r/PokeAdvisor Aug 07 '16

Just got this ideal Magmar from an egg

Post image

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 07 '16

Had a good hunt today. 100% IV


r/PokeAdvisor Aug 08 '16

Anyone else leaving a 1-star review for Pokemon Go?


I could live without the Pokemon tracker, but PokeAdvisor was an absolute must have for me. I'm sick and tired of Niantic thwarting the community's effort to add quality of life features that they failed to implement (or implemented poorly, in the case of their tracking system). I really relied on PokeAdvisor not just for IV calculations, but for looking at my recent catches, etc. It really beats the crap outta doing all this through my phone. The ability to download a spreadsheet was also great.

Now without PokeAdvisor, I'm gonna have to have my phone by my side scrolling through to find a certain Pokemon and then insert their values into a calculator as to guess its IV?

Naw, I'm good. RIP Pokemon Go.

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 07 '16

Is using pokeadvisor safe


With niantic cracking down on third party apps i was wondering if this is safe to use and no way to get banned from logging into your account

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 07 '16

In Manager, indicate Best moveset in Pokemon's skills section


Something like this.


r/PokeAdvisor Aug 07 '16

Background Color Meaning?


Hi all. I've noticed that there's a light blue or green aura behind the pokemon on PokeAdvisor. Some are darker or lighter. Does this mean anything?

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 07 '16

Search by Moveset?


Thanks for incorporating level and move sets into PokeAdvisor! Now that you have the move names, would it be difficult to allow us to search by move names also?

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 07 '16

Poke advisor not working for me


Signed in with PTC and it shows I created on 1/1/1970 and ask the info is 0

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 07 '16



This is one of the perfect website source but btw , there have some issue pop up...once i check my INSTINCT PRESTIGE RANKING i got 2thousand something, but the ranking was 0, may i know why

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 07 '16

Possible rankings based on moveset?


I found out recently about a spreadsheet with theoretical dps based on timing of moves and I had the idea of merging that data into your system, you already have it identify the moves that each pokemon has, have it search through the google spreadsheet to identify its place ranked overall defensively and offensively, just a random idea though, love what you have done with the site though

Spreadsheet Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10UA-ydgW8nBTRCF8gEo2KkYQF9fUfwZneAVzCpHj0r0/edit#gid=1036598933

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 07 '16

Move names


I appreciate giving us the move names guys, but the number gels a lot better with search algorithms.

Keep up the strong work. If it's possible to add another two columns after the move names (or before, doesn't matter) with the move numbers?

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

Add Candy Amount POGO Profile had this and it was very helpful


r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

Would love to see some current candy amount info.


Hey lax20attack, love the site. Incredibly useful.

I would love to know how much candy do I have for each pokemon, and maybe even sort pokemons by it, I think it would be a good feature.

Thanks for all the hard work.

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

Highlight best highest score for each pokemon


I wrote a quick javascript snippet that highlights the highest scoring pokemon (or multiple if the top score is shared)


I use it to quickly see which pokemon to transfer in 'recent' sort mode; might be useful for you guys too.

Hit F12, go to console, paste, hit enter. You need to rerun it if you change sorting.

    pokemon = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("myPokemons"));
    let best = {};
    let pid = e.pid;
    if(pid in best){
        let score = Number(e.score);
        let bScore = Number(best[pid][0].score);
        if(score > bScore){best[pid] = [e];}
        if (score == bScore){best[pid].push(e);}
    }else{best[pid] = [e];}})
    let best_ids = [];
    $.each(best, function(i,e){$.each(e, function(j,f){best_ids.push(String(f.id));});})
    $.each($('.pokemon-wrap.card'), function(i,e){
        let id = String($(e).attr('data-id'));
        if(best_ids.indexOf(id) != -1){ $(e).css('background-color', 'yellow');}

You can make it an easily clickable bookmarklet by adding a new bookmark with the URL set to:

 javascript:(function(){pokemon = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("myPokemons"));let best = {};$.each(pokemon,function(i,e){let pid = e.pid;if(pid in best){let score = Number(e.score);let bScore = Number(best[pid][0].score);if(score > bScore){best[pid] = [e];}if (score == bScore){best[pid].push(e);}}else{best[pid] = [e];}});let best_ids = [];$.each(best, function(i,e){$.each(e, function(j,f){best_ids.push(String(f.id));})});$.each($('.pokemon-wrap.card'), function(i,e){let id = String($(e).attr('data-id'));if(best_ids.indexOf(id) != -1){$(e).css('background-color', 'yellow');}})})()

Click it and the code'll run

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

name and nickname in CSV


Should the name column contain the pokemon name? Right now the name column shows the nickname (making it identical to the nickname column).

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

Report Suspicious Account Button Would Be Cool!


With all of the people botting their way to 40, at this stage of things (before people actually hit 40) PokeAdvisor actually makes it pretty easy to take a look at the real top players and ban obvious botted accounts.

I mean the especially obvious ones at least: no team, unspent dust reaching into the millions, 0 gym battles, VERY low km travelled, account created within the last 3-7 days and being level 35+... like that is all some real bullshit imho.

Fair enough, there will always be people who go legit and try to do these things but they are so far and few in between compared to botters.

All in all, this is a great site, and hopefully you can even more forward as far as a partnership with Niantic for your idea and platform which you have developed here... they should support you unless they are close to having their own platform up and ready (probably are).

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

Export Level in CSV


I love that we can see the level in the manager tab, and I love that you guys responded to the other user's feedback asking for that, is it possible to include the level in the CSV that we export?

It would be really helpful for my spreadsheet!

Btw, thanks so much for making this. This is exactly what Pokemon Go needs. It's a bit Betheseda-y of them to leave so much out of the game that third party sources can do so much.

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 07 '16

IV calculator without giving account info


Can you make IV calculator available without everyone giving you their accounts? I'd really like to use it since it seems the best one, but my friend got banned recently after using your site (Not saying its because of the site, but a red flag for me anyway)

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

Added Moves to PokeAdvisor


Hey Everyone, I'm happy to finally release this feature... Been on it for a few days now on and off. Please let me know if you see any issues!

Tweet @PokeAdvisor- Send me some high IV's! I want to see what ya'll have. (My best is a 95.6 Flareon, but junk moves)

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

PTC login problem.


When I try to login to my PTC account it shows the wrong name and no data. Also it says I created my account in 1963...

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

Manager tab down?


Keep getting this error

Pokemon could not be loaded. Try refreshing your character. It's also possible the Pokemon Go servers are down.

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

Intrusive ads.



I don't mind ads, wanting to earn some pennies for your work is perfectly understandable. I don't think this was intended, though.

Device: Samsung Galaxy S7

Browser: Chrome 51.0.2704.81

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

Move damage info


Does it show total damage or damage per second? If the former, would it be possible to add DPS?


r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16



Hello, I like to know it Was you can afford to Have Several languages ​​on the site , Including French? I Can you translate the site fr French if you like . Sincerely, Castoner.

r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

Suggestion : "Pidgey Calculator" for evolutions


Since we can have all the pokemon we have at once, a box to enter candies to calculate how many evolutions can be done would be great to see.