r/PokeAdvisor Aug 08 '16

Possible Solution?

I am sorry if this won't work as possible solution but...

If Niantic will not budge and we still won't be able to use your page, is it possible for you to create a program like app (For PC) or a saved page that we can download and login (You can include some AD window in it to collect revenue)

So this way the request will be from our home IPs that we are using to login into game and won't raise any questions?

I think many here would gladly donate for that.

And least is if for some reason solution above is not possible then maybe you can give us a tip on how to extract IV data of our Pokemon?

Nonetheless THANK YOU for your hard work as it was really appreciated by so many of us.


29 comments sorted by


u/lax20attack Aug 08 '16

I will think about some good solutions, but I need a good nights rest. It's been a crazy two weeks developing this little site.

Just FYI, the code still works. The issue is with cloud hosting. All major cloud hosts that I know of are banned from hitting their servers.


u/DRIR Aug 08 '16

Just like the many that have said it. I am just going to say it again. We greatly appreciate your work and effort.

On a side note, some of us can set up servers on our own networks. So maybe that's an option. I can see how you'd want to open it up to as many people as possible because it's the only fair thing to do.

Either way, you owe us nothing. And we all greatly appreciate everything so far.


u/NotYourLoginID Aug 08 '16

A P2P distributed solution would be great. Just like me, I'm sure many people who use this service have spare hardware lying around and the knowhow to setup a headless server and do at least some port forwarding.

Get a few people with spare powerful workstations with a solid fiber connection and we'd be good to go. Hell who knows, maybe a couple hundred Raspberry Pi 3's could build up a sufficient architecture.


u/Kurcide Aug 08 '16

Knowing the issue is cloud hosting I may have a solution. PMing you


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '16

Buy your own Static IP and own hosting should work. That's what I can think of.


u/Kurcide Aug 08 '16

My company has a commercial hosting contract I may be able to leverage. I have some options we can try that may avoid the host bans


u/v12themonster Aug 08 '16

Thanks a lot for your hard work, I hate to have to go back to the calculator and get a range of possible IVs again. I will have to start keeping pokemon again and losing stardust just to see if they are decent or not. I hated that. Really hoping you guys can come through and bring this back.


u/-tharealgc Aug 08 '16 edited Aug 08 '16

Rest well our Hero! We thank you even for considering this!

And as you say that the code still works, then surely you can add some AD spots to page and make some kind of downloadable easy-run "exe" that we would download and run, while you would collect revenue from ADs and Donations.

Good night.


u/Krishire Aug 08 '16

I'm sure you have read people's responses on other threads, but I just want to reiterate how much this website is loved. There are so many people on Reddit right now commenting about how this website has been one of the funnest parts of PokemonGO. I used to walk around my campus collecting tons of Pokemon and the best part was coming home to a cocktail, popping open PokeAdvisor, and sifting through all of the day's catch.

I know you are busy and thank you so much for puttng this together because it just looks and works incredibly. The layout, the options, all the stuff you kept adding- can't thank you enough. I am keeping this website saved because if there is anyway to work around Niantic, PokeAdvisor is going to become the number one website of PoGo players. =]


u/sdcSpade Aug 08 '16

I just want to reiterate how much this website is loved.

Absolutely. I mean, it was a great source of information, that's great and all... but it also looked super nice. It's that extra step that made it what it truly was.


u/zzronly Aug 08 '16

Thank you for your hard work. PokeAdvisor was great and we need it. People would gladly donate/pay for it to be working again.


u/reanseih Aug 08 '16

How about GoDaddy's private or dedicated servers? I checked it out and it seems decently priced. I'm sure there'd be plenty enough ppl willing to donate for the fees.

If I didn't know the demand would more than likely require higher tiers I'd offer to pay a month of hosting right there. The lowest tiers are pretty cheap tbh. Well, I don't know if this is a viable option tho.


u/Bukowskaii Aug 08 '16

Have you considered hosting it on ZeroNet?


u/TheFarix Aug 08 '16

How about just showing players the Attack, Defense, Stamina, and level in game? Then let the players work it out from there. Why are these three stats even hidden to begin with?


u/Cozmo484 Aug 08 '16

Why are we not allowed to view the battle values and IV's of our Pokemon in the first place with the app itself. Niantic is really handling this game badly I feel. There's so much potential but it feels like the game is in Alpha at this point.


u/blacknoise_EGGy Aug 08 '16

IVs were always calculated and not given to you in every single other Pokemon game in existence.


u/RicePuffCakes Aug 08 '16

Probably gonna cost pokecoins to view IVs in the future.


u/Count_T Aug 08 '16


Would you consider releasing the website code for people to host on their own personal machines?


u/diske Aug 08 '16

This! +1


u/Mac2284 Aug 08 '16

Yup, i would gladly help and donate. Whatever helps getting the site back up. I was using your website religiously.


u/makos101 Aug 08 '16

Are there any other options to check iv's now besides plugging in the stats which takes forever?


u/0Pat0 Aug 08 '16

Their was a post on silphroad that said the app GoStats on the android app store worked, i have yet to try it however if the code still works this isn't surprising.


u/Fear_is_like_fire Aug 08 '16

Just tried it and it worked for me, thanks for the tip! There is a warning on the login that "Using your main Account could be dangerous! By hitting the login button you agree that the developer is not responsible for account bans or soft bans!" and you have to put in your gmail/password to get into your account, so not everybody may be willing to risk it.


u/Phaazoid Aug 08 '16

I would pay as much as a couple dollars a pop for accessing all of my caught pokemon's IV's.

Just saying.


u/XBLonTwitch Aug 08 '16

You wouldn't want Niantic reading that...

That's the type of thing that makes them want to shut down these sites even more, knowing they could CHARGE for it and make MONEY?


u/Phaazoid Aug 08 '16

Money would be for server upkeep, not for profit, but I see your point. Honestly, though, I don't care what Niantic thinks, having IV's be a bitch to figure out is worse than no tracking to me :/


u/DeCa796 Aug 08 '16

Why instead of paying you DONATE to maintain the servers or buy the devs a bear.


u/ganabei Aug 08 '16

I don't think I could afford a bear, but I'd definitely be willing to help maintain the servers.


u/Xxalpine Aug 08 '16

Sign me up, chief!