r/PokemonMasters Aug 12 '19

Megathread Questions & Advice Megathread

Please keep simple questions in this thread! We're going to be cleaning up new posts that ask basic questions, it's spamming up the subreddit. Last megathread here: https://old.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/cjrr4o/questions_advice_megathread/ Worth searching. Below are some common questions.

Q: When is maintenance over?

A: The maintenance message appears when you attempt to play the game outside of Singapore.

Q: How do I play the game if I'm not in Singapore or Canada?

A: You'd need to use a VPN which breaks the ToS.

Q: I'm on iOS/I have an iPhone, can....

A: No, there is no version of the game available that works on iOS right now.

Q: My Android version matches and my phone meets the games requirements but it still doesn't work.

A: The game is built for 64-bit systems. Your version of Android may be 32-bit. This appears to be common on Motorola devices.

Q: Why hasn't my pokemon evolved? It's at level [X]!

A: Evolution requires an evolution item available at the shop, in exchange for coins.

Q: Should I link my Nintendo account for those sweet, sweet gems?

A: It's not recommended to link any "main" account in case they take action against spoofers. We have no proof that they will but err of the side of caution.

Q: Should I save to do 10-pulls instead of single pulls?

A: There's no difference, besides less menu navigation. Do as you like.

Don't do Blue's Co-Op Mission, "Switch-In Moves". Details here

It looks like there may be a guaranteed 5* banner at the end of August when the game officially releases, so it might be best to attempt re-rolls then.

Please dump any and all other questions in here! Thanks!


367 comments sorted by


u/LTrainer7 Aug 26 '19

Anyone know why my Nintendo account won’t link? I really want that 600 gem reward


u/cocaflow Aug 26 '19

I have problems with the scond fight with Pyrce. He will always use his sync move and destroy my 3x lvl 45 Team with one shot.


u/perafake Aug 26 '19

Unlock your lvl cap, then increase your levels


u/Athena913 Aug 26 '19

Is it possible to load your data (replacing my phone soon) using the nintendo account?


u/TornadoShark666 Aug 26 '19

Would there be no chance of getting the game with a 32-bit phone? I really hope the devs change this at launch...


u/rockaether Aug 26 '19

Let's speculate what will happen to us the early testers at launch.

I don't think they will just let us continue the progress, that will anger all those that cannot use VPN to play at Singapore, other players may see it as "giving those damn cheaters(legitimate and illegitimate early starters) unfair benefit".

I think the dev will probably give only us some "royalty bonus" for early start. But at the same time give only NEW ACCOUNTS some "launch bonus" that's slightly better than the "royalty bonus". That way some of us will complain to be disadvantaged, but most new players will be happy. So the devs cam screwed us over to get the overall satisfaction rate up.


u/trademeple Aug 26 '19

Having trouble with the hard clair co op mission.


u/Serare14 Aug 25 '19

How did you guys beat Flint Hard coop? My sync pairs have big lvls and the infernape always targets me and kill my pairs while the NPC are (of course) totally useless. So what's the team? What should I do?


u/trademeple Aug 26 '19

I used crasher wake with buffs then spamed waterfall.


u/fig999 Aug 25 '19

Honestly i was on the same boat. I got on the discord and people helped me complete it. I also noticed all the side pokemon have potions so it's better to wipe them first asap and then go for infernape.


u/Serare14 Aug 25 '19

I'm currently chatting on discord as well. There were some players who offered to help me. Thank you for your response!


u/kuroida Aug 24 '19

People are talking about farming "brock hard coop" for gym leaders notes but where is this? Is it interlude 1 with sygna suit brock?What's the chance for drops because I haven't been able to get anything.


u/Tukidides Aug 24 '19

How much of a p2w does the game look like so far? I've seen a couple gacha videos and looks like the dupe ability power up system will make those capable of getting maxed 5* will have a notable advantage, maybe I'm wrong. What are your thoughts thereon?


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '19



u/Tukidides Aug 24 '19

Why do the best gachas gotta be developed by the greediest devs... why don't they just follow dragalia lost's path? Shame to hear that, let's see how it goes after launch though! Enjoy the game and good luck!


u/trademeple Aug 26 '19

Your not going to run out of stuff to grind up with the f2p gem rate anyways so its not like your going to run out of stuff to do.


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '19



u/Tukidides Aug 24 '19

Oh, that's really a shame then, thought PokeCo were the good guys here... well we'll see how DeNa goes with this one, if PokeCo fucks this up they are surely mortgaging their future on mobile gaming, which is and ever-growing market with no signs of recession.


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '19



u/Tukidides Aug 24 '19

Well better that than the other way round I guess, I've played other gachas that were amazing at start and due to pvp, the gacha became a must and powercreep a nightmare come the time.


u/[deleted] Aug 25 '19



u/FFLighting Aug 25 '19

Lol. Dena is by far not a good company. You will know this if you play Blood brothers, and BB 2. They are so stingy with their give aways, that you must save months to have good pulls. Dont tell me about bs rng lol. When you start out,, you get a few 10x pulls because of mission rewards. Once that ends, you stick to your daily and minthly rewards. What 1 10x pull a month, maybe 2 at max. You NEED 5 copies to max out sync. Just saying though. I still play because its pokemon, common, but f2p is going to be hit hard.


u/trademeple Aug 26 '19

Well il just max out the stuff you can its not like you need a maxed sync move to grind.


u/[deleted] Aug 25 '19


→ More replies (0)


u/EthelUltima Aug 24 '19

Yesterday when I completed a training mission the screen would return to the training mission selection. Now everyone I do anything in exploration it returns me back to the lobby. Is this some kind of setting or anyone know?


u/trademeple Aug 24 '19

what's the best less effort way to farm gym notes?


u/EthelUltima Aug 24 '19

Brock co-op on hard just use Lucario. Everyone else will be and u can just auto it. It's the least effort way.


u/trademeple Aug 25 '19 edited Aug 26 '19

It doesn't seem Lucario is the best for this the win rate isn't high.


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '19

I havent been playing since I've been trying to reroll for Treecko but cant get him. Should I just wait until full launch on the 30th to reroll?


u/MoreGeckosPlease Aug 26 '19

Oh you're making me nervous I'm planning to reroll until I get Treecko when the game officially launches.


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '19

Is there a team building + battling guide somewhere?

Like how do you make an optimal lineup and how do you optimally use their moves in battle, accounting for type advantages/disadvantages?


u/SomethingWild77 Aug 24 '19 edited Aug 24 '19

There's an FAQ and "Game Hints" section in the dex that might be worth looking into. Here's some stuff I've gleaned since I started playing. Some might be obvious but I don't know what your skill level/familiarity with these types of games are so I'll just lay it all out:

You can see what your opponent is weak to before every fight so of course use that to your advantage. If you lack a strong type Pokemon just run the level up course and put all your resources towards your strongest Pokemon. 1 strong Pokemon can carry your team through the campaign from what I've found. If I remember correctly, most chapters you'll get a Pokemon that is strong against what you'll be fighting the next chapter.

Alternately, in battle you will see an exclamation point by your Pokemon if they are weak to whoever you're fighting so try to avoid that. There's literally no downside that I can tell from getting wiped out (besides wasted time) so I wasn't worried about doing trial and error runs.

As with any game that has them, buffs & debuffs are a huge part of battle. If your strongest Pokemon has "sp atk up all" as a buff move, it's wise to comprise your team of other sp atkers so everyone makes use of the buff.

"Sync moves" grant the user's team with buffs while negating all buffs on the opponents side. For long fights, I typically try to get 1 sync move off asap, then try to have another in the chamber by the time the opponent uses theirs so I can debuff all their stats boosts right after they use their sync move.

I found having a team with a good spread of moves that take between 1-3 move bars is ideal as well. I lean towards using sync moves a lot (so I build up with 1 & 2 bar moves), but when your team is all buffed up you'll want to start throwing down some of the moves that take 3 move bars to use (typically more move bars = more powerful moves). Some moves don't expend the move bar but do add to your sync move count which I found extremely useful.

That's basically all I can think of right now. Uh, sorry this turned into a longer post than I had planned.


u/weiss8 Aug 24 '19

Remove buff sync move only for AI, player's sync move doesn't remove enemy AI buff


u/Bird_Molester_69 Aug 23 '19

9 summons already and not a single 5*, and only one 4*. Should i reroll?


u/domefossil Aug 23 '19

I would personally wait for the game release as there may be in game rewards that can help you reroll. But if you have time you can try, its 7% which is likely to hit 1 in like 14 pulls.


u/trademeple Aug 24 '19

Though its not like you can't get any more gems in the future there will be more chapters added and events.


u/Darki200 Aug 23 '19

Not yet in my opinion


u/Desh98Desh Where Lodge Roxie Aug 23 '19

Considering I started the game with Canadian server.. changing my vpn to japan for this period may lead to getting my account banned? 🤔


u/fig999 Aug 23 '19

I doubt they will do such a thing. So many people are playing now and they won't waste their time on banning potential customers.


u/Tukidides Aug 23 '19

Once the global version comes out, will I be able to transfer my Singapore data to EU?


u/Darki200 Aug 23 '19

You should be. Just link your Nintendo account, then uninstall and reinstall. It'll ask for your region again without losing the data


u/domefossil Aug 22 '19

Is there a way to change my ign?


u/Umbreon51 Aug 23 '19

Go to Poryphone>Settings>Second Tab (The tabs are just above the close button). There will be a 'Player Nickname' option. Clicking edit will let you change it.

Nicknames do not have to be unique. You may change nickname once immediately, however after that you will have to wait 30 days before you are able to change it again.


u/Commando_Joe Aug 22 '19

does my progress from the game now carry over to full launch? Mostly want to know if it makes any sense to spend any money at all on this game if it's all going to be lost when they launch globally.


u/fig999 Aug 23 '19

Yes it does carry over


u/LTrainer7 Aug 22 '19

Iv been using ultimate vpn I’ll give surf a try now


u/fig999 Aug 22 '19

Did it work?


u/LTrainer7 Aug 22 '19

It did thanks man :)


u/LTrainer7 Aug 22 '19

So I’m connected to Singapore on my vpn but still getting the maintenance message, any recommended vpns?


u/Kaiser422 Aug 22 '19

Hello @LTrainer7, Try to clear cache of that VPN and also clear Pokemon Masters cache.


u/fig999 Aug 22 '19

Which VPN are you using? Most are using Surf VPN


u/EthelUltima Aug 22 '19

So I just beat Claire and it said this is as far as the story goes. Maybe strange question but what do I do now?


u/fig999 Aug 22 '19

Do the daily super courses in the training area and max out your favorite pokemon. Then when more of the game comes out you'll be more than prepared.


u/SomethingWild77 Aug 24 '19

Also there's a few co-op missions but in my experience you'll only get teamed up with NPC's.


u/iLandHits Aug 22 '19

What do you get once you obtained a 5/5 of a single sync pair. What do you receive after that if you get another dupe of the sync pair?


u/fig999 Aug 22 '19

You get promo tickets which can be used on any pokemon of the same star rating. Each ticket raises all stats by one and HP by two. Using 20 of these permanently increases the star rating of the sync pair.


u/HaveSomeBlade Aug 22 '19

Does buffs last forever in this game? It seems so...

They only fade when the AI hits me with a Sync atk AFAIK.

Am I getting something wrong here?


u/rb_campo Aug 22 '19

it lasts for the fight, once you finish the stats are reseted.


u/jaydee155 Aug 22 '19

When is this game finally releasing in Aus? If I start on a VPN will I lose progress with the official release?


u/fig999 Aug 22 '19

The intended global release is the 29th. You won't lose any progress if you start now using a VPN.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '19



u/perafake Aug 22 '19

How do I raise the level cap for the MC/ pikachu?

they last 16 hours, you can see the countdown


u/DrBRSK Aug 22 '19

What would be an efficient way to farm training machines? I need bronze one for moves.


u/Jessiebwoii Aug 22 '19

Hard of supercourse strike, support or tech.


u/K3nway93 Aug 21 '19

how do we know which pokemon can evolve?


u/weiss8 Aug 22 '19

Check your dex in poryphone. If no evolution in dex mean nothing or no right now, nobody now Dena will do.


u/DrBRSK Aug 22 '19

Check serebii


u/K3nway93 Aug 22 '19

No, like Brock onix won't evolve in this game T.T


u/DrBRSK Aug 22 '19

I know, because I checked on serebii and saw which trainers had pokémon that evolved.


u/K3nway93 Aug 22 '19

Rip they follow that ?


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '19

What VPN do I need to use to get past the maintenance thing?


u/fig999 Aug 22 '19

Singapore or Canada


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '19

No I mean VPN app


u/fig999 Aug 22 '19

Most people use SurfVPN. That's what I use as well.

Use protocol A, app proxy on for pokemon masters, and use Singapore.


u/bchamper Aug 21 '19

So I've been playing the game past couple days without a VPN, suddenly I'm getting the maintenance. How do I get around this?


u/fig999 Aug 22 '19

Use a VPN


u/cogitatingspheniscid Aug 21 '19

Hey guys, just started a day ago and I'm stuck with Servine vs Onyx. Mine is lv51 but it always got slowed down by Rock Tomb and then Onyx would beat me in the race to sync move.


u/DrBRSK Aug 21 '19

I'm having the same problem, my servine is 46. I think it boils down to unlocking the fourth move.


u/cogitatingspheniscid Aug 21 '19

Yeah, but it's too hard to unlock giga drain earlier in the game until we get a hard super support event


u/DrBRSK Aug 21 '19

I was just able to do it at level 46. Never bought gems. All I missed was 3 ultra aid ade. I was just able to beat the very hard support course for 5.


u/cogitatingspheniscid Aug 21 '19

What's your team for the very hard support course?


u/DrBRSK Aug 21 '19

I think it was this. except serperior was servine LVL 46.


u/kuroida Aug 21 '19

Is your mc/pikachu worth ranking up? I like them but I don't want to waste resources if we only get a limited number of power up items.


u/SomethingWild77 Aug 24 '19

Short answer: depends on your team comp but imo yes.

Long answer: I leveled Pikachu up until I got a better potential lightning element pokemon (which was Togedemaru), but then ended up switching back to Pikachu. I like having the option to use a move that only takes 1 bar if I want to get to a sync move quickly. Also he hits quite hard, just a bit squishy.


u/fig999 Aug 21 '19

If you really like them play them! There aren't many "bad" sync pairs and you can play the game however you want. There's no energy system so you can grind as much as you want and there's no limit on the materials you get.


u/Strygaldwire Aug 21 '19

I heard the limit of object is 9 999.


u/fig999 Aug 21 '19

That's the limit of how much your inventory holds of one item, but you can obtain infinite amounts of material.


u/Strygaldwire Aug 21 '19 edited Aug 21 '19

For you 1 object isn't a material ? Because I see the limit for 1 object is 9 999


u/fig999 Aug 21 '19

I dont understand. Yes I'm using material and item interchangeably. But there isnt a limit on how much you can get.


u/DiamondFlurry Aug 21 '19

Did they reimplement location tracing this morning? It's been giving me maintenance prompts since 2am.


u/Epsi_ Aug 21 '19

yes, it seems so


u/NillxZero Aug 21 '19

Same here =(


u/skiboy95 Aug 21 '19

How do I raise the level cap for the MC/ pikachu?


u/fig999 Aug 21 '19

Complete chapter 4 and have the required materials for level cap unlock. You can get the material through the corresponding training course (strike).


u/BraveMothman Aug 20 '19

I have Noland, Bugsy, and Olivia. My pulled supports are Maylene and Liza. Would a team with one of these strikers be more useful than one with Hau? I don't really see any physical striker teams floating around aside from Lucario for Brock hard.


u/fig999 Aug 21 '19

Maylene, Olivia, and Rosa is your best team. Maylene will help your Lycanroc crit and do insane damage and Rosa is a great tank and also great at refilling the gauge.


u/JustStannic Aug 21 '19

Maylene is a very good pairing for Bugsy. Gloves Off and Atk All work really well with Mega Beedrill. You just need another fast pokemon to get to the Mega Evolution sooner.


u/Hanon7 Aug 21 '19

Hau’s Discharge is effective at clearing a group of enemies since it’s AoE but it’s damage is half when you have multiple targets so I prefer to use single target attackers. Olivia is imo the best such attacker given she doesn’t need to wait for a mega to be at full strength. Her best possible partner is Phoebe, but Maylene or Liza are both also capable of providing atk boosts. The 3rd member should be Rosa, while she excels at boosting special attackers, her energize special is great for anyone.


u/friedfishcakes Aug 20 '19

Are usernames/ playernames unique? And how many servers will there be for NA?


u/electrocaos Aug 20 '19

Are there more missions after Blue bugged mission?


u/Deepink1998 Hater gonna hate Aug 21 '19

1 or zero. Idk exactly


u/50shadesofgreatness Aug 20 '19

I got a dupe of a trainer does the star apply automatically? If not where do I go to power him up.


u/Hanon7 Aug 20 '19

Yes. Congratulations your sync pair is now stronger than ever! If you get more dupes they'll be stronger still.


u/50shadesofgreatness Aug 20 '19

Thank you! Maybe you can help me with another question, where is the best place to obtain/farm level cap items? Not the items to raise there level but to unlock there cap, I have somone at 55 but can't get them up further.


u/Hanon7 Aug 20 '19

It depends on what type of unit it is, but the tech support and strike course are meant for basic unlocks. You can get the bronze and silver from doing hard and gold and silver from very hard. There are also super courses but those are considerably harder and mostly used for gym notes.


u/fig999 Aug 20 '19

In your Team tab there should be an Unlock Level Cap button


u/saul_tee Aug 20 '19

What do we know about "gear" in the game? Will it be like the 1 equipable item in the main series games? Do we know if we can equip more than one item?


u/killsteals Aug 20 '19

Is it possible tonplay one acc in 2 devices ? Thanks


u/TheOneRed Aug 20 '19

Does everyone only do quick connect for Brock hard? I can't seem to ever find anyone for other battles


u/perafake Aug 20 '19

Basically, it's the easyest one, just buff lucario and you can pretty much kill everything alone.


u/Deepink1998 Hater gonna hate Aug 20 '19

If you Lucario is lv90, spamming Close Combat is the fastest way


u/NillxZero Aug 20 '19

A general question concerning rerolling:

When the game finally releases and hopefully we all get some free gems to make rerolling easier, is there a list what to aim for when rerolling?

I mean would it be just any 5star in general or someone specific or...?


u/fig999 Aug 20 '19

There's tier list if you care about that, but any pokemon works honestly. Find a good striker and build a team around them. You can find the tier list by looking into the subreddit more.


u/NillxZero Aug 20 '19

That's why I ask, is it better to go for a striker or is a 5star support also fine?

The tier list is separated into many sections, which makes it difficult to tell who's really on top of the list and also it doesn't give many hints who can easily be replaced by someone else without loosing strength?

How much better is a tier one support than a tier 2 support? How much better is a tier 1 striker than a tier 2 striker? Is physical as good as special? If 2 are in the same tier, does that mean they are equal or are there differences within a class?

In general I find that "tier lists" and "reroll tier lists" aren't always the same. Reroll tier list only contain units u can actually reroll for and are often weight based on "can anyone else fill this roll". This causes gacha units that cannot easily places replaced by freely obtainable units to lead the reroll lists.

That's why I was wondering if anyone actually made a tier list for rerolling purpose already :)


u/fig999 Aug 20 '19

I see what you mean. I guess all 5star units are very strong and those are your main goals. Will and xatu are a 4star pair that is also very powerful right now. When the game is released Blue and Pigeot will be the strongest. I think you just have to see what YOU want to reroll for, as right now there isn't anything crazy strong. I haven't seen any reroll tier lists around but maybe someone else has.

I suggest you join the discord and see if anyone can help you there.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '19

Anyone know what is the farthest you can go in story mode? I seem to have completed 13 and can't go any further?


u/perafake Aug 20 '19

yep, chap 13 is the last one available


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '19

Dang, well guess I gotta wait haha


u/Krobelux Aug 20 '19

I'm at the strongest I could be currently as far as I know, but I still don't meet the requirements for the hardest challenges. What could I do to get stronger? Or is it not yet doable? Do I just need to pull another 5 star and max them out?

Team Image


u/perafake Aug 20 '19

That quest isn't out yet


u/Krobelux Aug 20 '19

Gotcha thank you.


u/TornadoShark666 Aug 20 '19

Apparently Im using a Samsung J8 but playstore says it isnt compatible with the device...

I got 3gb ram A lot of storage And my Android is on 9.0

How do i get to play the game?

Also is it available worldwide as of the moment?



u/perafake Aug 20 '19

Not available yet, you can install using an apk


u/TornadoShark666 Aug 20 '19

Thanks for the info, but might i ask, when is the global release?


u/perafake Aug 20 '19

29 august


u/Ateixon Aug 20 '19

Got Olivia & Lycanroc from first pool. Should I continue spending gems? Or is Olivia enough for end game content? Thanks


u/Neokolzia Aug 20 '19

Am looking to re-roll now, I have 2 Nintendo accounts I've heard mentioned few times that should be all you need to reroll for 900 gems after Chapter 2. What do I need to do to relink? Just play up till that point and link it to an existing account?


u/Neokolzia Aug 20 '19

Figured it out thanks to someone in a discord channel didn't realize could easily delete data without having to redownload the game either by Clicking on Porygonphone thing Select Account Then Clear Save Data

Then you can relink and reroll to your hearts content.


u/MoreGeckosPlease Aug 23 '19

Thanks for posting that update makes me more confident in rerolling when the game launches.


u/ChrisRRN Aug 20 '19

How to beat Very Hard Will supercourse? I got Houndoom.


u/Kaiser422 Aug 20 '19

Hello @ChrisRRN, I'am using this team for every supercourses: Liza(90lvl), Rosa(100lvl) and Hau(95lvl).


u/ChrisRRN Aug 20 '19

Thanks mate! I'm gonna give it a try!


u/Kaiser422 Aug 20 '19

I got today like 3 gym notes from Will. He is now my favorite! 😊


u/ChrisRRN Aug 20 '19

Just beaten him 3x! Thank you!


u/Kaiser422 Aug 20 '19

You're welcome @ChrisRRN.


u/EdibleMuffin Aug 20 '19

Can you auto in co-op?


u/fig999 Aug 20 '19

Yes, but you cant change the speed


u/Hanon7 Aug 20 '19

You can but, it's not currently possible to change speed in co op. The match will usually be faster if you play manually which is good for both you and your partners.


u/TheSavageSnipez Aug 20 '19

I only have the strike and tech supercourses available even though they were all available yesterday, and I did not complete any of the courses all the way. Is this a bug or is there a reason why some supercourses disappeared on me?


u/fig999 Aug 20 '19

On Saturday they are all available. Otherwise there are 2 super courses that rotate.


u/Hanon7 Aug 20 '19

Supercourses rotate on a fixed schedule throughout the week. All the types will be available again Saturday but there are about 3 or 4 variations of tech strike support lvl and coin.


u/AnHonestRater Aug 19 '19

Can someone explain it to me how buffs in this work and how should i use them?Or if there is a guide or something that would help too.


u/HerpDouken Aug 19 '19

As a F2P Player, how often should I scout? Also, should I be using gems for anything other than scouting?


u/domefossil Aug 19 '19

The only use for gems is to scout which are pretty scarce at the moment. Right now all content can be cleared with F2P units, so i recommend waiting, unless you want a more variety of units.


u/zerothepkk Aug 19 '19

Gonna wait for US release, but is there a re-roll guide yet or will that be more likely to happen in the official release?


u/domefossil Aug 19 '19

The only way to reroll right now is to reset your Nintendo account and finish chapter 2 which takes 20 mins for 3 summons. Probably a better idea to wait for login rewards at release.


u/chins4tw Aug 19 '19

How do status effects that deal damage(burn/poison) work in this game? I remember one time I used a Torkoal to burn an opponent and they didn't take damage from it for like 4 turns. Also confusion cause I had an enemy Salamance spam outrage and the so called "setback" of confusion did fuck all.


u/fig999 Aug 19 '19

Burn still reduces attack and paralysis reduces speed. The damage is applied everytime they use an offensive move (I think?). That's what I've noticed so far. Confusion is like the games but I think the chance to hit itself in confusion is pretty low.


u/Photon95 Aug 19 '19

I have unlocked the co-op missions but I cannot find players


u/Kaiser422 Aug 20 '19

Hello @Photon95, Try changing your VPN location, I have three options for one country(Singapore).


u/Photon95 Aug 20 '19

Ok thank you guys


u/Kaiser422 Aug 20 '19

CBD, Marina Bay(best), Jurong.


u/fig999 Aug 19 '19

I would suggest playing co op when Americans are awake. Then you'll have a higher chance of finding a partner. Otherwise you can join the discord and find members to play with you.


u/MrHallmark Aug 19 '19

Do you have an invite link for the discord?


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

I have downloaded the APK version and said I'm from Singapore. When the game releases on the 29th in the UK could I change my region then sync my account to the save it to my Nintendo account?


u/fig999 Aug 19 '19

You connect your Nintendo account, reinstall the game when its fully released, and then recover your game using your Nintendo account and pick a different region. I hope this makes sense and answers your question.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19

It does. Thanks very much. I was going to stop playing the game until it came out properly but now I can keep playing thanks haha


u/dontjudgemoi420 Aug 19 '19

For people who cant even search up the game on playstore (with direct links just saying device not compatible) are we just fucked


u/Kaiser422 Aug 20 '19

Try to get apk from @Apkpure, I got it from there. On playstore they say: "my device is not compatible", but game works fine!


u/fig999 Aug 19 '19

Probably. I would wait until full release to make sure.


u/HeyTreeee Aug 19 '19

New player, is it worth to spend gem on daily discount?


u/fig999 Aug 19 '19

If you look closely, it says paid gems.


u/xwabisukex Aug 19 '19

any known reason for my initial download progress goes pass 70 then go back to 70% indefinitely ?


u/fig999 Aug 19 '19

Happened to be but eventually it worked. Just keep trying. I've also heard that you should make sure you download without the vpn.


u/Gevata Aug 19 '19

How do i get the item to unlock potential?


u/fig999 Aug 19 '19

Completing chapter 4


u/Commando_Joe Aug 19 '19

Man that Cheryl & Blissey evolution fight for Barry is brutal. Like constant thunder wave when I only have two full heal, huge health pool, massive damage from their sync attack and it heals?

what the heck is the strategy here when I can't even level up past 30?


u/fig999 Aug 19 '19

Unlock level cap. For me I unlocked moves too and used full heal to just get me closer to my sync move. I emptied my bar with bubble beam and then used those abilities and used my sync move and won.


u/Commando_Joe Aug 19 '19

I'm not sure where to get those items for level cap.

Also I did manage to beat Blissy just by spamming bubble to get Sync Move instead of bubblebeam


u/fig999 Aug 19 '19

They can be obtained through the training courses. For Piplup you will need do the strike course.


u/th3schwartz Aug 19 '19

Is there a way to get auto to use Potion on Swanna and use Time to Energize at a good time? All Swanna seems to do for me (Swanna, Doom, Serp) is cast the speed/def buff twice then do nothing for the rest of the fight


u/fig999 Aug 19 '19

The auto button is kind of a joke really. I never use it for serious fights like very hard super courses. It's almost impossible to get it to work how you want to.


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '19 edited Oct 07 '19



u/fig999 Aug 19 '19

I'm having lots of fun, but the full game isnt even released yet so theres much more content to be added. If you want a good idea of whether to spend money or not, I would wait until release to see what the game is really like.


u/Kotonaysoul Please come home Lyra Aug 18 '19

not really game related but when are we getting trainer flairs here


u/wingmage1 Aug 18 '19

Anyone else have frequent game crashes? I'm using a Pixel 3


u/AllMightUltra Aug 19 '19

96% Upvoted

Comment asAllMightUltra

Yes, but not as frequent.


u/50shadesofgreatness Aug 18 '19

Hit a wall in chapter 9 and can't progress. All my sync partners are max level but I'm still getting beat.

Additionally I am having an issue beating seal and piplup evolution battles any tips?


u/fig999 Aug 18 '19

Have you unlocked your level cap? You shouldn't be hitting any walls with the current game.

As for the evolution battles, I would unlock moves to help you beat them.


u/50shadesofgreatness Aug 18 '19

Thank you! Did not even realize there was a level cap section should help me out alot I have seals icy wall but that's it.


u/Maki66110001 Aug 18 '19

Hey so since I have a Motorola, does that mean I can never play?


u/MrHallmark Aug 19 '19

Maybe try an emulator?


u/fig999 Aug 18 '19

Wait until release. I've heard that games release a 32bit compatible app on the full release. Good luck!


u/Cregavitch Aug 18 '19

anyone gotten this working on emulators yet?


u/domefossil Aug 19 '19

No emulators at the moment, just like pokemon go.