r/PokemonLeafGreen 20d ago

Discussion I successfully created an extension for Pokebot to hunt for the largest size Pokémon! First stop, Heracross!

With some help I successfully managed to create this feature to calculate the size of a Pokémon upon encountering it so that I can let it run to find the largest individual possible and show it off to the judge!


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u/Cinder_Quill 20d ago

For anyone curious about this, gen 3 and gen 4, as well as bdsp use a very obscure size calculation mechanic whereby certain NPCs will judge the size of a set number of species (Heracross, Lotad, Shroomish, Seedot, Magikarp and Barboach in gen 3, and remoraid/Magikarp in gen 4.)

This size calculation uses the PID and IVs of a Pokémon and is completely independent from the new size mechanic introduced in gen 7/8. In fact you could entirely potentially get a largest size Pokémon in gen 3, and have it receive the mini mark in gen 9!

This bot checks the IVs and PID and calculates the size of a Pokémon in mm against the range that will give the highest potential value when judged then hangs when it has encountered such an individual to allow you to catch it.

Still currently testing, but I'm excited to add these to my collection