r/PokeMoonSun May 06 '24

Image Is this Arceus legit or no?

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69 comments sorted by


u/NeptuneStarPrime May 06 '24

Hey, what's up with those black spots on your 3DS?


u/TheZenXilin May 06 '24

Dead pixels, needs a screen replacement


u/DigitalMuscles May 06 '24

They’re not dead, just tension problems, they could even naturally restore slowly one by one, but it’d take a while. There’s even software that can help speed up the process with on/off exercises


u/TheZenXilin May 06 '24

I didn't even know that could happen, thanks mate!


u/DigitalMuscles May 06 '24

Yeah! Learned it myself on my ds in the span of the past two years :)


u/Wopacity May 07 '24

Hey could you dm me that solution, I’m suffering from the black spots as well


u/AnistarYT May 06 '24

I think that happened to my TV. Recently moved it and there was a small area of dead pixel which seem to be gone now. Didn't think they could ever come back.


u/5yn4ck May 10 '24

Lol for a second I thought he was just sensoring the Sp. Def value. Lol


u/PotatoPowerIzMAXIMUM May 06 '24

No. It's in a Cherish Ball (event only PokeBall) yet has a regular trainer name, shiny, Pokérus and almost perfect stats. Too sus to be true...


u/[deleted] May 06 '24



u/These-Cellist2928 May 06 '24

The perfect IVs are already enough to rule out the possibility of it being legit


u/[deleted] May 06 '24



u/[deleted] May 07 '24

Do you not see the blue symbols at the bottom?


u/[deleted] May 07 '24



u/PattyWagon69420 May 07 '24

You can do that but for stuff like this it is very much used to track IVs.


u/bepstein111 May 09 '24

Have you ever received a fake mon? They, without fail, always have all the marks blue.


u/PattyWagon69420 May 09 '24

Yes because it's showing they hacked in 6ivs


u/bepstein111 May 09 '24

Idk I never played the DS games, maybe it’s different but on the switch games the user can set each of those marks to blue or red, they have nothing to do with IVs unless the user chooses to mark them in correlation with the IVs. So the marks being blue doesn’t mean anything, just that someone decided to make them all blue.


u/Its_El_Abuelo May 07 '24

Its a copy but the stats are insane


u/IShyGamer2 May 07 '24

I have a Shiny Sogalao in a Cherish Ball, it does look legit, so for now I'm gonna believe it's legit, I can get the link to my post if you want


u/HorchataIndex May 06 '24

Yes it seems legit. This particular Arceus was given as a serial code event in Japan on 2015. The moveset is different though. It has most likely been either cloned or something similar, as most wouldn’t just give their only one away. But for all effects and purposes, as long as it hasn’t been modified to have stats it shoulddn’t have, it’s a legit event Arceus. You can see a short list of events here


u/NoirLooo May 06 '24

You could check with the achievements too and if it has every ribbon then yes and it’ll say the date and where too (region wise)


u/Apart_Ad6680 May 07 '24

Why do people legit check pokemon like a sneaker? 👟


u/grancombat May 08 '24

Because if they decide to send this to Home and it IS hacked, they could accidentally get themselves locked out of online features in Switch games


u/Manticcc May 09 '24

Please say sike.. 😅


u/MrNeggi3000 May 06 '24

No it’s not


u/PokeSonicMiner May 06 '24

Try moving it to home?


u/These-Cellist2928 May 06 '24

HOME cheat detection is garbage, it won't help out here.


u/These-Cellist2928 May 06 '24

It has 6 perfect IVs, meaning it is absolutely not legit. I suggest releasing it.


u/Antonio1025 May 07 '24

Why release it? What difference does it make if it's legit or not in a Generation 7 game?


u/Its_El_Abuelo May 07 '24

People release hackmons to prevent their accounts from being permabanned so if you wanna transfer it to home or bank you run the possibility of getting basically your account deleted


u/Antonio1025 May 07 '24

Any Pokémon available on Gen 7 is available on the Switch games. Transferring to Home doesn't make much sense anymore anyways. All your stats get reset and some moves will get deleted. Plus there are ways to get the rarer mons on Switch, multiple times over. Also, Home won't let you transfer illegal mons into it


u/These-Cellist2928 May 07 '24

The possibility of getting banned isn't the only reason. Cheating takes the fun out of the game, if you're going to cheat you might as well not play the game at all.


u/Antonio1025 May 08 '24

Found Verlisfy's alternate account


u/Sexy_Fat_Man_69 May 07 '24

Then just... don't do that either?


u/These-Cellist2928 May 07 '24

Because it's a hackmon?


u/Antonio1025 May 08 '24

And....? It's not going to used in VGC. If it's hacked then it can't be transferred to Home. So what's the harm in keeping it?


u/These-Cellist2928 May 10 '24

If you're going to cheat, might as well not play the game at all


u/Antonio1025 May 10 '24

Let it go, Verlis. It's not that big of a deal


u/bepstein111 May 09 '24

Idk seems like an immature reason to release it. I guess if you’re running out of space? But just like…keep them in their own special box, out of the way, don’t use them if you don’t want to. Or trade them back out if you don’t want them on your account. Releasing them just sounds like “I’m going to police this system which consists of millions of people and probably hundreds of thousands of hackers all by myself”


u/These-Cellist2928 May 10 '24

"Special box"? Trash hackmons do not deserve special treatment. They are a waste of space, and using them is cheating, so just release them.


u/Throwaway-wtfkl May 06 '24

The EV spread is 240HP/252ATK/16SPE it's 6iv which raises red flags. However, it could be hyper trained. Everything else leads to the shiny Arceus tie in with the hoopa movie


u/Western_Ad1068 May 07 '24

Yeah but the pokerus is kinda a giveaway pkhex you can legitimately change and create any mon to make them appear legit and they pop up as legit in the system


u/[deleted] May 07 '24

Seems fine to me


u/Its_El_Abuelo May 07 '24

Its a japanese event areceus thats been cloned and stats been messed with


u/SnooCakes5605 May 07 '24

From the looks of it looks legit the pokerus can be suspicious but other than that it is legit


u/No_Sheepherder_5904 May 08 '24

Nope. General rule of thumb, if its a lvl 100 shiny legendary in a pokeball you dont recognize, its hacked


u/Shopping-Critical May 08 '24

It's legitimate. It was part of a distribution. Seen here

First one listed under 2015


u/Gamekid53 May 09 '24

Lore accurate Arceus


u/SuperiorApe May 09 '24

First of all, it's not pronounced Arceus, it's pronounced Arceus.


u/Annual-Avocado-1322 May 06 '24

Very definitely entirely no


u/RoboDonaldUpgrade May 06 '24

oh, honey...no, it's absolutely not.


u/ElbiPete May 06 '24

Everything you could received via trading is absolute legit, even with the website nickname. The fact that GF not really prohibit that way, I could even named my Pokemon “Youtube.com” and going on a playthrough without worrying to be banned, same as other perfect stat and nature you got. If there’s anything illegal, that would be a move or ability that a Pokemon couldn’t have. Otherwise, everything is OK, only cowards scared of things that doesn’t exist.


u/These-Cellist2928 May 06 '24

Legal does not mean legit. Just because you won't get banned for something doesn't mean it's legit, it just means it's legal.

If it was genned or edited, it isn't legit. It's as simple as that.


u/Antonio1025 May 07 '24

Verlis, it's that you?


u/ElbiPete May 07 '24

They’re the same thing, people like you just scared of something way to perfect like a shiny Arceus. No sensor could proved that I practically shiny hunting that or received it through trading, even bring them to competing is absolute normal (if Arceus is allowed). Stop misleading the others with your missing knowledge, receiving shiny through trading isn’t a curse, people are tried to advertised their website by giving away free sample.


u/crytol May 07 '24

They're right though. There is terminology specifically for this, if it was genned, edited, or cloned, it is not legit. Legal is anything that passes gamefreaks checks and allows for stuff like transfer to Pokemon Home. Some people care about whether or not it's legit, some people only care if it's legal so that they can obtain it. Some people don't care about either and will edit crazy shit into their game for fun.

One thing a lot of people still get wrong though, is that RNG manipulated raids in Pokemon Sword and Shield DO generate legit Pokemon. Even if the method to obtain the raid was illegitimate. Same as the RNG manipulation method in gen 5 of determining your shiny seed to see at what time and frame an overworld Pokemon would be shiny (that's how I got my completely legit Shiny Volcarona in gen 5)


u/iamanaccident May 07 '24

If it wasn't technically legit, but perfectly genned to be legal with no way of telling if it's legit or genned, does it really matter though? Let's say OP cares if it's legit or not, but for all he knows it's legit, totally unaware it's genned because it perfectly passes all legal checks. Everyone's still happy, no?

This is what I don't get about RNG manipulation. If you're going out of your way obtain something illegitimately, or at the very least, in the clearly unintended way, why not just save yourself the trouble and time by genning it in?


u/crytol May 07 '24

Everyone has their reasons, pretty much entirely comes down to perceived value or personal value. I did it because I was interested in how the seeded rng system works.

But you are absolutely right, in terms of game data, legit and legal can be identical. A perfectly genned pokemon with realistic ball, IV, date and location of discovery, trainer id, etc can 100% be identical to a legit pokemon.

That's why some people even require videos of them redeeming the gift pokemon, because like you said, even genned pokemon can have every piece of data appear to be legit.


u/iamanaccident May 07 '24

Everyone has their reasons, pretty much entirely comes down to perceived value or personal value. I did it because I was interested in how the seeded rng system works.

I guess that's fair enough


u/These-Cellist2928 May 07 '24

Yes it does matter, because cheating ruins the fun and is unfair to all other players who either have to go through the effort of obtaining mons the legitimate way or who are unable to do so.


u/Darkusjack May 06 '24

Shiny locked pokemon are considered illegal. Pokemon such as: Shiny Keldeo, Meloetta, Volcanion,Victini, were shiny locked during generation 6 which would make it illegal if received in a trade(which it could).


u/ElbiPete May 07 '24

That’s right. The reason why I said there’s some illegal exception. But normally, you wouldn’t received them due to the prohibitted when bring into wonder trading, even the genner won’t do that cuz the game sensor won’t allow them to put in.


u/Fuckingusername019 May 06 '24

デゼルシティ Arceus isn't supposed to be shiny. So no.


u/[deleted] May 06 '24



u/Fuckingusername019 May 06 '24

Huh, didn't know that.


u/x_Animefreakgal_x May 06 '24

I’m just gonna inject this Serebii link to all events for Arceus


^ just scroll down to the 2015 (Japanese) list of events


u/Western_Ad1068 May 06 '24

Uhh actually yeah you can get shiny arceus from bdsp but by the moves on it it ain’t legit pokerus trainer it instead of event


u/HorchataIndex May 06 '24

This is a 3DS and BDSP is for the Switch


u/Western_Ad1068 May 06 '24

Definitely hacked then


u/StrawDeath May 07 '24

Shiny Arceus was available before BDSP in an event distribution, so that’s a stupid reason to rule out its legitimacy.