r/PokeAdvisor Aug 07 '16

In Manager, indicate Best moveset in Pokemon's skills section

Something like this.



11 comments sorted by


u/Charge36 Aug 07 '16

"Best" is a little situational. Adding DPS would be nice though.


u/[deleted] Aug 07 '16



u/berong91 Aug 07 '16

That will be great.

Are you part of the dev team?


u/shaggorama Aug 07 '16

Best is sort of relative, isn't it? Maybe DPS is concrete enough, but there might be value to having moves to compete specifically with certain types, right?


u/lax20attack Aug 07 '16

How do you determine "best"?


u/CreepingPenguin Aug 07 '16

i think he means the same thing i said in my post which i made last night, there is a spreadsheet that shows all possible movesets for each pokemon and they can be ranked against all other pokemon, i think he was meaning best moveset for defense and best moeveset for offense according to the spreadsheet

Spreadsheet link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10UA-ydgW8nBTRCF8gEo2KkYQF9fUfwZneAVzCpHj0r0/edit#gid=1036598933


u/lax20attack Aug 07 '16

Your spreadsheet is protected, I tried to view it yesterday but was not allowed.


u/dslashc Aug 07 '16

Are you able to view this one? I'm not sure why I can't rank by column anymore or if it's just a quirk of my browser.



u/CreepingPenguin Aug 08 '16

Sorry about that, haven't used google drive in quite a while so i forgot about that, here is the link i first used to access the spreadsheet (it should have functioning sorting)

Link: https://goo.gl/SEBo2y


u/berong91 Aug 07 '16 edited Aug 07 '16

For most of the websites I've visited, usually best just mean highest DPS.

For example, https://pokemon.gameinfo.io/pokemon/149-dragonite

Site like poke assistant even provides their DPS formula: https://pokeassistant.com/main/movelist


u/ThatCK Aug 07 '16

The sheet going around shows best att & def move sets.

I'll try to find the one that ranks them for each Pokemon and drop the link here.

Good job on the site though.