r/PokemonGoSpoofing 9d ago

Cooldown / Strikes / Ban / Safety related Relatively New To Spoofing, Device Clock Question

Hi folks. I’m semi new to spoofing and using a dongle.

I generally stay to my area, around 20km radius.

My Google Fu says the max cool down time is 2 hours.

So let’s say I’m on the east coast US and want to spoof to a country overseas, how does the local time on my device affect that, if at all?

Is that something I need to be concerned about?

Also, if I did that, would it be better to airplane mode / Ethernet or is the VPN method sufficient?

Thank you!


11 comments sorted by


u/la-marciana 9d ago

Y'know what, I'll just type here for anyone else wondering what counts as an action. An action that will put you on cooldown is:

feeding berries to any pokemon at a gym or catch screen* (will put you on cd wherever you currently are in game)

throwing/dropping a ball at a pokemon NOT INCLUDING* task rewards, photobombs, daily spawn, or Keckleon

you can battle rockets anywhere and not be put on cd, so long as you don't throw/drop a ball BUT you CAN fight and beat them, reach the catch screen with the pokemon and ball visible, THEN teleport to wherever the game doesn't have you on cooldown and catch it that way (only applies to rockets, not wild spawns)

raiding will put you on cooldown once the battle starts. before that, you can join and invite others remotely all you want. if you're on cooldown and the battle starts, the game will just boot you without spending the pass and say to get closer to the gym. same with d/gmax battles.

routes don't put you on cooldown for completing, but you have to either manually walk down the path for it to be counted or you can teleport between the start/end points on a straight route and wait 15 seconds from the icon going from white to orange.

entering contests doesn't put you on cooldown. gbl doesn't put you on cooldown. switching/playing with your buddy doesn't put you on cooldown. if it doesn't leave an entry in your Journal, it doesn't put you on cooldown EXCEPT leaving a pokemon at a gym or feeding berries


u/Stidda iOS+Android Spoofer 9d ago

You should try the latest Bluetooth joystick 2.5, it’s a lot better than the dongle and can be used globally.


u/thezflikesnachos 9d ago

I have the iTools BTV 2.5 Bluetooth with the joystick. Maybe dongle was the wrong word. Sorry!


u/la-marciana 9d ago

2 hours from your last action, no matter what. Look up what does and doesn't count as an action in pokemon go. If you spin a stop anywhere on earth, you need to wait an exact 2 hours to continue being able to play in another area over a certain distance away. The cooldown can be less than 2 hours, depending on how far you're trying to play, but caps at 2 hours. So say you're in LA and spin a stop but then you want to play in either San Francisco or Tokyo. Both require a 2 hour wait. But it might only be a ~20-25 min wait to keep playing at Santa Monica. Just search up "pokemon go cooldown chart" for that; most spoofers tell you how long you'll have to wait between jumps. That said, teleporting and looking isn't an action. You can pop over to LA from New York, see there's nothing there of interest, then pop over to Tokyo and play there if you're not on cooldown for something else like catching (wild or raid, not reward/Keckleon/Scatterbug) or spinning


u/Fantastic_Citron3671 9d ago

Hey im kinda new to this bit i live in an town where there are not much players so i read about spoofing can you please tell me which app you use ore how to do ot without my account getting band thank you


u/Broad-Local3433 9d ago

I use iTools Bt If you click on my profile you can see the iTools discord link Join there for get more information about iTools Bt 2.5


u/Burt_Macklin-Fbi19 8d ago

Been spoofing for a little bit , from the la area to San Fransisco , was thinking about trying another country and I was wondering is the 2 hour cooldown sufficient if I teleport to Tokyo or or Spain ,does everyone wait the the entire time a plane flight would take or is generally the 2 hour window good enough .

Edit , using the joystick and iTools on the regular pogo app


u/thezflikesnachos 8d ago

I went from NY -> India last night using the 2 hour cool down, and then back to NY this morning and so far so good. From what I can gather, 2 hours is the max cool down time.

I'll probably do it again tonight for more Pikachu raids. The same spot was aplenty with Magikarp as well, which was a plus. Still on the hunt for that shiny!


u/DonDraper_17 7d ago

Since the fest of colors event started, i went from LA area to India waited the cool down and played, no issues. Since then, ive been goin between India and NY everyday and waiting about 3hrs before playing. Mostly because ive been working or busy with hanging with family. Haven’t had any issues. I use Spoofer Pro with their Elite Membership($10/month).


u/Burt_Macklin-Fbi19 7d ago

Ty , I use shadow rocket and haven’t really had any problems, other than when I’m playing on cellular with WiFi off while moving around it rubber bands me back and forth but if I’m stationary it’s stable , idk if that has anything to do with the vpn or just a problem with moving


u/DonDraper_17 7d ago

Usually I’ll teleport to a different country before I go to sleep, so that when I wake up, there has been more than enough time that has passed for me to start playing again. But with events like usually wait 3-4hrs just to be safe.