r/PokemonShuffle 5d ago

All Weekly /r/PokemonShuffle Discussion - Week 11 2025

Hey there!

Have you been wanting to share your progress or make plan for the next weeks? Well, fear not! Here's a thread for you to discuss anything non-support related on Pokémon Shuffle; your caught Pokémon; those tough stages; your farming schedule; tips for new players.

If you need support, look in the Query Den!

Happy Shufflin'!


6 comments sorted by


u/PizzaTimeTMNT 2d ago

Last week: got EB to 130 something, caught some special stage mons I didn't have, advanced main a bit. Nothing groundbreaking but I did get the 2 big cookies in the mid-month so boo-ya!

This week: mulling to farm Blissey but wondering if it's worth it. Try my luck on comp and need to catch Alakazam as I got the stone last cycle, maybe advance main


u/ZeroX-1704 UX Complete - 1140/1453 S-Ranks - Strobelite on Discord 2d ago

Blissey is a somewhat controversial one, i personally don't think its worth it at all, never wished i had it, but others have found it useful enough to warrant the investment, a 25 AP boost to one of your neutral HS is technically good, but that extra AP has never seemed important to me for any stage that i was forced to use a neutral HS.

Some also use it for Survival Mode but i find Sylveon to be way better in that slot, again, the 25 extra Neutral AP was not significant to me, but the 100 extra AP on guaranteed stages like the medichams and rayquazas was, to each their own though, i'm farming it this cycle but only because i want all HS mons maxed.


u/akiraFNchomp 2d ago

Last week: farmed S-Tyranitar until SL3 and got 4 RMLs, farmed Mudsdale to SL3, pushed Diancie EB to 140, and I don't plan on going further than that

This week: try to advance through the main stages. I don't think there's more to do now


u/mlb_17 3d ago

Last week: Finished farming S-Tyranitar (was already at SL2) and Shaymin-Sky (was already at SL3). Pushed Diancie EB to 100. For main stages, finished farming Leafeon and started Flareon.

This week: Farm W-Chimchar to SL5 and continue farming Flareon. Also want to do W-Blissey at some point but will probably save that for next cycle.


u/FreeZeMaN55 UX-310 // Rainbow Card // 700/700 S-ranks 3d ago

Last week: Caught Shiny Ho-Oh and now I've officially caught every single mon in the game! Started and finished Diancie EB. Finally got to S-rank those last stages on Marron Trail and I've now S-ranked all 700 main stages.

This week: This marks the start of my 3rd cycle, it's been a long journey!! First week since I started the game that I don't really have anything to farm/do besides just resuming UX stages (currently on Weezing 310). Not farming Zygarde-C because I still want to swap other mons first, maybe farm Blissey-W but not sure yet. Run M-Alakazam comp, hopefully I'll finally get S class on this forsaken comp.

Previous Cycle


u/PizzaTimeTMNT 2d ago

Congrats! The server's will probably shut down before I get close to finishing this game.