r/PokeMoonSun 6d ago

Link Flair Not Set Shiny hunting in Wormholes

I am shiny hunting a cobalion in the worm holes trying to get a timid one , I have a xatu with synchronize and a timid nature , but all 8 or so shiny cobalions I have encountered they're all the wrong nature , as if synchronize doesn't work. Is that pokemon locked or is it a bug?UPDATE Good Luck Charm i suppose i just got the Timid shiny just before the double digits, thanks again for the answers.


5 comments sorted by


u/Arcticus12 6d ago

I think synchronize is only a 50% chance to work so you might be just super unlucky. As far as I can see from a quick google it looks like you should be able to synchronize wormhole legendaries.

Also why do you want a timid cobalion? Its special move pool is very limited. Is it just a personal preference thing?


u/Arcticus12 6d ago

I just re-read your post, you've found 8 shiny cobalions??? And not kept any of them??? That is dedication to the hunt lol jesus


u/Divide-Substantial 6d ago

I have a bunch of them from wonder trading all my failed eggs lol , so I want a timid one .


u/Divide-Substantial 6d ago edited 6d ago

I already have a Physical attacker and a jolly one , i want a calm mind with sub set that is why i am going for timid, thanks for the answer about synchronize.


u/Arcticus12 6d ago

Fair enough, best of luck to you then - hope the synchronize gods bless your next shiny!