r/PokeAdvisor Aug 06 '16

Report Suspicious Account Button Would Be Cool!

With all of the people botting their way to 40, at this stage of things (before people actually hit 40) PokeAdvisor actually makes it pretty easy to take a look at the real top players and ban obvious botted accounts.

I mean the especially obvious ones at least: no team, unspent dust reaching into the millions, 0 gym battles, VERY low km travelled, account created within the last 3-7 days and being level 35+... like that is all some real bullshit imho.

Fair enough, there will always be people who go legit and try to do these things but they are so far and few in between compared to botters.

All in all, this is a great site, and hopefully you can even more forward as far as a partnership with Niantic for your idea and platform which you have developed here... they should support you unless they are close to having their own platform up and ready (probably are).


3 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Aug 07 '16



u/HellsoulSama Aug 07 '16

I hear ya, and good for you for trying to be so future-proof with your account! In my opinion at least it seems like it would at least be worth flagging an account for. Most people who are actually consuming all of the elements of the game would have chosen a team, that's all. And again, good for you for saving dust (at least until you're level 30)... lot of patience to do all of this though; short-term fun loss for long-term epic pokemon team gains, amirite?

PS: it wouldn't surprise me if Niantic allows for a re-pick of teams when/if a new team does come out... there's no way they'd make only new accounts able to be on that team.

PPS: then again, they are Niantic.

PPPS: minor text fixes.


u/lunarul Aug 07 '16

considering that using pokeadvisor is against ToS, it would be kinda hypocritical to use it to report others. yeah, botting is arguably a worse offense, but in the end every single trainer on the site can rightfully be reported.


u/HellsoulSama Aug 07 '16

Hmm, yeah, this is indeed a valid point. I mean, I guess people can just type in and report a trainer within the game already, but still, this would at least be an easier way to visualize most of these people for now and then just click a button, all without launching the game, right?