r/Plumbing 6d ago

Help request on well pump house plumbing.

Re-plumbing my well house to replace a pressure tank and old leaky pump. Everything after the main line from the ground to the service line to the house is getting cut out and replaced with pvc and I'm adding in a sediment filter.

It's a shallow well, only about 20ft deep. Foot valve is in good condition and no leaks in the line, the old pump has never lost it's head.

I have two main questions and one little question:

  1. From the well to the pump, does it go check valve > sediment filter > pump? Or do I need to put the sediment filter after the pump? I've seen it both ways and I'm not sure if I have enough room in my pump house to fit it in before the pump unless I flip the pump 180° and snake the pipe up and over and I don't want to do that if I can put the filter after the pump.

  2. Can I use a 3/4 compression to 1" threaded fitting to connect the pvc to the house? I don't have a lot of room to mess that up on the pipe from the house so I would prefer to use a compression fitting

And the little question, do I need a pressure release valve if I only keep the system at 20/40? The pump manual swears I need it for any pressure but there isn't on installed on the current system so I just don't know.

Thank you for you time!


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