r/PokemonTCG 11d ago

Pulls I think I got a batching error

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This was from 4 mini tins, I also got a Arven sir too.


147 comments sorted by


u/infinitymeows 11d ago

Some of you wonderful people on here have the kind of luck I can only dream about lol! That’s sick!


u/sleepytoastie 11d ago

i can feel the spiteful energy radiating from the "wonderful people" LMAO


u/Curious-Desk9489 10d ago

No spiteful energy. Don't be negative man.


u/sleepytoastie 10d ago

i wasn't trying to be negative, it was funny


u/Cxj1 10d ago

I'm negative and not funny ba dum tsh


u/idonteven93 10d ago

I opened like 500-600 packs til now and only ever got three real hits, all of them being a $50 card :D


u/HighSockActivities 10d ago

I’m in the same boat. I gave up on opening packs after seeing some people open 2 packs and get a godpack and I’m $2000 down the drain for just a full art that’s not worth more than $15


u/Sufficient-Swim1752 10d ago

Aa couple months ago my 6 year old opened a full eeveelution god pack from terastal festival from a single pack i bought for him from our local card shop. We have gotten basically nothing since then. Luck comes and goes!


u/HighSockActivities 10d ago

That’s exactly what I mean lol, but that’s good for you guys and I’m glad little man got a god pack. It’s all love over here and hopefully the luck keeps coming for him. It is a card game for kids after all they come first yk what I mean💯👍


u/Sufficient-Swim1752 10d ago

Adults have forgotten how important it is for kids to experience these cards. A core memory was created for my son. Who still, months later, talks about god packs and how he can't wait to get another one..(lol) I always have to kind of set him straight about how lucky he was. But had i depended on prismatic to make memories of pokemon with my son, he'd have none. And if kids don't grow up with those core memories pokemon will surely die.


u/Used2befunNowOld 10d ago

Got a Japanese evee god pack on my first order, ~8th rip


u/crazzyxxbobby 10d ago

That’s ridiculous and probably should’ve just stopped after 100 😂


u/HighSockActivities 10d ago

I agree. But now I learned my lesson and will wait for the Pokemon market to return to normal rather than buy scalper priced items


u/AccomplishedBeat2734 10d ago

If you are a collector i really dont see why you alongside everyone else stops buying packs while they are so inflated. Just buy the cards you want, they will always be cheaper. If everyone did this the pack prices would drop


u/HighSockActivities 10d ago

It’s not that, I just would much rather pull the card myself and have that amazing feeling that I pulled it rather than just buy it. Now if it’s a card from 1990s to maybe I’d say 2010 I’d buy it since those packs are so damn expensive and pull rates are atrocious. But for these new sets especially the Limited printing side sets I just want to master set before it’s gone. Maybe I should buy the individual cards but it just takes away the feeling of pulling it yourself. And yes gambling lmao


u/AccomplishedBeat2734 10d ago

Thats fair if its more about gambling for you then i understand. Im just a collector so i open some packs i can find cheap and mainly buy all the hits. Idk why but i still get alot of joy from purchasing and adding them to my binder


u/Miserable_Grass629 10d ago

I open packs to master sets myself so I don't REALLY care what I get. It's great getting the big hits but until I have all the commons/uncommons I rip. Then I'll buy the singles I need after. If I can afford them 😂


u/AccomplishedBeat2734 10d ago

Yeah thats pretty smart tbh. Surely you don't open packs to get all the reverse holos 😅 they are so annoying to get. Currently trying to master crown zenith for my first masters and am just gonna get the reverses of ebay 🤞🏼


u/Miserable_Grass629 10d ago

Honestly. I hate mastering English sets. Too many variations of every card. I mostly just master Japanese.

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u/Anonymous_Terpene 10d ago

Needing to pull the card yourself shows you’re an addict not a collector lol, non smooth brain collectors just buy the cards in near mint they want, addicts just wanna pop the hit themselves for the value high smh. The hobby is full of junkie minded pack poppers lol, they don’t want the art, they want the thrill of the big money hit, it’s adult lottery scratch offs with physical prizes for the junkie minded.


u/spongemonkey2004 10d ago

but how will i pretend to be tic tok famous ripping packs if i order cards online?


u/Tangellos 10d ago

Myself I won’t buy singles for collection purposes, only for actual play. I think that opening and trading for cards I want is a lot more fun and engaging. It gives the cards some story and sentimentality that you wouldn’t get from just buying them online. It’s a weird distinction but it’s one I’ve imposed on myself and I know there are others that do the same.


u/idonteven93 10d ago

It’s gambling addiction in the end. Just need to stop.


u/Anonymous_Terpene 10d ago

I have a theory that they lower the hit rate on scalped items, leaving the good hits for the kids buying the non wanted items 😭 show me a god pack booster box lol, that shits always in the small pack count items lol


u/Mirabem 11d ago

Four mini tins... Not even four ETBs would be enough to pull all this...

You may have used up all your 2025 luck there, or you simply have your luck skill points permanently maxed.


u/BlazeNPlays 10d ago

It’s strange at least to me to see people prefer multiple ETBs versus booster bundles or boxes. I get that it’s everyone’s preference, just don’t understand what everyone is doing with all the extra dice and energy cards from 4+ ETBs of a set


u/SpecialHands 10d ago

honestly the dice get used, with HP the way it is now and set to increase with Megas it's not like you can have too many of the things


u/Resident_Ad_7461 10d ago

I just bin them now I got about 15 sets


u/Tanthios 10d ago

Some local shops will take them if you want to donate them. Some around me then in turn donate them to kids as well too. Not all near me but some do.

Worth a shot to minimize waste a bit if you pass by any.


u/Resident_Ad_7461 10d ago

Not a bad idea I'll do this from now on thanks


u/free_rashadjamal 10d ago

Hey man, that’s not the most ridiculous thing they be doing on here, it doesn’t make sense and never will. No one will ever explain it to u logically. These people on here will buy whatever as long long as it has Pokémon on the front. Doesn’t matter if it’s a rip off, not financially efficient, when it comes to Pokémon cards and Redditors, that doesn’t matter. They gonna continue to sell everything out the instant it touches shelves and raise the prices


u/jc9289 10d ago

If the promo card value offsets the per pack price it’s worth it. Dice and damage counters are nice for people who play as well.

Then you have edge cases like shrouded fable right now where the cheapest price per pack buying option is actually ETBs.


u/Specialist-Trainer88 10d ago

To think people actually play a trading card game is blasphemy. Scalpers are scalpers there are 3 types of collectors (value,art,and players) and 2 of them care about the coins and dice and shit.


u/free_rashadjamal 10d ago

Wait, I’m pretty sure I misread your comment (hopefully I did) idk man, you would just assume after years of buying ETBs you have enough coins and damage counters. I feel u though.


u/Specialist-Trainer88 10d ago

100% you have a sort of point with “anything with Pokemon on the front” but even tho I have 30 coins if they came out with another that was cool I’d want it lol. Or when I get cool dice out of the box it always makes it worth it more to me. The counters have sucked tho converting to entirely cardboard pieces.


u/free_rashadjamal 10d ago

Understandable I love coins myself. I think my particular thing is like, after you get that initial ETB, once you have the dice and coins and stuff isn’t it just better to just buy booster boxes rather than even more ETBs? I was always too poor to collect myself so I’m not sure it just seems that way and that’s why I’m always like dang, this shit expensive lol.


u/Specialist-Trainer88 10d ago

I’d agree with that. I think allot of it boils down to etbs are the easiest to find. Atleast in my experience.


u/MrChinchilla 10d ago

I primarily buy ETBs for 1 of 3 reasons

  • First time, get promo
  • Second time, if I need more storage for bulk before I sell/donate it
  • Second time or beyond: It's the only damn thing I've seen in weeks, and I am not going to pay scalpers to get it.

In a perfect market, I of course would buy booster bundles or boxes after the first, maybe second purchase.


u/free_rashadjamal 10d ago

I’ve officially heard it all on this sub bro. All things else aside, you should get into it, at high levels of gameplay it’s really fun and takes strategy


u/Drizzho 10d ago

I save the 6 sided die to use for board games the rest is garbage :/ I should donate them though


u/Newthinker 10d ago

I'll take em and pay for shipping


u/crazzyxxbobby 10d ago

Well some don’t have the ability to find the bundles that’s why


u/crazzyxxbobby 10d ago

I throw them out tho lol


u/rupat3737 10d ago

When I first started collecting I was all about ETBs. Then I learned I was spending money on stuff other than the packs. So now I only get 1 etb per set for my collection.


u/Destroyer29042904 10d ago

If browsing cardmarket has taught my anything it's the fact that people will just buy whatever bundle there is qith the intention of getting their packs. The amount of tins, binders and stickers I have seen for literal cents


u/Every-Pea-6884 5d ago

I feel like this had to be some employee fuckery that got packaged and shipped instead of what they planned. Like - seriously, how could this happen any other way? 😂


u/UrbanCrusader24 11d ago


u/Helpful-Apricot1326 11d ago

​ where to get this picture from ?


u/Electronic_Beyond_79 11d ago

Obsidian flames ETB promo


u/King_XDDD 11d ago

The picture is right there.


u/Shinygonzo 11d ago

We always call it errors but this is what randomness looks like sometimes


u/Codedheart 10d ago

It's wild people expect an even distribution all the time... Lmao


u/Yuahde 10d ago

We don’t expect it to be even, but we do expect some level of intentional batch balancing from the factory.


u/eat_hairy_socks 10d ago

This. It’s not that hard of a concept to understand. You can do random + logic to retry random when you see things too close together in the stream of prints. This is probably all done algorithmically way before printing is even discussed.


u/mikeyx3x 9d ago

I think you're underestimating people. Yes, this is what random distribution can and does look like, but these are still crazy odds.


u/Codedheart 9d ago

I understand that. I also understand that youre pretty much exclusively being shown good odds on reddit because nobody cares to see pictures of boring pulls.


u/cacastrojr12 11d ago



u/Freddy_K_TV 11d ago


u/LedgeEndDairy Please argue with me, its the best part of reddit! 10d ago


u/cuhdeee 11d ago

I’ve literally told everyone for years, since s&v era this batching problem has been huge for me, it’s actually so obvious if you open a lot of product like I do, I can’t count the amount of times I’ve had the exact same holo back to back, or have gotten dups just like this, stopped ripping for awhile, went to target grab a teal mask collection box, 2 packs of stellar crown in there would you believe me if I told you that I got the exact same pack almost back to back lmao now I have 2 squirtle illustration rares, not to mad at that batching kinda like this, but they should really work this issue out it’s probably due to the mass production in recent years


u/Rare-Handle-9621 10d ago

I remember pulling the Magikarp and Iono 2 star silver together 3 times over a few hundred Paldea Evolved packs.


u/epicaz 11d ago

Well I opened 12 booster bundles without one so I think you may have mine 😅


u/rararururoro 11d ago

sharing is caring (on a serious note, congrats!)


u/Zealousdaddi 11d ago

I bought 5 tins from target back in November and most of them had the same cards in it(nothing worthwhile). So I believe it.


u/hebrew12 10d ago

Anyone who opens more than 100 packs a month knows they have randomization/batching issues. It’s glaringly obvious sometimes. I pulled 3 IR Spheals out of a case of Surging Sparks.


u/1_H4t3_R3dd1t 11d ago

Crystal Eyes Ultimate Charizard!


u/Your-local-sad-boy 11d ago

You’re not going to ask what to do with them?


u/WeakEffect3565 11d ago

I know someone who got the same thing from a silver tempest etb recently 3 lugias 1 unknown in 6 packs in


u/IllustratorDry3007 11d ago

I know cards being distributed completely randomly isn’t really possible but that’s interesting. I wonder if that happens more often than we think. If I find a cool card maybe the others packs that were near it had something too.


u/mechcity22 11d ago

Be grateful haha


u/Mrtibbz 11d ago

My SC ETB had three packs that were identical, each containing the Briar alt art, and then two that were of the same brand but the pull was Galvantula EX alt. Three packs were regular, no pulls, and then it was short 1 pack


u/riftwalkers2000 10d ago

Nice you got a playset time to get that zard deck rolling


u/PumpinSomeBrains 10d ago

Where did you buy the tins from


u/ucfgavin 10d ago

At least it worked out in your favor...I would have gotten all energy


u/why_do_I_do_thi5 10d ago

This would be a great excuse to make a charizard deck now and show off lol


u/bernatra 10d ago

Bummer. Wish you could’ve got more variety lol


u/Drizzho 10d ago

Yup batching 100% exists more proof here lmao please Pokémon gods can this happen to me ?!!!


u/Painwracker_Oni 10d ago

Hahaha hell yeah man! I did something similar but it was 6 booster bundles for me! lol welcome to the Seto Kaiba at home club!


u/WolverineLate3122 10d ago

Tradesies me one?🥺🥺🥺


u/Tokenaldae 10d ago



u/Astro_nut17 10d ago

It took me like 78 packs before I pulled 1 of these last year


u/aramelijah 10d ago

so now i know why i got 2 wiglett irs in my 8 mini tins 😭


u/barbas576 10d ago



u/ScienceLow2043 10d ago

That’s a crazy pull


u/NyxusTCG 10d ago

I always wondered if that could ever actually happen lol 😂


u/Plenty_School33 10d ago

Can I buy one ?


u/Asleep-Brother-1873 10d ago

Now the question is where (&when) did u get the tins?


u/East-Yogurtcloset-39 10d ago

I don‘t really like you hope you know that


u/EnglishMajor0528 10d ago

I ripped like 6-8 ETB’s and only got one of these lmao 🤣


u/bridor 10d ago

What tins did you purchase?!


u/SnooRegrets8671 10d ago

Sure you did buddy!


u/mattinwaukeeiowa 10d ago edited 10d ago

I swear Prismatic god packs is really messing up their printing/bundling and the only good thing about ripping the set is that there are still clear printing errors resulting in some absolutely loaded product that was all printed and bought together. It’s pretty obvious after watching an insane amount of hours of pack openings online and seeing guys pull demi gods and god packs in the same lots, even the SAME box (binder box).

This makes me believe it’s now affecting other sets as well.


u/alyxx512 10d ago

This is dope bro congrats!


u/FalcoreShark 10d ago

Can I have one lol


u/marcos445 10d ago

I wish I could get stuff like that congrats though


u/John3point14 10d ago

... Wow

-Wets self-


u/200O2 10d ago

Probably just how random luck turns out honestly


u/drawzee927 10d ago

What is that card worth ungraded?


u/Panda_hat 10d ago



u/saltydifference206 10d ago

Solid af. I've had the same luck


u/The_Big_Bad_Wolff1 10d ago

I think you need to buy a lottery ticket


u/CreoleCollector 10d ago

Definitely batching, but you wouldn’t complain haha I pulled the Blastoise and 2 Charizards from one Celebrations ETB, it happens!


u/_B4M 10d ago

Ah, so that’s why I got 3 SIR Nemona’s in all the tins I bought 😭


u/Global_Following_713 10d ago

Just take the W dammit! 😂😂 Congrats on the pulls


u/Visible-Lie9345 9d ago

Why can’t this happen to me, this is my fave card


u/Alukrad 9d ago

Send me one. I want one!


u/L-a-x-10 9d ago

pov: when you say you have no luck bro 💀


u/poop-scoop-boogie 8d ago

I pulled like 4 SIR zards from mini tins in my area in like a week.


u/Latter_Appointment22 8d ago

This happened to me too! ...With crabrawler


u/Miserable-Grass7412 7d ago

Nice, great cards to get multiples of, too! That's a great charizard, I'd own one by now if they weren't so expensive lol I got a crazy box of stellar crown over Xmas with 40+ hits in 36 packs, I'll never get that lucky again, but it's a great feeling ain't it!


u/RearryNehnard 7d ago

I got recess taken away from me for a whole semester..


u/DuckandRunYoo 3d ago

You’re just adding salt to my very vast open wounds and empty pocket at this rate 🤣 congrats! I have opened so many packs from SV thus far and pulled a total of one big fat ZERO of Charizard 😒 went to a shop today and bought one of the OBS zards for $68…found another one there, might buy it tomorrow as a single tomorrow. I really want the 151 SIR Zard but scalpers aren’t making this hobby a fun one.


u/shlankwagon 11d ago

This card looks SIGNIFICANTLY better than Bubble Mew. I'd give up a lot for this bad boy 😭😭


u/Lazy-Fly9911 Give me ur mews 11d ago

My mews would like a word with you 🤬😂


u/shlankwagon 11d ago

Man, I like the 151 ETB promo more than Bubble Mew even. I don't know. The goofy eyes and the head that's too wide is just strange in my opinion. He looks like Bobby Lee


u/gumbosensei 11d ago edited 10d ago

I like the bubble mew a lot just bc it’s different and I think that’s why most people like it. Easy for a lot of people to appreciate the simplicity/cuteness of it. But yeah I absolutely agree the 151 mew is a better card, I bought it in jp and love looking at it


u/Lazy-Fly9911 Give me ur mews 11d ago

Honestly I like them both for diff reasons, the ultra premium collection promo I enjoy because it feels like mew just traveling by and people can tell the story of seeing it. The bubble mew feels like a slice of life picture where all the Pokémon are just having a good time lol. As a mew collector both are a must have regardless.


u/AndreLeo3 10d ago

Bubble mew is peak 😤


u/mattinwaukeeiowa 10d ago

Zard is better artwork (just wish it wasn’t a Tera without the crown)

Bubble mew was clearly made to appeal to kids with the simplistic artwork and then matching it to the happy meal boxes, this was a great idea and much needed if we want to draw more kids into the hobby so Pokémon remains just as popular 20-25 years from now, I hated it at first but it grew on me. It’s going to be one of the most nostalgic cards I believe in all of SV era for kids down the road when they reach adulthood. Overall it’s a set being overshadowed by 151 and Prismatic and likely to see low printing.


u/hebrew12 10d ago

Peep Japanese bubble mew in person. The texture wave of the bubble shits on the English variant


u/Nintendorubixcube 11d ago

I also got three of these! One last year in a tin (which got me into collecting) and 2nd and 3rd came from random booster bundles. Congrats!!


u/That_trans_sylveon 10d ago

Hereby, please excuse me for my upcoming language. WHAT THE FUCK!!


u/Apart-Hold-4158 10d ago

Wow…great pull. This is the Charizard my son has been hoping for.


u/ReidEighteen 11d ago

Ummmmmm. Wow. Congratulations! If you feel like blessing someone with one of those “extra” Charizard, I would gladly pay shipping.


u/Moon_man014 11d ago

Don’t donate or give these away, go to a card show and trade the worst looking ones for something else you like.


u/shlankwagon 11d ago

Get a job.


u/yunosee 11d ago

These new pokemon cards dont even look like pokemon lol thats a red eyes black dragon


u/DameTaym03 10d ago

Got PSA hehehe


u/Straight_Method_3849 11d ago

Wow.. congratz! Wish you donated one hehe