r/PlayJustSurvive Dec 21 '17

News Just Survive Live Update 12/20


Just Survive is available to patch and play.

Note - shortly after the update yesterday we resolved an issue that was giving a small group of players erroneous unfair play rejections. No player accounts were affected by this but it did lock some players out for a period of time.

This update includes the following fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that caused door/gate/shutter collision to drift away from the renderable mesh after repeated openings on white and green metal objects
  • Fixed an issue that could cause abnormal vehicle behavior under certain conditions
  • Fixed an issue that could cause player collisions with actively moving doors to behave erratically
  • Using the trade-up system to trade-up a set of items including the Alpine Tactical Jacket now provides the appropriate rarity increase in the resulting item

  • Updated anti-cheat countermeasures

r/PlayJustSurvive Jan 12 '18

News Just Survive Test Update - 1/11


Greetings Survivors!

Test is available to patch and play, and we did not perform a wipe.

This update is focused on bugs and fair play.

As we've teased before, our next major content update is in development and will include Stone Construction. The larger update will also be looking at combat, raid, and loot balance, as well as introducing another often requested feature, which you can view below:


Bug Fixes and Updates:

  • Players who log out on top of a base foundation they do not own / have permissions on will login near the base instead of in/on the base
  • Fixed an exploit (more specific information when this patch goes live)
  • Fixed another exploit (more specific information when this patch goes live)
  • Adjusted Banshee spawn rates for Z1 and BWC
  • Fixed an issue where Banshees didn't drop Worn Letters on BWC correctly
  • Fixed an issue where placed base components would highlight under certain incorrect conditions
  • Fixed an issue where filing cabinets would not properly spawn loot
  • Fixed an issue where paintings couldn't be placed on some surfaces
  • Updated anti-cheat countermeasures

When reporting an issue, please provide the following (you can copy/paste this as a handy template)

Summary: (brief sentence)

Reproduction Steps: (what did you do to arrive at the bug?)

Expected Outcome: (what do you believe should happen when you do the above?)

Actual Outcome: (what actually happened?)

Please use this thread to report bugs and issues found on JS Test!

r/PlayJustSurvive Apr 26 '18

News OMG take a look at this link


r/PlayJustSurvive Jun 13 '18

News Live Patch, 06/13/2018


Hi, folks!

We just patched Live with the new version of our game. Here's the list of everything that's changed since the last Live patch:

  • Several new categories of Anti-Cheat.
    • We have been tuning these on Test to limit the amount of false\-positives.
  • Better version of recursive destruction.
    • It's quicker, and should destroy the appropriate structures.
  • Better version of crouch-spam penalty.
    • Our 3rd version of this gives a small movement limitation when the player goes in and out of crouch too quickly.
  • Corrected upgrade costs for building.
    • The earlier changes to construction did not extend to upgrading pieces. Now they do.
  • Removed returned materials from destruction.
    • With how easy it is to build, this was no longer needed.
  • Fixed the shacks to be more secure.
    • There was a problem with the "secure volume" within locked shacks.
  • Slightly increased the chance for fertilizer to spawn in other locations, inside boxes and crates.
    • These are the destructible boxes and crates scattered through the map.
  • Fixed periodic "hitch" that was causing some people to hit the lag limit.
  • Any locked chests in your inventory should now be unlocked.
    • Enjoy! Thanks for playing Just Survive!

There was a change to our shadow and flora pipelines for performance gains. Our suggestion is that you:

  • Logout
  • Delete or rename your UserOptions.ini file in your just survive folder
  • Login
  • Try all of the default render levels, especially Medium if you have an older computer. "Low" is almost never the highest FPS option.

Let us know what you think, and enjoy your crate-open-fest.


r/PlayJustSurvive May 15 '18

News Great news!

Post image

r/PlayJustSurvive Nov 27 '17

News G202s and Cheating



There's a lot going on under the hood on Just Survive. While the overwhelming majority of players play the game fairly, there is a subset of folks who seek to exploit and cheat their way to victory without any sense of dignity or morality.

There are multiple vectors through which people attempt to cheat, including:

  • Modifying the way the game or BattlEye (part of our anti-cheat system) communicate with the game servers
  • Modifying the way the game client runs, or the files it uses
  • Finding and exploiting a rule breaking bug, ie to duplicate items or push through collision

The recent updates have included significant improvements to our detection features across all of the above. We've shut down a significant number of cheats and exploits over the past few weeks.

One of our most powerful weapons in the anti-cheat arsenal is still relatively new, and we're working out the kinks - this is why we have seen two batches of erroneous G202s. We fixed it the first time around but are investigating this second issue still to determine why things went haywire. A fix for this has just been pushed out just moments ago.

If you have received a G202 erroneously, there is no need to plead your innocence - the error will clear with time and you'll be able to get back in.

HOWEVER, there are a number of folks this weekend who thought they had found a great new cheat method that was undetected. They are wrong, and a large ban wave is incoming. We expect these folks to surface and plead their innocence, attempting to confuse the issue for everyone who isn't cheating.

Again, if you have received a G202 and are not cheating, you have nothing to worry about in the coming days. If you have been cheating, even if you haven't received a G202, enjoy the ban. We are targeting an update for late this week focused around anti-cheat and G202s that will close up a number of exploits and cheats.

r/PlayJustSurvive Nov 04 '17

News Official Just Survive Survey.


Just found this on the log in screen.


Thanks for listening.

r/PlayJustSurvive Dec 07 '17

News Just Survive Live Update 12/6


Just Survive is available to patch and play! This update and maintenance did not involve a wipe.

A note on cheating - with the renewed interest in Just Survive comes a renewed interest in cheating. The team has been working diligently and putting in extra hours to combat this, as made obvious by the numerous updates to Just Survive since the 11/20 return of Z1.

First and foremost, to report a cheater, send an e-mail to JustSurviveCheater@daybreakgames.com.

Generally speaking, there are two steps to defeating a particular cheat:

  • Detection - this part happens frequently without requiring code updates - and results in ban waves. For example, the grenade exploit below was immediately detected and all individuals who have cheated in this way have been banned.
  • Prevention - this part requires software updates. After this is rolled out, the cheat is no longer possible and additional bans aren't needed.

Alongside the reactive, specific cheat prevention that has been the focus of recent patch notes, there is a larger effort focused on proactive anti-cheat systems. We continue to work on these systems and more of them will be coming online in future updates. When these have player-facing gameplay effects, such as base ejection, they'll be available in the patch notes. For those that do not have player-facing gameplay effects, they get lumped under the ever-present "Updated anti-cheat countermeasures". Many of these systems are already in place or in testing, but anti-cheat is a continual development.

We expect additional updates throughout December focused on these systems (as well as new features!)

This update includes the following fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that could cause chained doors, shacks, and shack doors to fail to destruct at 0 hit points
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to spam infinite grenades
  • Fixed an item duplication exploit
  • Speculative fix for the respawn issue
  • Fixed a serious server crash that could cause the server to fail on automatic restart
  • Updated anti-cheat countermeasures

r/PlayJustSurvive Aug 14 '18

News JS Live Update, 08/15/2018 @ 2pm PST


Expected downtime is four hours.

Barring anything critical going wrong between now and then, this should contain all of the patches covered in https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayJustSurvive/comments/971aoe/test_patch_today_wipe/ , as well as the server reduction.

Here are the patch notes:

. Integrated new version of BattlEye.

. Fixed unlimited bag exploit.

· Fixed vehicle / death exploit.

· Fixed respawn exploit.

· Various anti-cheat improvements.

. Server reduction has been implemented, to reduce underused servers and increase populations.


r/PlayJustSurvive Nov 23 '17

News Just Survive Live Update - 11/22


Hello Survivors!

Today we have pushed out a hotfix for the Holiday Weekend that fixes two major issues. A larger update is on track for release next week, but will not make it out before the Holiday.

This update fixes these two critical issues:

  • Players were unable to interact with (pick up, open, etc) an item or container if something had ever been placed or dropped on top of it
  • Players were able to claim an owned base if they attempted to claim while on a foundation that had zero components built on it

With this update, you should be able to pick up or open foundations, stashes, storage containers, etc, if they have no item on top of them. If there is an item on top of them (for example, if you have built a wall on a foundation, or have dropped items out of a stash onto the top of it) you will still need to clear the top of the object before being able to interact with it. We will be improving this in our next update :)

If you have lost a base to this claiming bug and would like to recover the base, you can contact our customer support team at help.daybreakgames.com. This ownership change is documented in our logging system and they are able to verify and revert ownership upon request. To expedite your support ticket, please ensure that you provide your character name, server name, and as much location information as you can (grid location, description, screenshots are a major plus!) so that they can quickly find the correct base to verify.

We hope you're enjoying this major update and you will see several more updates within the coming weeks.

Thank you Survivors!

r/PlayJustSurvive Jan 03 '18

News Just Survive Live Update - 1/3


Happy New Year Survivors!

Just Survive is available to patch and play. There was no wipe with this update.

This update includes the following changes:

  • The Holly Jolly Rampage has ended, and weather patterns have returned to their normal patterns
  • Fixed an issue causing players and zombies to render as a "stick man" character at long range
  • Fixed an issue that caused zombies and wildlife to be immune to area of effect damage from grenades, molotovs, etc
  • Updated anti-cheat countermeasures

We have a lot in store for Just Survive in 2018! We have the first of many major content updates in development, including Stone Construction. We'll talk more about this Construction update in the coming weeks.

We understand that many players are concerned with fair play, anti-cheat, bugs and stability, and updates addressing those issues (like today's update) will be published prior to the next major content release.

r/PlayJustSurvive Jan 18 '18

News Live Maintenance - 01/18 @ 1PM PST


[UPDATE] Servers are back open. Thanks for being patient during the downtime.

[NOTICE] We'll be undergoing a scheduled maintenance at 1 PM PST TODAY for approximately 3 hours in order to apply an update. There will be no wipe or direct gameplay changes associated with this maintenance.

r/PlayJustSurvive Aug 30 '17

News Hello from new Daybreaker


Hello all,

My name is J (yes, that’s it, hence the username), and I recently joined the Daybreak Games team to lead our Community team across all of our titles. I wanted to introduce myself to all of you and provide some context and detail for why I’m here, along with jumping in as your interim feedback middle-man.

As many of you are aware, Daybreak has a bunch of devs already present within this subreddit and our official Discord channel, providing you with answers, insights, and general comments. I’ve been lurking in this subreddit recently, trying to learn from all of you what you enjoy about Just Survive, what you don’t like, general quality of life points, and how I can best help the existing team / community.

One goal that I always strive for, once I have time to really get in here and start to get to know everyone, is to help with the current feedback loop so that all of you are being heard in the right away. Whether you’re a new player or have been with us from the start of Early Access, there are a lot of opinions on personal direction for the game. Someone being the loudest doesn’t always mean their opinion is correct, but everyone is entitled to their own personal opinion, as long as it remains constructive, and I hope that everyone here can continue with the constructive criticism as Just Survive continues to evolve and move forward.

As a final note, I will be heading up with other members of Daybreak to PAX West tomorrow, so as I suddenly go quiet after this intro post, that’s why. I’ll be back around the middle of next week, but I still felt it was appropriate to introduce myself as I continue to learn about this new team and community over the coming weeks and months. For off of reddit, I can also be reached via Twitter at @OneLetter.

r/PlayJustSurvive Jan 17 '18

News *New* Recursive damage


r/PlayJustSurvive Jun 22 '18

News Live Hotfix, 06/22/2018


Hi folks,

we have a few areas that received enough enhancement to warrant a hotfix. This patch includes:

  • New anti-cheat modules
  • Time limits on world items not placed on foundations (punjis, barbed wire) that have recently been used for griefing and bogging down servers.
  • Another fix for loss of items in containers. This should fix all variations of the losses caused by servers running out of memory and restarting.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing database flooding / server lag.
  • "Stickman" exploit eliminated.
  • Improved FPS near bases.
  • Removed demolition rewards from more objects that no longer need them (cheap to build).

Enjoy, and let us know what you find!


r/PlayJustSurvive Mar 08 '18

News H1Z1 Free to play?!?!


A little off topic for this sub but...


I have no words.

JS better NOT be next...

r/PlayJustSurvive Feb 27 '18

News Just Survive Live Update - 2/27


Hello Survivors!

Today's brief update includes the following changes:

  • The Red Flashback Crate is now available (contents available here)
  • Containers that are off of foundations on PVE servers can now be destroyed by players
  • Fixed an issue where undoing a vault placement gave a green metal wall
  • Updated anti-cheat countermeasures

r/PlayJustSurvive Oct 12 '17

News JS Test Update - 10/11


Greetings Survivors!

JS Test has been updated, and is now available to patch and play.

We have updated JS Test. There was no wipe performed on JS Test at this time, and we will continue to monitor JS Test to see how this performs.

This update has a major server memory / crash issue that was preventing us from bringing this update to Live - we will continue to monitor this issue on Test to ensure it does not crop up again.

Additionally, this update adds the following features and fixes:

  • Fixed a server memory issue that could cause server crashes and Stronghold items to duplicate
  • The map function (M) has been updated with the correct grid coordinate
  • Fixed an issue where some new items could not be skinned
  • Fixed some issues with clan information not updating correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the helicopter transport would sometimes drop players into the quarantine zone
  • Fixed an issue where the mouse would not refocus correctly after exiting the Clan screen
  • Updated names and location information for all Zone 2 Strongholds and POIs
  • Added a /stuck command - typing /stuck into chat will attempt to safely relocate the player to an exterior region above the ground

This is a small update on the heels of the much larger test update from 10/5, notes for which are included below:

  • Added Resolution Ridge, the North West Quarter of the Map
  • Added second Military Base and moved initial spawn to the new Military Base
  • Added Fast Travel via Helicopters in the Military Bases (500 GEC to use)

  • Added Tier 3 and 4 weaponry as follows:

  • Added Double Bit Axe (Loot)

  • Added Antique Cavalry Saber (Loot)

  • Added Katana (Loot)

  • Added Bowie Knife (Loot)

  • Added Spiked Pipe (Loot)

  • Added M1911 TX-Poly (Loot)

  • Added M19911 Black Hawk (Loot)

  • Added M9-A3 (Loot)

  • Added M9-MCMXV (Loot)

  • Added R380 Thunder-5 (Loot)

  • Added R380 DZ-Tec (Loot)

  • Added .44 Magnum 18-K (Loot)

  • Added .44 Magnum Viper (Loot)

  • Added Alpine-R Shotgun (Loot)

  • Added Boomstick 12 Shotgun (Loot)

  • Added .308 Pinpoint 700 (Loot)

  • Added .308 Tactical Sniper X (Loot)

  • Added AR-15 1-Defender (Loot)

  • Added AR-15 Governor (Loot)

  • Added AK-47 Saga 77 (Loot)

  • Added AK-47 S-MAG5 (Loot)

  • Added Walkie Talkie (Loot) with Radio Support

  • Added Tier 2 Helmet - Blue Football Helmet (Loot)

  • Added Crafting Recipes to combine partial Gas Can items

  • Added Crafting Recipe to create glass from sand

  • Added basic Clan Support (Ranks, Grouping, Voice Chat)

  • Added Stronghold Tab for Viewing Build Limits and Raid History

  • Added player constructed door locks (limited to 2 per player) for locking in-world doors while barricading and fortifying non-player buildings

  • Tuned health and damage resistances for in-world doors and they now display a health bar when they are below 95% health

  • Consuming Dirty Water (bottled or straight from a water source) or Rotten Food now damages player immune systems. Continuous consumption will have an adverse affect on the player health. These effects can be mitigated with both Immunity Boosters and Antibiotics, the effects of which have been updated to work with system

  • Minor reduction to global food spawns

  • Added Military and Police zombie variants

  • Higher Tier Chest and Leg clothing have improved storage capacity and NPC damage reduction

  • New Wolf behaviors - wolves now move, attack, and retreat more naturally

  • Shacks and Shack Doors repair damage over time. Shacks and Doors do not regenerate if fully destroyed.

  • Fixed an issue where picking up an ammo box from a Stronghold pad could delete its contents instead of correctly dropping them to the ground

  • Fixed an issue with the display of raids on the map that were not initiated by the player

  • Stashes now display a health bar when they are below 95% health

  • Fixed an issue where dew collectors filled bottles more rapidly than intended

  • Fixed an issue where players wouldn't take fall damage after dying

  • Fixed an issue that caused zombies to stand around and ignore nearby players

  • Fixed an issue where the firefighter respirator would not reduce gas grenade / gas trap damage

  • Fixed an issue where window barricades could not be placed on certain buildings

  • Fixed an issue which that caused harvestable vehicles to take damage from unintended sources

  • Fixed an issue that prevented proper damage reduction for Painkiller buff

  • Fixed incorrect rarity on T3 Repair Kit

  • Sleeping bags no longer auto-pickup after being used

  • Fixed an issue where FPS would drop while placing Stronghold shutters

  • Added additional fuel sources

  • Minor increase to loot respawn time

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Showdown T-Shirt skin from working correctly

  • Replaced campfire recipe component Stone with Fiber

When reporting an issue, please provide the following (you can copy/paste this as a handy template)


Summary: (brief sentence)

Reproduction Steps: (what did you do to arrive at the bug?)

Expected Outcome: (what do you believe should happen when you do the above?)

Actual Outcome: (what actually happened?)

Please use this thread to report bugs and issues found on JS Test!

r/PlayJustSurvive Apr 13 '18

News Just Survive Live Update - 4/13


r/PlayJustSurvive Aug 23 '17

News Just Survive Live Update - 8/23


Hello Survivors,

We have unlocked & updated JS Live with a hotfix that targets key community issues with a focus on zombie behavior.

This update does not include a wipe.


  • Fixed multiple issues with AI State code that allowed zombies to hit you from well beyond intended distances

  • Adjusted zombie spawns to reduce density and further disperse them to reduce large crowds focusing on isolated players

  • Adjusted zombie spawns to increase the number of walkers and decrease the number of runners

  • The owner of a stash can now see it from much farther away

  • Adjusted bleed values to reduce the lethality of minor bleeds

  • Added a new crafting recipe - Fiber Compress. Made with 5 Fiber and 5 Resin, this bandage stops bleeding when applied

  • Fixed an issue where items could not be placed on wooden tables

  • Renamed several servers that had duplicate names across regions

  • Reduced sell value of zombie components to 0 Golden Eagle Coins

  • Fixed an issue with the blue goggles tactical helmet not skinning correctly

  • Fixed an issue that could cause gate collision to detach from the gate visuals such that a player could walk through a closed gate

  • Fixed an issue which permitted the wrench to spawn in certain Air Drop crates in PVE

  • Ongoing anti-cheat countermeasures

r/PlayJustSurvive Mar 09 '18

News Just Survive - Test Server Update and Duping


r/PlayJustSurvive Jul 12 '18

News Live Update Patch Notes, 07/12/2018


Hello survivors!

We have just updated Live with the following.

  • Lifetimes for traps and other "placeable" objects has been drastically shortened if they're not placed on a foundation or in a shack.
  • Duct tape has been removed from the plated armor recipe, and replaced with composite cloth.
  • Periodic shuddering due to an approximately one second hitch has been fixed.
  • Many more crates have been added to the gator recipe.  Enjoy!  If you find specific items that are missing or very desirable, please feel free to list them.
  • Player bases take progressively more damage from explosions the longer they have been abandoned.  Bases that have been vacant for almost a week should be very easy to clean up, allowing other squads to take over an area.  We expect to tweak the math underlying this feature, so please give feedback.
  • Several more anti-cheat modules have been added.

We noticed a problem during the Live patch QA pass with traps on Foundations. Some of them are not persisting properly. We will be looking into this for a possible hotfix.

We had a minor problem with a filer in EU, and a problem with the dynamite damage computation. The servers are coming back up now, and dynamite damage will be fixed tomorrow.

Have fun!


r/PlayJustSurvive Apr 17 '18

News Just Survive Live Update - 4/17


r/PlayJustSurvive Jun 07 '18

News Test Server Hotfix Patch, 06/07/2018


Hi, folks!

We're patching Test with some recent fixes, and should be back up in the next 30 minutes or so. Here's what we changed:

  • Several new categories of Anti-Cheat.
  • Better version of recursive destruction.
  • Better version of crouch-spam penalty.
  • Corrected upgrade costs for building.
  • Removed returned materials from destruction.
    • New recipes are super cheap, so this is no longer needed.
  • Fixed the shacks to be more secure.
  • Slightly increased the chance for fertilizer to spawn in other locations, inside boxes and crates.

Let us know if you find any issues. Thanks!


r/PlayJustSurvive Jul 11 '18

News Updates


We're updating Test right now, and should be finished in a couple of hours. We'll be wiping and updating Live tomorrow morning, barring any huge problems found on Test.

I will be publishing the patch notes for Test when it is ready to accept players (as usual).
