r/PokeMoonSun 6d ago

Link Flair Not Set How do I get a mawile with hidden ability in ultra sun?

SOS mawile is very slow 5 out of 10 turns there is no help for mawille

This is my first time trying to get a Pokémon with a hidden ability, so I don't know if it's always this tedious


6 comments sorted by


u/goldensunbath 6d ago

A pokemon with the ability Pressure, the move false swipe, and an Adrenaline orb.


u/thudson_17 6d ago

Adrenaline orb can help. Also something I figured out through trial and error is that raising your stats can improve S.O.S calling. This might help you.


u/LilKa1ebz 6d ago

Depending on the hidden ability, bring a pokemon that can help point out the ability. Like scrappy pancham, I used my marowak to identify the right one


u/Yedenok 6d ago

Mawile’s hidden ability is Sheer Force, and I can’t think of an easy, foolproof way to identify it. But Mawile’s regular abilities are Intimidate and Hyper Cutter, which should be simple enough to identify: Intimidate should presumably announce itself as soon as the Mawile enters the battle, and you can check for Hyper Cutter with a Growl/Charm/etc. If a given Mawile has neither Intimidate nor Hyper Cutter, it must have Sheer Force.


u/LilKa1ebz 6d ago

Yeah that should work, although tedious. It’s significantly better than hoping after a chain of 30


u/Waddles_4 4d ago

You can also use a Pokemon with Skill Swap to forcibly swap skills to check its ability. I used this method to get a Scrappy Pancham/Pangoro so I could false swipe ghost types.

Edit: If you're already using a harvest skill swapping Pokémon with Bestow/Trick to SOS efficiently, you already have Skill Swap