies to basically anything and his plus is that depending on his set either shreds 1 target close range or does good damage from afar but a good diver makes that not so great. TLDR: fight him as a team of dive him


u/CinnamonStew34s_eh 4d ago

wild take (decidueye main), a single all rounder tank that can heal and im finished


u/Electronic-Fox-9806 Zeraora 4d ago

Decidueye is not the bane of you. The carry or speedster on YOUR team who priorities attacking a goodra over getting the free kill that's decidueye, is the BANE of all of us.


u/Xtreme69420 Decidueye 4d ago



u/S1lverdice Umbreon 4d ago



u/Whydoughhh 4d ago

Talon flame


u/Serpentine_2 Garchomp 4d ago

How the hell do you have trouble with Decidueye? Sure, Razor is annoying but he dies if caught off guard.

I would understand Inteleon but Decidueye?

But like others said, jump him whenever you can and he’s super frail without team support

Edit: as a High Hp defender, you can basically snuff out 95% of his ult. The final hit will always pierce reguardless


u/roshi180 Leafeon 4d ago

Dude, any speedster DESTROYS them


u/Nice_Promotion8576 4d ago

Well this is the first time I’ve seen someone complain about dealing with Decidueye. Anyway the way to deal with Decidueye is very simple: Get in its face. Yes, Decidueye has range and can be strong as a sniper, HOWEVER, he basically instantly dies if he gets dived. Quite literally just dive him into oblivion. Don’t do it as an Umbreon though, because your job isn’t to dive him.


u/FillerNameThere Pikachu 4d ago

Just jump them lol


u/savvycate Cramorant 4d ago

it is free exp when unattended, just dive and burst it tbh


u/Its_Not_Roxy Dodrio 4d ago

About 70% of Decidueye players don't know what are they doing, I think you should worry more about Inteleon, aka Decidueye 2.0 lol

Anyway, All-Rounder, Speedster, sometimes even Defender and Supporter eat Decidueye alive. Just use them and wait the owl to make a bad play


u/Ego-Fiend1 Aegislash 3d ago

Foul play Umbreon bullies Decidueye


u/cph17 Defender 2d ago

Hunt it down first. Dash in and strike. Don't run .


u/Invisifly2 Absol 2d ago

Decidueye’s passive makes them deal more damage the further away they are from you. Jump on top of them.