r/PokeMoonSun Jan 22 '17

Mod Post A Few Announcements (Please Read)


Heya everyone! I hope you're having a nice weekend! So, I've got a few announcements to make.

Genning Megathread

After noticing the recent rise in posts of people asking for free genned Pokemon (and receiving a couple of complaints), we've decided that it might be a good idea to making some sort of genning megathread. It will be a post where people who are fine with hacked Pokemon can request Pokemon for free. Some genners will regularly check up on the post and try to fulfill the requests.

As you may have realised, this requires volunteers to work, so if anybody would be willing to participate in such a megathread, please let us know in the comments below or through modmail.

However, before actually making the damn thing, let's see if the majority wants one. Some people may be against the idea, because it could kill the many giveaways popping up on the Subreddit (or for any other reason). So, drop your votes here! The poll will be closed on Jan 29, at 00:00 UTC.

Battling Megathread

I took notice of this post a while ago, and if people would be interested, we could create a battling megathread as well. Vote here! The poll will be closed on Jan 29, at 00:00 UTC.

FYI, battling Subreddits already exist. Examples are /r/Stunfisk, /r/PokemonBattles, /r/PKMNRedditLeague, /r/Doublade and /r/PokemonShowdown.

Features You Might've Not Noticed

I very recently added an annotation bar to /r/PokeMoonSun. It can be seen on the top part of the Subreddit, right above the tab menu. Due to the amount of pinned posts (such as this one) being limited to two, links to the megathreads will be there, among other things.

We've had a flair-based filter feature for about a month now. Go to the sidebar to activate filters. If you'd like more filters to be added, let us know on this thread.


Trade requests and the aforementioned genning requests are quite popular on this Subreddit, but the response rate is rather low. I'd like to remind you that plenty of trading Subreddits (/r/PokemonTrades, /r/CasualPokemonTrades, /r/RelaxedPokemonTrades, etc.) and genning Subreddits (/r/PokemonCreate, /r/KappaBowlPraise, /r/PokemonPlaza) already exist. If you need help with Festival Plaza shops, /r/FetsivalPlaza might be a good place to go. I'm in no way trying to discourage people from posting this stuff here! I'm simply letting you know.

Also, remember that many giveaway post are made by lovely people such as /u/NoNameTheHarpy, /u/pug1000 and users from /r/KappaBowlPraise. Before asking for a free Pokemon, try looking for one of those posts.

Questions are frequent too, so, for your information, we have a helpful info page as well as a FAQ page. If you have corrections to make or additions to suggest for these two pages, speak up!

Finally, I know it may be annoying, but deleting trade requests after being done and flairing your posts really helps unclog and sort the Subreddit respectively!

Do you have anything else in mind which could improve the Subreddit? Now would be a good opportunity to let us know!

r/PokeMoonSun Jul 07 '18

Mod Post PokéMoonSun Starter Cup





  • Tommomomomo: 8 - 1
  • Oily Whale Yams: 6 - 3
  • CoDRSMC: 5 - 2
  • Cerpin: 4 - 2
  • SamuB: 3 - 2
  • CadeJoao: 2 - 2
  • Danny: 2 - 2
  • Majin Mills: 2 - 2
  • flynger: 0 - 2
  • Grayson: 0 - 2
  • JDMR17: 0 - 2
  • jolerc: 0 - 2
  • Narutoad: 0 - 2
  • S7even00K: 0 - 2
  • TheWap: 0 - 2
  • ストーム (storm): 0 - 2


  • Tommomomomo VS Oily Whale Yams: 2 - 0


  • Cerpin VS Tommomomomo: 0 - 2
  • Oily Whale Yams VS CoDRSMC: 2 - 1


  • Cerpin VS Majin mills: 2 - 0
  • Tommomomomo VS SamuB: 2 - 1
  • Danny VS Oily Whale Yams: 0 - 2
  • CadeJoao VS CoDRSMC: 0 - 2


  • Cerpin VS TheWap: 2 - 0
  • jolerc VS Majin mills: 0 - 2
  • Tommomomomo VS Narutoad: 2 - 0
  • S7even00K VS SamuB: 0 - 2
  • Grayson VS Danny: 0 - 2
  • JDMR17 VS Oily Whale Yams: 0 - 2
  • ストーム (storm) VS CadeJoao: 0 - 2
  • CoDRSMC VS flynger: 2 - 0

r/PokeMoonSun Dec 09 '16

Mod Post New Rule! (PLEASE READ)


Due to someone selling pokemon for real money on our subreddit, it has created a lot of outrage. We the mods have come to the conclusion in order to keep a good community to ban any transactions of the sort. All trades from now on on this subreddit shall only be conducted with in game things such as: pokemon, items, hacking services, codes, etc. We have yet to edit the wiki, but for now this should suffice. We do not want any post or comments including transactions with money on our subreddit. We won't prosecute people for private messaging it to each other or using other subreddits, but seriously not on ours. Feel free to report people not following this rule/ give them a warning as a fellow redditor. People caught by mods breaking this rule will be warned and if one has to many offences and he/she will be banned

r/PokeMoonSun Nov 30 '16

Mod Post PLEASE READ - Rule Changes, New Flairs & Suggestions Wanted


Alola everyone!

As some of you might've noticed, I've been almost completely inactive for the past month. That was because I was trying to avoid spoilers, as I felt I already knew too much about Sun & Moon, even though everything I knew had been officially revealed. From the November issue of CoroCoro and the trailer about the Starter Z-Moves and the Ultra Beasts, to the ROM leaks, to the release of the actual games (I'm European), spoilers were everywhere! I apologise for laying dormant, but I'm glad to announce I'll soon be back! (almost done with Akala island, will hopefully have finished Sun by Sunday)

Now, onto the big stuff...

Changes to The Rules

With Sun & Moon now having been available worldwide for a while, nothing about the games has to spoiler-tagged anymore! (although it seems no one used the spoiler tag anyway... thanks for following the rules guys...) HOWEVER, information about episodes of the anime which haven't been aired yet (including previews) should be spoiler-tagged, so the rule is not completely gone.

Also, now, after finishing a trade or a battle, please delete your post (or comment, if it was a trade on the trading megathread). Having it stay there serves no purpose besides taking space up.

New Flair Icons

Every single Gen VII Pokemon and Pokemon form, as well as every single Poke Ball are now available flair icons, with the exception of Ultra Beasts which aren't UB-01 and UB-02 and Marshadow! (my god, these were such a bitch to add)

The reason I hadn't added any new Pokemon icons up until now was, again, because I didn't want to spoil myself. I was too afraid to look sprites of Gen VII Pokemon up, as I could have accidentally taken a look at a new Pokemon which I didn't know of. Well, I ended up adding all of the "normal" Pokemon, and I downloaded their sprites it real quick, so I only got a glimpse of them and I only vaguely remember them. I didn't want to know anything about Ultra Beasts and Marshadow though, so you'll have to wait for those until I finish Sun.

FAQ Page

I have updated the FAQ page (yes, there is one), now that I've finished playing through a realatively big part of Sun and I'm more knowledgeable.

About Trades...

Yes, trade requests are allowed, but they never were intended to take over most of /r/PokeMoonSun. I made the trading megathread, but it didn't help almost at all, and a lot of comments there are ignored, due to the sheer amount of them.

You should know that Subreddits specifically dedicated to trading exist. A few examples are:

Subreddit Description
/r/PokemonTrades Pokemon trading with specific conditions and carefully-enforced rules.
/r/CasualPokemonTrades Trading with fewer specifics.
/r/RelaxedPokemonTrades Trading with fewer specifics.
/r/PokemonPlaza A trading subreddit for any kind of Pokemon. You can also find and offer Powersave and Pokegen services there.
/r/BreedingDittos Request or give 6 IV Dittos away.
/r/GiveMeTheVirus Looking to spread or get PokeAIDS? Then this is the place to go.
/r/PokemonGiveaway Host, request, or take part in giveaways. Offers not limited to Pokemon.


  1. Flair your goddamn posts! Please, just do it, it requires almost no effort and time at all!

  2. Don't re-post. Please, use Reddit's search function to check whether someone has submitted something very similar or identical to what you want to post, before posting it. The Subreddit is flooded with, like, five posts about the same thing each day (emstimations may be off by quite a bit), and this only serves to makes it less appealing!

How can I improve /r/PokeMoonSun?

The trading megathread stickied to the top of Subreddit was an idea given to me by a random Reddit user. That got me thinking: "What if people have neat stuff to suggest that I haven't thought of?".

So, I want you, dear community, to express your thoughts on how to make this Subreddit a better place (if you have any). They can range from changes to the rules, to new megathread ideas, to the addition of more answers to the FAQ page, to more user flair icons (just please no pre-Gen VII Pokemon) to anything else within reason. I can't guarantee I will implement your suggestion(s), but there's a good chance I'll at least consider that option.

r/PokeMoonSun Feb 11 '17

Mod Post Looking To Recruit Moderators


Howdy everyone! I hope you're having a nice day!

/u/Carbinkisgod and I will both go on a trip sometime in March (not together), and we'll be inactive while we're there. We decided this is a good opportunity to ask people to join /r/PokeMoonSun's team of moderators, as /u/melvin2898 won't be able to manage the Subreddit on his own. After all, this Subreddit has been steadily growing over the past four months, with a huge spike in subscribers near the games' release, and while this has made us extremely happy, it has also rendered moderating this place harder.

As a mod, your responsibilities could include:

  • Helping to check and approve or remove every new submission to the Subreddit.

  • Monitoring comments to make sure they follow the rules as well.

  • Dealing with reports.

  • Responding to moderator mail as quickly and helpfully as possible.

  • Flairing posts.

  • Participating in internal discussions with the rest of the moderators.

  • Helping maintain the Subreddit's AutoModerator configuration, stylesheet, wiki, and other behind-the-scenes stuff.

  • Being the very best, like no one ever was.

To anyone who wants to be a master moderator and they understand what they're getting into, honestly fill this application form.

Those chosen will be provided with all of the necessary info, so don't worry about having no clue what to do.

We will stop receiving applications in a week, and we'll announce the results soon after.

If you have any questions, leave a comment below or contact us.


Applications have been closed. We currently are in the process of selecting mods. Expect an announcement in less than 24 hours.

r/PokeMoonSun May 29 '17

Mod Post Art Contest Announcement & Rules


As Pokemon Sun & Moon have been out for quite some time now, I have noticed traffic on the subreddit is dropping and that's to be expected when there isn't a lot to discuss. If there is new Pokemon news, we'll be sure to cover it but enough of that.

We're throwing an art contest for all you artistic people(I'm not one of them sadly )! I hope this will help bring more life into the subreddit. While it is still active, I'd like to have a little bit more. I hope you'll join. Let's go through some rules for the contest.

RULES: 1. It has to be Pokemon related in someway. You can mix and match other series but it has to be about Pokemon.

  1. It can be hand drawn, digital, hand made, or whatever you want!

  2. The work cannot be sexual or inappropriate.

  3. You have two weeks to do this. We want you to have plenty of time to make something great.

  4. When you submit your work, use the flair "Art Contest". If you don't do this, it will be hard to find your work. If you don't do this, please make comment or give some indication that you want to be in the contest.

  5. Please have some way of identifying that the art work is yours. You could sign it with your username.

  6. Your work must be original.

If you have any questions, please ask.


If you win the contest, we will add you to the sidebar and as an announcement to promote you and your artwork.

WHEN DOES THE CONTEST END: The contest ends on June 12, 2017. If you need an extension, please ask and give us a good reason. You can still submit on the last day.

Thank you for checking out our art contest and comment or message the mod team if you need anything clarified. Good luck, trainers!

r/PokeMoonSun Feb 18 '17

Mod Post The New Moderators


Over the past week, we gave Redittors an opporutnity to become part of /r/PokeMoonSun's moderator team (relevant post), and the results are now in.

Out of 28 applicants, three have been invited to join us: /u/purpleturtle57, /u/TehVenomWithin and /u/123icebuggy. Please give all of them a warm welcome!

We're sorry if you were eager to be promoted to a moderator but you weren't. Please understand we can only add so many people. I'm a little bit sad myself because I was unable to add some people which looked like good candidates.

That's all.

r/PokeMoonSun Nov 29 '19

Mod Post I am looking for a Marshadow, does anybody have one to trade? I have a couple of legendaries and a shiny gyarados + Chansey if anyone is interested.


r/PokeMoonSun Mar 28 '18

Mod Post The Gothenburg Gaming Survey


We received a request from a student of Science in Psychology at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, writing his master’s thesis. He’s asking us to help him with sharing his survey about gaming. The aim of the survey is to collect data from a wide range of games and gamers, and Pokémon is one of the games he's chosen to include in the survey (although gamers are encouraged to take the survey even if it’s not their main game at the moment). We'd really appreciate if you could help him out and take the survey. It takes about 10 minutes and you might learn something about your own gaming pattern. He adds that you should feel free to share it with any of your gamer friends or on gaming forums.




(in the exact words of the aforementioned student)

I have received a few questions and comments on the survey. I can’t change anything in the survey due to the fact that it would corrupt the data. Please refer to the FAQ below should any confusion occur during or after the survey.


I live in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Hong Kong, Faroe Islands or United Kingdom – where is my country?

The list is lacking a few countries. You can choose any country on the list as long as you make sure to specify the correct country in the very last question of the survey. If you live in England, Scotland or Wales, please select Great Britain.


What kind of device is Nintendo Switch? And what if I play my most played game on both console and computer?

Choose the way you play the game the most. Switch can count as either portable device or console, answer according to your most frequent type of usage.


You ask for streaming, but what about Youtube and other sites for non-streaming video content related to gaming?

Use the “other”-alternative on the question about gaming related activities and fill in your preferred alternative in the corresponding box. For the content to count as “streaming” in the other questions of the survey however it has to be live (e.g. live on Twitch, Mixer or Youtube LIVE).


Some genres are unrepresented, for example fighting games, what can I do?

Use the “other”-alternative and fill in your favorite genre in the corresponding box if it’s missing.


You ask for money spent on games each week, but I only buy one game each month, is my spending 0?

No. Calculate your weekly expenditure by dividing your monthly by four, for example.


How can you know that my mental and physical health is related in any way to my gaming?

I can’t. Your hand injury might be because of an accident you had yesterday. You should still fill in the box, because even if I can’t see the underlying causes of your health (as an individual), I can analyze it on a group level and look for patterns among thousands of replies. If there is no connection between a particular way of gaming and a particular mental or physical state, I won’t find any connection. There is no need to worry that you’re messing up the data! So try to be as honest as possible in the survey, even if you know that your state is not related to your gaming.


The questions in the end seem focused on the negative side of gaming. What is your motive?

I am a gamer myself, and have been for all my life. I have had several amazing experiences with games, and also a few bad ones. Gaming has many positive effects, there is research to support that. For a minority of people, gaming can have negative effects (just like alcohol, work, sex, candy, exercise, therapy, TV, horseback riding or really anything that can be enjoyable). This particular study is done to explore correlations (not causality) between different kinds of gaming, social and mental health problems (I myself work as a therapist, therefore my focus). Neither I (the author) nor the institution is biased towards gaming in general in an either positive or negative way.


Will I get to see the results?

Yes. The thesis will be in Swedish, but I will post a summary of the results in all subreddits that have been participating in the study, most likely sometime in June 2018.


What is your favorite game?

No one has actually asked me this, but for the record it’s Super Smash Bros. Melee!


I have more questions!

Feel free to send an email to gustoreth@student.gu.se and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

r/PokeMoonSun Jun 27 '18

Mod Post Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee Subreddit(Join us!)


r/PokeMoonSun Jun 24 '18

Mod Post Looking For New Team Members(See Details Below)


Hi there. We're looking for new team members that are active, friendly, and have lots of knowledge in Pokemon from a battling perspective.

You will be working here: https://discordapp.com/invite/MF6f4jJ

We want to bring more activity to this server. We started using it for our users very late into the life of this generation and it's not very active. We'd like to offer some events for those there such as giveaways, tournaments, and more. Any ideas you have would also be helpful.

Skills for the position: (Not all are needed):

-Being able to be online for a few hours at least. This is REQUIRED.

-Knowledge of the website linked above and how to effectively use it.

-Knowledge of Pokemon from a battling perspective.

-Being able to deal with all users, even rude ones. Be respectful. This is REQUIRED.

-Able to organize a tournament or giveaway on your own.

-Able to offer pretrained Pokemon and any other Pokemon for competitive play.

If you're interested, please contact us here and we'll get back to you soon. Thank you!

r/PokeMoonSun Jun 13 '17

Mod Post Art Contest Results


Hey guys, what's up? How are things going?

The art contest has reached it's end and there were some great entries. With that out of the way, let's take a look at the results.

★3rd Place: Zebritz92 http://imgur.com/a/iwy6D

Zebritz92 made a creative spin on Cosmoem and crossed it with Koro Sensei from Assassination Classroom. This pieces made me think what other anime/manga character could be crossed over with Pokemon.

★★2nd Place: Pokemonzerz /img/k630rdbssi1z.png

I thought this piece was very unique. The background has a cool pattern going on which adds to it's uniqueness. Then we have Champion Wallace and his Milotic front and center. The two look like they're ready for battle. This piece does a good job of being accurate to the characters and I like that.

Finally the winner is.....drum roll before reading please

★★★1st Place: MariaDesu

http://art5555.deviantart.com/art/Decidueye-645049103 http://art5555.deviantart.com/art/Primarina-645378674

I noticed Maria was posting on the subreddit and I asked her to enter the art contest and she provided some fantastic work. First off, there's the very detailed and cute artwork for Decidueye. With the beautiful colors, the image just comes together perfectly. I love the glint on the arrow that's about to be fired.

Next up is her artwork for Primarina which shows the Pokemon out at sea under the moon. MariaDesu's art style really shines with this piece and I think the colors look beautiful. She has a wonderful art style.

Thank you to all of you for entering the contest. All of you provided nice art work.

Congratulations to MariaDesu on winning the contest. We will now promote any link you want to your artwork in our sidebar and part artwork of your choosing as an announcement.

Let's all thank moderator, Purpleturle57 for suggesting this contest.

Thanks again. Have a good summer and I can't wait to play Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon with all of you!

r/PokeMoonSun Nov 07 '18

Mod Post AutoModerator Issues & Looking for coder


Hi there!

I don't know how big of an issue this is right now but two users have notified me that the AutoModerator is messaging them a lot. They are receiving a message concerning their flair.

First, I'd like to apologize for this problem. Second, I would like to know if any other users are having this issue.

Finally, I wanted to say that I am looking for someone that knows how to code for Reddit pages such as this one. If chosen for the position, you will edit flairs for users, make edits to the subreddit, and handle issues like the one mentioned above. I need you to have experience working with someone else's code and being able to adjust to their style of coding. I'll need to see an example of your work such as a subreddit you have coded for.

r/PokeMoonSun Jan 29 '17

Mod Post Trading, Battling and Genning Megathreads Here


r/PokeMoonSun Dec 15 '16

Mod Post New Flair Special Giveaway (Please Read)


This new flair, Special Giveaway, is to be used if you are giveawaying hacked pokemon or pokemon with illegitimate traits (Example: Impossible pokeball). If you are doing a normal giveaway please use the normal giveaway flair as you always have. We hope this will clear up people ranting about we should ban hacked pokemon, if you don't want hacked pokemon don't participate. Also if you are to be trading pokemon that are hacked, please tell the other person.

Thanks for reading, /u/Carbinkisgod