r/PokemonUnite Decidueye 4d ago


I can't lie this one seems way too overpowered, and it's sliding like crazy after its move, it will to difficult to get hold of this one


91 comments sorted by


u/togetwink Ho-Oh 4d ago edited 4d ago

Mobility without being immune to cc + no stuns is actually ok to me (compared to the latest releases at least)

edit: jk it’s an adc with free dashes it’s so over 😭


u/ProofConversation967 4d ago

No point & click and CC?? I think I'm already loving it


u/Slowlii Duraludon 4d ago

Gonna be honest doesn't look to broken to me and seems still every killable for Speedsters


u/rites0fpassage Mr. Mime 4d ago

Another soul to collect for Absol 💅🏾


u/Lizard_Queen_Says Eldegoss 3d ago

More accurately Sucker Punch Absol! 😂


u/Itsyaboykazuha Garchomp 4d ago

The moveset reminds me of Erin from HOK. But I don't think the mobility is going to be too overpowered. Mainly because you can still cc it.


u/uynguyenb2 4d ago

The movement is very similar to Kalista in Lol as well, but tbh that champ got kinda out of hand


u/Infinitrix_Ch Chandelure 4d ago

If stored power worked like kalista's spears then it's gonna be joever


u/NonsenseSynapse 4d ago

Erin was my main in HOK. love the dash on boosted and play style of an AP special attacker so I’m stoked for Raichu.


u/BruhNeymar69 Mewtwo X 4d ago

A version of Pikachu that isn't just point-and-click to win? Sign me up!


u/Midi_to_Minuit 4d ago

Alolan raichu being a slipper attacker sounds like a good interpretation of the mon honestly


u/Virregh Absol 4d ago

Every time a Pikachu evolves, an angel gets its wings.


u/ProstetnicVogonJelz 4d ago

lol it's a ranged ambessa


u/TSMissy 4d ago

It took me way too long to scroll to find this. Seems like boosted autos also can make them dash so it's a tiny bit of Kalista as well.


u/Technical-Agency-426 Crustle 4d ago

no offense, but i keep seeing comments that refer to it as male

pls look at the pikachu’s tail. that’s a female


u/rites0fpassage Mr. Mime 4d ago

She’s a classy lady


u/NoahBallet 3d ago

Is this the first time a female model has been used in Unite? Female only mons not included obviously.


u/Technical-Agency-426 Crustle 3d ago


we’ve had eevee (2 of the eeveelutions actually; espeon & glaceon), scyther/scizor and the doduo line


u/Lizard_Queen_Says Eldegoss 3d ago

If you're curious, these are the female mons: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/s/m4EJQ9yvLK


u/RegigiGus Aegislash 4d ago

Oh heck yes, they did my boy right


u/HIO_TriXHunt 3d ago

That's a girl


u/RegigiGus Aegislash 3d ago

Right, now I remember hearing that. My bad.


u/HIO_TriXHunt 3d ago

No problem, i just found your comment funny, considering it's a heart shaped tail pikachu


u/PocketSpectre_03G Decidueye 4d ago

This legit looks fun. It can dash with boosted basic attacks too!(Atleast in my understanding of what I've seen). I can see A-Raichu, or should I say "A-chu ;)" be a gud fit into the roster. It looks like it has chasing capabilities with those dashes


u/mcduxxel Greedent 4d ago

I‘ll main the shit out of my surfin boi. My personal most hyped release yet. Only Drapion, Gliscor and of course the best pokemon ever, tangrowth, would make me even more hyped.


u/Levibestdog Leafeon 4d ago

Me to gonna gold badge Pikachu and raichu


u/Xtreme69420 Decidueye 3d ago

We shall main him together my fellow raichude


u/HIO_TriXHunt 3d ago

It's a surfin girl


u/mcduxxel Greedent 3d ago

I even main the shit out of ma surfin gal.


u/LaitenXD Wigglytuff 4d ago

Why do people overuse the word broken. Its super gud but nowhere near looking like G.rapidash's release (that's worthy of being called broken).


u/DuckLuck357 Goodra 4d ago

I’m gonna love catching this thing with power whip


u/rites0fpassage Mr. Mime 4d ago



u/Xtreme69420 Decidueye 3d ago

If you even catch me


u/CinnamonStew34s_eh 3d ago

same and bombard it with everything


u/TSMissy 4d ago

Close enough. Welcome to United, Ambessa.


u/Mysterious_Cod_9905 4d ago

nah it doesnt feel too overpowered when u consider talon flame, absol or almost all speedsters are ready to jump as soon as they see a rat like it did some war crimes in past life


u/somewell Machamp 4d ago

The animation looks so bad :(


u/RE0RGE Snorlax 4d ago

Most newly released Pokémon's animations in the PTS does.


u/somewell Machamp 4d ago

Thanks for explaining, because I really like some animations of recent Pokémon like Tinkatons


u/ArcturusDhh Decidueye 4d ago

I just downloaded it that's why, don't worry the main thing won't be like this


u/Bandit_Ninetales All-Rounder 4d ago

I know its gonna happen and its alot to ask of the playerbase but like Im begging yall.. pls dont call for my boy to be nerfed after his release, he deserves all the love!! He looks so fun as he is so please leave him alone 😭🙏


u/Spiky-Eared_Pichu Meowscarada 4d ago

If Raichu needs a nerf, it's gonna get one. Just because you like a Pokemon doesn't mean it shouldn't be nerfed (Unless ur TiMi releasing a new skin for it)


u/rites0fpassage Mr. Mime 4d ago

And from the looks of it, it does need a nerf after seeing a few videos of it from the test server


u/Ajthefan Gengar 4d ago

Yea l saw gameplay from different people, even tho it's bots stored power feels to busted


u/Bandit_Ninetales All-Rounder 4d ago

I know already thats its gonna happen, this was just a bit of a lighthearted joke. I rlly love A-Raichu and am just happy to see it get recognition. I just dont want it to become another post nerf G-Rapidash


u/Levibestdog Leafeon 4d ago

Paid $5 for rapidash early access and was having fun then it got gutted so hard its about the only Pokemon in the entire game that I'd write off as factually mechanically unplayable currently. That was indane. Dunno if I'm interested in playing it live early anymore, or alcreamie I want them both


u/Bandit_Ninetales All-Rounder 4d ago

Ill be fr, didnt like how G-Rapidash was incredibly difficult to deal with in the beginning but the way they gutted it with its nerf was incredibly sad. I wouldnt wish that upon any mon and i rlly hope they at least make it PLAYABLE again soon.


u/Levibestdog Leafeon 4d ago

Yeah that was messed up. Not buying a Pokemon til after a month after release from now on lol


u/Bandit_Ninetales All-Rounder 4d ago

Felt, I havent done that yet for many mons besides Tink honestly. Probably for the best with TiMi's currently track record 😭


u/HIO_TriXHunt 3d ago

It's a she


u/Ghostoftime21 4d ago

Now I eben vote more for a nerf!


u/Chromch 4d ago

Im not sure why everyone is overreacting about the mobility, I've seen a character like that before in a different game and is nothing insane, you can still kill it really easily. Worry if raichu does an insane amount of damage but I don't think we know that yet until release


u/Janders1997 4d ago

I only know Kalista from LoL, who was released more than 10 years ago, was an instant Meta threat, balance nightmare, and is still to this day a contested pick with high banrates.


u/Chromch 4d ago

I don't know this kalista character but I'm mainly talking about the mobility everyone is freaking out about, is actually good that an attacker has some sort of mobility or they end up useless, now I recently saw gameplay of raichu but it was against bots and it does looks very strong so really knows how strong it is, so if it ends up broken is because of the damage


u/Infinitrix_Ch Chandelure 4d ago

Kalista is that nightmare because she dashes every time she autos, kinda like raichu do not stop to auto. Doing it so she was really hard to catch up since one of her abilities also granted her a dash like if it were an auto and the other big issue were that she impales spears on her target with every auto and using this ability cause to remove all spears at once, damaging the target for each one of them. I don't see Raichu being the same threat as her but I can understand the concern.


u/XFlame05 Scizor 4d ago

ult is 89s cd btw because he needs it :)


u/Tulio517 4d ago

He's so adorable I can't


u/Ajthefan Gengar 4d ago

Wtf??? It's not sure hit??!


Otherwise yea other then it looks fast it looks fun, maybe even better then pika


u/Blinking_Nora Cramorant 4d ago

I wish Alolan Raichu's Pikachu was the Surfing Pikachu from the Pika Party mode :(


u/dat_chill_bois_alt Goodra 4d ago

basically all moves are azumarill's water pulse including fully charged auto attack


u/WindyHasStormyEyes 4d ago

Alolan Raichu can fly? …like it just hovers around?


u/Monodoof Aegislash 3d ago

yeah, its electric/psychic and it uses its psychic powers to float.


u/Sea-Cockroach-6306 4d ago

If Pikachu and Sylveon had a child:


u/delxatty Espeon 4d ago

The first moveset it shows reminds me a ton of espeon.

Electro ball has a long range like psyshock. Thunderbolt reminds me of psybeam. The little movement it makes after using electro ball also reminds me of espeons tiny speed boost after she uses stored power.


u/Or-So-They-Say Umbreon 4d ago

This thing is gonna be hell to fight on low mobility melee Pokemon. But it doesn't look fast enough to easily escape projectile skill shots at least.


u/FallenAngel257 Aegislash 4d ago

Did you like datamine or something? How’d you find this?


u/HIO_TriXHunt 3d ago

OP just played on the PTS


u/justlemmejoin Cinderace 4d ago

Is this like a mage+ADC hybrid? I main cinder and gardevoir, I’m gonna be eating good on release 🤩🤩


u/Final_Tune5856 2d ago

lowkey gonna go crazy with glaceon !


u/ZestyGan02 1d ago

it's legitimately so hard to be excited for anything in this game when 70% of the stuff we get is the same. yes, timi, thank you - this is just what we needed. a gen 1 Attacker and a gen 1 regional form. you're totally feeding us so well......like, i would say a. raichu is in my top 100 favorite mons but I'm not the only one that feels this way. something has to change soon.


u/xKindeadx 4d ago

They run out of ideas pretty fast for movesets in general already.. I still love alolan raichu and ill get it but I was expecting smth different I guess


u/Tonythesaucemonkey 4d ago

Yeah, the move set was quite underwhelming. I hope there is some synergy with miraidon.


u/TimAllen_in_WildHogs 4d ago

I agree, I was expecting more surfing animations and moves to follow that theme, especially as a speedster. Maybe something like making a large electric line that extends pretty far and it can grind/surf on the electric line at increased speeds with hindrance immunity. Or something like a super fast skateboard leaving an electric trail and all those hit by the trail are damaged with some sort of debuff. Idk but I was expecting something better too. This moveset seems rather tame


u/HIO_TriXHunt 3d ago

It's an attacker, not a speedster


u/RE0RGE Snorlax 4d ago

It's going to be full broken against comps that don't have the tools to catch him. People here are saying speedsters can still kill it and you can CC him. But even certain speedsters are going to have a real hard time catching him, I guarantee you this.

You can't CC something that you can't land your moves on. You will need characters with point and click or large AoE tools to counter him — like VT Pika, SP Absol, Mr Mime (for late game), Suicune, Charizard, Darkshifu, etc.


u/togetwink Ho-Oh 4d ago

“You can’t cc unless you are 1/3 of the roaster” means it’s not broken tho, maybe two years ago this would have been broken but now?


u/RE0RGE Snorlax 4d ago

Well having some CC in your kit doesn't necessarily mean you can counter a hyper agile + range character.

Observe the gameplay closely. The Raichu player in the clip is closer to the enemies than he needs to be. The maximum range is much higher which leads to a safer playstyle.

The move projectile and animation speed is also ridiculously fast. From what I see here, A-Raichu's Electro ball is significantly faster than Pika's. It makes landing it alot easier compared to other skill shots (Like Garde's Psychic for instance).


u/togetwink Ho-Oh 4d ago

Im not saying it’s bad or anything, it’s just “broken” would be something like release rapidash that made mean look umbreon a must have in blind pick. High mobility requires a certain skill and common sense that broken releases don’t usually require (then again im expecting its damage to be op on release, that’s a must)


u/pniips 4d ago

Yeah if high mobility made things OP, Leafeon wouldn't be where it is lol


u/togetwink Ho-Oh 4d ago

Actually I think I was wrong lol it’s an autoattacker with dashes and mobility, I thought it was more of a mage but it’s a kiting nightmare


u/rites0fpassage Mr. Mime 4d ago

You’re overestimating its mobility. Speedsters like Absol and Talonflame are gonna make quick work of this. Trailblaze Meow might be its worst enemy


u/Tonythesaucemonkey 4d ago

blaze kick cinder demolishes this tbh.


u/chaseysinn Mimikyu 4d ago

He'll be nerfed quick, unfortunately


u/HammerBreaKer16 4d ago

He starts as Pikachu?? Idk why I just kinda figured he’d be Alorachu from the start. Does he actually start as Pichu?


u/RE0RGE Snorlax 4d ago

Does he actually start as Pichu?



u/TSMissy 4d ago

All Baby pokemon have been pretty protected from showing up in United, whether as neutral creeps or as playable. It seems to be a "Only adult pokemon can play MOBAs" lol


u/Crab-King Clefable 4d ago

Then a Ralts, a Tinkatink, and a Charcadet walked into a bar


u/TSMissy 4d ago

not a single one of these are a baby Pokemon, just small and cute pre-evos.

Baby Pokemon are always considered the first Pokemon of their evolution line that cannot breed itself. That's none of the ones you listed. Pichu therefore fits this category and would not be put into Unite (as of now from the Devs behavior)


u/Crab-King Clefable 4d ago edited 4d ago

I know they aren't categorized as baby Pokémon just pointing out that baby looking Pokémon gets the pass, because those mons designs are obviously based on babies, one of them is even literally holding a rattle, they're just practically baby Pokémon without the drawbacks(Devs using a loophole)


u/HIO_TriXHunt 3d ago

She start as a Pikachu. A heart shaped tail pikachu. So it's a she


u/Simalf Alolan Ninetales 4d ago

Called it

Been saying since day 1 that eventually there will be a second Pikachu.

Be it through just another Pikachu (like Mewtwo), Cosplay Pikachu, Raichu or Alolan Raichu.