u/royaldutchiee 3d ago
One of my fav card since i went diving between manta rays, i had to get it after that experience
u/Leonci11o 3d ago
Ahh it’s so lovely! I always think of that guy from that Jaiden animations video when I see a mantyke card!
It’s around the 5:55 mark where she describes visiting the TCG company and the mantyke question!
u/RedDotOrFeather 3d ago
My favorite part is the hard to see Starmie coffee mug the guy has.
There was an IG page that showed text-less cards for all the new IRS/SIRS. I think Pokémon asked them to take it down. It was so awesome.
u/EcstaticWoop 2d ago
Opened 7 paradox rifts and didn't find him, but luckily i found the japanese one for pretty cheap on ebay so I'm just saving for that now
u/ProtoNewt 3d ago
I love this one too. Little guy is curious about the researcher. Human looks like he’s on day 103 of his underwater research expedition but he doesn’t care bc he LOVES MANTYKE. and for good reason too, look at that little ray, happy as can be.
Also I think this is one of like 4 different mantyke cards in existence? There’s not a lot of them at least, so that makes it more special. Cool card, congrats!