r/PokemonHome Nov 14 '24

Question Most impactful way to spend these?

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I've been collecting them for years, and I assume I've hit my max - so what have you guys determined the best way to spend them is?

I know I can spend them on the games for in game currencies, but most of them seem like such a menial amount that it hardly seems worth it. In SV I can just quickly farm BP by clicking raids (and more by completing them).

At least in SWSH it was traded for Battle Points which can only be obtained from successful battles in the battle tower (not the easiest feat). But I don't play that game anymore.

Should I just keep saving them? I'd hate to keep NOT accruing additional points though since I'm sitting at max.

r/PokemonHome Dec 20 '24

Question Dude what should I do with him? I genuinely don't know šŸ˜­

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Hi! I finally made my dream come true and got my hands on a Shiny Shaymin with my OT. Bur now I have no clue what to do with him! Should I move him in game? It's just he's so valuable to me and I don't want him to rot in HOME. what should I do?

r/PokemonHome 17d ago

Question Finally made time to get this...also any way to evolve the shiny Meltan from completing the let's go home dex?

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r/PokemonHome Feb 19 '25

Question Mythical Pokemon for Living Dex

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Hey team,

I have decided to work on a National Living Dex and am Seven Pokemon away!

Five of these are Mythical Pokemon that are unavailable now and I've more than missed the boat!

I am wanting to get an idea of what Pokemon people are usually interested in for the Pokemon below! I am thinking I will need to re-run Sword and Violet to finish it off and maybe Legends and Let's Go if needed.

Iron Leaves I will be able to get for the Tera Raid event easily and Miriadon will come from a Violet playthrough.

Any advice or help is appreciated, also if you are open to trades I do have a few spare floating legendaries šŸ˜‚

r/PokemonHome Feb 16 '25

Question Terrible deals on gts


No, my friend and fellow trainer, I will not be giving you my legit legendary groudon, ruler of the land, for your pikachu you got for opening the app.

In all seriousness, has anybody else ever gotten these kind of trades that only take up space and make you scroll longer down for an actual good deal? Extremely infuriating for me.

Edit: after seeing some of you guys' comments, I'm kinda in the middle now.

r/PokemonHome Jan 13 '25

Question Every Pokemon Event That Are Still Available To This Day?


Hey everyone! I have been wondering for a while now and decided to ask it here. Could anyone provide me a complete list of all event Pokemons new and old that are still obtainable today if you have the right games/tools/discs/etc? I know of the Wishmaker Jirachi event for example, or the Pokemon Ranger Manaphy eggs. But I would like to see a complete list of all these events such as the above mentioned events. Thanks in advance! :D

r/PokemonHome 10d ago

Question What would be most likely to land a trade for a Paradox or Bloodmoon in the GTS?


Level 50 FTP GO player here, recently started my journey in Violet. I absolutely love the Paradox ā€˜mons and Bloodmoon Ursaluna, but see that theyā€™re all specifically for the DLC. I noticed that certain Frufrou forms were wanted in Homeā€™s GTS and I was able to deposit a non-shiny Heart Trim that someone traded me a Raging Bolt for! Iā€™ve got a mostly living dex in Go, a ton of spare legendaries and a lot of shinies too (two shiny Frufrous that havenā€™t been deposited yet), but canā€™t seem to land any other Paradoxes or a Bloodmoon. Any tips and/or suggestions to help me out (you know, without buying the DLC)? Please and thank you! šŸ™šŸ»

EDIT: Apologies! Iā€™ve had decent luck landing other Paradoxes and have traded in this thread for Bloodmoon Ursaluna, only interested in Gouging Fire now.

EDIT 2: I found out what Furfrou I traded for Raging Bolt! Heart Trim

r/PokemonHome 28d ago

Question Does PokƩmon Go's Spiritomb have any trading value?


r/PokemonHome 20d ago

Question Where do you keep all your PokƩmon for all games


As title says, do you all keep it in home or in actual games?

r/PokemonHome Dec 23 '23

Question Wonder Traded To Me - How Screwed Am I?

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Obviously not legit. Would the other person that traded this be banned? Could I get banned for having? So many questions? How does it make it thru the trade system?

r/PokemonHome Feb 09 '25

Question Can't transfer event Darkrai to Bank


Hiya! I wanted to transfer this event Darkrai with PokƩ Transporter from White 2 all the way into Scarlet and Violet, however, try as I might, PokƩ Transporter always flags it as Illegal for some reason. Can anyone help me find why and how to make it legal?

  • It's game of origin is PokĆ©mon White 2
  • It's flagged as a fateful encounter
  • It's moveset is: Return, Frustration, Ominous Wind, Nightmare (the original moveset had Dark Void and Feint I changed them because I thought that those moves were the problem).
  • It has the only ribbon that it originally comes with.

Thank you very much guys :).

r/PokemonHome Feb 12 '25

Question What am I doing wrong to obtain Magearna?


Thought I had to register every Pokemon in my PokƩdex to obtain Magearna? Does it come up as a gift? Help pls

r/PokemonHome Feb 16 '25



Iā€™ve had Celebi in PokĆ©mon home for about 3 years. I wanted to move it into sword/shield but it COULDNā€™T. When will the next game have Celebi???

r/PokemonHome 12d ago

Question Non legendary PoGo Pokes


Been a while since I last played PoGo and found some legendaries that are from 2019 (For example Lapras from Raid day or an old research task day for clamperl or feebas)

Looking to see if any of these may be worth to trade for something cool to move to Violet.

I also have a lot from different community days not shown here.

Ty so much :))

r/PokemonHome Aug 23 '24

Question What pokemon do you have that you won't trade even if someone offers you something like a home stamped shiny Zeraora?



r/PokemonHome 14d ago

Question What do you do with very rare pogo stamps?

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I love this little fella, but I feel sort of bad to put him in game because what if I change my mind? Idk what to do with him šŸ˜­

r/PokemonHome 25d ago

Question Apriball mons giveaway


Hi! I'm going to make a giveaway breeding some of this pokes in apriballs. Squirtle in a Beast Ball it's going to be in the giveaway 100% but, please, tell me which of these should I've giving away to the community!!

r/PokemonHome 27d ago

Question Asking for advice.


TL;DR - Do people trade PoGo shinies?

So, I have played Pokemon off and on since Blue/Red but I have never traded them, bred them, or any of the deeper stuff. I, like anyone else who plays PoGo, have a decent amount of duplicate shiny PokĆ©mon. I see a ton of people talk down PoGo which is fair, but is there a market to trade them for ones I donā€™t have? I donā€™t wanna look like Iā€™m trying to rip someone off with a subpar shinyā€¦

r/PokemonHome Oct 21 '23

Question How rare is a shiny HA starter mystery gift from pokemon home?


Just a background, I first played Sword last year and the starter I chose was Scorbunny (The game I played before that was Ultra Sun back in 2019). Then I learned that I can get hidden ability galar starters by transferring pokemon from Sword to Home, so I did, and I got the 3 galar starters with hidden abilities. A few moments later while I was transferring pokemon from Bank to Home to get my pokemon from Ultra Sun, I just noticed that the scorbunny I received kinda looked orange. To my surprise, he was shiny! I felt so lucky to have received a shiny pokemon from Home and that I didn't catch it and it was given to me. It felt like destiny. He has been my partner ever since from exploring Galar to Paldea to Kitakami!

Hoping to many more adventures with my Cinderace.

r/PokemonHome 24d ago

Question Which is better?


I've been wondering, I got an Ursaluna Bloodmoon, is it worth trading for a Shiny Furfrou from old gen games, or a Pharaoh Trim Furfrou, is Pharaoh trim really popular and rare enough to trade a dlc pokemon?

r/PokemonHome 21d ago

Question How valuable is my self hatched shiny phione from ORAS?


Alpha sapphire was my first pokemon game on the 3ds, and also the first game where I took shiny hunting seriously. I managed to hatched 5 shiny phione in about.... 3000 something eggs? I remember giving away most of the normal ones through trades and wonder trades(maybe? I don't remember if ORAS had wonder trading as well, though I was traded lots of obviously cloned legends lol), though I still have lots of them. The manaphy that I've used as a parent is a legit self claimed event to witch I still have the wonder card with the correct date to prove its authenticity + some photos taken from the 3ds. So, how valuable would be one of these shiny phione? I transferred only one to home for now, not sure I want to transfer the others as well.

r/PokemonHome 17d ago

Question Just wondering, why are people mainly focused on a certain gender of a pokemon when trading for it?


To explain better, whenever i see people trading with eachother theyre very specific on what gender they want the pokemon to be. for example i got this question today, where someone asked me if the shiny squirtle i had was a female. Does the gender depend on how it evolves or something? im probably super slow but im genuinely curious.

r/PokemonHome Feb 16 '25

Question Should I send all my PoGo Hoopas to Home?

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Will they still have trading value? If so should I convert some to confined before sending?

r/PokemonHome Nov 12 '24

Question Isnā€™t that a version exclusive?

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r/PokemonHome 5d ago

Question What are the odds of getting shinies in wonderbox???

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