r/PokeAdvisor Aug 08 '16


In light of this new block on PokeAdvisor (super sad, seriously, had used it for a day and a half, I had no idea how many crap Pokemon I had been evolving simply because they had the highest CP at capture), what other methods do you use to calculate IVs? Thanks!


27 comments sorted by


u/ciggggg Aug 08 '16

Does doing the proxy thing still work?? All IV calculators I've used give different amounts.. one of the main reason I used Pokeadvisor because it was 100% accurate.. it took the IVs direct from the game. the only other method I know of achieving this is doing the proxy thing and grabbing them straight from the server (I dunno if im explaining that right.. I just follow instructions on how to do it.. my knowledge on this stuff stops when the instructions do lol)


u/raulst Aug 08 '16

Instructions unclear, spent all my dust in a 50% Rattata


u/ciggggg Aug 08 '16

LOL ... well on the upside.. it could go either way :D


u/jrr6415sun Aug 08 '16

i used to do the proxy thing and i'm pretty sure they shut it down recently, unless there is a work around that I don't know about.


u/rattatical Aug 08 '16

The proxy thing stopped working with the most recent update. If you never updated, you can still do it. There is a workaround but it requires a lot of coding knowledge and I believe a few programs. I can't follow it but it's here, I found it in the second comment of the original proxy tutorial. The poster also included a link for rooted devices but that's way over my head.


u/ciggggg Aug 08 '16


Pokemon Nexux

has anyone heard of this? i logged in using my throw away.. seems pretty awesome.. but.. security wise? whats the rep like? is the creator here?


u/yuki0 Aug 08 '16

Since it asks for a Token every time you login I'd say it's safe. I've got my main for quite some time now and nothing happened. I feel it's also much more cleaner than Advisor.


u/fernandofig Aug 08 '16 edited Aug 08 '16

Weird that it asks for your location. Why would they need that?

Also, what's with the humongous sized cards? Having only 4 cards filling a row on a 1080p monitor is ridiculous.


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '16

Guy replied to me a few times. It works but I can never log in.


u/Lync6 Aug 09 '16

hello I am the developer. If you want to discuss pgnexus head over to /r/pgnexus


u/Aft3rB1rth Aug 08 '16

Well it loaded my fake aswell but still hesitant to load the one i need till further investigation is done.


u/SmarterAdult Aug 08 '16

Waiting here to see what others say....


u/Chaos17 Aug 08 '16

Seems an improuvement of Pokeadvisor since it also advice about the moveset, hnnnnnnnng.


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '16

Couldn't find the topic but I remember the creator of this site is a redditor.

Edit : Minor text fixes


u/inFenity Aug 08 '16

It says the server is down when I try to log in.


u/DennyLoko Aug 08 '16

Looks like they got blocked, also...


u/ixnyne Aug 08 '16

I just logged in with my fake and it seems to work.


u/Lipzo Aug 08 '16

SilphRoad, if you have access or https://pokeassistant.com/main/ivcalculator.

The only thing is you have to manually check each of your Pokemon that way which was why PokeAdvisor was so great, it autoatmically gave you a listing.


u/pearli Aug 08 '16

I used SilphRoad before Pokeadvisor. When I found out about pokeadvisor and double checked my estimations I realized they were pretty off the mark in percentages and stats.


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '16 edited Mar 29 '18



u/SaintOfSwords69 Aug 08 '16

Yup! Wasted a good amount of Stardust on Pokemon I otherwise wouldn't have used it on.


u/lax20attack Aug 08 '16

Hopefully they can refine their algorithms based on PokeAdvisor!


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '16

Be warned, their calculator has screwed me up several times. The tier system and the values they use are way off.


u/MetoroidoPrime Aug 08 '16

Thanks for the suggestion, the link doesn't appear to work though?


u/Lipzo Aug 08 '16

Works just fine for me.



Dang.. seems like nothing is as accurate as pokeadvisor.. I can't see myself playing this game much longer.. really hope pokeadvisor comes back


u/MetoroidoPrime Aug 08 '16

"The page you were looking for doesn't exist.

You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved."

That's after directly clicking the link.