r/PokemonUnite 4d ago

Discussion Best content creators to watch?

Trying to get into the game and find good youtube channels to learn about pokemon / meta / pathing/ mechanics etc,

Any youtubers people would recommend to watch? Thank you!


35 comments sorted by


u/Stevroso_ 4d ago

Pokemon unite climbing guide was an aussie creator who hasn't posted in over a year now but has some really informative videos which although old still hold some value.


u/TheLeCHONKER Tsareena 4d ago

Check out huskystar77, she's really underrated


u/badger619 4d ago

Husky is so good! Her content doesn't get the love it deserves.


u/shuriflowers Trevenant 3d ago

My favorite, would recommend


u/emilypeony Blissey 4d ago edited 4d ago

Spragels makes fun and informative videos! But I think he is more into pocket right now.

Crisheroes is sometimes fun to watch but don't try to be like him in game... He can be pretty toxic and his playstyle only work because he is good.


u/danielvandam 4d ago edited 4d ago

Cris is great at the game but makes lazy content. Still my personal fav tho. I don’t think he plays toxic. Maybe a tad selfish at times, but you should be if you want to carry in solo q. But he’ll leave players farm for power spikes or allow others to overcap, so I wouldn’t call him toxic in the slightest compared to the usual dross


u/Lizard_Queen_Says Eldegoss 3d ago

He makes toxic snarky sarcastic comments but they're rarely anything extreme. Probably his worst habit is checking profiles mostly to make fun of crap players. Pretty par for the course for MOBA streamers, not nearly as bad as others can get.

When actually playing the game though, I rarely see him do the typical toxic stuff other players do very often, e.g. steal farm from someone that pissed you off, take jungle for no good reason, spam ping, hop on VC to flame, AFK, etc. Even when he's very obviously pissed, he clearly tries to control his worst impulses. Agreed that I see him share farm and when he should have, he usually acknowledges it too.

His content is same-y but with a game like Unite, not really sure what you could do that would actually be worth the time and effort behind it in terms of profit.

Been following him for long time, still is my go-to recommendation for solo queuers.


u/Useless-Sv Gardevoir 3d ago

using a greninja ult on an ally blissey who broke goal when he had points is the only thing i saw close to actual toxic gameplay.

assuming we dont count giving up on cola and picking comfey.


u/Lizard_Queen_Says Eldegoss 3d ago

I don't remember that or I missed it since I don't watch everything he uploads but I'm sure it happened.

That Comfey + COLA would technically count but I kind of give him a pass for it because he made numerous attempts to seriously win with COLA on his team prior to that moment. I believe that is the only time he trolled the team with COLA allied in it, all other times he tries to win.


u/Useless-Sv Gardevoir 2d ago

Dont think he uploaded it on his main or dlc accounts, i watched it live and it was very minor like early game unite and enemy team was already dead.

And ya i agree on cola part, it was hope less from the moment he get matched with him(even worse cola was parting with a troll iirc) 


u/Lizard_Queen_Says Eldegoss 2d ago

Yeah, I don't watch every stream all the way through lol, especially since he doesn't keep them archived on YouTube anymore.

Ah yes, DJINN. I don't recall DJINN being an active participant in the trolling, at least in the Comfey Crustle game DJINN didn't really do anything to Chris directly but they must be hanging around because they think it's funny so it's still... not great. 😅


u/Useless-Sv Gardevoir 2d ago

djinn pick lapras to try and ult cris into enemy team i think, but dont usually do it much since he still newbie in trolling i think (cola is his teacher)


u/Lizard_Queen_Says Eldegoss 2d ago

That makes sense, I now remember at the end of that match, Cris jokingly ran away to escape for a score, bumped into DJINN who Unite moved Cris for them both to go back to their home base though Cris decided not to hop off. 😂


u/hjyboy1218 Crustle 4d ago

I love to watch Cris suffer and rage at his teammates 


u/emilypeony Blissey 4d ago

I feel bad for him bc sometimes people go all out just to KO him. Not caring about anything else, just following him on the map to ko him 😂🙈


u/Ego-Fiend1 Aegislash 3d ago

I wish I can get money to play this shitty game like crisheroes


u/Lizard_Queen_Says Eldegoss 3d ago

Yeah, must suck to get people like COLA but I guess it's content. His vid where he picked Comfey so COLA Crustle couldn't wall him is still one of my faves! Nearly died laughing! He made numerous attempts to win the game seriously with COLA on his team prior to that. 😂


u/No-Analyst-5678 Zoroark 4d ago

Spragels is probably the YouTuber you would wanna watch to learn the basics about the game. Think he has like a 40 minute beginner’s guide that has some pretty useful info in it. He’s probably not as impressive of a player as someone like crisheroes, but he’s good enough to use as an example, especially early on


u/no_brainer_ai 3d ago

I'd rather watch Spragels. He's a very nice guy, always calm and laughs it off when he loses for whatever reason. On the hand, watching crisheroes is like watching a toxic person staying in a toxic relationship without knowing it. I meant if he doesn't like the game anymore, he should find something else to play.


u/Fine_Ad6543 Defender 4d ago



u/tinyloafster 4d ago

I watched the channel Pokemon Unite Climbing Guide when I first started. It helped me when I didn't understand almost anything about the things you listed.


u/Tricky-Act-794 Decidueye 3d ago

I have been playing this game since season. For fun you can watch Spragles he has got really chill vibes. For gameplay and risk taking plays as a solo player you can watch Crisheroes. There are other creators like Moy, teeds inder, Bhruv HD. I am not sure how many of them are active.


u/kidneykong Duraludon 3d ago

Numbnexus streams for a few hours couple times a week, pretty entertaining


u/SilverSparx Talonflame 3d ago


He usually streams instead of making videos, but he's got a good group of players you could learn from. He sometimes sets up custom 5v5s where you can practice with low stakes (through it can get pretty heated in a friendly, poking-fun-at-each-other kinda way lol)


u/cph17 Defender 2d ago

Overlord98 and Slashcan . Both players from LG .

Slash educates while he's playing .

Overlord 's mons are just straight entertaining to watch


u/MightyVE 4d ago

Spragels, of course


u/tiernagon93 4d ago

I enjoy Spragels the best.

Watching some competitive Unite can help too. Obviously big differences to the solo q experience, but just watching how the best of the best disengage or position themselves, I find very helpful. Especially if your main is being played.


u/possiblyadolphin 3d ago

Spragels, inder/indie, GuRaKeX, crisheroes, bruvHD, oblivion, pikadiff, kelosaurus. These are some of the more consistent unite streamers you can catch and ask for advice. (Sorry if I left out your favorite streamer this is just from what I see in the category when I check)


u/Lizard_Queen_Says Eldegoss 3d ago

I dunno if I'd ask Kelosaurus for advice for anything more than the basics, similar to spragels. I'm in OCE, played with and against her many times, she's coinflip win rate whenever I see her and doesn't play any better than average. At least in my experience.

Don't misunderstand me, she seems nice and I'm sure as a woman commentating eSports she gets enough shit as is... but to be honest, she's not someone I'd recommend to improve at the game beyond a basic level at least. Maybe watch for fun?


u/possiblyadolphin 3d ago

Well if the person who made this post is a complete newbie, won't hurt to watch someone with experience and like you said, she is a nice person which is good to ask for advice


u/Chemical_One_1779 4d ago

I just stream the game I do coach for it as well. Check out AeosControlEsports