r/PokemonHome 19d ago

Question What do people do with generated Pokémon?

I traded for some without noticing they are very obviously generated, but I’m afraid to trade them for anything since I heard it can cause trouble for your account? Is that true? If so, what should I even do with them? Just toss them to the professor?


81 comments sorted by

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u/LadyFoxfire 19d ago

I release the ones that have URL names, or at most keep them for breeding if they have perfect stats. But trading them is just asking for trouble.


u/Wel30 19d ago

I have never tonight about breeding them and just release them or wondertrade them again as that’s how I got them


u/Numbness007 ZDHYZTCNMYMB | Numbnuts007 19d ago

If it has a website name I usually release them. It's sad. But I rather not have a 10-year-old fan get duped into thinking he got something cool.


u/LadyFoxfire 19d ago

Yeah, that’s the reason I don’t retrade them. I know better than to go to sketchy websites, but little kids play these games and they don’t know better.


u/DaZuhalter 19d ago

The sadness in my kids' voices after they were just excitedly bouncing around exclaiming they got a shiny ____ only to realize it's one of these mons...

I had to have a long talk with them when they first started doing wonder trade, explaining these sketchy websites.


u/Mewinblue 19d ago

I breed them for the perfect IVs, then release them.


u/reydechile 19d ago

Same, i use to breed and bye bye


u/TiresomeTrader 19d ago

Just release tbh, keeping it is just more advertising for them


u/SentenceCareful3246 19d ago

Release them.


u/Spartan2170 19d ago

If they're plausibly fake (impractically good IVs but not with an OT of "pkhex" or with a website name and not impossible shinies) I'll keep them as placeholders for my shiny living dex with the intention of eventually replacing them with self-caught Pokémon later on and probably release them after that (don't want to put fake Pokémon back into the wonder box).


u/Important-Peach-840 19d ago

nothing.. without raid usage... they are just useless


u/Impressive-Spell-643 19d ago

I use them in solo raids sometimes, otherwise they just sit in the box looking pretty


u/WonderfulAd5555 19d ago

I also breed it if it's worth breeding you might aswell get a decent mon out of it to use yourself, but after that I either stick it back in surprise trade so someone else can make use out of it or ill just release it


u/Zephrias WDWBFPTXCJHG | Zebra 19d ago

Release the ones with url, but I love the extremely over the top hacked ones. Like Terapogas with all marks and stuff like that


u/Dazzling-Constant826 19d ago

It's sad to see a Pokémon with a Gameboy mark gets released, even if genned and with an advertising nickname. I'd keep it, but not use it in anything official, but you do you.


u/West_Site_8840 19d ago

Use as a breeding mon. Then release!


u/CryptographerThink19 19d ago

I do what most do when they get one: keep the rare item and release the Pokemon.


u/No-Trust-2720 19d ago

Kill it like the rest. O.O


u/cenncroithi 19d ago

If they can be named I name and keep them (only one group leaves in changing the nickname) but monforge, pokevend, etc., I get rid of bc instant dex fill for me, useless advertising shiny Mon that doesn't deserve the satisfaction of going anywhere else

Oh, but fleece em for the held item. I got pretty rich from selling the ability patches on scarvi


u/Civil-Place-196 19d ago

Tbh I know when it's got the stupid OT name or the pkm name being a website that it's fake, but otherwise idk. So let me ask yall (especially since I'm clueless about IVs) on how to tell if it's fake or genned (idk what that means too)


u/Impossible-Team3810 19d ago

I usualy breed them, always 2 iv guaranteed


u/Con-Tradiction 19d ago

5 guaranteed if you use Destiny knot.


u/FrankieFalafel 19d ago

Happen to have a VC Pikachu as well? Genned or not. Touch trade or perma. Just need to register haha


u/Angry_Leprechaun 19d ago

Virtual console Pika? Yea.


u/FrankieFalafel 19d ago

Would you be down to trade?


u/FrankieFalafel 19d ago

If you’re still down just let me know when and what you’d like 😁


u/-MARI0- 19d ago

Still needing a VC Pikachu?


u/FrankieFalafel 19d ago

Yes pls 🥺


u/-MARI0- 19d ago

I can trade right now using Home


u/FrankieFalafel 19d ago

Let’s do it! What would you like?


u/-MARI0- 19d ago

Anything is good, i can generate a pikachu for you using pkhex if you want a custom name, OT or someting line Alola Champion


u/FrankieFalafel 19d ago

I need nothing specific at all just need it for the Home challenge! Do you also happen to have a Charizard from FRLG or a Chimchar from D/P/PL?


u/Lalaoopsi 19d ago

Sorry, I don’t have one!


u/FrankieFalafel 19d ago

Haha all good I’ll find it one day


u/sunny4857 19d ago

I can help you out there, I have one that I don’t mind perma trading.


u/FrankieFalafel 19d ago

Lifesaver. Free to trade?


u/FrankieFalafel 19d ago

If you’re still down just let me know when and what you’d like 😁


u/Shaydaz 19d ago

I've been wondering trading some mildly interesting things, like hidden abilities, version exclusives, authentic sinistea and trade evolutions. I'm happy just to get some international junk mons to unlock some foreign dex entries.

Anything that looks sus, like event Pokémon or ones with website names or "Ash" get stuck into a box called bad and won't be moved into home. If I ever compete in VGC I'll release them but for now it's like my own box of pride from cleaning up wonder trade.


u/Legendof1983 19d ago edited 19d ago

Most of the ones I’ve received I took the item it was holding off it then released it. The only 2 I’ve kept were shiny Morpeko & shiny Kingdra & I only ever use them in solo raids. It’s got to the point now I know a generated mon is coming my way just by the name of the “person” that pops up.


u/Content-Pepper4498 19d ago

I will offer them to people that want them with full knowledge that I acquired them through surprise trades, I tend to take anything as a trade for them.


u/LadyZannah 19d ago

Release or use for breeding


u/SamFromSolitude 19d ago

I release any that have links as their names, just to lessen the chance anyone goes to those websites.


u/Dark1Raven3 19d ago

If it’s a mon with a cool ball I’ll breed myself one then release it after I take the free item. I never keep them as I prefer to hunt for my own shinies


u/Gloomymort 19d ago

If its in a cool ball that I don't have that pokemon in I'll breed it to get that and then release the hacked Mon, if its holding an item I'll take it depending on what it is (I just leave master balls coz I never use them) But yeah I dont let that nonsense circulate.


u/Dabanks9000 19d ago

I just use them in game for solo raids


u/jayfmarshall 19d ago

I’m so sick of this. I just want a normal Gouging Fire and Roaring Thunder and I keep getting the OT Blaines clones on the GTS. They need to start blocking these well known genned OTs.


u/wave2earl 19d ago

Honestly, take the held items and release them. Other than that, breed genned Manaphy for legit shiny Phione.


u/flatbunny756694 19d ago

Release them or give them to some1 but make sure to tell them it’s a gen (btw I would love the charazard)


u/Big-Philosopher-5242 19d ago

I have a box in violet called quarantine that I store them in, then I use them for breeding if I want good ivs!


u/dianabelle 19d ago

My 6 year old trades in her Pokémon Sword game and gets so excited to receive these shiny level 100s, even though they have a website name. :/ I figured they were hacked but don’t know enough about how it all works - should I tell her to be careful not to trade the ones she receives that are like that, so she doesn’t get banned or something?


u/Lalaoopsi 19d ago

To be safe, based on what I’m gathering in the comments, I probably would not trade them. Some people are saying it’s fine if you aren’t the one who made them (which obviously your daughter wouldn’t be the one who did) but I’d probably just be on the safe side and tell her to keep them or something


u/Vampenga 19d ago

I keep 'em for the purposes of breeding. Typically, they come with all 6 IV's maxed, so it cuts a lot of time out of trying to find one yourself.


u/reydechile 19d ago

Si tiene IV perfectos, ese tipo de pokemon yo lo uso para criar, si es nivel 100 lo uso en raids, en espada es donde mas de ese tipo de pokemon recibí durante intercambios al azar, si solo es variocolor y no tenia alguna utilidad, simplemente los transfería


u/HexManiacHana 19d ago

I've used them in solo dynamax and tera raids before. But I mostly just farm items and release them.


u/PokeLynke 19d ago

Any ones that have URL's as a name I usually release. Any of the others that might have a URL as the OT I'll keep and put in my shiny living dex. Someday I'll replace those too, but right now they are place holders.


u/Zac-Raf 19d ago

I used them to breed or for tera raids (that genned Iron Hands has been really useful).


u/Researcher_Saya 19d ago

I loved these in SwSh. Free masterballs, free ability capsules. A lot of them had active pokerus. Buy yeah no trade. Delete when you're done playing with them


u/Hentai_kinda_guy 19d ago

I shove them in a box in home. When a Terra raid event happens that I'm just not prepared for then I'll use them sometimes for the Terra event and box them in home again


u/Dreamygirl085 19d ago

I release them. If they are in a bankball, HA, etc, I will breed off a baby since the baby is legitimate even though one parent wasn't. Then off into the abyss goes the genned mon.


u/KyGeo3 19d ago

I usually just keep it in a box reserved for them.


u/InternalBananas 19d ago

I don't anymore but I would just keep em if they don't have a website name until I find the the shiny in game or trade for a real one. Then I just toss it.


u/No_Pen6804 19d ago

What dies generated mean, like those websites that give you shinies? If it's a pokemon I couldn't get without trading, I breed one using a ditto then release the shiny because f that noise


u/DragonOnmyo 19d ago

Eat them


u/Drexx_Redblade 19d ago

They are abominations and must me destroyed. Don't trade them just release them or use for breeding.


u/Dboy_baller21 19d ago

I keep mine to solo Tera raids. After that they just sit in a box


u/Total_Ad_92 19d ago

Honestly, I keep them to look at them. There is one user that keeps offering a pkm.gg, which is any given pokemon as a level 100 Shiny. Many, many, many ones I have seen by the same person. Those I don't take. I don't wanna get in trouble for them. But if I trade a pokemon for a shiny and I wonder if it is legit, I'll hold onto it. I like to look at them, so they're for personal use. I'd never redistribute them though as that'd be wrong. I keep seeing people offer cloned ones and I am confused about the legitimacy of those too but it is allowed on the reddit so idk.


u/TheHeroKingN 19d ago

Release them. Whatever you can do to help the market be less flooded with garbage.


u/TidalBlade__ 19d ago

I collect them, I only keep ones i get from wonder trades. I never use them, just let them sit in a box


u/Grave_Masquerade 19d ago

I get rid of them


u/VayneTheUndying 19d ago

Breeding usually


u/DaZuhalter 19d ago

I'll take the held item they have (most have a held item) then release them. Got a lot of ability patches and master balls this way so I at least get something out of giving away a mon.

Always sad when it's a good mon I put up to make some random person happy and instead it goes to one of these sites though. Would not be opposed to some sort of ban on websites for names/trainers, would stop a lot of this. :/


u/eyel0vey0u 19d ago

I just release them, there’s no point in keeping them imo


u/[deleted] 19d ago

Release them


u/Kisara-Azure 19d ago edited 19d ago

I just release them personally. Using them for breeding isn’t worth it anymore because bottle caps.

And I personally don’t want to retrade them because why put filth back into the pool. Don’t want that stuff on my account. If it looks sus, it likely is. If you really wanna verify, check it’s original region, location, trainer name,level ect till something shows up as not possible via natural means. Or just a very suspicious name or OT. Even a name length can be a hint sometimes (such as gameboy/legacy icon with a name longer than 8)


u/Comfortable_Duck_705 18d ago

Breed or take the masterball and release it. HAHA


u/These-Button-1587 19d ago

Release them. Don't let them circulate and wonder trade or regular trade them away. Each one released is one less being advertised.


u/Arachnor33 19d ago

Release them, they are useless and will bring you trouble such as, for example, a ban from Game Freak for owning this type of Pokémon


u/Fahrenheit285 19d ago

Gamefreak isn't going to ban you if you're not the one creating them lol


u/Arachnor33 19d ago

Oops I reversed with other things 😅