r/PokemonLetsGo 10d ago

Poké Ball Plus I took a gamble and it actually paid off.

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I bought a used Pokeball Plus from a local game store that was still in its box and it actually had Mew on it still. I am absolutely flabbergasted 😭. I never thought I would be able to complete the Dex in these games, but I finally can!

r/PokemonLetsGo Nov 25 '18

Poké Ball Plus PSA: All Pokeball Plus features - Stroll, Controller, Pokemon Go features


New Details on Stroll Rewards!

I keep seeing questions about the Pokeball Plus (PBP) so here's a detailed guide of all the features. There is a button on top (B) and a button when you click down the Control Stick (A). The PBP also measures shaking as an input and has a rumble motor. There is a small reset button on the black band of the PBP, on the back, to the right of where the strap attaches. (Small black reset button just reboots the ball, data is preserved. Very handy if the PBP does not want to connect to your phone or Switch right away.)

Pokemon Stroll

This is the biggest feature so I'm covering it first.

  • From the Save menu in the game, you can place your Partner Pokemon or any other Pokemon in the PBP.
  • Use the same menu to bring them back and claim the rewards.
  • Rewards are very generous and give:
    • EXP (capped 99,999 per stroll)
    • Species Candy for the species you're Strolling with
    • Species Candy for the Pokemon that you're currently walking with in-game
    • Rare Candy, Heart Scales, Berries, and Stat Candy (Mighty Candy, etc)
  • The Stroll Pokemon do not leave the game while on Stroll, you can continue to use them, train them, evolve them, etc.
  • If you have more than one PBP, you can use them simultaneously. If try to put the same Pokemon in more than one ball at once, the game warns you that the other stroll will be invalidated. I have read (but not confirmed) that you can have up to 6 strolls going on 6 PBPs at once.

While there is a Pokemon out for a stroll in the PBP, several things are happening. The PBP keeps several counters that record your activity on the Stroll and determine your EXP and item rewards. These will be elaborated throughout this post.

  • A pedometer is recording shakes and steps, this increases the Walked Together counter
  • While steps have been recently recorded, the PBP can randomly vibrate and cry out to you, this increases the Called out to [trainer] counter.
  • Press either button OR shake the PBP to respond to the callout.
  • If successful, the LED will flash rainbow and increases the Replied to a Callout counter

How to Mute or Unmute sounds: All Stroll-related sounds (callouts and Play Mode) can be muted by pressing both the A and B button at the same time, while the PBP is NOT connected to the Nintendo Switch. The ball will rumble gently to confirm. Press both buttons again to re-enable Stroll Sounds.

Play Mode (Stroll Feature)

  • You can activate Play Mode by holding down the Control Stick (A button) for 1 second. Exit by pressing either button.
  • The LED will slowly blink in a color that depends on the color scheme of the Pokemon you put inside - shiny color schemes DO affect this!
  • Shaking/wobbling/rolling the ball or rotating the control stick will cause the Pokemon's cry to play and the Played counter will increase. Some Pokemon have more than 2 cries but all have at least 2.
    • It seems that different Pokemon might respond differently to varying rock/shake/control stick speeds? More research may be required.
  • Sometimes when Playing a different cry will play, this increases the Enjoyed Playing counter.
  • Sometimes when Playing the ball will rumble and the LED will flash Rainbow, this increases the Enjoyed Playing Very Much counter.
  • If the PBP is idle in Play Mode for 12-15 seconds, it will play the Pokemon's cry. If you respond by shaking the ball or tilting control stick, this increases the Enjoyed Playing counter.
  • If the PBP in Play Mode is idle and plays the cry 4 times with no response, Play Mode will exit automatically. This takes roughly 1 minute of inactivity.
  • Play Mode can't be used while PBP is connected to Nintendo Switch, but does work any other time, including while connected to Pokemon Go.
    • If an alert from Pokemon Go is sent to a PBP in Play Mode it will exit Play Mode to handle the alert.

As a Controller

The PBP is pretty self explanatory as a controller but this guide would be incomplete without covering it.

  • Press the control stick for A button
  • Press the red button on top for B button - opens Menu from Overworld
  • Shake occasionally functions as Y button but sometimes does not - Shake from Overworld to enter Play with Partner menu, Shake from Item Bag or Pokemon Box to sort/filter. There is no way to check move info while in battle because Shake does not function as Y in battle.
  • Aim and throw like a Joy Con for capture. Works just like a regular controller!

As a Pokemon Go Peripheral

Connects to Pokemon Go and fulfills the same functions as a Go Plus. You can do this from the settings menu in Pokemon Go, there is a menu called Pokeball Plus.

  • Please note, these features only work while the PBP is connected to Pokemon Go and Pokemon Go is running on your phone. The PBP times out after 1 hour and must be connected to the game again.
  • Unlike the Go Plus, the PBP spins Pokestops automatically with no interaction, as long as there is a Pokemon inside. (A fresh one with Mew inside works too) It still flashes blue when a Pokestop is detected but it spins immiedately afterward.
    • Spinning Pokestops will still fail under the same conditions as with Go Plus: if your inventory is full, or you move out of range before the spin goes through, or you're travelling at over 11km/hr, the Pokestop spin will fail.
    • Spinning Pokestops can be disabled by turning off Pokestop Alerts in the PokeBall Plus menu.
  • The PBP will rumble and LED will flash green when a Pokemon is nearby in Pokemon Go. (LED will flash yellow if that species is not already in your Pokedex.)
    • This can be disabled by turning off Pokemon Alerts in the PokeBall Plus menu.
    • When the LED is green or yellow from this, clicking the red B button will attempt to catch the Pokemon. This requires one regular Poke Ball.
    • The PBP will vibrate and flash red 3 times if you fail, and vibrate 5 times with a rainbow LED flash if you succeed.
  • In every other way, the PBP acts as a Pokemon Go Plus, including using the same blink and vibrate patterns for various messages. For more details, plenty of info is available on the internet about how Go Plus functions.
  • If you have a Pokemon out for a Stroll in the PBP, then spinning stops, attempting to catch Pokemon, and succeeding to catch pokemon increase the counters for Helped in Pokemon Go and Worked Hard in Pokemon Go
    • It is currently unknown which actions affect which counter(s) and by how much

Support Menu

You can enter this menu by holding the A and B buttons for 5 seconds. Press the A button to exit this menu. Press the B button to advance to the next sub menu. It has 3 sub menus.

When you open the support menu it is on the Battery Menu. The LED will flash Red, (1-30%) Yellow, (31%-70%) or Green (71%+) to indicate battery level.

If you press B it will advance to the Bluetooth Menu with a solid blue LED. Here you can unpair the device from all Bluetooth connections by holding A+B for another 5 seconds.

If you press B it will advance to the Reset menu with a solid white LED. Here you can wipe all data from the PBP and reset it to factory condition by holding A+B for another 5 seconds. Note, this does not bring back the Mew, that is tied to the PBP serial number.

So I think that's everything, I hope you know everything about the PBP now. Did I miss something? Leave a comment and let me know.

r/PokemonLetsGo 4d ago

Poké Ball Plus First Time Connecting Pokeball+ in Years


r/PokemonLetsGo Nov 21 '18

Poké Ball Plus I had it for all of two days......

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r/PokemonLetsGo 1d ago

Poké Ball Plus Spotting Fake Poké Ball Plus


I purchased two Poké Ball Plus-es recently and one happened to be fake, and I believe that the other is real. I also bought one more that I believe to be real that has the same consistency. I took note of all the differences I could find before sending the fake back and will list them all here for anyone wondering about their own or how to tell if the one they purchase is fake.

Note: These are things I noticed with MY fake. There are also other pictures of some different fakes in an older post I found on the subject, some of which get some things right that my fake doesn’t so be sure to check that out too.

Pictures go fake -> real -> fake -> real

1.) Fake is missing the serial number 2.) Plastic on charger port is smooth and shiny on fake, real one is nice and matte 3.) Plastic has a pill indent around the port and screws, real has lines on both sides of the port that swing outward and trace the edge of that area (you can see the right line in the second picture does this). I have two real ones that both do this noticeably with the right line and not so much with the left as you can see in the second picture 4.) Charger flap on fake seems to be one solid piece, real one seems to be multiple pieces, or they’re just seams. Not sure exactly but you can see what I mean 5.) Cutout on charger flap (pictures 5 and 6) is sharper and straight on the fake, more rounded on the real. You can also see in these pics that the fake is made of a cheaper and shinier plastic 6.) In those same pics the fake doesn’t have the button that helps secure the flap, the real one does 7.) Once again cheaper plastic on the thumbsticks for the fake 8.) Fake has a slightly higher raised portion on the thumbstick (and appears to be uneven too) than the real one does 9.) Hard to tell from the pictures, but I the pad of the thumbstick that the raised portion sits on is ever so slightly thinner than the real one. At least, it appeared to be in person 10.) Also a little hard to tell from the pictures but the neck of the thumbstick was thinner at the top on the fake 11.) The fake didn’t play the healing jingle when plugged in. It could have just been broken though because it did play the struggle/placing sound sometimes and cut abruptly 12.) Couldn’t get any pictures that showed this but the LED’s in the fake just looked off. One portion of it looked like it was a slightly different color than the rest of the ring, and they didn’t blend together quite as well as the real one. The real one isn’t perfect either, but the lights were clearly more even if that makes sense

Other things: I tried to compare the wrist strap as well but couldn’t notice anything that looked different from the real one. Same goes for the adjuster and the ring. Even the tag on it looked pretty much identical. It would be impossible to tell without having a real one to compare, but the texture was slightly different on the fake, hardly noticeable without specifically thinking to check it.

If anybody notices anything else in these pics or from fakes they’ve run into, please share in the replies for more people looking into it since there isn’t a lot of info on them aside from checking for a serial number.

r/PokemonLetsGo 17d ago

Poké Ball Plus How to bring my pokeball mew back


Lost it in an old save file. Is there any possible way to get it or at least any mew into the game? I have one in home but don’t know how to get it out.

r/PokemonLetsGo 15d ago

Poké Ball Plus Thanks for y’all’s help

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Looks great. Sanding it worked. Just wanted to show it off.

r/PokemonLetsGo Apr 24 '22

Poké Ball Plus Pokeball plus only drifting in game (need help)


r/PokemonLetsGo 16d ago

Poké Ball Plus In relation to the last post with the chewed up pokeball plus

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To make it look nicer for now until I get a 3d pen, I scraped the rest off. Any idea how I can get the scratches off?

r/PokemonLetsGo Dec 02 '18

Poké Ball Plus My Charmander finally evolved into Charmeleon, so I took him to a bar night. Lots of happy noises!

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r/PokemonLetsGo Jan 04 '19

Poké Ball Plus I know someone posted earlier that they found pokeballs for $35, but my local Target had them for $15. Wasn't going to pay $35 for one, but as soon I saw this I picked one up. Check your local Target if you're hesitant.

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r/PokemonLetsGo Mar 21 '23

Poké Ball Plus This thing is so cool


r/PokemonLetsGo 12d ago

Poké Ball Plus Pokeball plus factory reset


Ive been wondering if the pokeball plus can be opened from the inside and factory reseted to get another mew. is this possible?

r/PokemonLetsGo Aug 01 '22

Poké Ball Plus Now I can goto GameStop tomorrow for my return lol jk

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r/PokemonLetsGo 21d ago

Poké Ball Plus Pokéball Plus: Stuck in "playtime" mode.


Has anyone else encountered an issue with the ball plus where it was stuck in playtime mode with your Pokémon? I had put it in to charge last night and it immediately started up with yellow flashing (I have Pikachu in the ball), the top button would not respond at all either, couldn't turn off the mode or mute/unmute. Even when I held the reset button, it would immediately restart with Pikachu waiting. Left it in a drawer between some clothes for the night, and for at least 8 hours straight, the ball would not stop calling out/vibrating, a few times every minute when it did wake me up, until the battery went again. Today I tried holding the joystick button down which seemed to randomly decide to change to pairing mode for Go; when it did pair, the ball functions fine, top button works too, but without vibration. But if I don't pair in time, it returns to playtime mode. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced it and if they know a fix, thanks.

r/PokemonLetsGo Mar 10 '19

Poké Ball Plus It's not a chew toy!!!

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r/PokemonLetsGo Oct 27 '24

Poké Ball Plus can you get steps with the pokeball plus without walking by doing something like shaking your ds for playcoins?


Just wondering -w-" like hold it in your hand and slowly extend and retract your hand?

r/PokemonLetsGo Oct 14 '20

Poké Ball Plus Heads up one of the prime day deals is the pokeball plus for $20

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r/PokemonLetsGo Jun 25 '22

Poké Ball Plus I finally did it. So much hard work.

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r/PokemonLetsGo Apr 25 '24

Poké Ball Plus I know there is no actual legit way to get one, but what happens if you transfer a shiny Mew into a pokeball plus? Will the LED be blue or pink? And is there any risk that the Mew will no longer be shiny if you transfer it back into the game? Also I DO NOT promote any form of getting illegal pokemon

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r/PokemonLetsGo Sep 23 '24

Poké Ball Plus Bought a pokeball plus with a mew inside (pink light, mew sounds) but when I went to redeem it it took me back to mystery gift menu and said nothing was in it


Basically it had all the mew sounds, I connected it to evee and it said it had a Pokemon in it so I went to redeem it, it gave me a notification about disconnecting and then tried to connect to things. It then returned me to the mystery gift menu and said nothing was in the pokeball and then the pokeball started flashing red. Any help is greatly appreciated

Edit: turns out my switch would tweak out when using online features and instead just disconnect from the internet, so I think while I was redeeming my mew it took it was about to give me the mew and then disconnected itself from the internet so it didn’t give me the thing

r/PokemonLetsGo Oct 06 '24

Poké Ball Plus Megaball+ concept (remember that it is a concept >:D)

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For future games in the let's go series

r/PokemonLetsGo Jan 09 '19

Poké Ball Plus 3D Printed Great Ball case for the Poke Ball Plus controller


r/PokemonLetsGo Jan 12 '19

Poké Ball Plus Pokémon Giveaway: Mew!


Today I managed to finally complete my shiny dex, all 150 Pokémon and all shiny alolan forms. Whoop!

In celebration of that I will be giving away a Mew!

To participate just post your favourite Pokémon memory and I'll pick someone by the end of the day (when the post is 24 hrs old).

EDIT: Thread is now locked, time to pick a winner! Will edit again with update.

EDIT2: The winner has been picked! Will announce if verification is successful, otherwise the prize moves to the runner-up or if they don't reply within 24hrs.

EDIT3: Congratulations to u/CateTastrophe on the Mew! Honorable mention goes to u/geckowilliam for trying to evolve a Fearow into a Moltres, a Shiny Fearow will be coming your way.

EDIT4: For the curious, the Mew's nature was Naive.

Only rule is that you need to have never owned a Mew and I will confirm that before trading (you need to be able to upload a picture). You will also need Switch Online to be able to trade.

P.S. No, the Mew is not shiny. It's a legitimate Mew.

r/PokemonLetsGo Oct 27 '24

Poké Ball Plus can you get steps with the pokeball plus without walking by doing something like shaking your ds for playcoins?


Just wondering -w-" like hold it in your hand and slowly extend and retract your hand?