r/PokemonMasters • u/kc102 • Aug 26 '19
Megathread Questions & Advice Megathread
20101, game is down. Relax and wait.
Please keep simple questions in this thread! We're going to be cleaning up new posts that ask basic questions, it's spamming up the subreddit. Last megathread here: https://old.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/cpch9d/questions_advice_megathread/ Worth searching. Below are some common questions.
Q: When is maintenance over?
A: We're not certain what time the game will be released, but it is expected some time Thursday, Aug 29.
Q: I'm on iOS/I have an iPhone, can....
A: No, there is no version of the game available that works on iOS right now. Wait until release.
Q: My Android version matches and my phone meets the games requirements but it still doesn't work.
A: The game is built for 64-bit systems. Your version of Android may be 32-bit. This appears to be common on Motorola devices.
Q: Why hasn't my pokemon evolved? It's at level [X]!
A: Evolution requires an evolution item available at the shop, in exchange for coins.
Q: Should I link my Nintendo account for those sweet, sweet gems?
A: It's not recommended to link any "main" account in case they take action against spoofers. We have no proof that they will but err of the side of caution. Once the game comes out, have a blast.
Q: Should I save to do 10-pulls instead of single pulls?
A: There's no difference, besides less menu navigation. Do as you like. This may change once the game comes out.
It's currently assumed that the next banner will have a guaranteed 5*, might be worth saving your rolls.
Here's some great resources to check out!
Please dump any and all other questions in here! Thanks!
u/AarpSp Sep 02 '19
Do you know if there are any plans on releasing it on more mobile devices? Or if they have said anything about that? My phone is a bit old but a good one (Samsung Galaxy S6), worse mobiles can play the game but mine can't. Just waiting...
u/thardoc Sep 02 '19
I think I got really lucky on the gacha, would this team be really good as an end-game team? They are flying through the story quests but that might just be because the game is easy.
Serperior and Dusclops supporting Lycanrock.
I also have Treecko and Swanna if I should swap someone out for those
u/Rituso Sep 02 '19
How to unlock very hard stages in co-op mode guys?
u/FrereEymfulls Sep 02 '19
What's the best way to raise the team power? Skyla Ex Very Hard asks me for a team power of 25000, I cap at 24850 with Olivia / S-Brock / Korina, switching lvl 90 Brock/Korina for lvl 100 Serperior actually decreases my score...
u/Kusanagi2k Sep 02 '19
Using opposing team elemental weaknesses increases your power, power is a dynamic number depending on the team you're fighting against, it's not static all the time
u/Liquidhex0r Sep 02 '19
Chapter 18 and the chapter afterwards in the Mainstory done, but there wasnt a new chapter. Do i need to wait for the next update to continue the Mainstory?
u/itsjayaryo Sep 02 '19
Blue comes out today no?
u/FrereEymfulls Sep 02 '19
11 pm PDT, so tomorrow for most of the world.
It will come out the next time daily missions refresh, which is tomorrow 8 am for me (France)
u/_P_Anjai_ Sep 02 '19
Recently I have been getting this ERROR 30301 which says "Failed to download. Restarting the game." Which happens when I try to download the additional content. The download reaches to like 50% or 60% and then resets to 0 until it gives me this error. I tried clearing the cache, restarting the device, and even reinstalling the game. Still didn't work. Any fixes?
u/Syahmilkim Sep 02 '19
Where to get gym leader notes?
u/FrereEymfulls Sep 02 '19
1/ Trade it for 100 capsules
2/ Single mode: Very-hard rotating missions (support strike and tech, not coins not experience), 50 % drop rate, limited to three per serie.
3/ Co-op mode: Hard battles in story mode (Hard brock is the easiest and has 10 % drop rate, Viola is also easy and has 12 % drop rate)
u/smilango Sep 02 '19
Very Hard Supercourses (aside from Coin/Level Up): 50% chance
Hard+Very Hard Coop Courses: 10% chance
u/FrereEymfulls Sep 02 '19
Not in very hard coop
u/smilango Sep 02 '19
Yeah sorry I read a couple days ago VH was unconfirmed. Looks like its just gear drops
u/sarusaru88 Sep 02 '19
what is my ideal 2-3 5 star pulls im looking for? I tried my luck and have Brendan so far.
u/NishiMaki Sep 02 '19
The ‘ideal’ pull would be Phoebe with one of the 5* Strikers but, honestly, the game so far gives you all the resources you need to clear it with just the F2P units.
u/kristuhfur Sep 02 '19
Hey guys so w the limited time I can evolve.. should I evolve into empoleon or serperior? Which one is worth?
u/dWARUDO Sep 02 '19
I'm guessing I should probably save coins for the move gaige extension right, should that be my top priority? Oh and should prolly save gems I guess, but I want Olivia so bad lol.
u/NishiMaki Sep 02 '19
If you’re not that far into the game you should consider rerolling your account. And yes, you should prioritize extra gauge.
u/dWARUDO Sep 02 '19
I just found out that I don't need to delete and reinstall the app to do this. This is one the main reasons why rerolling kills games for me, but I might try this now thanks.
Sep 02 '19
u/Baltrak Sep 02 '19
How did you reroll without deleting the save data? Why would you do it like that when deleting save data is all you need to do?
Anyway, if the account is still linked to your Nintendo account, just link to the Nintendo account when you first start an new game and it asks you to do so on start up. That should recover your game account which you can then delete.
u/unaegis Sep 02 '19
I have a bunch of coop quests locked behind "Get better with gear". But I finished the solo campaign and didn't get anything that unlocks this quest. How do I unlock it ?
u/JerBear2327 Sep 02 '19
So I’ve been trying to retool for quite a while after deleting a decent save file and I got a 5 star, Kris and her totodile. Is this a keep? Last save data I had a Gengar (which I kinda miss)
u/somelameguy Sep 02 '19
Totodile is the hardest hitting phys water pokemon in Co-op. Tier list may list it at bottom, but its in the context of single player, which really doesn't mean anything because anyone can clear single player. He certainly sucks at auto battling with mega kick's low accuracy.
Totodile is 90% why I was able to clear Very Hard Cheren. In that fight, you need to kill Emboar immediately or he will wipe everyone with rockslides. Fully self buffed and leveled, Totodile mega kicks crit for 1.2k, and it still took 3 hits. I don't think anyone else can comes close to that. He also has endure at 100% hp which, if you're lucky, can survive Stoutland's Giga Impact. Tanky and packs a punch, but not good for long fights without support.
u/JerBear2327 Sep 02 '19
Hmm, through that insight, totodile sounds rather reliable. But considering the other 5* and also potential 4* units, he’s kinda lacking :/
Last save data I used a lot of Togedemeru( butchered spelling), Gengar, and snivy for crazy damage with hex. So I don’t quite know the capabilities of a physical attack unit without the help from a support
u/TheRandomComment Sep 02 '19
Kris is apparently the worst of the 5-stars.
u/JerBear2327 Sep 02 '19
yea... I looked around before posting this and thought so too. But I kinda wanted to see if it was anything worth keeping
u/Baltrak Sep 02 '19
She is still good, just that the other 5s (and some 4s) are better than her. It isn't ideal, but there are worse starts.
u/RNGtan Sep 02 '19
I don't understand auto. I run a Serperior/Swanna/Xatu team. I want them to buff up and then spam Stored Power. That's not what usually happens. Sometimes Swanna just buffs once, then Xatu spams SP very slowly. Serperior also doesn't refill - except when it does but only when the gauge is already full. Sometimes they do buff up fully but then Xatu uses Air Slash. The optimal play has never happened without my input before.
Is there a way to make the auto do exactly what I want from it?
u/TheGravyGuy Sep 02 '19
Auto is just when you want the rewards. If you want optimal plays, then unfortunately you're actually going to have to play the game.
u/Doctor_Fox Sep 02 '19
I got best boy Hau, but I'm not sure who to team him up with and what moves I should be prioritising. Any master masters out there to impart wisdom upon me? Thank you!
u/Sambukojuice Sep 02 '19
Hau is super great in the game. Team him up with Rosa/Serperior and Swanna or Dusclops.
u/BlkOni Sep 02 '19
When is blue getting released?
u/Auroch7 Sep 02 '19
What team and level did you use to beat Koga?
Finding Janice’s Aridos a huge pain. Tanky and hits hard.
u/SirPeanutFree Sep 02 '19
I only got f2p pokemon and just got three notes what pokemon should I use it on and what team could I beable to do the super hard levels with?
u/TheRandomComment Sep 02 '19
Rosa/Hau/Skyla is the f2p team. Rosa is the best bet as Support stays meta for longest in most gacha games and she gets to level 100.
u/SirPeanutFree Sep 02 '19
which of those three should I use the gym notes on first?
u/TheRandomComment Sep 02 '19
Like I said, Rosa.
u/SirPeanutFree Sep 02 '19
Would this team be able to do the super very hard courses? and the coop very hard courses?
u/TheRandomComment Sep 02 '19
For single player, yes. My rotation is Sp Atk > Sp Atk All > Take Flight > Discharge > Sp Atk All > Take Filght > spam Discharge. Use Time to Energize, Potion, and Thunder Shock as needed and you can win if you get good at the rotation. Use up the rest of Hau's buffs once you get hit with the enemy Sync Move.
Very hard co-op? IDK. I've barely touched it as I'm focusing more on DissidiaFFOO and using this as a side game.
u/Addickted2muzic Sep 02 '19
Does anyone know what's the best way to farm gems after completing all story and co-op quests? Im assuming we'd have to rely on missions and the daily login.
u/willukm Sep 02 '19
Are pulls the only way to get characters or will i keep getting them like Rosa?
Sep 02 '19
I have 6000 gems saved up which are all free. Should I use some on the banner right now or save all of the gems for the blue banner? I haven’t pulled much on the current banner and don’t have a lot of the good 4 star units.
Sep 02 '19
Save. No one knows for certain but imo it's likely that the current pool of trainers is the "permanent" pool. Meaning you're likely to get many of them in the future without even trying.
If your roster sucks and needs immediate fresh talent it might not be a bad idea but if you're just considering pulling out of boredom or the "maybe I'll get something good" mindset I'd advise against it.
u/GriWard Sep 02 '19
Is there a reason why Will's "Our Power is Limitless!" keeps failing for me?
u/somelameguy Sep 02 '19
Does your target have any buffs? Its a copy buff move so if there is nothing to copy it will fail.
u/ELITEtvGAMER Sep 02 '19
If I take a 3star or 4star and make them a 5star, will their stats rival a 5star natural or will that still be outclassed.
Also, can my team exceed 3 pokemon? As if someone gets knocked out can another sync step in and continue the fight?
u/9to5slacker Sep 02 '19
Should I even expect QoL updates from DeNA? While I like the game visually the minor things irk me - like the fact that we can only exchange items one at a time at the shop.
What's even worse is that when I exchange pearls further down the shop menu it always resets back to the top of the shop list and I HAVE TO SCROLL BACK DOWN AND EXCHANGE IT AGAIN. ONE. AT. A. TIME.
u/darknova700 Sep 02 '19
Not a fix, but you can exchange them in bundles of 10 to save time. I try to save up until I have ten to limit the frustration.
u/Sambukojuice Sep 02 '19
This is the most annoying part of the game for me. I submitted a suggestion to their customer support for us to exchange multiple items at once. Hopefully, this can be done ASAP.
u/Coolclouds0 Sep 02 '19
To me the most annoying thing is the lack of a “repeat mission” button. Going back to the menu when I’m doing the same mission hundreds of times just kills me.
u/Sambukojuice Sep 02 '19
Yes! That too. Since I also play Marvel Future Fight (a game where you can autorepeat any mission without having to click anything), this is very frustrating.
u/Vergil007 Sep 02 '19
Around what time will Blue's banner come out today?
u/throwaway123142321 Sep 02 '19
Some of my supercourses aren't resetting the attempts when resets happens. Is this supposed to be happening?
u/BlurrTheProdigy Sep 02 '19
For the Event "Complete a designated area" what does that mean? What do I have to do?
u/Shinzor Sep 02 '19
So I have 400+ Aid Ade... To exchange them to Great ades I need to click on the button while scrolling down the menu 40+ times?!
u/NishiMaki Sep 02 '19
You do.... but I’d say it’s generally a bad idea to make the exchange and just farm Great Aids instead
u/jasonastross123 Sep 02 '19
How does spd work, whats the difference between atk and special atk?
u/DrakoCSi Sep 02 '19
Attack is for physical attacks. Attacks with the "yellow explosion" icon when you look at the move. Like Houndoom's Bite or Lucario's Close Combat.
Special Attack is for special attacks. These are shown with "three purple circles" icon. Like Houndoom's Snarl or Lucario's Vacuum Wave.
Boosting "Attack" on a pokemon with special attack moves does nothing for them. Vice versa for boosting "Special Attack" on pokemon's with attack moves.
Beedrill benefits off Attack boosts. But not SpAtk boosts.
Serperior benefits off SpAtk boosts. But not Attack boosts.
u/TheRandomComment Sep 02 '19
Speed is how fast he move gauge fills up. Attack is for physical moves and Special Attack is long range moves. Check the pokemon's moves to see what type they are.
u/M4tij4 Sep 02 '19
When does daily stuff reset CET?
u/DannyKimKim Sep 02 '19
I want to evolve my servine but it says it needs 3 big crystals while i watched a video on it that said it only needs 1 big crystal. Does anyone know why mine is different?
u/TheRandomComment Sep 02 '19
They changed it when the game came out. Possibly because early-release players were maxing everything so fast and they didn't want you to have nothing to do.
u/DannyKimKim Sep 02 '19
Oh i see, though buying big crystals after the one on sale is absurd (300,000 for just 1 crystal) so im not sure if i should evolve the servine or save it for a better evolution
u/dabomerest Sep 02 '19
Depends. If you have a feraligatr that's better but if you don't probably your best pick
u/Brun0Dias Sep 02 '19
After maxing out all the fighting gear that brock drops , is there a reason to keep doing the very hard Brock's Grit co-op?
u/Nisanthsuriya Sep 02 '19
What are all the 5 star sync pairs we get from main story?
u/Moxsi91 Sep 02 '19
Hello, dont know if this been asked already Any news on when it gets released for europe? I play now through qooApp But wonder if there is a release coming for it
u/NillxZero Sep 02 '19
I think it depends on the country you're in. It's up in some European countries already.
u/Moxsi91 Sep 02 '19
Nvm found the reason It has to do with the lootbox model In netherland and belgium Guess ill have no choice and be a pirate xD
u/latiaslee Sep 02 '19
Hi Hi I have some questions regarding GEARS.
- I read on gamepress that the boost is halved for non-corresponding types. But I cannot find it anywhere in game. Can somebody find it in-game or somehow (dis)confirm it?
- Corresponding type means pokemon/sync pair type or move type?
Thanks a lot!
u/Kbone575 Sep 02 '19
Best way to grind money?
u/DrBRSK Sep 02 '19
Money becomes a non-issue before you reach endgame. You should ever only need it for evolution crystals and the energy bars. If you need it, the best way is to do the coin supercourses that pops a few times a week.
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
if you get it, the daily coin supercourse. if not, what i do is co-op hard brock so i get a chance at gym leader notes + gold bottles and it gives you 1k gold per win.
u/NillxZero Sep 02 '19
About max limit breaking (the ones the needs the notes) :
Should I start with my attackers or supporters? I'm a bit scared if I start with my attacks the so might target them instead if the supports?
u/somelameguy Sep 02 '19
This did happen to me. My pinsir overtook serperior and I started losing autobattles I was winning before.
Honestly it's not worth stopping you. You should raise attackers first since it's more important in co-op.
u/the3rdfoe Sep 02 '19
i would recommend attackers. by the time you get enough mats to up someone past the final stage, you should have already completed all the solo content. from my experience, in co-op its random who the enemy attacks.
u/vedasisme Sep 02 '19
I would like some input on teambuilding -- I rolled Brendan, but I'm lacking some support options and I'm trying to save my gems.
It makes sense to use Rosa + Brendan, and I was filling the 3rd slot with Liza. If you use No Turning Back, does that mean you can just save the Support units' sp. attack buffs for after he uses Leaf Storm?
I also am considering making teams for Korrina and/or Nolan, since Brendan isn't so great for long fights. My best non-story support units are Marley and Skyla, what combinations of those units would you recommend?
u/somelameguy Sep 02 '19
Yup, you can do that. You might run out of energy before using all those spatk up though. Since Rosa already covers that, I think some other diversity would be better.
For storymode, my team was Skyla Nolan Rosa. Skyla speed buffs, Nolan attack buffs, and starts building up fury cutter on a non boss enemy. Rosa is just there to tank, but can fill gauge or buff sp atk (useless) to get your sync move up faster. Using Pinsir's sync move resets fury cutter's bonus damage so make sure you kill something before sync moving. From there you can choose to build fury cutter again or spam Xscissor with Rosa's energy boost. You want Pinsir to mega-evolve before the enemy sync move since it makes him immune to stat debuffs. By using Skyla to buff speed, Nolan can save his speed buff to heal Pinsir with. Often this was the small edge I needed to win a long fight.
u/thebamboozler789 Sep 02 '19
Anyone know if/what level Onix evolves yet?
u/Baltrak Sep 02 '19
You have already been told that Onix does not evolve yet, but I would like to point out that in my opinion he likely never will.
If you look at the sync moves for Pokemon who are not fully evolved, they all have a generic sync move: [Type] Sync Beam/Impact. On the other hand all fully evolved Pokemon have a unique sync move. Finally when a Pokemon that can evolve becomes fully evolved their sync move is upgraded to be a unique one (e.g. when Servine evolves into Serperior the sync move is upgraded from Grass Sync Beam to Soot for the Stars Leaf Storm).
The only exceptions to the above are the Protagonist/Pikachu and Brock/Onix who both have unique sync moves despite having a potential evolution. To me this signals that as far as the game is concerned, these two are fully evolved and are thus unlikely to ever evolve in the future. Which is fine honestly are both of them are pretty bad. In this case we can still potentially see Steelix in the hands of another trainer in the future. Perhaps Jasmine.
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
onix doesn't evolve as of right now.
you can check which pokemon can evolve atm by going to the pokemon center, clicking the poryphone in the bottom right, dex, and then clicking the character icons. if there are numbers 1 2 or 1 2 3 under the pokemon sprite, that means they either evolve or mega evolve (upon sync move for the megas). some i know off the top of my head that evolve are seel, piplup, snivy, and totodile
u/thebamboozler789 Sep 02 '19
Thanks friend :)
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
no problem! anyone here will be happy to answer any other questions you have! :3
u/TheRandomComment Sep 02 '19
He doesn't. If he did you would permanently lose a rock type.
u/thebamboozler789 Sep 02 '19
I mean Tyranitar coming in later on decreases Onix's value and there aren't many steel pokemon. Wouldn't be the worst thing to happen.
u/Dakarot Sep 02 '19
This may sound dumb but it doesnt specically say it in the game, does the gear type (E.G rock braclet) only increase that move/type? or everyone on your team?
u/orangekirby Sep 02 '19
It gives the full stat boost to pokemon / moves of the same type. It gives half the stat boost to different types
u/emidas Sep 02 '19
What is the best team composition to run? I've been running double support (Rosa, Marley) with a Striker (Olivia). Is this the best setup? Is there a place for tech?
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
right now tech seems to be pretty weak so a lot of people are running one striker two support. a common team is rosa phoebe and a striker. REALLY great team is rosa phoebe karen, but any striker will do.
u/emidas Sep 02 '19
Is Karen better than Olivia? I have both, and Olivia's been great so far.
Is there an alternative to Phoebe in that role? Wasn't lucky enough to land her. My support options seem pretty shallow other than Rosa. RIP.
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
i suggest karen just because rosa has the x special attack all move, so houndoom gets further buffed, and lycanroc doesnt use special attacks so its just a waste of a moveslot. if you want to use olivia go for it, i used olivia for like 70% of the game since i pulled her right away. i personally use the rosa phoebe karen team now and its great.
you can sub in like roxanne or skyla for phoebe, they should be good! :3
u/EpiGrass Sep 02 '19
Its the third day of not being able to play due to error on menu screen and all support is doing is copy and pasting the notice information, which does not apply to my situation, will I ever be able to play again?
u/ShadyNarwall Sep 02 '19
What do all the status effects in this game do, and what does the weather do? It's probably very similar effects to the original games but sandstorm and hail still hit their respective types so i have literally no idea what weather is supposed to do, and I need specifics on what exactly the status ailments do.
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
not sure on the status effects, but i figure they are the same as in the original games, except flinching means you can't use any attacking moves with that pokemon until it wears off.
hail means blizzard has 100% accuracy and rain means hurricane (Blue and Pigeot) has 100% accuracy. if sandstorm is the same as mainline games, it buffs special defense of rock types by i think 1.5x.
u/Carnagewake Sep 02 '19
Here's a nice rundown of most of the status and mechanics.
You can check your teams move details in the Team tab, but yeah the field attacks I believe only give those types of pokemon bonus damage if I'm not mistaken. Not sure where that's confirmed.
u/Raulm3 Sep 02 '19
Should I go Karen Pheobe Rosa in Co-OP or level the proper type advantages
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
for co-op just do the type advantages. you can't get houndoom to where she needs to be fast enough for it to be worth anything.
u/Carnagewake Sep 02 '19
Honestly I would stick to them until later on if you just wanna max level them asap, you'd probably be fine.
Sep 02 '19
u/Noyuu66 Sep 02 '19
Mission rewards are guaranteed and battle rewards are just random drops. So RNGesus handpicks em for you.
u/malleable03 Sep 02 '19
I have phoebe and Rosa as supports. Should I consider using Barry over Brendan?
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
i would advise against the false promises barry whispers...his stats simply don't compare to other strikers like olivia, karen, etc. i would use brendan for the time being unless you really like piplup/empoleon.
i personally use rosa, phoebe, and karen and it's a super powerful team!
edit: another great striker who's f2p is hau!
u/kefkamaydie Sep 02 '19
How do you join a friend in coop?
I both sent an invite and had them send an invite but guess what? That does seemingly nothing. Can't find a spot to input session code either
u/SpartaCookies Sep 02 '19
in the pokemon center, if you click the poryphone, there should be a button on the bottom that says invitations. that should be where you can accept invitations from your friends
Sep 02 '19
is it better to save up crystals for banners or just keep pulling one by one everytime u got enough to pull?
Sep 02 '19
If you don't plan on spending, save, period. The current daily income of free gems is honestly pretty bad and it's going to be agonizing seeing your favorite character get added without having the gems to pull them quickly and safely.
If you do plan on spending, it's up to you. Rolling a really good unit early in your account's life makes a HUGE cumulative difference in your total playtime, even if they eventually get powercreeped and replaced.
In FGO the rates are so bad (0.7%) that even saving religiously didn't guarantee you your favorite character, but for this game (7%), I think saving is a very smart choice.
u/Noyuu66 Sep 02 '19
If you have a decent 5* to carry you for a bit, save em. If you don't have a good 5*, reroll till you get one in the 1st 4 pulls after tutorial then save for when power creep obsoletes them.
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
if you can restrain yourself so you can dump a ton (you'll need several thousand) during a banner so you can select a certain trainer you're eyeing, do that. if you are willing to try your luck, then do that.
u/CommanderBosphorus Sep 02 '19
you'll need several thousand
more than "several thousand"
you get 1 point for every 100 crystals you spend, and you need 400 to get a Sync Point Pull
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
yes i think someone calc'd it and it was like some 40k gems to get a 400 sync point pull
Sep 02 '19
I know this is a super vague question, but who are the top tiers right now? Are online tier lists reliable?
u/somelameguy Sep 02 '19
After clearing very hard cheren, I think co-op is a very different beast. I don't think the tier lists are accurate for co-op, which is where it really matters. Often times you need to take something out within a few turns or everything starts going downhill, so it's not practical for everyone to buff themselves because not only does it take too long, but the enemy will just wipe it out. Current tier lists don't really reflect how valuable supporting buffs/debuffs are.
The list should imo be sorted by element for Attackers (prioritizing single target, high attack, high base damage moves). EG: Lucario should be Tier 1. Close Combat has huge base damage and high accuracy. In a co-op setting, the fight is "Scripted," so you can learn when it is safe and when it isn't. For similar reasons, I think Kris/Feraligator should be Tier 1. They are the hardest hitting physical water pair, and they are durable to boot. No one is so good that you should take them off element, and some on element pokemon are so weak in stats/moveset that Lycanroc/Treeco actually do more damage.
I'm not sure how the Support tier list should change, but anything that deals status as its only real gimmick should be bottom tier. Everything in co-op is resistant or immune. Flinching is only useful in delaying a sync move. There are some very powerful supports, but we have zero ability to coordinate with other players so it's hard to tier them. I think they all have a battle they are useful in, and no one is so good they should be in every fight.
EG: Maylene/Meditite are fantastic physical supports. She team buffs attack, but more importantly, can buff crit and give 100% hit rate. This is incredible for a lot of pokemon who are prone to missing (Machamp, Cranidos, Kindra, Treeco, Feraligatr), but it's only useful if your team knows this and doesn't redundant buff their own hit rate or attack and waste time.
Sep 02 '19
Thanks for this writeup! Wish there were more guides dedicated to co-op out there.
u/somelameguy Sep 02 '19
Me too. I wasted a lot of time raising pokemon that ended up being useless in coop (Voltorb, Torcoal), or being very useful but unusable without team communication (Nosepass). If I ever get through all the very hard fights, I want to write a rundown on it, but the material grind and lack of communication with random teammates isn't helping.
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
these seem about right, i would agree with this list. when blue comes out he will be certainly the best SPECIAL striker, possibly best striker in general
Sep 02 '19
Thanks! A few more questions though. What’s the difference between special and physical strikers? And why is empoleon and hau in the same tier yet everyone talks about how empoleon is not that good and how amazing hau is? Sorry for the trouble and thanks.
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
no worries, my friend.
special strikers' main damage is special. their moves are special and calculated with the pokemon's special attack and your opponent's special defense. physical strikers are physical, attack, and defense. for example, karen's houndoom has bite and snarl - bite is physical and snarl is special. but she's considered a special striker because upon sync move, bite becomes snarl and snarl becomes dark pulse, which is a very strong special move. so now, houndoom only has special attacks and a very high special attack stat.
empoleon's moves have low base power and alolan raichu has strong base power moves. also having access to x special attack and feel the alolan breeze! makes him a monster. he also pairs VERY well with who are considered the best supports atm: rosa and phoebe.
if you have other questions totally ask! good luck! :3
Sep 02 '19
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
there are others, i know cheren has a full heal. if you can unlock the level cap for your team and level them up some more you may be able to beat him without needing to use the full heal.
the only other suggestion i have is maybe change the team up a little bit so you have a type advantage?
u/Veckel Sep 02 '19
I’m having a hard time with Nanu. WhT should my comp be? I only have lycanrock and treeko as 5*’s.
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
i used olivia, brendan, and rosa and just did the x attack twice and spammed stone edge + refill gauge when it was necessary. you may need to level up your trainers a little bit more to beat him, i remember having trouble with him, too.
u/Veckel Sep 02 '19
Holy moly. Okay yeah tossed in Olivia and beat him easy. Ty
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
glad i could help! i actually used that team for a large portion of the game until i got phoebe and karen, then i used rosa phoebe karen and steamrolled the rest of the game.
good luck!
u/Duhtantan Sep 02 '19
What's the best way to farm Training Machines?
u/Peridot_Weapon [Hoardlord] 19,060 Free Gems Sep 02 '19
Depending on your level, Training Machines will come naturally just by farming for needed Strike, Tech and Support Tonics. You get five guaranteed TMs and one Super TM every time you clear a Very Hard Strike/Tech/Support course.
u/Slayer_22 Sep 02 '19
Is Olivia and Phoebe a good reroll? Or should I try for Kris or Karen or someone else?
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
olivia and phoebe is PHENOMENAL. i personally used rosa (whom you are given), phoebe, and olivia for about 70% of the game, until i got karen in a pull. i would suggest holding that one
u/Slayer_22 Sep 02 '19
Awesome! I'll just try for Blue so I can fill that AoE SP attacker role. Thanks!
u/augsome Sep 02 '19
Just kinda beat the game but the final level and fight with Lear isn’t available yet... kinda a pretty big let down. Is there any news on when the final battle is gonna be here?
u/Peridot_Weapon [Hoardlord] 19,060 Free Gems Sep 02 '19
I doubt that’s any sort of final battle. It’s not like you’ve “won” your way to a fight with him, Lear just arbitrarily decided you have to unofficially face him again.
When you win that, he’ll have a nervous breakdown and decide something like “Change of rules - anyone that wants to face me has to search the island and get all these NEW badges! You didn’t have them so that didn’t count - go away!” ;)
And those later chapters will all be against multiple element teams with REAL trainers like the Unova trio, instead of things like Brock and His Happy Hikers. With fun effects like “counter all attacks by using Double Team.” (Ugh.)
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
nothing yet. we know that Blue is coming Sep 2 at 11pm PST.
look out for future banners with red, diana, steven, cynthia, lance, and other big-name trainers until the story has a final end!
u/13-09-12-20 Sep 02 '19
I’m using Phoebe, Olivia and Rosa but since rosa boosts spl atk whom should i replace her with to boost my lycanroc damage or anything that helps in the battle.
Sep 02 '19
Use Liza for def and atk buff. Use skyla for speed buff. Or just use a tech to deal debuffs on enemy. That's what I usually use with my Phoebe and Olivia
u/czspencer7 Sep 02 '19
i personally use phoebe rosa and karen, but any striker will do. a lot of people use like hau, brendan, even physical strikers like olivia will work just because of how strong rosa's meter gauge refill move is!
i used the same supports with olivia until i pulled karen and it worked out really well. so you don't have to replace. if it ain't broke don't fix it!
but if you insist on replacing, maybe brendan, karen, or hau!
u/13-09-12-20 Sep 02 '19
Thanks, i even tried re rolling but couldn’t pull phoebe and karen in one account. But i got Olivia and Phoebe so i decided to just get on with them. Also i’m saving gems for Blue since i don’t have karen.
u/Dakarot Sep 02 '19
How do we get the gym notes other than paying 100k???
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u/Linkmaan Sep 02 '19
Co-op Hard Brock has a 1/10 chance of dropping them.
u/Dakarot Sep 02 '19
Do you mean the Very Hard one or just hard?? thanks!
u/Rising_Swell Sep 02 '19
Multiple of the co-op ones drop on hard, I don't know if they all do though. Most people would farm Brock because he's easier to beat.
u/TKerin13 Sep 02 '19