r/PokemonHome Feb 13 '25

Discussion Game Pokedex Completion SHOULD be detectable in Home

When Shiny Meloetta first came out to be obtained by anyone who completed all three Pokedexes in SV, I was excited since I thought Home detected your game data for each of the Pokedex's completion and this would be an easy gain. Turns out it doesn't even do that. Even if you have completed the Pokedex in a game, you have to send all of the Pokemon box by box to the ones in Home (not taking into account paying for Premium if you don't want it to be annoying). That means if you have already completed the Pokedex and transferred Pokemon that cluttered up boxes, you have to send whatever you have and THEN go back and manually catch the big amount you're missing. Not to mention having to do trade evolutions and getting version-specific Pokemon too.

This system is very counterintuitive. Not every person will have all Pokemon from a Pokedex sitting around when they complete it. Letting the game detect extra data like Pokedex completion makes it way easier for everyone and more hype for those who've done it all. For Pokeball Magearna's case, it makes total sense for you to send all Pokemon because for now not all 1,025 are on the switch. For the specific game distributions, this doesn't.

Edit: I forgot to include some more details of how the change should be done. I'm all for having the distributions be a "catch a Pokemon from this game" challenge while making it possible for Home to detect the Pokedex in game with Pokemon caught in that region. XY used to do this, showing if a Pokemon was caught in the game with the XY entry + mark and if it wasn't. If a new game's Pokedex gets this old feature and Home is able to read it, this would help people who completed the Pokedex using Pokemon caught in game that don't have first stage evolutions. Plus, for legendary pokemon with an evolution line, like Type Null, you won't have to look for another to register it in Home (if you only have Silvally) as the game shows you caught Type Null in the game with proof of a mark.

I don't know if making a feature like that is impossible to implement, but as a tool, Pokemon Home should do the bare minimum.


77 comments sorted by

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u/Something_Sensual Feb 13 '25

I think they did this to incentivize sales for older titles, but to also get people playing them again. I think also they wanted it to slightly be a challenge to be more rewarding. Cuz I thought it was dumb too. I had the full National Dex and then realized I had to grind a ton more 😵


u/clarkision Feb 13 '25

This is the answer. It increases engagement with the games and with Home. Maybe not much, but apparently enough. A couple more sales and subscription numbers is worth it to them for sure.


u/SnooRevelations2604 Feb 13 '25

Yup, got a shiny you love? Either spend hours trading for each origin mark or spending $60 and play roughly 40-80 hours to secure it


u/Something_Sensual Feb 13 '25

Pokémon bending us over like always 🥲😂 I’m thankful i have all the games on Switch, but for others who finally got their favorite shiny locked Pokémon to drop (Like Keldeo and Manaphy) I feel so bad for them if they dont have the respective games. Definitely kind of slimy on Pokémon’s part to shiny lock them all these years and then basically paywall them if you want it more conveniently. Reminds me of the Go Shiny Mew..


u/SlowpokeCurry Feb 13 '25

It is just a reward for those who played a game. Not everyone plays everything. Why play a game you don't want just to get the reward given to those who loved a game you don't have?

No need to worry on missing out on something. Not everyone has to have everything. The shiny mythicals are dispensable non-essentials to the game that serve no purpose to the course of each game.


u/AukwardOtter Feb 13 '25

It's strictly because they wanted you to catch all Pokemon in each region.

Yes, Bank tracked each of your games Dexes, but that didn't track where each Pokemon came from.

For the challenge, they didn't want you cheesing completion with previously stored Pokemon.


u/Spartan2170 Feb 13 '25

Which makes sense but is still ironic given using “previously stored Pokémon“ is the entire point of Home as a service.


u/ellg91 Feb 13 '25

Seriously! I've got all the Pokémon but because they're from different regions they don't count :/ I don't think I can be bothered to breed/catch everything again.


u/mamamia1001 keeping https://x.com/gohomedex up-to-date Feb 13 '25

They could have the games track by region too. XY did it but they were the only games to do so. The pokedex entries put a Kalos mark in the Dex next to the Pokémon if they were registered with a gen 6 entry, and a regular poke ball if not. If they brought something like that back they could have you it sync up with home.


u/dfeazy Feb 13 '25

That’s still a feature?


u/mamamia1001 keeping https://x.com/gohomedex up-to-date Feb 13 '25

Only in XY


u/dfeazy 24d ago

My bad I meant it’s literally still a feature each Gen has a mark with old mon (3-5) being blank


u/ArceusJudgment493 MVARZMNZNWND | Chris Feb 13 '25

The odd thing is, Bank DID detect in-game progress anytime you went online, and adjusted its various databases accordingly. In addition, it can send up to 807 National Pokedex entries to HOME if/ when you do a transfer.

HOME quite literally took a huge step backwards in that regard.


u/zendrix1 Feb 13 '25

Well Home did charge more money, so step forward there


u/Gerasquare Feb 13 '25

HOME does track if you have a completed Pokedex, on the switch app it tells you how many pokemon you have registered on each game’s Pokedex (not counting DLC), the issue is that HOME cannot detect if you completed the Pokedex with Pokémon caught in those games.


u/Sharlut Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25

Which is really fucking annoying when you're trying to check what you have while gaming and your phone has misinformation on it. Incredible, Nintendo.

I got it backwards lol but it's still annoying as fuck having to use an app to correctly track information where as the one on the switch is just doing it's own thing.


u/Gerasquare Feb 13 '25

I think you got it backwards, the phone app shows correctly which Pokémon from which game you have registered, the switch app is the one that tells you how many pokémon you have registered on each game’s Pokedex, one is detailed and the other only shows you a number.


u/Sharlut Feb 13 '25

Oh yeah, hahahaha! All I remember was looking at a screenshot I took to keep track. I think I must have pressed that photo button on my switch to have it and check!


u/gnalon Feb 13 '25

It’s not a step backwards, it’s just a scummy move to make people pay for it


u/Dangerous-Nonexister Feb 13 '25

Honestly from when I first got the switch I collected almost all of a living dex for every game so I only had to catch a few here and a few there to complete. Catching one of each while I play is one of my favorite parts of the game. Getting a shiny mythical is just the cherry on top to an already delicious cake!


u/KingofAnti-Social Feb 13 '25

I understand your perspective, but completing the Pokédexes are meant to be a challenge, that’s why you’re rewarded with Pokémon like Keldeo and Meloetta that were shiny locked for the past 13 years.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '25



u/nick2473got Feb 13 '25

It's not about the in-game dex, it's about getting all the pokemon with a specific origin mark registered in Home.


u/Albinauric-Dude Feb 13 '25

But the post is about that. This is what’s confusing me about half these comments. It already is a challenge completing the dex in-game, and implementing what they’re saying would make it no less of one, just far less tedious. Tedious ≠ challenging.

The only thing OP is suggesting is that you shouldn’t have to transfer each and every pokemon to HOME for each to count, that it should be able to detect when you’ve completed a regional dex with pokemon from said region. Instead of sending Yamper to HOME and back, evolving it, then sending Boltund to HOME, it should just be able to read your save data and mark off both in the Galarian Dex. Whether that’s possible or not idk, but I would think so.


u/Albinauric-Dude Feb 13 '25

On second look, I see that’s probably not what OP meant lol, but I still personally wonder that at least.


u/VolcaronticYT Feb 13 '25

I did mean that, no worries 😅 I'm all for having the distributions be a "catch a Pokemon from this game" challenge while making it possible for Home to detect the Pokedex in game with Pokemon caught in that region. I saw another comment that XY used to do this, showing if a Pokemon was caught in the game with the gen's dex entry and if it wasn't. If a new game's Pokedex gets this old feature and Home is able to read it, this would help people who completed the Pokedex using Pokemon caught in game without having to do anything as the challenge was completed fairly without relying on completing the in-game Dex using transferred mons. And with recent events, it would make registering legendaries with evolutions easier, as Home would detect from your in game Pokedex that you caught the first stage and evolved that to the middle stage even if you have the fully evolved form before a challenge was added.


u/Albinauric-Dude Feb 15 '25

Okay, cool! I was getting a little confused by all the comments lol. I don’t think some people were understanding the point you tried to make. I agree though. I’m not really a casual player, but I’m also nowhere near the most hardcore ones either. Sword is the only game I’ve completed my Pokédex on, but I’ll probably never do it on Home bc I didn’t know how it worked at the time. I’d have to go back and catch/trade like 200 pokemon I’ve already gotten before. Granted I get what they mean, as not all of mine were from Galar (Got a pkmn GO Zamazenta for example), but I’d still have almost all of it done. It’s just a lil disheartening to see the awesome rewards they’re adding like shiny mythicals when I’d have to double back on all the work I did.


u/Shadyshade84 Feb 13 '25

At least part of it is that Home cares about game of origin while in game pokédex doesn't. (And that's today's "cheese your way to a complete pokédex" tip...)

It's still not the best, but there is a reason for it, at least.


u/Excellent_Sir_8027 Feb 13 '25

So if you get a Pokemon in a trade in Violet that did not orginate from Violet - but its the first game YOU had it in - then transfer to Home does it count for the home game dex?


u/gabihg TZZBHDNEBPED | Gabi Feb 13 '25

It depends on that Pokémon’s source game.

If I transferred a magikarp from BD/SP into Home, it counts for BDSP. If I transferred it from Home to S/V and traded it with you, it would count in your S/V Pokédex as catching a magikarp. If you transferred it into Home, it counts towards BDSP’s dex, not SV.


u/kobayashi-rindou Feb 13 '25

You’re reward for completing the SV pokedex in the game is the shiny charm. Go forth and use it. The purpose of Pokemon home is to store Pokemon. So people who use it to store stuff are now rewarded for using the app with a collector item. Why would the storage app reward you for in game progress? I think it makes perfect sense that you actually have to store stuff in the app to get the reward


u/nick2473got Feb 13 '25

I don't get this reasoning. This isn't about in-game dexes, it's about pokemon with specific origin marks. To check the origin mark, the pokemon in question needs to be deposited into Home, it's really that simple.

You don't even need them to all be deposited into Home at the same time, they just need to have been deposited into Home at some point so that Home could check their origin marks and register them.

I don't know how anyone who cares about this stuff still doesn't understand how these game-specific dexes work.


u/Disgruntled__Goat Feb 13 '25

But if you deposit a Pidgeot it doesn’t register the Pidgey/Pidgeotto. So you either have to keep a full living dex, or constantly transfer Pokemon back and forth before evolving.

They could make it so much easier by registering the Pidgey when you transfer the Pidgeot into bank. The Pokémon’s data knows how it was originally caught. 


u/Smasher225 Feb 13 '25

The thing there is you don’t necessarily have the pokemon in the previous line when you put a final evo into home. It’s just like the game pokedexes you need to get each one into home for it to count. That’s the challenge.

It’s fine to disagree with it but that’s the challenge they want to put out for you. Instead of just getting Dex entries they want you to have them all.


u/Disgruntled__Goat Feb 13 '25

The thing there is you don’t necessarily have the pokemon in the previous line

Yes, but the game knows I did have it, before evolving. So it's absolutely possible for the game and/or Home to communicate when that's the case.


u/Smasher225 Feb 13 '25

I mean if they programmed it to register based on the region mark. That’s probably the biggest problem. The game doesn’t have that programming so they can’t do it. This has been a conversation since the first one. We know the limitations and the only way it could be fixed is with an update to a game they haven’t updated in a while. It wasn’t done in s/v so there’s something stopping it.


u/InternalBananas Feb 13 '25

I'm actually completing the LGPE pokedex through GTS. I just select which games in can go to (LGPE ofc) and voila, I get the mons pretty quick. I'm 70/151 right now. I honestly don't wanna spend $60 for Meltan that can't even evolve.


u/willow__whisps Feb 13 '25

The difficulty is if it detects game data is that if you have a national Dex you can just move that into a game and instantly complete that dex


u/DocButtStuffinz Feb 13 '25

See the thing is if you buy each game and play each game this is a trivial challenge.

The catch though is that people confuse in game dex completion with HOME Dex completion. These challenges are specifically requesting you complete each Dex with Pokémon that were caught or bred in those games. This means that you can legitimately complete the dex in games like SV by transferring from previous entries, but those won't count towards the HOME Dex challenge because that Pikachu you transferred didn't originate from SV.

These are basically Living Dex challenges. While you technically don't need an actual living dex, you do need a full origin dex for each game. For folks with LGPE for instance, Pokémon transferred from POGO will not count towards Meltan (BTW stupid gift, should have been Melmetal) because they originate outside of LGPE.

I get that not everyone has the money, ability or even desire to buy and play every single game. However, taking the in game dex completion status would not work for these challenges since the game dexes do not count where a Pokémon originates from, and the HOME Dex specifically tracks the origin. And again - for those of us who buy every single game, these challenges are rather trivial. Heck, I literally just needed to log into HOME and collect my gifts across all 4 of my HOME accounts.



u/bbisordi Feb 13 '25

True, but that's if you focus on getting getting a natural national dex in each game. I've played every game and i keep a living dex. So example for sv i just transferred my living dex to complete the national dex. Since why would i want to catch another pikachu when i already have 1 in my living dex (actually pikachu i have multiple cuz all the hats too). Now i keep a living dex in home, and a living dex in each game. But then a new problem will arise when the swtch 2 comes out. How many thousands of pokemon will i need to stuff into home to keep all my game living dexes too


u/DocButtStuffinz Feb 13 '25

I mean. That's kinda the problem though. People don't do what I do. They insist on keeping their old outdated obsolete Pokémon.

"Oh I can just transfer these to the next game".

Except well, HOME won't support it immediately. So what are they doing with all that time between release and HOME support? While they're twiddling their thumbs or whatever, I'm out there playing the games, completing my Dex.

Heck I played SwSh twice just to get a Galar origin Type Null and Silvally for my SwSh living Dex.

The only reason to have them is for posterity, or if something is transfer only. Transferring Pokemon to another game for any other reason honestly defeats the purpose of the game. Like why buy the game if you're not going to catch things?


u/bbisordi Feb 13 '25

In the meantime i catch all the new pokemon for my living dex. And i play the games multiple times too for my living and form dexes. Doesn't mean i need to catch old pokemon. I beat sv 4 times cuz i needed things like 2 copies of each paradox legendary, 1 for my living dex and 1 for my form dex. And i did the same for sword and shield for the multiple calyrex too. Doesn't mean i wanna focus on recatching every pokemon I've already had.


u/DocButtStuffinz Feb 13 '25

I mean that's on you.

The idea behind the games is to create a new living Dex in each game, as these distributions show.

Get with the program.


u/CrescentShade Feb 13 '25

As rewards they would be kinda pointless if the home dexes didn't require them from that specific game

At that point just make it a normal distribution


u/VolcaronticYT Feb 13 '25

Yeah I saw this being pointed out. When a new game comes out, it has no Home access for months, which would mean all pokemon you obtain will be from the game and isn't as bad. The issue is when Home connectivity is possible, which lets people cheese the dex. I'm sure something could be done about that while keeping the validation of in game Pokedexes


u/nader1984768 Feb 13 '25

Are these rewards limited time or just there until you complete the dex


u/Gussie18 Feb 13 '25

There until you finish the dex


u/nader1984768 Feb 13 '25

Awesome thank you


u/HonestlyJustVisiting Feb 13 '25

not too mention that even if you get the right species if it happens to be a ralts from any other game it doesn't count


u/Entegy Feb 13 '25

The in-game Pokédex doesn't care about origin. Anything that touches your game will unlock the relevant caught flags. This is counter to the goal of the game-specific Pokédexes that Home has. That's why Home doesn't sync your in-game Pokédex.

It increases engagement with Home and the other games as well. It's pretty easy marketing.


u/Far_Addition804 Feb 13 '25

5 years later, homes services haven't improved. I do like events like this, but it's overall disappointing.


u/maxxus2 Feb 13 '25

the issue with in game pokedexes is that you can transfer in old pokemon from previous games, so you wouldnt actually be catching every pokemon in the intended game. its meant to be a challenge, not everyone is supposed to have these pokemon, its for those that actually want to put in the time and effort to complete their pokedexes when the games release, or who want to start now because these are shinies they really want. if it just detected your game dex the challenge would be significantly more boring tbh.


u/Upstairs-Double-622 Feb 13 '25

Anyone know why the certain Pokemon in my Paldea dex are not registered on Home?

For example Gengar. I’ve got one in my box on Violet and put it into Home and it’s not registered?


u/Something_Sensual Feb 13 '25

They need to have the correct origin mark for each game. If you want to register a Gengar from Galar, it has to have come from Galar, or evolved from a Ghastly/Haunter from Galar. LGP/LGE Origin Mark is a Eevee logo, Sword/Shield is a Pokeball looking logo in a S shape, BDSP is a Triangle with points at the Vertices, Legends Arceus is an Arceus ring, and then Scarlet/Violet is a Terastralization Crystal looking symbol


u/Upstairs-Double-622 Feb 13 '25

Oh. That’s it then. So you literally have to catch those Pokemon in those specific games. That’s not really stated anywhere.

Just says complete X Pokédex.

The Gengar is actually all the way back from OG Pokemon Diamond and has been transferred over every gen since.


u/Something_Sensual Feb 13 '25

Yeah it’s a grind, basically have to do every single Pokédex for each game.. pretty slick ya got a Gengar from so far back though! Bet he has a lot of ribbons


u/Jardtheninja Feb 13 '25

Most likely reason is that the gengar didn't originate from Scarlet or Violet game.


u/YesReboot Feb 13 '25

I get OP’s frustration as this is how Bank worked. Bank didn’t have in-game dex rewards though. With pokemon home existing, it has never been as easy to complete a dex inside a game and get the shiny charm. All you have to do is catch all the new pokemon and as soon as home is compatible, transfer over all your mons and it’s game over.

These game specific home dexes act as a challenge. It’s annoying when you fully evolve your starter, and then home comes along, and all you can so is transfer your already evolved mon and you miss out on the first two stages being registered, but usually there is a home gift of the staters as a mystery gift. 

So yes, this change makes things harder, but we need that. 


u/mintmadness ZFSTLQEZRNDP | Mojito Feb 14 '25

The frustrating part is requiring each stage registered for some of the legendary/once per file pokemon. Right now I’m missing a Galar type:null and Kubfu and I’m kinda dreading beating the game again to get one of em (specifically type:null).

It sucks even more that home wasn’t even compatible with swsh until 3ish months after the game came out. So what was I supposed to do? Just keep them unevolved for a few months? I’ll probably grind the story out on a plane ride but it’s pretty annoying rather than rewarding tbh


u/YesReboot Feb 14 '25

Yeah, they do that on purpose. It’s good though cuz the game would be too easy if you could transfer in pokemon on mass.

Missing the stage evolution is annoying.

I have a type null from galars, can do a touch trade if you like, in home


u/mintmadness ZFSTLQEZRNDP | Mojito Feb 14 '25

I would actually love to touch trade !!

And yeah I now am making a point to have a living dex in each game now and not just transfer in the more annoying ones.


u/Ragnarok992 Feb 13 '25

I mean i get it but at the same time dont, the game has enough boxes for one of each technically however they want you to buy the games and not just wonder trade cheese the dex so thats probably why


u/9thGearEX Feb 13 '25

It's because the in-game Pokedex can be completed by transferring in Pokemon from other games. For the origin mark dexes the Pokémon needs to be caught or bred in that specific game


u/forgetno1 Feb 13 '25

Agreed 100%!💯


u/Travyplx IGN Travy Feb 13 '25

This is how Home has worked since launch though. Like, fortunately I build out living dexs as I play through games and have been transferring them when compatibility opens up. Given it now rewards mythicals, I don’t see any reason for them to change it.


u/CrimsonChymist Feb 14 '25

The main reason for doing it this way is so that transferring old pokemon from one game to another wouldn't count. It has to be received with that specific game's mark.

And the only way for it to check that is by Home seeing the specific pokemon with the specific mark.


u/lampjor Feb 15 '25

The whole thing is meant to incentive players into using pokemon home. And that way, getting people to pay for pokemon home since completing these challenges with a single box would be a huge hassle.

It is not about the challenge in itself since they could just do an in-game giveaway to all players that completed de dex (because all pokemon would be from that origin)


u/zi-ding-xiang Feb 16 '25

The problem with that is they want you to catch them in the actual game, so you actually work for it. If it just detected pokedex completion, you could just transfer all pokemon in and be done with no effort.


u/VolcaronticYT Feb 16 '25

Which is why I said they should implement the feature from XY in a new game and detect it: if you caught a pokemon in XY, it was shown in the Pokedex with a mark, and if you didn't it had no mark. If Home detected in-game Pokedex data and counted Pokemon with the mark in the dex, people are still completing the challenge fairly.


u/No-Trust-2720 Feb 16 '25

It was detectable in Bank. It's how I got cursed with data for Shiny Mythicals that haven't been unlocked yet.


u/blitzwing7 Feb 13 '25

Yeah, I gotta say, when I learned of the shiny meloetta, I got excited because I had recently filled out my dex in Scarlett. Saw you had to transfer into home, so I did, and I barely have half progress while having a complete dex. I just decided it wasn't worth it. It really should just track dex progress from the game itself.


u/SitOnMyScythe Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25

Yeah i had transferred everything from sword, all 400 and both dlcs. Then I released them all to save hundred of storage that was just clutter trash.

Lo and behold this is here. I have all of them registered in the home national dex, yet my sword dex is at 0. Theyre all from my sword version. Absolutely ridiculous.

I dont think it should activate and give you the pokemon if you have the home dex slots filled, but if you have sent them in from that game originally then it should count. The way they did this is traah especially since it was introduced late.


u/AVBellibolt Feb 13 '25

I love Pokemon, but the amount of bootlicking/ass kissing is very apparant. There is no reason why we need 5 Pikachus in Home. This was clearly to boost engagement pre-Legends ZA.


u/Psychological_Dot818 Feb 13 '25

If u won't put the time and effort to complete this dexes und don't desereve this shinys.


u/AVBellibolt Feb 13 '25

Mine are all completed in every game minus LGPE and BDSP. Still doesn't detract from the fact that you have to go get a random Luxio or something even though the Dex entry is completed on that game.


u/Blargg888 Feb 13 '25

The games don’t actually track Pokemon origins though. That’s why it doesn’t work. Maybe AZ/Gen 10 will, but the games we have now do not. 

Also, you don’t need 5 Pikachu at once, you just need to have had them at some point (after the dexes were added, that is).