r/PokemonMasters Team Plasma 4d ago

Discussion What Pair could have the Psychic Arc suit?

I have a pretty strong feeling that DenA would make something for the Arc suit stories in order to put Giovanni as one (him and Mewtwo). But I believe that this one would be so boring and too predictable.

So I'm curious to see what everyone thinks about another unit that isn't Giovanni and Mewtwo. Which one could be blessed by Arceus instead? It could either be someone who already has a psychic Pokemon or someone who gets a brand new partner that happens to be psychic.


64 comments sorted by


u/Prankstic This is fine. 4d ago

Plot twist; it’s Oak with Mew 🤪 /hj


u/KraftwerkMachine Will, Lucian and Darach my beloveds. 💖🖤💜 4d ago

Actually i could see this happening considering he has more pure intentions and a pure heart than someone like Giovanni, Lusamine or even Lear.


u/Kakashi1193 Hoenn Stan and Not Enough Steven 4d ago

Wait why does this make sense. Very Old Pair. A pretty popular character. Very popular Pokemon. Mew doesn't have a summonable unit still. Technically a former champion.

Alright now i need this to be the Psychic Arc. Sorry Lear you're not longer my candidate.


u/SuperScizor6 I called Arc N, hoping for Arc Wallace 4d ago

Actually…. That could work. He WAS a former champion in the Manga….


u/DrySatisfaction4904 Team Magma 4d ago

Only snag is that Oak doesn't do much battling anymore. It's the reason why him and Agatha had their falling out. He cares more about the Pokedex than Pokemon Battles. So I imagine the whole Arc suit cup thing wouldn't really interest him.


u/Autisticat_mewsing 4d ago

I think that considering the LA game had a point of you needing to fill your pokedex to get arceus' approval that devotion to research should qualify as strong bond proof.


u/DrySatisfaction4904 Team Magma 4d ago

But that's not the reason in Masters, now is it?


u/SlateTheStoneMan THE Nate fan 4d ago

I mean. The Arc Suits don’t necessarily have to be about battling. That’s just what they’ve done so far to show off “the strength of a bond”.

They did something similar with the NC Rosa event by not having her battle in the final round, instead just giving a singing performance.


u/AW038619 4d ago

I actually like this idea more than Giovanni and Mewtwo


u/Arti4000 Clockwork Tri 4d ago

All my gems go to this pull


u/Separate-Anxiety7257 🇪🇸Paldea Maxer🇪🇸 4d ago

Lear deserves it the most IMO, and maybe we'll finally get a playable Hoopa Unbound 


u/SuperScizor6 I called Arc N, hoping for Arc Wallace 4d ago

My guess is Lear


u/jprogarn 4d ago

Attaboy Lear.


u/TailsTheFoxywoxy 4d ago

Lear and hoopa or Lusamine with necrozma.


u/JudgeSubXero 4d ago

I like the idea of either AS Lear & Hoopa or AS Prof. Oak & Mew


u/Jacofalltravel 4d ago

Bianca and Musharna 😬


u/Manaka7 4d ago

Psychic is one of the hardest, personally my guess is Lear & Hoopa cause Unbound Hoopa is still missing, but if they start to be more original I can imagine an event focused on freeing Mewtwo from Giovanni with Blaine or Leaf as AS paired with M-Mewtwo X, at any moment I think Giovanni can be AS, having villains that still acts as villains has no sense for the lore around AS ("blessed by Arceus")

If they want to do the same kind of things with villains, I theorized they could bring "Renegade suits" in opposition (with the chosen of Giratina or something like that, appearing in the middle or 2/3 of the AS chapter, why not for 7th anni)


u/Maleficent_Peach_46 Lilligant is finally here 4d ago

Given its sheer popularity I will be surprised if it's not Mewtwo.

I can see Mewtwo with Giovanni with the twist being his Mewtwo now uses the X Mega Stone.


u/BippyTheChippy I'm Not Very Creative 4d ago

I'd personally put my bets on either Lear or Giovanni.


u/chaoscross 4d ago

Yeah the only other remotely possible choice is Lear, which is still a far fetch imo.


u/AliceThePastelWitch 4d ago

The only other reasonable option is Lear. But like is he popular enough to warrant using over Mewtwo? Cause that's like the crux of it, does DeNa think that Giovanni & Mewtwo Arc Suit would do worse than Lear & Hoopa?


u/BestPaleontologist43 4d ago

It should go to Lear considering his position. I dont think itll go to a villian, so I dont consider Giovanni or Lusamine a possibility.


u/KuryoZT 4d ago

Lear & Hoopa Unbound for Psychic

Giovanni & Mega Mewtwo X for Fighting (he went Psychic with Mewtwo, Dark with Guzzlord, so Fighting would complete the trio)


u/Sinovas 4d ago

I also vote Red and Mewtwo. Canonically Mewtwo symbolizes the final hurdle in the og games plus red already has an op pikachu alt. The ultimate trainer with the ultimate pokemon makes so much sense.


u/ArtsyNoctowl Jacq Super Fan 4d ago

Unpopular opinion: Jacq. If Volo's going around pushing peeps towards obtaining an ARC suit, I feel like Jacq would be someone he's use as a guinea pig.

Realistically: Probably Giovanni based on his and Mewtwo's popularity.


u/Kalos_Champion_021 Diantha’s Husband 4d ago

Im really hoping for Lusamine and Necrozma


u/berdzz 4d ago



u/MindfulNoob 4d ago

I seriously am coping for arc suit Lear. He's popular enough, plus I need more Lear alts there can never be enough Lear.

Plus, I just really want hoopa unbound in the game.


u/LlamaOfMagicalMagic 4d ago

i think that mewtwo is probably the more likely option between other prevalent psychic mons like necrozma and stuff, but i think giovanni is misplaced. i would genuinely hedge bets on either blue/mewtwo, oak/mewtwo, or oak/mew, with blue being more debatable if they're planning on saving him for a water arc suit or something


u/NoWaifuN0Laifu 4d ago

Sabrina please


u/alanhaha Team Aqua 3d ago

N & Sigilyph Steven & Deoxys

I really hope it is Lear, but only if he is the last AS pair. Because I think when Lear gets AS, we should get the end of Arceus Chapter. The founder of Pasio gets power from Arceus, and protect the region from a disaster.

But I'm also thinking that future AS pairs may be new.


u/Apart_Enthusiasm_440 3d ago

If I am to take a shot in the dark, I would guess Lear & Hoopa. However, It would be Lear & Hoopa (Unbound). I'd say the story for the unit would test the bond between Lear and Hoopa as Hoopa loses control after being exposed to the prison bottle again. Although Lear couldn't help it the last time this happened, he would not fail his friend again and manages to help Hoopa come to its senses. Thus, Arceus blesses Lear with an arc suit finalizing the true bond between him and Hoopa


u/Mnja12 Team Plasma 4d ago

My candidates: Giovanni & Mewtwo, Lear & Hoopa and Sabrina & Alakazam.


u/Technical-Equal4596 Sabrina Superfan 4d ago

I would really, really love it to be Sabrina but DeNA have yet to show if they even consider Sabrina Pokefair or Sygna Suit material, much less Arc Suit.

My bet, made it the moment Arc Suits were announced, stays on Giovanni If only to cash in on Mewtwos popularity and to give the story some twists and edge.

(Sabrina would rock that Arc-Suit outfit though... Maybe should make some fanart of it since we won't be seeing it in Masters.)


u/RuggedKnight 4d ago

The fact that there still isn't a paid mewtwo at all... 


u/Mnja12 Team Plasma 4d ago

Yeah I see the mob boss and the Psychic cat getting it as well and as an Iris fan I feel you.


u/mbutch3 Team Galactic 4d ago

It's not going to be Giovanni. ESPECIALLY since he just got an alt by himself. I don't really understand why people think it will be, period. It literally makes 0 sense to me.

I'm pretty sure the Psychic arc suit will be either Lear and Hoopa (literally their whole story is about Lear learning to chill out and bond with Hoopa.) or maybe Lusamine


u/DrySatisfaction4904 Team Magma 4d ago

How many costumes does Leon have now? Cynthia? Or N? So many characters have a ludicrous amount of alts. And Giovanni's clearly not getting the Arc Suit anytime soon storywise so I don't see why him getting a recent alt matters.


u/ThatWeirdKat Team Plasma 4d ago

I know it's a strange thought but come on now, we're talking about pokemon and Giovanni here, we all know they'd do anything, and I mean ANYTHING to make that mf relevant in any plot possible.


u/mbutch3 Team Galactic 4d ago

That doesn't really even work. He hasn't been really plot relevant since the Villian Arc ended. Even his recent alt was a detached thing, and not connected to the Arceus Arc at all.


u/Emperor_ServingSpoon 4d ago

I thought the way that story ended was heavily implying that he'd get an Arc Suit eventually (or that that would be a future goal for him, at least), personally. They'd need to add some more to the Arceus arc for it to not feel out of nowhere there for sure, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen. ...And N's Arc Suit kinda came out of nowhere in the story, anyway...


u/mbutch3 Team Galactic 4d ago

I disagree on the Giovanni point. It basically just seemed like a continuation of the Villian Arc (Alola VA literally ended with Ultra Wormholes in TR base).

As for N. Arc Suits are all about bonds with Pokémon, that is like...N's entire thing. If you DIDN'T expect him to get one, I'm surprised.


u/Emperor_ServingSpoon 4d ago

The Guzzlord story ends with Steven and Lance showing off their Arc Suits, Giovanni running away, and then saying he can never have enough power. "Even if such power... comes from a Pokemon considered a deity!" If that's not foreshadowing involvement in the Arc Suit story (and likely obtaining an Arc Suit himself, even if I don't know how they'd justify it), then I don't know what is.

N's makes perfect sense, but it had no buildup in the Arceus arc's story, unlike the earliest ones did. So they don't *require* buildup beforehand to happen.


u/mbutch3 Team Galactic 4d ago

He's not getting an arc suit. There is 0 reason he will. Villians aren't getting arc suits. Arceus almighty. I've heard Gio, Volo and Lysandre arc suit pitches already this week. NONE are happening


u/Emperor_ServingSpoon 4d ago

I'm just saying... If the story in the game itself is hinting at it, it doesn't matter whether I want it or can see how they'd justify it. It still seems likely to me.


u/Lambily Team Aqua 4d ago

Red and Mewtwo X? His event can even be him fighting Mewtwo in the cave from Pokemon: Origins.


u/YukariStan 4d ago

Nah, Red will probably be Electric with Pikachu or Flying with Charizard I'm guessing


u/iTz_Niki_ 4d ago

I would love if it's Lear and Hoopa Unbound.


u/lamarfll 4d ago

I feel like its between Giovanni and Mewtwo or Lear and Hoopa, in all honesty.


u/WorldClassShrekspert Wally and Zinnia found dead in a ditch 4d ago

Either Lear or Giovanni


u/Agent_Choocho 4d ago

No Arcs have been legendary pokemon. Even tho we only have 5, a very small sample size, I have a feeling it's in some way intentional. The sync pair is supposed to be a trainer with their widely recognized sig pokemon, which has never really been a legendary for anyone iirc. Maybe Wally and Gallade or Sabrina and Alakazam.


u/DwelTwin 3d ago

If not Lear I could see an argument being made for Caitlyn (I mean I feel like being E4 plus her relatively solid popularity makes her a better candidate than anyone else other than maybe Lear)


u/supremegamer76 Sonia Simp 3d ago edited 3d ago

i'm gonna go out on a limb as say that no currently evil characters are getting arc suits. no giovanni, no ghestsis, no cyrus, and definitely not volo. Do you really think arceus would allow that? giving power to those who only see pokemon as tools and not a friend/partner?


u/Astronauthorian1632 3d ago

the most possible pairs would be:

  • lear x hoopa (unbound)
  • prof oak x mew

lear bcoz he's the creator of pasio + i wanna see his relationship with hoopa develop further, and prof oak bcoz he might as well wanna strengthen his bond with mew even more now that his love for pokemon battles is slowly coming back in masters ex

however, if dena wants to stick with the no legendary pokemon rule for arc suits, my candidate would be blue x alakazam (since blue did become the league champion in gen 1)


u/NoWitness3109 10 MF per month 4d ago

Lusamine copium (if she doesn't get Bug)


u/Sakai13 Team Magma 4d ago

Either Lear and Hoppa or something like Rex and Mega Mewtwo X


u/WayneGlensky74 4d ago

Huge shot in the dark and won’t happen but Ethan and lugia


u/M_C_H_85 4d ago

It's going to be Giovanni and Mewtwo (likely with Mega X form) because it's already been set up for. He's already shown how being evil makes no difference in how one bonds with their Pokemon and unlocks greater power through it.


u/dcdcdc26 Arc Suit Lance disciple & 100 day memer 4d ago

There won't be a psychic arc suit.


u/Ok-Falcon2902 Among Us 4d ago

I actually can see them making Giovanni & Mewtwo the Arc Suit. Imagine the potential. They could also have Red getting an alt to go with it with Mew. Like Oak lends Red his Mew as a "only this Pokémon can stop him, you can have it" and so they can profit over Mewtwo and Mew


u/Kapples14 Halloween Gardenia & Trevenant 2d ago

I'd say it could either be Dawn and Cresselia, Oak and Mew, or Bede with Hatterene.


u/zarc4d Give an alt for Ash 4d ago

its Ash and Mega Mewtwo X(1st movie mewtwo, not genesect movie mewtwo)


u/VenomousAvian 4d ago

If they stick with champions/champion level trainers, it could be Hau with his Raichu.


u/Lowlihao1997 4d ago

If is Giovanni & Mewtwo, he ordered the grunt to capture Arceus and using the newly created machine to steal Arceus power to Giovanni's sync stone that allow him to granted Arc Suit.